Vlad Tells Marcellus Wiley: I Don't Like that Shannon Sharpe Doesn't Do Anyone's Podcast (Part 17)

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well uh Shannon had the big interview with Cat Williams Oh silly sick people always accuse me of hating because do you well I did a couple interviews and CU Shannon sharp put it out there where he basically claimed he made like $6 million off that one interview and I said as someone who's been on YouTube longer than everybody those numbers aren't adding up okay what you think what you think it really was off YouTube alone maybe about half a million half for 60 some million views yeah what about all the cut UPS about half a million dollars I swear that's a lot of money I'm betting nor for that because I know maybe a million listen I do around 50 million views a month on my channel you do 50 million yes what's your CPM though pretty good you see you don't want to do the map pretty this is different a damn number so we get there no but I know how much I make every month and yes I know it's a full interview there's multiple ads but we there's a lot of full interviews every month so I know it's it's nowhere near that am come with the number so I could just make this no near that nor if we on prices right I'm okay so if it's a million that's not six million like like the numbers just don't add up and people think I'm hating I'm not hating you can end it conversation by telling the CPM tours how much you get for millions of views and you know I've seen five to 12 per million right and if he did 60 that's 3 million million and if he did if he did what uh 12 that's 7.2 you saying no no no your your numbers are off so if you do if you do 50 million okay 1 two three one two three divide by a thousand because CPM is based on a thousand right yeah yeah yeah but I I know the number at a million 50,000 if you're talking about a $5 $66 CPM which is typical on YouTube let's just put six that's $300,000 no yes vad 60 million views and you get let's say we know this like let's say 5 CPM that's $55,000 no no no no no it's for every thousand views 5,000 per million we in the same place right and you saying that's only 300,000 so 5,000 per million so take 5,000 multiply by 30 to multiply by 60 60 what's that number is that 300,000 or 3 million 300,000 good now that's just the long form he cut that how many Cuts you you put in there 10 there's some Cuts in there what I'm saying is you add it all together it doesn't add up to 6 million that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying I said the number is high the number is high he's the one to put it out there I'm not hating I'm just saying the numbers are high I think your number's low that's all I'm saying okay if my number's low his number is way the number is closer to my number than his number I'll put it like that what was your number again 500 I said about 500,000 you see where that number cames from comes from after we did the math I know I just think he could have got now there there is sponsorships and there's other stuff and there he put out how many followers he there's a big graphic where he put out how many followers new followers he had so maybe he's saying oh well maybe these followers are worth this amount of money also so you could throw in some soft numbers to Pat it up I'm just saying congratulations on a big interview the numbers don't quite add up to what you're saying but congratulations on a big interview and I will say without deep Intel but using you as an example using me what I know and what he said the numbers between y'all and it is 500 or six million glad I'm really like in the middle you know what was the dude Kevin Samuel said don't say one to 10 and don't say seven I'm like close to that I think it's it's not six according to our math right now yes but it ain't 500,000 don't get listen congratulations on a big interview what's your biggest interview in numbers you think oh you know uh I mean I had an interview with Michael franzis that I think maybe got 4 million used by itself yeah I don't do the 50 60 million numbers but only a few people in history have ever done that because I think he beat out a Joe Rogan interview with the UFO guy I know so you know you're dealing with big things and look at the end of the day nothing will give views like conspiracy theory yeah you got a very well-known guy who's making up a whole bunch of stuff about other very well-known people and they're all responding yep that is a formula for a lot of views oh yeah absolutely if I got Tom Cruz to sit on my show and Bash Stephen Spielberg and uh Samuel Jackson and uh Brad Pit and they all responded to him and he's claiming that they all offer to give him [ __ ] and they're all gay and wear dresses and they all respond and deny it and all their fans checking to see what the hell what the hell Tom Cruz is saying on Vlad TV it would be a similar amount of views oh no so listen I it's a great it's a great that's the formula it's a great formula for success that's the formula that's the 777 we get it I don't even do interviews and I know that means I'm suppressed cuz I don't even do interviews because I don't want to hear nobody [ __ ] like for real I may get into it but I'm not going to interview you and let you [ __ ] and people do not I don't want to undermine your brand I know you want to get out of here and not have smoke so we not going to talk because if we do we going there or we go nowhere so I'm under you like in potential yeah because you got a different formula you got names up here and then he got a whole different formula somebody opened up the uzi right on his show oh man listen and I I applaud him for what he's pulled off I think It ultimately helps everybody one thing I don't like about Shannon me and him have actually because he agreed to do my show back in the day and then I got to run around oh talk to my PR person whatever else that's cool you don't have to do Vlad TV but the one thing that I don't like about Shannon is that he has all these people coming to his show but he doesn't do anybody else's shows oh is that real have you ever seen him get interviewed by someone else that kind of rubs me the wrong way because it should be a system where we're all helping each other out I've always said this and you could see it in my actions if you come to Vlad TV and you have your own podcast I will do your show mhm m i get academics Charlamagne math haa even if it's not a big show if you came and did my show I will do your show good you're doing my show cuz it's not a big show let's do it 100% no 100% even but you're doing what you did before which is obligating somebody to be as nice as you vad be as good as you Vlad and maybe that's your blind spot because that's a beautiful thing and I me and you in the same spot that's cool but just like like like what happened with Stephen A all a sudden I need a clearance and I Shannon is killing it right now maybe he'll need something from you but it always finds its way water Finds Its level just keep swimming [ __ ] go do you believe that Cat Williams could run as fast as he claimed at the professional yeah yeah yeah yeah that sucker ran I don't know what that time was and one of them I saw a 49 one was a 46 in jeans at his age yeah I I mean he just look fast before like all his skits when he used to perform that little dude got quick T his quick twitch muscles I was like can't be moving so they say he ran a 4.97 yeah that's the last one I saw another one I thought but point being 49- 43 you got to be a different person but he's a different person now he's what 50 and if he's in shape at 20 something 43 is is stretching it is is we going back to that six million Shannon number but I think he gets closer to that than 4 and9 obviously faster than my ass I I could tell I could tell you that
Channel: djvlad
Views: 51,811
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Id: rea5_Wg-2iY
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Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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