Vladimir Horowitz Greatest pianist of all times /The Master of modern piano technique/A Reminiscence

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] i don't do those things [Music] daddy will not see it i cannot do it because it's all inside is not outside it comes it's it is there and when it comes out it comes on the finger but not not in the face so you don't have it's not i'm not very interesting for you people no in playing maybe in sound i don't know that's something different and don't look my my age when i'm 58 already so don't make me look 58 a little less you don't look a day older than 57. yeah 57 in 1974 he was drawfield he had a great sense of humor he didn't think that he was the great pianist that he was so it took himself not not seriously because he was a great artist [Music] do his philosophy was to transmit the music to the public and not boring the public he was saying a concert is not a lecture a concert you go for enjoyment when i used to go to piano recitals before i met him i was born to death when i heard him i was exhilarated [Music] i stayed 56 years with him married so it's almost a record [Music] i met him at a party after somebody else's concert and he didn't like to talk very much with people and the moment he saw a piano he was sitting at the piano so i started to sit at the piano and then i heard him when he came to milano that spring and i was already been i've been already fascinated first by the piano playing and then by the person [Music] it's very intimate now [Music] he said was born in a kiev now it seems that he was born in berdych they say the beach because medici was a small town or village where there were mostly jewish people and i don't think that mr hall ever negate that came from a jewish family it was not a snob it was a straightforward person except when he used his fantasy to tell the same story twice in a different way you know but i had to be quiet but i knew that was the same story with a different variation what you want he was he was an artist no [Music] the first teacher was his mother i was six years old i play piano because i i saw my mother playing piano and i wanted to play like her i was the youngest my mother said when i was three years old i was playing on the window and they broke the window it was all involved she said that he will play the piano show means to three years old [Music] my father my mother me and my sister before playing and my uncle was coming from kharkov we call him uncle who played loud because he played loud and i said i want to play the game one day when i was six and seven but when i was 10 and 11 didn't want to play like anybody running like myself he said you know everybody loved me in the school because i was already last of the class i never studied and when i was in um in school i was thinking about music so they loved me they were calling me the crazy pianist in the school when i was small early [Music] and being in the conservatory i was very talented people so when i was final examination and they play my final piece and they play with such a they have words in english a class you know that the whole panel of the teachers it all stood up first time in the history of the conservatory [Music] i play for scabbing one year before he died he wanted to be nice to my uncle and my uncle told me i have a nephew who is so talented you have to hear him so i came here he was sitting like nothing he was crazy you know and finally i played the text 10 minutes and after that he told my mother that i told you that that he will be a pianist and whatever but you have to educate him we should know the literature the painting everything outside of the whole music to opera orchestra [Music] everything i know all the music all these people will you stop please that's all very popular but it's not in the pokemon i remember everything this was a caricature taken in russia don't you find it amusing and hit the small one and you see he always said very far from the piano that when he was 17 or 18 in russia you see he had long hair don't you think it was sexual pain when you were a young man you had a fan club in leningrad didn't you yeah squealing girls like like a rock star i was like are you called moisture that was in your pocket the day you left russia i remembered that hold it in your hand in my pocket with the and the money was in the shoes why was the money on your shoes because baluto was not allowed i bought dollar and pound that time because i paid for the country in berlin and hamburg with the money i made in russia but you had to get the money out yeah to put in the soup because they will work i will be in the prisons don't tell that when you when you passed the last soldier with the money in your shoe you must have been sweating a little waiting i was white i was frightened to death but they were very nice to me they said don't forget your mother russia and come back one day too [Music] he left in 25 because he wanted to see the world and enlarge his view on music and he said to himself i'm paying for three concerts in berlin if i have success i stay if i don't have success i come back [Music] [Applause] his success in berlin was immediate then he went to france italy spain he also went to england in switzerland [Music] what they say is that already you were great and you were playing the way nobody else was playing in europe at the time that's exaggerated is it yeah there were lots of good pianists in that time but not with that rahmanian was