VMware VSphere ESXi 7 installation on a Dell PowerEdge R640

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hello this is Bob pehlivan CTO Bob and today I'm very excited to be talking about VMware's vSphere ESXi 7-0 that's a brand-new version I'm not gonna go through all the features I'm actually going to show you how to get installed onto a server so if you'll join me on my screen here we're gonna go ahead and demonstrate how this could be done so first I'm gonna start recording on my screen there we go so we are now capturing the screen hopefully you can see that there and let's go ahead and hand and use a Rufus current version is 3.9 so this basically we've executed this here and this is what pops up what you want to do is you want to click on the select button here and in my case I selected this image here which is the VMware VM visor installer for the 7-0 so what that's gonna do is it's going to produce a USB key them then going to insert into my server boot off of it and then do the full install from there so let's go ahead and just click on start and yes and it's delete everything here which is fine and go ahead and that one of the things I'd like to mention is prior to this I actually made sure we've got a Dell PowerEdge our 640 we made sure that we updated the BIOS all the firmware on the unit to make sure that there's no conflicts or get it as close to today's versions as possible and the best way to do that really is to either go on the website in our case we basically used something called the the Dell EMC repository manager and you can download that and that allows you to go and build and an image on a USB key that you didn't boot and it's basically a small Linux executable that will run run through all the different checks and balances whenever it finds one of the components that you have it will then go and check the firmware and update if there needs to be a they've done so this is at 72 we take a little while I think we're gonna use magic and just pause this and since this is completed we will return that was actually quite fast so we've now have the ready button right here which means that it's finished they can do closed and now we're ready so the idea is just to go ahead and insert the USB key and restart the server let's go take a look at that okay so we've gone ahead and inserted the USB key into the server it is next to me so you'll probably hear the hurricane-force winds built into the server in a few seconds and what we have so you can tell by this screen is you're looking at the integrated where they call an IDE rack so it's the Dell remote access controller version nine this is the enterprise so it allows me to see the screen here and I can go and click on power click on power on you want to continue yes and you'll hear it in the background at that point what we will do is we will make sure that we press on the button to have the ability to control where it boots off of there is a USB key inside of it that we will use to put on the VMware and we will use the external one from the front to boot to start the ESX I the mouthful version seven so there's going to wait for this to start you have to fast forward this in post-production she bounced up the 2.5 point for BIOS on here just the last one as of April 2020 now you gotta press f11 for the boot manager and I actually have the server right next to me so I have the keyboard in my left hand now if Mike mounts with a system I'm recording with on my right hand so here we are in the boot manager at that point what we need to do is we need to go and select the one-shot UEFI boot menu go ahead and press return on this and at that point you have different options as I mentioned we're looking at this point the front USB which is uh basically a USB key I'm gonna go ahead and select it and it does show you the IP address of the idrac 9 that I'm using so that would be my cases from a DHCP server and so I was automatically allocated to it and I just left it like that since this is just a test environment of course I am connected to it directly so there we go so now the installer is there it's gonna go ahead and run us through it it's quite simple once you've done this a few times it's it's really more about setting up an IP address and of course you're gonna go with whatever's in your environment fewer in a test environment you can certainly pick a different subnet mask or something like that to be in a different range so here we go first time I get the c70 as you can tell from this I'm using a silver 4114 which is basically a at ten core dual CPU in this case so it gives me 20 course plus you higher you add the hyper treads using then you end up with 40 virtual CPUs that you can use I've got 128 gigs of ram so this is overkill just for testing but it comes in handy when I want to test heavier loads and so far it looks pretty much like the versions before whether it's six six point five or six point seven I understand a lot has changed in version seven where they can now support the turbine at ease for example directly at as part of the base OS all right so let's go ahead and do enter on this and we're going to accept and continue and then should be scanning and asked me what I wanted to load it'll probably detect I had six point seven setup because I want to make sure the hardware was was good and I've got a few different things I threw in there through an nvme drive I threw in a couple of SSD drives so