Visual Studio Code vs Visual Studio

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the big questions in life are Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker Captain Kirk or Captain Picard vs code or Visual Studio now I can't help you with the first of those two but I am going to help you with the last I'm going to give you specific advice on what to use based on the operating system and Technology Stacks that you're developing for let's get some of the basics out of the way first you can download vs code from Microsoft using the link in the description below and it's got great support for many different languages out of the box it provides JavaScript and node.js but using extensions you can install c-sharp python C C plus plus and many many more in fact this wide support has made it very popular across many different developer communities also because it comes up the perfect price point free because it's based on the Chrome browser you can install it on Windows Macs and Linux machines visual studio also from Microsoft can be installed on Windows or Mac machines so if you're using Linux then you're kind of out of luck so this is going to be a very short video for you I recommend you download and use vs code and thank you for watching for the rest of us we can look at the pricing now there are three additions the paid additions are professional and Enterprise and they have a monthly subscription but the best addition is actually the Community Edition because it's free and although it's free it's actually got everything you need to be a useful professional developer so I don't think that the free version is crippled in some way that makes it not useful it really is very useful indeed and I recommend you try it out before you go ahead and actually pay any money for the paid additions to highlight the difference between our two options I'm going to create a c-sharp console application starting with vs code now vs code is really just a text editor with an extension capability so our first task is to add an extension to support c-sharp then we use some net command line calls to create the console application and add it into a solution file as you can see we're just writing out the canonical hello world message so there's nothing fancy going on here vs code doesn't know how to build and debug c-sharp applications but the extension for c-sharp that we just installed that will check the directory and see that there are no config files that it can understand so it's going to give us an option to press a button and when we do it's going to Auto generate some default files for us to help us now if we have a look at those we can see that it's created launch dot Json and tasks.json and we can use those to then run and execute this program and hopefully in a moment we'll see the hello world message output creating the same project in visual code is much simpler select new project and then we can pick from a set of predefined templates in our case we choose the c-sharp console app enter the name of the project and the version to build against and our project is created we then click debug and the code will compile and run and then in a short time we'll see the output terminal with the same output message this highlights the essential difference Visual Studio is an IDE integrated development environment so C sharp is a first class part of the system it has predefined templates for building projects there's nothing extra to install or configure to be able to build and run it's just a simpler smoother frictionless experience another example of this integrated experience are the designers here you can see the winforms designer you can drag and drop controls onto the surface move them around update properties and so forth another example is the designer for WPF applications changes to the xaml code are immediately applied to the form preview these are the kind of Rich experiences you cannot get with vs code so my recommendation is that when creating a Windows specific application winforms WPF uwp and so forth you should always use Visual Studio on a Windows machine finally my recommendations when using Linux you have to use vs code if you're building a Windows specific application such as winforms WPF definitely go for visual studio you have to use Windows anyway and that Designer experience makes a huge difference for web development I recommend vs code it has a larger developer community and it's just going to give you much better support for simple generic c-sharp applications such as console apps rest apis that kind of thing you could use either and I recommend you download and try out both for at least a couple of days and then go with whichever one you feel more comfortable with both will serve you well but go with whichever feels right hopefully you found this useful if so hit the like button and until next time be awesome
Channel: Everything C#
Views: 47,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c#, visual studio, vs code, vs code vs visual studio, visual studio vs vscode, visual studio vs vscode for c#, vscode vs visual studio, visual studio code vs visual studio, visual studio code vs visual studio community, visual studio code vs visual studio 2022, vs code vs visual studio c#, visual studio code vs visual studio professional, visual code vs visual studio, vscode or visual studio, vs code or visual studio for c#, vs code or visual studio, visual studio or vscode
Id: rUCl_EivGPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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