VIVE Mars FIZTrack - Jamie Pence Tutorial

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hi I'm Jamie from video bread and today I'm going to show you how easy it is to set up the Mars fist tracker in your virtual production environment this little piece of Hardware is absolutely amazing and in combination with their new camera calibration tool it's just Rock Solid I've been a long time as symmetry user and when the Mars tracking system first came out it just worked Mars makes this great piece of Hardware oximetry makes this great piece of software and both those companies are just amazing to work with I'm going to tell you what though this takes it up a notch takes everything up a notch we built a smaller virtual Production Studio just because you know it's easier to get people in and out our bigger Studio was being used more for other production and while I love the camera calibration tool and asymmetry if you have a mar system you have a fist tracker I'm going to highly suggest that you use their camera calibration tool just because it's faster and if you're in a smaller Studio space it's easier to calibrate your lens and it just works with their software camera calibration tool calibrate your lens and you can export a symmetry lens data right to symmetry it's awesome today we're going to be setting this up with the Blackmagic Ursa mini pro G2 we've got a dizzio 18 to 35 lens and everything is Gen locked if you have any questions about gen locking or connecting base stations or anything like that I would suggest you know to look at my last tutorial we went through everything you know it's a good primer if you don't know any of that stuff so let's get started okay the first thing we're going to do is we're going to put on the zoom encoder so let's slide this in here let's make sure that the teeth align let's tighten that up and if we look there the teeth are aligning perfectly so now what we need to do is we need to add the USBC cable to the encoder and connect that to the Rover so here's the encoder connection and now let's connect this to the USB port on the Rover and it's this port right here and you'll see as soon as I connect that it powers on so now we're going to connect the focus encoder so let's slide this here bring this up make sure these teeth match tighten that up and now we're going to connect the USBC to the encoder Port here and we're going to take the USB and we're going to connect that to our Rover and that goes into this port right here and as soon as I do that you see that this power's on a couple things you need to know on these encoders is when you start using the camera calibration tool you'll want to reset these to zero so to do that there's just a button on here on the side you hold it and it'll reset so now that we have our Zoom encoder connected and our Focus encoder connected we're going to take a look at the Mars now the first thing you'll notice is there's a gear icon right here on Rover one that means our lens encoders are connected to rubber one and we're ready to rock the next thing we want to do is we want to take a Rover and connect it to three this is for our calibration card so let's do that quickly now that that's connected we're going to select this we're going to look at our calibration tool and we're going to remember this port number okay now we're going to launch the camera calibration tool we've got our encoders connected to our Rover one everything is running to the Mars everything's connected we see that gear icon so we know we're good to go so now what we're going to do is we're going to launch the software calibration tool and since my main machines in this back room I love these little portable keyboards you can find on Amazon for like 10 bucks Bluetooth wireless it's great so let's go ahead and launch that calibration tool and so let's click this here and the first thing it's going to tell us is it's going to say connect the third Rover to the calibration card so let's do that real quick so here is our Rover here here's our mounting screw and let's go ahead and connect that to our calibration card okay so that's connected to our calibration card now so let's go back to here and let's select ok and then you'll see that it's asking hey what port number is the mar system and that's why I was showing you that little shortcut earlier where it shows you your IP address and your port number I've already got those plugged in here so we're going to hit connect and we want to do multiple focal links once again we've got a dizzio 18 to 35. so we want to do multiple focal lengths so when we Zoom on our real lens it zooms in our virtual set so let's hit multiple we'll hit next here okay now it's telling us to zero our lens encoder so let's go ahead and go to our widest point which is 18. and we are going to reset that encoder to zero so now what we need to do is this tool is launched we need to select the output of this camera so we can see it over here so we know for a fact I've got it connected to Blackmagic deck link input one and you'll see there we are here's the camera there I am hey okay so now we need to select our sensor size so let's go to our sensor size and it's an Ursa so there it is the Ursa Mini Pro right there Okay so we've got that selected now we're ready to start calibrating so I'm going to come over here I'm gonna go down here and hit this play button and you'll see it's telling us to line this up so all we're going to do is just move this calibration board into this the