Visual Studio 2022 & .NET 6 Release

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hey guys welcome to the tech cap of the world it is dot net week and today is the release of net six one of the biggest releases in the industry to date for us that are writing code for a living are ones that want to learn how to code kevin and today i don't think is any better day than to jump on this bandwagon what do you think today's the day lots of new and exciting days of the day um so um very few times that we um do we get these releases that i think are fundamentally going to change a lot of things and i follow a lot of the guys from microsoft on on twitter that you know they don't follow me back but that's okay some of them do some of them do some of them do maybe so like uh but there's one in particular that i've started following this guy name by the name of david fowler which is uh one of the engineers behind deep into the and i was looking at his tweet this morning it was like crazy that microsoft has re-org the teams around and change their goals and what's what's a metric like in other words how do we success like how do we do that like if you're working on how do we how do we kind of figure out like if you're being good at this or being successful at it and he said he went to upper management and he talked about like that performance is a feature and they finally came around to that point so a lot of times when we're releasing things they go hey make a shiny new thing make it spin make it do this make it do that and they never really go back and look at like things like performance and he just says hashtag performance is a feature and i think that when people start converting to net six when they see that they had you know 12 servers running and now it's six or like you know their their usage rate and their expense rate went down by 50 on azure or aws people are going to move over to this thing money freaking fast is what it is yeah yep that's it that's it if you can uh lower those overheads like that people of course people are going to look at it yeah and so i think what i've been saying for the last year now and i know that people think i'm a shield for microsoft i'm really not but this is what it looks like when a you know a multi-billion or a trillion dollar company decides to be the best in the world at something you know like the best in the world of this this is what it looks like they can put 50 or 60 people and just say make net the fastest framework on the planet you know make that do it exactly you could say if you look at the benchmarks oh that only got down to like go and rust but then when you you look at it like okay and that's in one metric but when you take the whole thing as a whole you know like yeah framework improvements you know like the tooling and all that kind of stuff they're just going to be the best in the industry and when they're the best in industry lots of companies will adopt the tooling the framework and the languages and everything that they do which means that then they'll turn around and hire people to do this so as coders when we're looking for jobs we don't typically get to dictate the technology to the company that's not usually what happens or this you know sometimes you'll work at a company for a long time and the boss will come down and go hey what should we build this next thing on and you know and you get input but for the most of us and usually when that question comes around though your answer's wrong because it's what you think is called at the minute and what you want to actually work on and the company should probably be like should we really build that in that technology it's been out for five minutes right yeah exactly you know it's interesting it's fun exactly javascript's out is that's usually what it is the latest javascript thing so here's the here's the thing i want to start out with this is like when i get excited about this is it lets me think about like where i get energized about the future i get energized about things that i want to do things that i want to build um i get energized about the course and things like that and i just want to reach out to the people that are out there today and you think you can't break in or your efforts up to this point have failed you went to a boot camp or you tried to learn online you know that stuff it just hasn't worked out for you i just want to tell people today that you can always start over and jump into when there's another another shift afoot and which there is an absolute shift of foot in the industry and you can learn a brand new skill that no one else does and get a job doing that and i think i'm done at six and then you know with our wisdom shirt here um i think you're going to see things like blazer coming out and then with the announcements from meta or facebook you're going to start seeing a move into visuals um like vr and ar type applications and i think that's important so all these shifts are happening at once and there's no better time than 2022 to learn how to code so even if you're your your efforts have failed up at this point quit looking around and saying i can't do this or blaming others and the reason why and start looking that inward and say what do i need to do to break into this industry because it's going to coding and software is going to drive the entire economy in the united states i mean like it's it's going to be everything and everything too i i think we see a lot of people that feel like they've missed the boat no like i missed the boat you're always gonna feel that way trust me there's people in like the mid 2000s that are like man i missed the boat no i missed the boat think about that think about what's happening between now and then a lot of stuff um you haven't missed it we're still in the early days of what this stuff what this is it just we are we're still in very early days yeah and so when you have my experience of like 25 years doing this i can tell you i missed certain screen shifts okay right now i was working for a company when the web one happened in 97 and i stayed at that company i remember very specifically a guy that um i was working with um that came beside me he and he told me this and i didn't believe him when he told me this and i'm gonna tell you what he told me he said that he said man you are really really smart why don't you come and partner with me in this new web firm that i'm doing and i was at um i'll just to be i was at a consulting working the job and i'm like nah i'm good here you know i'm getting paid okay you know yeah but this is going to be huge you know and i just didn't know what i didn't know oh it's a gamble isn't it yeah versus the unknown hopefully after i started my company and i'm sitting there in um you know it's probably 0.405 you know whenever the iphone first came out and the graphic designer that was working for me at the time goes this is