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let me give you let me give you just one freebie let me give you a little exercise here that you can you can do to kind of find this distortion on your higher notes mark with carter vox academy and you may notice i just got a fresh new cut yeah just came back from the barbershop today my boy roman did a very good job looking fresh fresh denim mother anyways my name is mark i am a vocal coach specializing in well mostly death metal death core and metal vocals but i dip into the raspy singing the metal singing side of things quite frequently and i know i'm a little late to the game today we're doing the sound of silence this is a live performance that david draymond did on conan o'brien if you're new to the channel or a regular viewer and you haven't already consider liking sharing and subscribing really helps out a lot lets me know what kind of videos y'all want to see and uh i don't know it's fun it's fun to see the channel grow it's fun to have conversations in the bottom you know i remember the first time i heard disturbed it was uh down with the sickness and it scared the crap out of my little my little what third third or fourth grade head um and then you know of course because it was so weird because it was so scary like i was fascinated with it and the next thing you know i was going down like the like the disturbed system of a down uh like rabbit hole so um man those were good times hearing metal and rock for the first time that's something i wish i could get back here's a fun question what song kind of got you into harsh music in the first place now of course this isn't as harsh as like infant annihilator but it's still harsh nonetheless so what kind of made that jump what made you realize like oh metal that's my shtick let us know in the comments below and actually if you have a funny story involved with uh with the first time you heard metal or just kind of something interesting about it if it's uh if it's uh if it's funny if it gets a chuggle i'll pin it i'll put it at the top why not let's go ahead and check this out let's see what's going on and uh i don't know we'll we'll dive on in i'm interested to hear what his voice sounds like live chapao [Applause] [Music] very soulful hello i've come to talk with you again because a vision softly creeping lifted seeds while i was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain [Music] um one of the most common things that me and other vocal coaches will get one of the most common requests um and i i lurk around other voice teacher subreddits um just because it's good to know what's going on in your community right um one of the most common questions we get is how do i sing higher and that's an important tool it's a very important tool but sometimes some of us like in our little voice teacher corners will be like don't forget the lower end of things um and this is a really good example of of a well-controlled nice low end i think he was um let me see hello right there it's an f sharp it's an f sharp so here's a good example oftentimes when we sing low we either push too hard on it we squeeze on it and our our um our low singing will sound a little forced hello darkness my old friend right other times the trick to singing in your lower end comfortably is to just relax relax into it very very common thing um but oftentimes people will get a little too lazy hello darkness my old friend right and it sounds a little lazy so one thing we need to remember is pitch is always going to be important pitch is always going to be important as well as resonance pitches pitches pitch sounds good when resonance is in play i i am a big believer in that you have to have two together you have to combine them so i can just lazily say hello darkness my old friend or i can say hello let's see what was that note again f sharp hello hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again see bring i bring the pitch in there i've come to talk with you again starts to sound a little bit better let's keep going though because i'm sure there's a lot happening in restless streams are walked alone narrow streets of kabul stalls [Music] do you hear how he released a little bit he got a little bit breathy when he said and split the night and split the night nice touch let's hear that again [Music] silence and in the naked sorry this channel is edutainment entertainment so when he climbed and in the naked light i saw and in the naked light i saw right one thing is super super relaxed super super precise right he's really just kind of climbing a scale and sometimes with singing and really any other instrument working your scales or like your rudimentary elements is is pretty boring but this is an example of how important it is he climbs that scale perfectly leans on that higher note in saw doesn't work hard for it and it comes across nice and warm and beautiful let's listen to it again and i'm going to try to shut up for a second but i'm here to teach y'all come on i can't hear something like that and not tell you how it works terrible [Music] and touch the sound of silence and in the naked night i saw ten thousand people maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people writing songs voices never share and no one days disturb the signs of silence [Music] for saint i you do not know silence like a cancer grows [Music] but my [Music] [Applause] of silence okay so that's a nice long section so one thing i really want to point out here one of the most common things i run into with my singing students technically all of my students are singing students because listen if you come to me and you want to learn how to do gutturals and pig squeals you're gonna learn a little bit of basic intonation first sorry preview that's what it's gonna do anyways um or maybe not first first but mixed in i should say um but one thing i really want to point out is he's not reaching for his high notes right i think i and you know i i'm not sure i don't have it memorized but i think he was around uh [Music] a teach my words and i might reach you yeah i think that's i think that's where it was did you notice how he didn't look like he was working harder for that as his low notes right it was the same it's the same amount of work right i always tell my students we need to think of high notes not as high above us but high frequency and our low notes is not being low below us but low frequency all of our notes are right here all of our notes are right here with maybe a little we can imagine a little bit of variation with like our head voice and our chest voice but relaxing let the notes out don't force them out don't reach for them they're already there just let them out um notice by the way that the relaxation was coordinated with the little bit of grit that he was putting on his voice and you could hear that the grit was not on his vocal folds right because the pitch was still nice and even now it does sound like there might be a little live processing on his voice i'm just gonna say i don't i don't care i really don't right when i was performing