Vlog#busan 韓國釜山|怎麼去海東龍宮寺|海東龍宮寺有什麼|一秒變韓國人跟司機大聊特聊|海東龍宮寺必吃|必吃龍宮海鮮炸醬麵|韓國十二生肖有哪些|韓國旅遊輕鬆上手#韓國 #旅行 #travel
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Channel: 媛Life是醬
Views: 11,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korea, travel, vlog, YouTube, busan, seoul, temple, architecture, history, hack, tip, travel tip, life, style, foodie, food, tradition, culture, couple, vlogger, love, video, viral, explore, fashion, photography, photo, picture, portrait, youtuber, travel vlog, daily, nature, vloglife, influencer, trending, fun, channel, iphone, beauty, videography, creator, likes, ootd, girl, 出國, 旅遊, 旅行, 自助旅行, 釜山, 首爾, 韓國, 炸醬麵, 美食, 在地, local, 日常, fresh, 創作, smile, 情侶, 宮廟, 寺廟, 文化, 古廟, 歷史, 交流, 建築, 藝術, arts, 生活, 愛, 海, 大自然, naturelover, 傳統, 2023, 海外, 國外, 體驗, experience, 探索, 海鮮, 海東龍宮寺, seafood
Id: jIlEePE8Fvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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