VMware Workspace One Demo - TestDrive

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hey everyone my name is Caleb trotty I am a Solutions Architect with aro ECS or distributor supporting the channel and I am dedicated to the VMware product line and I specialize on the VMware in user computing products so today we're going to do a high-level overview of what is workspace 1 and so to demo this and show you what this is I'm going to use a demo environment called test drive which is a fully integrated lab environment that VMware provides partners distributors and customers for proof of concepts so within test drive there is workspace 1 there's horizon as well as AirWatch and so I'm going to show each one of those components today just so we can see what each one of these products looks like the functionality that it provides so that we can be better equipped to have customer conversations and such so to get started workspace 1 is what VMware Terms the digital workspace and it brings together two concepts the first concept is consumer simplicity so with our personal devices whether it be an iOS device or an Android device we've become very used to things and very accustomed to things just working it being simple to access our email in our contacts and any of the data or resources that we use personally so we're used to how simple those things are but in the enterprise companies and businesses demand security and up until now security hasn't coincided with simplicity it typically brings along a bunch of complexity and so workspace 1 brings together both of those concepts consumer simplicity and enterprise security and it delivers wherever whenever access to data to any so to get started I'm gonna log in with my corporate credentials on the workspace one portal and you can see when I log in I'm immediately driven the apps that I value straightaway so workspace 1 aggregates all apps that employee uses so whether that's an HR app email any app that supports sam'l authentication and they're all available to be launched and signed into using a user ID with one click so here I have my bookmarks tab and then I also have a catalogs tab so if I click on the catalog these are all the apps that I have provisioned to to me as a user and virtually any web mobile or cloud app and I can add these apps to the bookmarks page rather than having to dig through the entire catalog so I can just click on the bookmark and it will add it to my bookmarks tab additionally I have a search bar up here and it's fully actionable so if I search let's search for notepad and you can see I already have notepad right here but if I want to unbook market I can do so just like that and it removes it from my bookmark so this search not only searches but it's fully actionable and I can go ahead and launch that from here as well so if I search for office 365 I can go ahead and launch directly into that and I'm single signed on directly into my email no user credentials and here I have access to my mail onedrive also having access to the Microsoft suite of Word Excel PowerPoint No etc etc another key feature to keep in mind is if I log out of this office 365 account and close this window and if I try to bypass workspace 1 by going directly to loggin microsoft online.com and try to log on with my workspace 1 account it will then redirect me single sign-on using workspace foreign and push me back to login dot Microsoft so workspace 1 and VMware identity manager holds the ownership of the credentials so you can't bypass workspace 1 which is a great security feature so single signed on this is available across all your devices so it's a seamless experience across iOS Android Windows 10 so yeah say I needed to get into my email I just single sign-on directly into office 365 and this uses VMware Identity Manager so workspace 1 is the combination of AirWatch which is mobile device management VMware Identity Manager which is the single sign-on component and horizon VDI so compare this logon experience to what many employees are used to today remembering multiple sets of credentials websites email login info and if they needed to change a password with workspace one they just do it on their workspace 1 and user this workspace 1 catalog is fully brandable so you can brand it with your logo colors and a static to continue bring consistency so say you have a project that requires a remote desktop so here if I click on my Windows 10 desktop I'm single signed on it pushes down to my horizon View Client and it connects to the Windows 10 Desktop so virtual apps are the same one-click experience that we saw with logging into my office 365 email so this is delivered through VMware horizon and it remember removes the need to remember connection strings credentials VPN and connectivity to access virtual desktop so horizon allows you to improve VDI deployments and management by reducing the number of it images that need to be maintained this allows a consistent user experience across devices and locations all while keeping data secure and compliant within the data center so here I'm delivered a horizon VDI desktop through a single sign-on experience with workspace one next I want to show app volumes at volumes are used to deliver applications and typically this feature is used to deliver these applications when the VDI session is launched but for the purpose of this demo we've held off on triggering that install and so first I'm just a demo this I'm going to pull up my add or remove programs window open up this full window here you can see I have 31 programs currently installed so I'm gonna go and trigger this app volumes script that is going to run the script that typically runs at logon but I just want to show how quick it is to deliver lots of applications for a user so say you know HR users have a certain set of applications whereas development users have different sets of applications so as I mentioned this is typically run at logon but for the purpose of the demo to show you the speed and as well as how how fast it delivers the number of applications so I'm going to trigger this and it's going to take about 15 to 20 seconds and here we're at 31 programs installed and you can see the desktop