VLAD VON CARSTEIN & THE FIRST VAMPIRE WAR - Warhammer Fantasy Lore Overview - Total War:Warhammer 2

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Vampires are cruel and deadly creatures in of themselves, but there was one who was more powerful and cruel than any other vampire lord. His name may send a shiver down even the most faithful of warrior priests, for he would represent the most elusive fear that affects all that live. Death, and the unnaturalness of those that rise with no pulse, clammy skin, and unnatural eyes. His name, was Vlad Von Carstein. The herald of the first Vampire War, the one who had damned the province of Sylvania to a cursed landscape, and the one who came so close to becoming ruler of the Empire… Vlad von Carstein was the first Vampire Count of Sylvania, and the founder of the Von Carstein bloodline. Neferata, mother of all vampires, created an elixir that would make the humans of Nehekhara seemingly immortal, but instead turned them into unnatural creatures of the night. The Vampires. Vlad von Carstein’s true name is Vashanesh. He was one of Neferata’s disciples, and with work and loyalty impressed her so much that she granted him the last of her elixirs, turning him into a vampire. It was in the city of Lahmia, also called the Cursed City, where the vampires first appeared. Through a network of spies and clever manipulation, the two vampires worked together to maintain the cities of Nehekhara distant from each other, hindering any attempt at rallying against them. That worked, until Alcadizaar, one of the great generals of Nehekhara, finally managed to unite the distant armies and bring war to Lahmia with overwhelming numbers. When the city of Lahmia was put to the torch by the armies of Nehekhara. Neferata and the remaining vampires, including Vashanesh, had to flee. But they were soon encountered by the arch necromancer himself, Nagash. The powerful necromancer offered the vampires a special artifact. A simple, yet powerful ring that would bring them back from the dead at supernatural speeds, but would forever bind them to Nagash’s will and that of his most loyal servant; Arkhan the Black. Vashanesh was one of the vampires who accepted his gift, willingly becoming Nagash’s servant. Nagash soon lead the vampires towards the city of Khemri, battling legions of Nehekarans. Though Vashanesh and the rest of the vampires who accepted Nagash’s gifts were eager to serve, it did not take long for them to realize they were nothing but cannon fodder for Nagash, who threw them at his foes with little care if they survived or not. Soon, they resented their service to Nagash, but the ring forced them to obey. Vashanesh, however, was a clever man. He came up with an ingenious solution. The ring bound him to Nagash so long as he was alive. So, at the height of a great battle, he allowed himself to be cut down by Alcadizaar, who would eventually become the man to slay Nagash with a cursed sword, granted to him by the Skaven´s shady Council of Thirteen. When Nagash was defeated, the Vampires were freed from his control. The many bloodlines soon departed, making their own paths in history. It took many years for Vashanesh to return from the grave. Though Nagash was already dead, the ring still bound him to Arkhan The Black. So Vashanesh would go to the Old World in search of artifacts to enslave the ring to his will, rather than vice versa. He spent much time in Kislev, calling himself Prince Vladimir, a minor noble of no great importance. Here, he studied the winds of magic, before traveling to Sylvania. Prince Vladimir would wake from the grave an undead army to deal with the Skaven that were threatening the province, and would once again disappear… Nearly 700 years later, Prince Vladimir was now Vlad von Carstein, and he had his eyes set upon more than just minor nobility. For centuries had Vlad von Carstein sought after satisfying the natural desire for power that all vampires have. For centuries had he hid himself within the many courts of nobles from inside the human nations of Kislev and the Empire. For centuries had he schemed and maneuvered his way to the top. But no more. With one final display of his political genius Vlad took over control of the province of Sylvania from the despotic count, Otto von Drak, who upon his deathbed had left no heir but his daughter, Isabella Von Drak. Sizing this opportunity Vlad stormed into their household, Castle Drakenhof, and presented himself to the dying count and his daughter, citing his many noble antecedents. Soon after, he claimed the wide-eyed Isabella as his bride, and their marriage ceremony took place in the same room where the dying count rested. The relationship between the now Isabella Von Carstein and Vlad Von Carstein soon grew into something more than just a marriage of convenience and, when she got sick with an incurable disease, the same that had claimed her father, Vlad had no choice but to turn his lover into a Vampire, thus saving her life. Over the years more and more nobles were beginning to be seen less often, their skin growing ever paler and their presence being felt late into the dark nights of Sylvania. Accidents happened all the time with the nobles from Sylvania but, strangely enough, only those who pledged their loyalty to Vlad survived said accidents. Slowly but surely, priests of Sigmar and of Morr began to withdraw from the province, either being cast out, chased away or assassinated… Meanwhile, the city of Mordheim, capital of the Imperial province of Ostermark, was struck by a meteor of pure warpstone. Vlad seized the opportunity and sent over his own dark minions to collect the raw magic stones. After killing the remaining living nobility of Sylvania in an act of treachery, Vlad casted a powerful spell that he learned directly from one of the Nine Books of Nagash. Fueled by the warpstone he collected from the ruins of Mordheim, Vlad