going to be huge mobile is going to be huge and i'm like that's that's really what i said like really like you would that go i was that guy and i skipped that screen shift i promise you right now i'm going to attempt to build stuff um in multiple arenas um this year so like i'm gonna look into things like nft like what is that about what is something beyond art that nfts could be used for you know so like and i think other people are gonna think of these things and they're either going to execute them or they're not and the ones that do they're going to do really well oh yeah and so like oh yeah you know when you talk about web30 and then when you talk about web40 you're like say hey man we need to look at ar and vr we need to look at those things but what what all sets us apart is you gotta learn how to code to begin with yep and that's why you should start right now because then once you learn how to code you can do it so good exactly that's it he's right man he's right russell tinkler's right so that's totally it on that but i just want to encourage people today that man just jump in this thing both feet and just don't let people tell you you can't do it and just jump in and do it so it's better don't get stuck on kind of like the complexity of it either if you get stuck on something move past it don't don't i see a lot of people like spinning their wheels on one thing they'll get stuck on one thing and they cannot work past it like forget that thing come back to it work past it you can there's a lot of different paths in this thing pick a path roll with it keep rolling with it don't get stuck on something yeah and i think that um what they also try to do is memorize code like they try to memorize everything and they're trying to understand every single aspect of everything and they can't get past that until they understand everything and what i want to tell them to those types of thinkers out there and i understand how you feel but like every day you get in a car and drive it and you probably couldn't work on it you just accept it and so what i'm saying is there's certain things you need to accept that works and just do the things that you can control like like learn a high-level language like c-sharp and and javascript and you know and you don't have to understand how every single thing works the gatekeepers in industry will tell you that they're the ones that still change the oil too in their car you're like you need to be able to change spark plugs no this is true this is true there is a guy this is totally totally true there are people out there that will tell you you shouldn't own a car if you don't change your own oil what are you talking about like but there are people that genuinely believe that they believe that if you can't do that one thing you shouldn't own the car you need to be able to do these things no you don't right and then what i want to tell those guys you know teslas don't have oil i think they don't yeah anyway so um i just want to encourage people out there today and then so shameless plug we think that dot net six is gonna be huge we think there's gonna be lots of opportunities out there for people to do it we're gonna be the first boot camp that's teaching that so if you're thinking about and i've convinced you like hey man i'm going to learn how to code this year i think the best way to do it still today is an in-person in virtual class where you get a talk to instructor on a daily basis at coder foundry in person 40 hours per week minimum instructor time like the instructors are with you every single day like they're talking to them every day anytime you have a question you can answer it and not all boot camps are the same and i'm not like out in anyone else or how they do it but even at university you don't get to talk to your instructor every single day so like yeah at all they show up for an hour to lecture and then they disappear and you talk to a ta period yeah and then if you go to a big university thursday at 3 p.m or something yeah right ours is every day and so i think that's the best way to learn and then we're going to teach you the relevant skills in the self-paced course as well as we broil out.6 it'll take us a little minute to get there people have asked um when is.nsx curriculum coming out and we're like okay it's literally released today okay so like we could have recorded stuff earlier but it would have been on pre-release versus the visual studio yeah pre-releases framework things were in change things are in flux and so we want to make sure that when we teach it it is on the stuff that's called release count the general availability of the ga releases of the dynamics framework and visual studio the tooling so we'll start doing that today it's going to be you know in the first quarter next year before we get self-paced caught up with in person but if you want to do it in person we're going to 6 starting january the 4th so the very first cohort so just think about it sign up or go somewhere else man if you don't believe in us but like go somewhere else and learn how to go too exactly just learn the code somehow just somehow some way break in to do it so i think that'd be great yep so i'm off my box now what else is going on today so i just hyped for dotnet 6. oh i think it's awesome so slightly off topic just to recap what we did yesterday because we had a big day yesterday we put out a whole bunch of yesterday um we i'm just going to kind of run down just real quick what we what we kind of did we pushed out new stuff into the self-paced course um so if you're in the self-paced course the and you weren't here yesterday didn't hear we pushed out the movie pro application and bug tracker um this has a so the movie pro has if we go in here real quick you can see we have when we come down here this introductory feature set we're going to add a secondary uh section here too with an expanded feature set as well that's coming yeah um so we have that and then in the uh bug tracker too that is out here now as well you can see we're always all the way through the uh services section in here this is three pages worth of services there's a lot there's a lot to make here um so and some of these videos are like an hour plus long there's a lot of content here so yeah so we put those two things in the course yesterday so that was pretty awesome um we also launched a scholarship yesterday too yeah i know that's kind of cool i'm excited about it yeah so thanks to again to pay tail communications and apex analytics for um uh supporting the the future scholarship we're going to put five people um one year's access through the course with additional um help too from bobby and the instructors that's going to be awesome so if you're interested in this yeah you can go to ctf and that will take you to this page and actually yeah just hit the quiz um hit the application and then um we'll we'll pick a