behind me refresh with all of these applications right there and if i refresh my programs you can see 7080 so went from 31 programs to about 80 programs installed in a matter of about 20 seconds app volumes makes it easy to update manage and monitor applications across virtual desktops and published app environments so now I want to show some of the security controls of workspace 1 conditional access is paramount to 2 workspace 1 and workspace 1 puts the user in the driver's seat to determine which devices they want to use whether that's a corporate device or their own personal bring your own device and admins need custom security restrictions for each scenario so workday in this instance requires device registration so I'm on my personal macbook here and this is not registered or enrolled i'm just logging into the workspace 1 browser so if I click on workday it's going to single sign-on and using VMware identity manager and you're gonna see my access is denied because this MacBook is not registered with workspace 1 there's also built-in two-factor authentication so with VMware verify it supports third party radius and sam'l protocols and it can be enabled for the entire workspace 1 catalog or on an app by app basis so in this instance sales force requires two-factor authentication so if I click to launch single sign-on in and you'll see check VMware verify app 2 proof authentication so here right next to me I have my iPad and you can see a reprove will request from the VMware verify app and if I open that I get an approval or denial window and I can approve that request and you'll see here that I am single signed on in directly into Salesforce now that I have verified my two-factor authentication and intuitive and rapid user onboarding is imperative with bring-your-own-device so just the way employees are used to onboarding their new iPhones with iCloud employees don't want to download an edge in and enter environment information to enroll devices to access corporate resources and fortunately with workspace one and AirWatch they don't have to instead employees can download the workspace one app on their device log in and start using it to launch entitled apps and this works on iOS Android and Windows 10 so users are presented the same apps and same web apps and experience on desktop so here if I close VMware verify so by clicking in the workspace one application you'll see that I'm presented the same web apps and experience on desktop on my iPad in here I'll just enter in my email address and here I'm delivered the same user experience that I have over here from my web browser to my iPad you can see I have my catalog in addition to my bookmarks so one last thing I want to show you is I want to pull up the horizon session that we had cooled up here on my desktop on my iPad so if I single sign-on into that Windows 10 VDI and since from workspace one it's gonna single sign me on and move me right over to the horizon client on my iPad it's going to that desktop and it's going to pull in the same session that we were using on my laptop so users can be working on a VDI session on their laptop and then walk away from their desk and then access it from their iPad to collaborate with other employees and you can see this is really slick but you can see here I have a 3d rendering application that I'm accessing on a virtual desktop that I'm manipulating using an iPad and using my finger to manipulate this 3d rendering application so next I want to get into some of the AirWatch features of workspace 1 so boxer is a smarter faster secure email client that supports exchange office 365 Gmail and Yahoo and so it works like any email application but it is a containerized application for corporate email and so just to show some basic functionality I can bulk delete and bulk select so if I select all three of those with one hand using three fingers I selected all those and I can do bulk actions so I've wanted to bulk delete I can slide to the left blow on it archived I could slide to the right and those are gone also if I wanted to quick respond and I just hit the grid up here on the top right corner underneath the battery I can do a quick response and yes that's a cool feature next if I wanted to do a calendar availability for this call I can go back to this or to this email hit reply and then down here at the bottom you see this little calendar icon right there I can send my availability it integrates with my calendar and I can select times directly from my calendar I have this calendar populated with any information but I can select you know my times that I'm available this afternoon hit check and I can automatically send this email it says I'm available from 4:00 to 6:00 and I can send that so now I want to jump into air watch and I'm gonna jump I'm gonna log into the air watch management console and for administrators the moment you log in on the device dashboard you get a quick look at a lot of great metrics about your assets so from a security perspective I don't have any devices compromised you can see that I have two devices without pass codes at four devices that aren't encrypted you can see that I have 19 devices that are dedicated and you can have dedicated devices you can have be BYOD devices last seen is when the device last checked in or last paned the air watch service and it breaks it down into days as well here I have a breakdown on what platform or OS I'm running so Android iOS Windows desktop whether those devices are actually enrolled or not I even have os levels for iOS and Android as well as Windows but from the dashboard you get a quick glimpse into your environment in any metrics that you might need to address like security and device check-ins but if I go to the list view I get a more granular look at all my devices so here's my iPad you can see it checked in two minutes ago it's a it's an enterprise corporate dedicated device iOS at this level but if I click on it I can get in even more detail and I can see the device isn't compromised it was enrolled February 12th it was last seen two minutes ago and you can see that do not disturb isn't enabled and I've enabled that so notifications are coming through during the demo but