fantastic being a player he said you played his second sonata better than he did concentrate and that's true [Laughter] he said in fact rachmaninoff said he never knew the possibilities of the piano until he heard you play yeah he liked my playing again [Music] [Music] so he told stanley that the only person he wanted to meet in america was rahman because he never met him in russia and i remember that when i married velody we came here in 1934 beginning of 34 the first person they they took me to wazakhmanirov and we hit it off as we say that one liked me and i adored him naturally [Music] but that was very different very deep i was like his son you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] when he got to america he had immediate success i think i got my musical influence with the contact with great artists person for my mother in the beginning then all the artists i knew then my friendship with hermione and her father later [Music] my father came back to milano and told us about the program and they told me there is a pianist vladimir horse ah i said so he said what's the matter with you because i already heard them you see this was 9 33 i heard them in 32 and 33. so that's when father met valodia my father always had his solids go to his house so it all demanded mr hall should be at you tell us for certain hours so i was so nervous the father wouldn't like him that i went out and mr horde had been scared to death by everybody saying like father would be an ogle said bish punctuals otherwise he will kick you out so he said to me that ten minutes before three or four he was going around the hotel after to be ready and we rehearsed a little bit and he was very pleased and that i met i met him in the play and after that i met my wife then i played brahms with him and many other things then after that we were he was my father-in-law you know i didn't know even that he has a children and a musical background she came to the rehearsal she fell in love with me we were just married early 1934 and it was published in vanity fair in this picture it's me with my father you can see that the profiles are very similar and that's where the similarity ends he got the talent and i only got the profile this is a picture of my daughter sonia with my father you see the smile on his face looking at her she was the one he liked mostly and i think he said once to my mother very gently that he never loved his children as much as sonja which was one side flattering one side not so flattering i'm exactly like my modern temperament a very patient woman you can never express your own personality you have to subdue your personality to them but that was the truth no nobody forced me well first of all nobody forced me to read the daughter of my father just happened and nobody forced me to get married to a famous artist sonja was our only child she was the granddaughter and the daughter of two personalities was even more difficult for her that is this half porter she painted before she died do [Music] [Music] [Music] you know why i listen from upstairs because when you don't see the artist you have the real you hear the real conception of the interpretation and you are not um swayed or impressed by the personality or the artist in this room i only hear the sound and i don't look at him i don't see him so i'm not on the dispel that magic [Music] spell [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] like most artists he had depression there was a time when he had i call the nurse breakdown call it colitis call it whatever it is and that was 12 years that was a long time in the 12 years that he didn't play yeah in the 12 years from 1953 to somebody zoom very happy you were in this room very happy and you madame not so happy but you stayed here oh yes i did it must have been a difficult 12 years for you yeah because you see from time to time you would say i will never play again i said fine very fine and my heart was singing to my feet but i would say fine fine if you don't think i was doing the records as i told you before yes you keep saying you were doing the records the fact is you did not face the public for 12 years yes and on one occasion i'm told you didn't leave the house for two years and you almost never left his side i remember once he was playing canasta with me and millston and milton said you know i played in oklahoma and they said that you were in insane our house and i said what do you mean i played with horowitz uh the other day canasta he's fine you see there are always rumors but how did the rumors start you see the america likes bad news they don't like good news the headlines you always bad news you sell the paper if it's a good news you don't sell the paper for the first year i don't think that he came down from his room and uh he didn't play then he started to play and then when it was about uh he didn't play from 53 to 65. what about 56 or 57 start to make records here at home with at that time rca and then what pushed him to play a little bit first of all because he felt better and knew that he could play but to reassure himself said you know i'm going to do a rehearsal in carnegie hall you remember when they stood in line for 24 hours before the concert there were people with mattresses they stayed all night that's why we got the idea to send them coffee and donuts when we came out there were still lines and one young man said mr horowitz i stood in line for 12 hours and i turned around and i said and i stood in line for 12 