square area now we're a little bit far away so we're going to get a little closer here so let's get a little closer and if you look still far away it's maybe just a little bit closer and there we go so now let's move and there's only like 12 steps for each of these it goes by pretty quick like I said this is just a great fast calibration tool so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to speed this section up I think you guys sort of get the idea of how this works I love how it automatically recognizes that you've got your checkerboard pattern in that square pretty awesome okay now we need to rotate the board 45 degrees and I'm gonna go ahead and lock this down so we don't move so let's go ahead and rotate this 45 degrees that's approximately 45 degrees or close okay so now I need to hit continue okay and now we just need to basically do this again and like I said it moves really really quick I'm going to speed this suction up as well we're basically just lining the checkerboard up at the 45 degree angle and the squares at this angle okay so now we need to rotate the board negative 45 degrees so let's do that real quick that's approximately right so let's take it back a little bit okay let's hit next on our keyboard here and here we go I'm going to speed this area up as well so this is our negative 45 degree angle and once again we just have to align the checkerboard pattern and all the squares okay so now it is calibrated our lens at 18 millimeters now what we need to do is we need to rotate this board back towards straight and if you look on the screen here it's asking us a question it asks us if we want to do input Focus mapping we always want to do the input Focus mapping last so what we're going to do is we're going to adjust the zoom so let's go here and we'll select that now it's saying adjust your lens encoder to the focal length you want to calibrate now on this particular lens it's an 18 to 35 it's an 18 to 35 lens so what I've been doing is I'll just do like the lowest the highest and the middle range and that's been working pretty well for us so we've done 18. 35 is our Max so 26 and a half would be our middle range so let's go ahead and take that to 26 and a half okay and then we're going to hit start and that's pretty much the same process so let's do this again so I'm going to speed up this whole section as well basically we're going to do the straight on view and then we're going to do our 45 degree view and then we're going to do our negative 45 degree view and so this will be for our focal length of 26.5 and as you can see once again this moves really really quick and this is really going to be my camera calibration tool of choice for sure okay so now we got 26 and a half millimeter calibrated so we're going to move this board back to the center and then we're going to do our last focal length so let's go here adjust Zoom hit continue let's go to 35 and let's hit start the cool thing that I've noticed is the tighter you get on your Zoom uh you'll see here the less amount of squares you have to fit in so there's only six here versus 12. okay I'm going to speed up this section as well once again we're doing our straight on view our 45 degree view and our negative 45 degree view with our 35 millimeter focal length um some of you might be wondering hey this is taking a long time this whole lens encoding process only took 25 minutes with the Mars camera calibration Tool uh with asymmetry it was taken about an hour and a half to two hours to calibrate this lens so this is just crazy fast are 18 to 35 lens is now calibrated so what we're going to do now is we're going to do the focus mapping and the focus mapping is really cool and super fast so let's now hit input Focus mapping and we'll hit continue okay and if you look here I'm going to move this around because it's always faster it's faster if I do it this way just sort of see what's on the screen and so basically we're going to go to we're going to take our Focus let's zero this out let's go to 0.51 meters here and so all we got to do is just type in 0.51 and we're going to hit the plus here now we're going to go to 0.53 and you sort of get the idea 0.55 who is this guy doing this demo speeding all the important stuff up why am I watching this demo anyway wow look at that transition is it an algorithm but seriously we're doing work here we're selecting the focus length and we're calibrating it with Mars welcome to wmars this is your favorite Fizz Channel and right now we're doing some smooth smooth Focus encoding okay so we have all of these in so now what we're going to do is we're going to hit done okay so I'm going to hit done here and here is where it's really cool here's all the data that we just recorded and like I said how fast was that to calibrate one lens pretty nuts right so let's go ahead and hit export as and here is where you can export to all these different options again I'm real 5.1 5.0 or my favorite xymmetry so we're going to go ahead and do a symmetry here and what I'm going to call this is I'm going to call this Vizio 18 to 35. then we're going to hit export and look at that it's already exported that camera calibration profile right into asymmetries camera calibration xmls three nuts so now what we're going to do we've got our lens calibrated we've got everything connected everything's rocking we've been playing with Nerfs newer Radiance Fields so we've got an unreal or symmetry scene of a Nerf that we Acquired and what we're going to do is