and i was doing mostly like uh mostly like gutturals and stuff they put reverb on me you know my voice doesn't actually sound like that who cares let's go in the words that it was farming and the signs said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls that's the stuff that's the stuff did you hear how he just turned that grid off and got really easing really i'm sorry i'm so excited i'm talking over myself he let the grit out and he eased on to the end of halls ugh we're going to listen to that whole section again but i just want you to well actually let's go back let's go back i'm sorry because when he says the people about him prayed like that's that's kind of where my specialty kicks in [Music] let's talk about that it's why a lot of you are here right that's what this channel does okay so you're gonna notice that he didn't work for that either right now here's the trick we could make that sound and it would sound mostly right and to you know someone who may not be trained or they just listen to music for fun which no shade that's a there's nothing wrong with that they might not know the difference however when we do this we're placing a lot of that distortion here right let's let's hear those notes again because i don't have the melody memorized [Music] okay so now i know there's a jump cut here but i had to do my levels because i just demonstrated it and it kind of blew everything out so let's do that again so the melody he sings is okay so i'm gonna back up here i don't have a i don't have like a good compressor compression set up here so gotta do what i gotta do but anyways so and the people bowed and parade bowed and prayed to the neon god they made right that's super easy that's not a lot of work one thing you're gonna hear a lot of people say not just me this is a very common term is that we lean into our distortion we don't push on our distortion and what i mean by this is imagine that there's like imagine that you're moving a refrigerator across the floor right you could stand in front of it and you could just push with your arms and you're probably gonna move it but you're gonna be putting a lot of work on your biceps or you can plant your feet put your arms on it and lean your body weight into it right that's what we do here when i'm doing this you're going to notice that there's there's no tension and you know i'm not trying to flex or anything here you all can learn this too anybody can do this it's just a matter of learning the proper technique but you know i'm like kind of i'm like smushed in the corner here me and my keyboard we're chilling but and the people bowed and parade bowed and parade to the neon god they made they made right i think that's uh [Music] let me give you let me give you just one freebie let me give you a little exercise here that you can you can do to kind of find this distortion on your higher notes so um one thing you can do if you're having trouble with higher notes which this isn't this isn't too high but it's right around the vocal break for a lot of dudes um you know or i should say with a lot of p for a lot of people with vocal folds of a size similar to mine um that's what i should say but anyway so um e f f sharp that's kind of our zone anyways so when we go here if this note's hard if we're if we're kind of like straining for it hey hey we can get nasally and then drop the nasality out hey hey easy now and then what you can do when you can support that note you want to wait till you're relaxed here okay if you have tension in your neck t hold off you want to make sure you have a full understanding of what supporting with your diaphragm means like what does that mean right when you can put that into play one thing you're gonna do is you're gonna ramp into it and you're gonna imagine taking your distortion and just touching it to the roof of your mouth you're gonna imagine a little ball of breath and i get more into detail with my students on this um but you're gonna imagine that little ball of distortion going pop just like gently landing on and sticking on your soft palate so yay yay hey hey right so hey and you'll notice that the distortion kind of happens at the top of that ramp again if you try this and you feel like you're pushing on the bottom of your vocal folds or you're like taking a big shoulder breath and smashing with your stomach hold off but yay bowed and prayed and there you go let's keep going though um because that's enough of that i could talk about that forever [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] classy i want to talk about something that i just would have done differently it's it's not a broken rule he didn't do anything wrong it's just it's just what i just would have done it differently right and just a thought here so when he holds on to the word silence his vibrato comes through a closed i would have held out that silence versus silent silence that's just me the way he did it sounds phenomenal he killed it that's just what i would have done also you'll notice that a lot of like rock singers although this i mean disturbed they've been more rock they've been more metal they've had a lot of different sounds um you'll notice they have this sound uh kind of like this right here within the sound sound of silence silence it's just a relaxed soft palate it's what it is some people hate that um i think it sounds okay if it's done you know it's not over exaggerated and i think he sounds good here it's not my favorite sound i'll be honest with you but like if i had a student who wanted to do that i wouldn't be against them learning it i'd say okay don't like don't douse it all over your music or actually it's fi it's your music do whatever you want um but that would just be my my little opinion so let's hear that again of silence yali it's beautiful the way he does it i just probably would have gone of silence but that's just a stylistic thing um well took me forever to hear this song but absolutely phenomenal like i i loved it i wish i had done this sooner um but again if you enjoyed the content if this was fun go ahead uh you know like share and subscribe all that all that beautiful stuff here but anyways thank you so much for hanging out while we talk about david draymond's performance live of the sound of silence on conan o'brien a little late to the party but gosh dang that was awesome and as always many thanks much love i'm out [Music] is
Channel: Kardavox Academy
Views: 278,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vocal coach reacts, disturbed reaction, sound of silence, reaction video, the sound of silence disturbed, vocal coach, the sound of silence, disturbed sound of silence, sound of silence reaction, vocal coach reaction, the sound of silence reaction, vocal coach reacts to disturbed, disturbed sound of silence reaction, disturbed the sound of silence, disturbed sound of silence reaction vocal coach, disturbed reaction sound of silence, disturbed the sound of silence reaction
Id: 6fR1B1pMdeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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