years [Music] i don't remember why but when i was in milano i went to tuesday specializing in old music and they had all the opus of clementine and i bought it so volley discovered [Music] because i read a lot about clementi i know that he's a very important teacher very important connoisseur of the keyboard and composition too but i did know that he's a prolific as a composer and that i didn't know then when i started to study his composition and they read the biography of beethoven and saw how baton was influenced by his improvement of the keyboard itself and the piano itself because you see the instrument inspire you to compose you you instrument this instrument comes first sir he used the piano in the time when when let's take mozart to use i don't know [Music] that's use of mozart this one used this is clementine beethoven was seven years old when that was originally he used it like a skeleton of what in the future was came by his greatest genius alive you know but he was the father of modern piano the father of the pianism and the father of the another form extraordinary extraordinary so that's why i'm so interested if the player does that i don't have any interest in them any percentage of his music or something i just know it's a good music and so it got into clementi an effort and that moment was only clementine yes scriamin he thought also that was difficult for the public to get that was that's why it was red said to play very much but he played a lot of scrabbling scrabbling was a mystic in the end of his life and he somehow in his fantasy he thought that one day will come that the heat will destroy the world he believed that he didn't know the atom could be even even invented that time he it was 1912 it was uh composed and the peace he the name of the piece the title is verlaflam where the flam is toward the flame it's very modern very percussive it's very crazy it's very difficult to take it and this is very thrilling piece and this is difficult yes i have to take the jacket yes it is difficult piece it's very special it's completely special music it's a it's a more percussive piano this is a little frightening music be prepared for big sound if i don't collapse this right let's do it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is difficult yes it is this is difficult he practiced two to three hours a day you used to say you practice 10 hours and then you practice on the stage that's what he said but what is amazing is that he didn't practice also the last years when he made the records there was a joke going on in the house he would come down and play for 15 minutes then say you know today play 40 minutes i said no i look at the watch it was only 15 minutes sometimes well the most he practiced the last year was 40 minutes how can he get away with that i said i practice all my life why do i need to practice now [Music] do so [Music] [Music] do [Music] for the old man is good that's what i was thinking i was thinking exactly the same thing this is fantastic fantastic yeah yeah even the spree wait what i can drink what do you think you married an angel and a devil mixed together there missus no he married an angel and you married the devil he met an ancient i must tell you that i have to have danger both of those quality in me in order to project what the composer wanted it has to be part of your nature welcomes my nature and when they get older you maybe lose the devil more and they become more injured vladimir horowitz considered by many the greatest pianist in the world will be heard in concert in moscow tomorrow it's the first time he's played in his native land in 61 years charles kuralt reports the news that horowitz is going to play a concert in moscow has set the musical world right on its ear only one poster in fact outside the box office was enough to make for a crush when the box office opened and there i spent all the night here because i wanted to get the ticket by all means but afraid to miss it from my childhood it was my dream to hear gorgeous and now my dream will come true [Music] before i die i want to see the country when i am born so that i cannot wait anymore and maybe next year i will not play anymore i don't know [Applause] going back to russia was the high point of his career [Music] we went to screaming house where he saw his daughter and he played on scab and piano and that was a wonderful event so he went back before he died to his favorite places [Music] what what do you think of the acoustics very good [Music] is it as bright as you remember it is bad very loud yeah i admire him that time because to come out on stage after 61 years it's not so easy but once he put the foot on the stage nothing else existed was only piano [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] i saw him sitting in the chair with still eyes and boom and then on the floor flat on the floor so i went there right away and said miss nile miss hall is dead but they think that it's interesting that i didn't get rid of the chair you know somebody would think get the chair no i sit every day in the chair [Music] what kept us together was the music and his pianist concerts well i like him also like a person as a person but i mean the bad the band say was the music [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Ruben Diaz Flamenco Guitar
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Id: 5YG3F8cqqHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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