Viture Vs xReal and Rokid Max

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hi this is up and it's good to see you after work and today we are back with our uh new video this time we are going to talk about once again variable displays not AR and VR glasses I got my hands on vure so I'm going to look at uh vure and xreal as you know I have already kind of discarded rocket Max because of its lot of limitations and the biggest problem is the inability to update the fwar so let's start we going to break it in couple of parts and the focus is once again going to be on actual user experience and not what they say in the Press lease and marketing material once again none of this is sponsored I bought it myself so this is my opinion based on my experience first of all let's look at look and feel they both look great in a way actually vure looks a slightly better than roid sorry xreal uh they have some nice you know Touch Hair and there so they do look better Comfort wise they are both equally comfortable they also are not as loud as Rocket Max was only thing I like a bit about xreal is this flexible arms so when I put it just like other sunglasses or glasses that you wear there is a bit of flexibility here where these are rocks are in plastic there's no flexibility here to if they pinch they pinch so let's now talk about the feature and functionality because that's what we care about not necessarily look and feel and that's where they start to drift apart from each other they have speakers at the bottom and the speakers on top and the soundwise I like them both there is no um this one is better than that one is better of course if you're listening to music and these are small speakers of course if you're traveling or outside you should always use your headphones but if you're like at home in the office and you're just watching some movies playing game they will do fine you will not need headphones or speakers at least in your private environment now let's talk about display and this is the area where things start to drift a bit on paper they both have similar display projection Technologies the screen is bright as bright as xreal I did notice that xra is a bit brighter but they're not as bad as rokid Max there is a brightness button so you can increase and decrease the brightness when it comes to color accuracy I noticed that vure color are more accurate than xreal xreal has a little bit of purple or reddish whereas these are greenish bluish closer to what you will see on iPad and iPhone I use them as reference monitors HDR they both support you will see darker areas very well lit Shadows very well lit as you would expect from Modern displays the problem starts somewhere else but it is about display number one vure display is a bit smaller I was not expecting that despite their claims it is smaller so the moment I put it on I like yes this is not as big but there's no I cannot measure it in a virtual environment so the test that I did was I sat down 7 ft away from my 75 in TV and that was the size I was getting on xra so if I sat at that distance the size of the virtual screen on xal was same as my 75 in TV and of course this is kind of not real size so if you are looking at a big wall you will get a perception of a larger screen whereas if you move closer you'll see that it's screen is smaller that is not the case when you're like psvr or Oculus Quest where the screen is really big huge screen so this is like more of a perception when I sit on when I use the vure and set at the same distance the screen was around 65 in so you are getting a bit of a smaller screen on V that's number one number two is that I noticed that that the screen or display or the picture is a bit softer initially I thought that just like roit they also had diaps to fix myopia so you can adjust the focus on each lens or Proctor I did all the test and I tried to get as closer as I can get to focusing on each eyes but image was softer so when I was watching movies like open Heimer and on xreal you can see his you know blue eyes is staring at you you can see his eyebrows not on but sure it's you will see like it's fuzzy it's soft that could be a big problem especially if you're playing games especially first person shooter game and your target may not be visible it's it's it's not great because we are so used to 4K content sharp content that it I I I didn't like it second problem and which could be a much bigger problem if you are thinking of using it for work is that the text for all the image is already soft so the text will be harder to read but as you move away from the center I'm not even talking about the edge I'm talking just a bit off from the center and suddenly you will not be able to read the text properly because it would be blurry I was playing Avatar the new game that came out and I could not read the quest Manus Quest items that were there on the left hand side or I cannot read a lot of other texts that will pop up on the display I can read all of it crystal clear on xreal but not on the chure so that could be an issue second is that while EX screen is perfect rectangle once again just like rockid Max the screen gets a bit curved which has a lot to do with Pro projection there so I was not really happy with a smaller screen softer screen and it gets blurried or out of focus As you move away from the center is that a deal breaker could be second is that while X real you us as a standard USBC cable you can plug into the cable and you are good to go vure comes with it own proprietary magnetic connector now there's nothing wrong with that but the problem is that you are relying