what I want to do is I actually want to take this one here now it should detect I have six point seven on there and based on the past I should be getting an option to either upgrade or replace what is there in this case I think I'm gonna start completely over so we're just gonna go ahead and down click press the spacebar of the X there press Enter and what's gonna ask me which kind of keyboard I want I'm gonna stick to us and it's gonna ask me for the root password it's very important when you put here to remember it in the past I put in random things and once forgot to write it down and of course you're fine for the rest of the day until the next day and you go what did I put and it's a little awkward so I'm just gonna go ahead and take the secondary keyboard here and type in a password just make sure that we can get into it afterwards all right you enter and we're ready to install and press f11 and this should be relatively quick again most of the time consuming stuff is in the form before when you've got to put all the firmwares gotta go to the repository download the whole thing creat the USB key boot from that that is a long process I mean you're you expect to see this a waste that then perhaps a good hour on that depending on the system you've got how complex it is because it will be boot multiple times and once you've gone through the configuration once you add two drives you go into the rate controller you've got add things that adds more time you'll see I mean it in no time at all you spend a couple hours okay so we are done and at this point it just tells us that we need to go ahead and press ENTER to reboot of course take out your USB key part to rebooting or also gonna be going back through the installation all over again so let's go ahead and take that out and reboot USB key and press Enter tells you shutting down the services and drivers then we lose the signal temporarily and it reboots from here [Music] you can hear the fans but there they go off and make quite a racket at first as they're going at full speed now at this point we have not reconfigured the network or anything so it will be getting it from the HCP what you can actually do this go into it since we are still logged in through the eye track it allows us to see the backend the screen directly we actually have another screen on that server since it's a test environment I don't have racks and racks of them so it's but if you have multiple racks this is the best way of doing it so just gonna let it boot we're not gonna touch anything at this point so the first thing that we will want to do is we will want to go in and change the IP address and give it a fixed IP address that's pretty important in the sense that especially if you've got multiple servers or rack environment you want to be able to control which one is which and not have this random DHCP allocated IP address to it the same this way of course is if you want to let it get the HCP assigned IP address and then go in the DHCP lock it into place so you basically reserve it and then you can name it and if you've got multiple servers but a sticker in front of the server identifying what it is a lot of individuals and companies will go and put names in your farm so it'd be server one server to server three but the idea is just to always make it easy for you to know exactly what server you are accessing and what server you're modifying I hear a lot of stories of individuals that go and reconfigure things and if you've got racks of similar systems I've heard stories of people changing things than doing whoops turns out I got the wrong server perhaps it's assigned to different clients it makes it pretty awkward at that point so then you have to undo what you've done and you've got to go back and redo it again or it may cause some kind of problem one of the things that it does require is a DHCP service obviously in this case we will also need a DNS server running low neediness [Music] and we can believe the VNS by the wise if you're gonna be installing the vCenter it is one of the requirements I would check the version seven blog and pretty much I'll guarantee you that it's whatever requirements there are waivers around it or really you should have whether it's on Linux or Microsoft product or anything else and think of you need to have a DNS server in your environment if you're gonna go and do the vCenter next in my case first strict single server you can get around that that's fine in fact if you don't have a DHCP and you're doing this it wouldn't be much of a problem because you can as we will do this line one manually so it's almost started all services it seems to need to be a little slower in the six point seven I'm I've been timed it so it's nothing official but I don't usually sit there and watch it boot either and we're we're doing that right now so here we go okay so it didn't give me an IP address from the DHCP but I want to change it at that point you would press the f2 key and I'm if you can see that but if I were to go here and press f2 and it's gonna ask me to go ahead and put the password in there we go off screen for sake okay so here we go and so here's where we could change the password we could change lots of things I'm just gonna go ahead and click on configure management network and at that point I could actually take a look at my adapters so these are all the adapters that I have some are connected some or not so if I want to change