managed to bring the dead of the province back to life as a huge horde of putrid slaves in his service. When it was all done, the invasion of the Empire of Man would finally begin in the year 2010 of the Imperial Calendar. Stefan Fisher, a Templar Witch Hunter, was one of the very few to escape the cursed Sylvania. As he fled the province, he was picked up by a roaming band of vampires that sought to join the growing vampiric host of Vlad Von Carstein, but was saved by a detachment from the army of Ottila III, Elector Countess of Talabecland who was also sent to investigate the growing threat. All of this necromantic activity had not gone unnoticed. They were all warned of the upcoming danger by the witch hunter, who then joined the main army lead by General Hans Schliffen, to face the growing undead force.. As the undead forces crossed the River Stir they were met by the valiant and courageous men sent by Ottila at the Essen Ford. The undead horde blackened the horizons with its numbers. The cursed army marched slowly, their formations suffering catastrophic losses, with volleys of crossbow bolts and gunpowder fire tearing holes in the incoming mass of bodies. But still, the necromantic powers commanded by Vlad and his thralls was too much, resurrecting every single loss they suffered, marching onwards without stopping. As the heavy imperial cavalry composed mostly of knights struck the undead ranks Vlad sprung his trap, encircling the exposed imperial infantry with the heavily armed Drakenhof Guard, personally leading a final charge of Black Knights and wraiths, crushing the imperials. The war continued for another 40 years after the events at the Essen Ford. Wherever Vlad and his army went, their dark shapes put an aura of death and despair upon the empire. Countless times was he killed in battle, each and every time again rising back to life in order to kill his murderer. At the Battle of Bluthof, Vlad found himself impaled by lances, with the runefang from the Count of Ostland buried whole within his heart, yet he reappeared three days later to execute prisoners in Bluthof. Whilst at the town of Bogenhafen, he lead his undead army to victory after being decapitated by a canon only hours before. The undead rising as soon as they fell. The Grandmaster of the order of the White Wolf himself, Jerek Kruger, had killed Vlad Von Carstein in battle, only to be turned into a vampire by the count as a revenge only a year later. After multiple battles and encounters that at first seemed victories but then turned to terrible losses, all hope seemed lost to the Empire, as the undead army eventually began its slow march towards the great capital of Altdorf. When the army of the dead finally arrived at Altdorf, capital of the Empire, Vlad gave his ultimatum - open the gates and serve him in life, or fight on and serve him in death. The city would not surrender. The Grand Theogonist Wilhelm III, high priest of the Cult of Sigmar, isolated himself within the Great Temple of Sigmar for three days of prayer. When he emerged once more, he claimed that Sigmar had revealed the salvation of the Empire to him. Felix Mann, the greatest thief of his age departed straight for Vlad Von Carstein’s encampment. His mission: to steal the magical ring from Vlad’s finger. In the middle of the night, the thief managed to slip past the undead encampment with stealth and treachery. Felix Mann succeeded on his mission and then disappeared, never to be seen again. It is said that Mannfred Von Carstein was the one that orchestrated this move in order to steal the power of the Vampire Count for himself. When Vlad Von Carstein woke, he ordered an immediate attack on the city. He was enraged. The Undead army advanced forwards under the burning will of the Vampire Count, and great siege towers made of bone and held together by dark magic lumbered forward to the city walls in a slow but inexorable advance. The walls of Altdorf were manned by swordsmen and the gates had been reinforced. The capital of the Empire would hold back the tide. Soon enough, the battle turned into a vicious fight for survival. The number of undead warriors was proving overwhelming for the defenders. The men of the Empire fought with all their strength and valour against the horrors of the undead. The sight of fallen brothers in arms being reanimated into half dead monsters was terrible for the living soldier’s morale. Time was vital and with each passing minute, more men fell to the tide of death that the Vampire Count had brought upon the capital of the Empire of Man. Vlad fought his way personally into the city, slaughtering all in his path. At the centre of the vast struggle that engulfed the city, the Grand Theogonist clashed with Vlad Von Carstein. Holy hammer against magical blade. After intense fighting, Vlad gained the upper hand, Wilhelm became tired while the vampire count did not. Sensing that the end was near, Wilhelm charged his foe headlong and flung himself and Vlad over the battlements. The two fell together on a wooden spike at the wall's foot. Without the protection from his magical ring, Vlad Von Carstein screamed and died. This time, his body stayed impaled in place without moving. With the Count killed, the armies of undead began to fall apart. The siege had to be lifted when the rest of the vampire counts began to fight amongst themselves for control of the crumbling army. Vlad’s corpse was buried faced down in a coffin. The horrors of what would later be called the First Vampire War were over.
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 796,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, total war warhammer 2 cinematic battle, warhammer 2, cinematic battle scene, epic battle, warhammer fantasy (interest), warhammer fantasy lore for beginners
Id: kpHO2TQFE18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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