on them you have to buy those connectors with which your you know if the cable break and cables will break so you will have to buy that proprietary cable for them as a backup cable it may or may not be big issue but for me I like the comfort of just being able to plug any USBC video supported cable and good to go one good trick that vure has over xra and it's also common with rocked Max is that the same button that you use to power up the device you can also make the glass dim so it's dimmer so if you're reading it outside as I said you can do a lot of household shes you can dim the screen and continue to watch the content and do the work unlike XR you're not blocking the whole screen with a cover on it which is good because you know you're still operational functional so you just push the button and the SK skrein will darken push the button and the screen will come back one more trick that the same button has is that if you hold it it will separate the two displays and now you can watch side by side movies in 3D of course unfortunately there is no 3D content available on any of these major platform so unless and until you are bootlegging or pirating the content there is no way you can enjoy 3D content you the another problem with the 3D content that I noticed is that when you do try to play some 3D content from at least YouTube you're not getting 16x9 Vision even if you do manage to get 3D content from YouTube and other sources it's not 16 by9 aspect ratio it's 4x3 so you are looking at a squar shaped screen there so which is not immersive that you would get on something let's say Quest so yes I'm pretty sure there are a lot of things that you can tweak in VLC and make it work but you know it's it's it's okay there's not enough legal 3D content either way so that is there too now what about gaming as I said you can plug and play on anything the only issue that I noticed was that for some reason and I don't know the reason it is not working with Nintendo switch I have couple of ol Nintendos I tried with all of them roked Max will work XR will work but vure will not work on Nintendo switch same is the case with their adter which you can use to power the device like for example Nintendo switch or phone or let's say steam deck because they need a lot of power when you're playing game you can put Power and you can connect to the glass and you can play but V your adopter is also not working so I cannot use this adopter plug into the Nintendo switch and wash things on Rocket Max or XR or of course which you know it will not work I did some research to see if this is my device or there's something wrong and I found on Reddit that uh somebody posted the same comment that why how to get Nintendo switch to work with it and their response is to buy a hub a dog for it if you want to play Nintendo switch with vure why I can plug in my xre to Nintendo switch or any other device it's just a portable monitor and I can start using with ver vature you have to spend more money on getting a dog which is actually as big as Nintendo switch carry it with you power it to be able to play Nintendo switch so if you're on the plane you need to have a Mumbo jumo of all these docks and adopters so that you can play Nintendo switch it defies the whole idea of portability so I don't know really why they're doing it because as I said it's just a portable monitor so this is really really um it's beyond my understanding because I tried rocket Max and I tried xreal they're both work flawlessly with Nintendo switch but not uh your vure and I really don't know that is it like to force people to buy their Hub but I don't think that's a very good practice the adopter for rokid Max is working across all the devices on Nintendo switch as well but for some reason V your platform is not at all supporting Nintendo switch on the pro side unlike rocket Max you can update firmware on both I already updated firmware on this one so you can easily go to their site and update the firmware so there is a possibility that if it is not a hardware bug if it is a software bug then they might be able to fix it by updating the firmware but what are you going to do with this one how are they going to update firmware of this one so I'm not sure about that so if I have to decide between these two devices it looks like xra is going to go in my backpack once again because as I said earlier I'm going to repeat it as a final verdict lookwise they're good soundwise they're good they both have the ability to update the firmware this one can even play 3D videos this one cannot but is smaller image is softer not sharper text is hard to read especially as you move away from the center and it will not work on Nintendo switch so once again my money is going to be on XR if you have both these devices or you have tried both of them and your experience different than mine please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below and tell me where I was wrong or or which device are you keeping for me as I said earlier it's not about look and feel it's not about a lot of factors the most important thing is that it's a variable monitor a variable display and if it fails to be a good display nothing else matters so that is why I'm keeping xreal that's the video for today thanks for being with me after work and I'll see you after holidays happy holiday Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I'm pretty sure that I'm going to see you before the new year but stay safe and enjoy bye for now
Channel: After Work
Views: 3,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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