it I can certainly go ahead and do that say okay well maybe this one I don't really care I can leave this one there because you can tell I've done a few of them I've got a couple that are hooked up to fiber optic on these two and then I've got two that are 10g and I've got two that are 1 G so I'm just gonna leave it to that I'm going to go ahead and reconfigure it to be static and I'm gonna go ahead and just type in all right you don't have the num lock on here what I meant to do okay God so I'm gonna put myself to 220 it's des environment so I don't have much on here really at this point and that looks good so I'm just gonna go ahead and do enter if I do escape at this point it's gonna say you sure yes that so I can see it on the screen as you can there on the right side and we should be good to go so I'm just gonna get out of here go back to this okay so the screen can stay the way it is we no longer need to be in front of the console so let's go ahead and minimize this okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and type in the IP address that you just assigned it or that was assigned it would be there on the screen as we saw and of course I'm using Chrome so it's going to say your connection is not private you gotta click on advanced click on pro Cee'd where it says unsafe and this is what it looks like at that point since this is a server you're gonna go ahead and type in root and we're gonna go ahead and put in our password that we typed in and there we go now it's asking us if you want to join the consumer experience program I'm gonna say no since this is a test environment and of course now it's taught me that I'm using a trial so I've got 60 days so you need to get your license from my VMware which is there the website and go ahead and insert it there and that will unlock it for you a depending on if you've got the essentials you've got the standard or you got whichever version you've got so what we're gonna do now is interestingly enough it shows us right away the to storage I had already created a data stores and apparently it's I remember them from the previous and so I should be able to go on here and take a look at what I've got here they store browser and you can see I've got an active directory server on here and it seems to still all be there and if I go and look at the other one I've got an RDP server and again I visit these are tests that we were running and they're there so I could go ahead and add these to my environment and this is roughly what it looks like let me just close this here so this is roughly what it looks like the version 7 I can go maybe to monitoring take a quick look this is one see if they've changed a whole lot so if I go on Hardware should be adding events really this has been mounted so let's not get automatically these stores stores and notification performance you can see CPU you can see the RAM Network this is this and let's see what else we can take a quick look at getting licensing there is nothing there from the hardware point of view this power management modify this here you can take a look at what packages are installed you can take a look so it's so we've got here a couple VI VI DS that have been loaded Dell EMC cactus so forth so and so your services your users there's not much of a change to look wise from the previous version where my doctor's devices this is the memory well that's roughly it at this point what you would do is in order to get started is you would basically go into virtual machines and you would create or register a VM and creating is just as easy as clicking on create and in this case I'm gonna take a quick look around with you so if we want to create a brand new one then we do next and this is what it's going to ask us obviously to name it we can say test and so which compatibility version we want now if you're going to bring this back into an environment where we have six point seven six point five hopefully not before that but perhaps you still have six point zero and if you're still using five five point five now it's really really the time just make sure that you you switch those over I know a lot of firms that what they've done is they've gone from five point five and they've gone over to the six the lower end six is first to make sure we can was fine and then gradually bring them back to six point seven I haven't heard of anybody having problems but I know that some of the migration paths are not supported like you're not supposed to go from five point zero to six point seven directly for example so read up on that it's well-documented they've got the best practices online they have all those things available to you make use of them so in this case and you're just trying something you actually guess selection so let's say it's gonna be a Windows and if we want to have a Windows 2019 64-bit you do next and then you say where do you want to store it store it on just a here god big do I want it maybe I wanted very very small how many CPUs do you want and this is where you it's just the same as the old versions and you can give it this the memory you want change this to gigs and say we want to have eight gigs and this was a real environment then you would make sure that you select the proper things and of course network adapters I had quite a choice here usually I recommend if you're gonna use adapter type where it says e 1000 E that is really a legacy adapter so what you'd want to do is