you can also see apps that are installed since this is a corporate device it has more granular look into what is on the device if it's a BYOD device you won't have access to that since it is a personal device so profiles so these are the profiles and the restrictions that are assigned to the to the device I'll go into that in a minute I have apps content location is a big one so as GPS tracking on this device and you can see last-known location today yesterday two weeks month you can do a custom so for the past month if I search that you can see that the device is all up and down and you can get a glimpse as to to where the device has been so I can also query the device for a fresh updated look at what metrics are on the device I can send a message to the device I can lock it I can also clear the passcode on the device I can request a device check-in I can sync it I can Enterprise wipe it I can reboot it so Enterprise wipe does not delete does not fully wipe the device it just wipes the corporate data off the device so if I select Enterprise wipe you'll see it'll run Rijn unenroll the device and remove all manage resources so this isn't wiping you know non corporate data off the device and this is the same for BYOD devices so I can prevent re-enrollment but I have to enter in my security pin and you'll see it successful and if I switch over here to my iPad if I get it fast enough you'll see the applications are being removed so now I want to read all the device and so what I'm going to do so now you can see that that my iPad is uninvolved so now I want to read well my device so I'm going to go to the air watch agent and I'm going to select an authentication method so you can do it over email address the server credentials and so in order to get into my sandbox I'm going to have to enter the server details but for users enrolling all they have to do is type in their email address here I'm prompted to login now I'm going to have to install a profile onto my iPad I'm gonna allow here's the profile let's select to install type in my passcode install install trust done open done it's going to push me back over to the air watch agent so that is the enrollment now I want to go into profiles and this is where all the restrictions are created and managed for each one of your devices so here you can see I have pre-built some profiles and I'll walk through each of these really quickly so this pushes office 365 configuration credentials down to the device this profile restricts the camera access for the device so here are all of the different payload options I have for the profile and if you go into restrictions you can see I've restricted the device functionality of allowing the use of the camera so I've just simply unchecked that so if I go back to general and assign this to all devices and then save and publish it you will see that my iPad is under the device assignment so if I publish that and then go back you will see the camera icon here disappear momentarily and additionally FaceTime was removed and if I swipe up from the bottom to control center you will see that I'm not able to to view the camera icon from the control center as well next this is a prebuilt profile that I've created that has a lot of different restrictions so it'll disallow us the use of the camera and if I scroll down here this is where I've removed a bunch of applications so YouTube iTunes Music Game Center Safari so I've removed a lot of the pre-built applications for the iPad so if I go back to general and I assign this to all devices save and publish and then again you see the devices that are affected I publish it and if I go back to QuickTime you will see the Safari down there just was removed in addition to the other apps that were included and then that in that restriction finally iCloud lock a feature that restricts the ability to change accounts so it disallows account modification so if I assign this actually prior to me assigning this to go to quick if I go over here and show you my iPad you can see that my iCloud account up here on the top left I can click on it and access it and such but if I go over here and I sign this this restriction with this account modification disabled payload save and publish it and confirm the device that I'm signing it to and publish move back you will see that it just locked me out of the ability to change things in iCloud so I cannot access account modification right there so that's a look at profiles additionally I mean the restrictions that you can configure are are endless and this is just for iOS you can just allow use of iMessage disallow public apps just Lab app removal so you can get very granular and the types of restrictions that you can configure additionally there's passcode restrictions you can I mean you can get very granular here another feature of AirWatch is branding your devices so if I want to push down say a certain branding logo or wallpaper to my devices I can do that under device settings and say I want to configure it for Apple iOS and then manage settings here you can see that I've uploaded a lock screen image for my Apple iOS devices and if I lock my device and turn it back on you should see that there's the logo that we've pushed down additionally this AirWatch console is brandable so you can see I have the logo there on the top if the login screen a background and then once I login I have the over there under talk about so AirWatch is a fully featured mobile device management application and workspace one brings together the enterprise security with the consumer simplicity that we're used to in our everyday lives to form a digital workspace so that is a glimpse of test drive VMware's end-user competing products workspace one horizon VDI as well as AirWatch thanks for your time today reach out to me at VMware tech at arrow comm if you have any questions or need any assistance with test drive or anything VMware end-user computing thank you
Channel: Arrow Technical Pre-Sales
Views: 13,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VMware, TestDrive, Workspace One, Airwatch, Horizon
Id: 5obkADsvs3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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