we're going to launch that real quick set up the XML for our zoom and our Focus and then we'll just play around with it real quick to show you that the zoom in focus is working then after that's done we're going to do a really cool setup to see how all this works so here we go let's go launch ximetry now I'm back in the control room and if you look here is the lens that we just calibrated the dizzio 18 to 35. now with the Mars calibration tool will do it'll put a prefix in front of that if you're exporting it to a symmetry so that's why it says oximetry underscore and then our file name my camera guy calls it a pre-phys that's a dad joke but it's funny I love it okay so what we're going to do now is we're going to load our symmetry project we're going to close we're going to move this down here now this project is based off of Nerfs so you don't load eximmetry first because oximetry cannot use cooked data for nerves so we're going to load up Unreal Engine first for symmetry and nerves are just so cool and I'll have I'll have a demo later this month for symmetry on how we did this and how you incorporate it into xymmetry it's really really cool and simple okay so here is our Nerf scene if you look here here is the backyard that I shot and made into 3D so what we have to do now is we have to play this and unreal and now we're going to launch ximetry now we need to go to our device mapper and we need to go to camera tracking and select our lens which is the oximetry desio 18 to 35 so hit OK hit apply we're going to go to our Zoom encoder same thing ximatory desio 18 to 35 hit OK apply then we're going to hit start now what we'll need to do as soon as this loads up we're going to need to re-center our position of where the scene should be so I'm going to ask our camera guy if he can go out there move the Rover 3 off the camera calibration card to the floor with the orientation pointing towards the camera calibration card and he is doing that now he's taking rubber three off putting it on the ground and so now what we're going to do is we're going to go and select recenter select Rover three and look at that there is our scene so now what we're going to do is we're going to go into the studio and test the zoom and focus that we just calibrated so we're back in the studio we've got everything set up we've got our lens calibrated we've got our Zoom encoder we got our Focus encoder we've got all that data to symmetry we've got a symmetry launch with this cool cool Nerf that I shot in my backyard so now we're just going to quickly test to see how the calibration looks and if we're happy with that then we're really going to set up this camera do some really cool stuff we're going to put it on a slider we'll have some Talent out there we'll be doing camera moves playing with Focus it's going to be really cool so let's check this out first okay let's check our tracking it's uh looks like our tracking is good we might want to add a little tracking delay here all this is at 23.98 okay let's look at our Zoom looking good we'll probably want to once again adjust the delay on that let's check our Focus look at that look at that everything's going out of focus in the background there I can focus just on the card and let's look at this perfect and I can actually bring the background in Focus out perfect so now let's actually let's do the zoom out here and let's just do a move to see how then he's looking here look at that we've got some parallaxing going on with our trees we need to do some fine tuning on the key here and we'll get that done here in a second before a big shoot but yeah look at that all right so let's lock this down here that is just so cool I love this I mean it's just so fast and everything works so well everything works so well with oxymetry and Mars and so what we're going to do now is we're going to fine tune that chroma key we're going to take this camera we're going to take our lens that we encoded and all that stuff we're going to put it on a slider we're gonna get some Talon out here and uh we're gonna play around and show you how good this can look we'll be right back [Music] thank you [Music] I just can't get over how easy it is to set up the Mars Fizz track the camera calibration tool is just absolutely amazing it is super super fast and it's super precise I mean you literally could go through and calibrate all the lenses that you have in a day I mean it's just that awesome and I like how the encoder at the zoom encoder and the focus encoder all goes through the 3D protocol which is pretty pretty awesome so it's easy to set up with the Symmetry and I love the way you can take the calibrated lens and Export it directly to ximetry if we were to shoot this again I probably would have lit it a little bit differently but that talent's my son so we had to get out of the shop to go play some Baldur's Gate 3. I want to thank my son Cameron Pence he helped me shoot and edit a lot of this and I also want to thank Misha Kidwell he was the DP behind our forest shoot and I want to thank all of you for watching and I hope to have a Nerf tutorial here in the next month once again this is Jamie pence from videobred and thanks for watching and man if you can get your hands on a Mars Fizz track I highly suggest you to do so it's game changing
Channel: VIVE Mars CamTrack
Views: 4,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u9ywQSwxHCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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