go ahead and select the vmx net three that is a much faster card what you'll see is you'll be able to get 10g speeds for example as opposed to the e 1000 E I've had people before email me and say hey I don't understand this I've got this 10g card in there and I'm smuggling fast it can't do this testing and a lot of the time it's just they originally selected eat 1000 E perhaps just by doing next next next and it just chosen by default or you know somebody picked it perhaps so but that's just of it this is what it is you just do next and then once you're done you click on finish and it's going to go ahead and create a VM force and it's easy as that now I've got a test and of course now we would still have to go and install the windows 2019 that I selected you'd have to find the ISO and at that point what you would do is you'd go into test and show you quickly and right-click go ahead and do edit settings and the easiest way at this point is to go and select a data store ISO file so generally what I do is I go and I create on one of the data stores a directory called ISO where I put the ISOs of whatever operating systems I need whether it's Red Hat or Microsoft or whatnot and then I would put that in there and then once it's in there I could then go and select the ISO from here and make it boot so when that when the computer starts see what it says here connects you click on connect and then you make sure that when it starts it will connect at power on and from this point on when you start the virtual machine it will load this then you'll be able to go through the insulin of the operating system as if you had originally put in a CD or DVD or put it in a USB key directly into into it and to start it basically you I like your machine this is power on right there on the screen just press on that and it would start of course in this case nothing would start because there's nothing in the test you can also right-click and go to power and power on a little slower and as you can tell all of the different things here you've got you have the option to export you can you and we have no snapshots in this case but you can take a snapshot if you wanted to change things along the way to the end by the way snapshots are not meant to be backups so if you are somehow using snapshots in your environment or you've if you're you know I'm hoping you're not writing a lot of machines if you're doing that but I know some of the smaller companies sometimes take a snapshot and they assume that that's like a backup and hey I've got a way of bringing this back however the snapshots the way they react is they will freeze the files and then create a new file from that point on and we'll take the changes done the problem is is the more snapshots you have and the longer you keep them the more I found it creates a problem I've seen a lot of failures in VMware due to the fact that people have taken way more snapshots than they should have ran out of this space and then had a problem and then they try to recreate everything and one of the videos in fact that I created one of the most popular videos we did is actually how to undo a snapshot manually when the snapshot option doesn't work because in general you can go into manage snapshots click the snapshot and delete it and that one time I created a video because I was unable to delete it crank called and said hey what do I do and that's when I have to figure out how to do look now I decided to record how to do it just I was there and I had to do it anyways and it seems to have helped a lot of people so I'm glad it worked out for that in general though that is not something that is that common it's really don't run up this space at the end of the day not over allocate things I know that you can over allocate memory you cannot over allocate CPU resources and drives the problem is is over time once you start going over you reach the limits of the virtual machines and if you're over allocated you will have a problem and that's when it breaks and everybody seems to think this is you know going to be for two three years and it's not gonna grow that much it happens a lot more than you would think a lot of firms after three years will say hey this thing is working really well it's still fast it's still we can you know you can add memory in the future if we need to and they'll keep it longer than any of us would have thought and so you end up with scenarios where the drives are just full for all the VMS and it causes problems so I hope you enjoyed this video it's the first time I try it with having both me and the screen at the same time so hopefully you enjoyed that and let me know what you thought please give us a thumbs up that really helps with analytics and what not Google or rather YouTube likes that in the rankings so it helps us subscribe we're trying to bring up our subscription as much as possible as well and please visit triple w CTO bob.com there's more content we've got some vlogs we're gonna have some newer podcasts coming up soon and we hope that you enjoyed this drop us a line below we'd love to hear what you think of version 7
Channel: Bob Pellerin
Views: 37,623
Rating: 4.941545 out of 5
Keywords: Ctobob, Bob pellerin, vmware, vsphere, esxi, vsphere 7, esxi7, vmware 7, dell, poweredge, r640, PE r640, Poweredge R640, installing vsphere
Id: gPLt7cYg3AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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