few finalists from those applications we'll interview them and then we'll pick five people announce it in january um but you have till december 5th i believe the dates are on there to apply yeah december 7th yeah and so if you think you can't do it apply yeah i i had somebody here yeah i had somebody in uh i think you know how many people are gonna apply are we gonna get 10 000 applicants i don't know but what if we get 12. all right you have a really good shot of us picking out so like you know like so let's uh we're gonna give these away um we're gonna pick five people so put your name in the hat um be a little bit brave and just um go for it you know this is what this new year thing is about man you know like somebody had put a message on discord talking about like hey you like the 99 too expensive me the 59 i'd like to do that but it's like still too expensive like well what are you talking about we we literally launched a scholarship yesterday go apply for it please please please apply for it if you genuinely can't afford the course but you you want to still do this this is exactly what this is for this is why we partnered with these guys um payton and apex so that we could offer this to you um no please apply if you think this is for you you fit the criteria please please please apply um we want we want these to go to people we want we want some of you guys to be able to to benefit from this it should be awesome it's gonna be awesome and uh five five people will get access to the course and we'll help them get a job and do those kind of things and yep let them get that dream that dream software job so it's kind of cool yep definitely definitely um all right you say hello to some people or anything else uh what else from yesterday oh so we had that stuff um what else did we do you say oh pricing we changed the pricing yesterday that's pretty cool oh yeah if we go uh take a look at this some good pricing out there so like uh you have yeah so like um if you want to um go to the course and um figure out how to price it you can get two choices 99 a month and 5.94 a year and then um for the guys on youtube we have the special coupon code taco you know and so you hit apply that's going to give you 115 offs of 479. that's like 39 bucks a month um it's over 50 off obviously and so like that's we think that's a fantastic deal if you want to take advantage of that yep never a better time to get it and so as we add content to the coding bootcamp um you'll get all those updates so when we add the dot net six stuff and you'll get it next year so that i think that's really cool all right yep awesome that's about it man so uh sign up now for uh code frontier fly if you wanna learn dot net six in the in the in person in person virtual or if you want self-paced hey we got a good deal for you out there too as well so remember that coupon code taco so you know think about that and even at these even at these prices which we think are great if you can afford it great that's that's awesome you know that's kind of why we're doing it we want to help as many people as we can um but if you can't and you still want to do this that's where the scholarship comes in go to that link i put in chat go to ctf apply for that um don't think you know don't um uh don't rule yourself out let us let us rule you out yeah that's right just just apply yeah just apply every minute you'll probably get to talk to me for 30 minutes i mean that's worth something right kevin i mean i don't know i'm just kidding well you know i was gonna be like oh i was gonna apply yeah but now i don't know if i have to can i just talk to kevin yes somebody wants to know oh i answered a few questions so are remote applicants applicable yes um you can be um from anywhere in the world too it does not that that does not hold you back um we do ask you where you are in the um in the uh the form that you're going to fill out but that that's i would say too that if you're on the other side of the planet australia india or something like that and you want to work with the instructors you would have to be on east coast time to get that help we're not going to if you can take the photo class yeah so like uh that's that's the only thing yeah yeah for the scholarship though you can be anywhere um you can be anywhere just like you can be anywhere to take the virtual class period yeah exactly yep um let's see oh we got a super chat yeah look at this alberto thank you man 11.69 oh i wonder where you are what um where are you alberto put in chat where in the world you are because i'm not quite sure what what currency that is that's interesting um she wants to know what design pattern we use for these types of projects so what we do here we teach here iran is um we're going to teach web api and a lot of times that follows kind of the controller pattern sort of like nvc um but inside of web api there's a lot of things that we have in there um dependency injection is also included there's so there's a lot of things that go on in there so what is cool about visual studio is web api has the templating out there for you that already has the pattern built in and so i think i think you can learn a lot by using web api visual studio and just looking at the templates right out of the box that you need so that you cut off his comment here too it actually the last line actually says repository or maybe clean arch with cqrs yeah so i'm not sure like what they're following right there or repository we can we can show you those patterns i don't think we we use those really uh but um what we're doing is just showing you um how microsoft is putting these projects out it's it's very um easy to do and i think that you'll see what i'm talking about now we are building a web api course um and a lot of people ask thought we were going to announce that yesterday the reason we didn't is because we're building on.6 we're waiting for the tooling to come out so that is the first thing we'll probably do um and have it out sometime before the end of the year um that's that's our goal is to get it out before the end of the year as you can tell you know it's already november that means we've got literally six weeks to put something out and put it together so we're working on that and then um you know so then you can learn how we do it with c sharp but um if you want to see how these are put together we're going to talk about some things that.netcomp this week that has there's a couple of uh of things you might want to watch comp to see how they're doing it and again with net six you can build this with the community edition so that's a free tooling and everything else and then push it wherever you want it runs on any run on any host so if you're in the self-paced course we show you how to push things to our roku which is a linux based host with no containers or anything you just just shove it out there it's kind of cool all right i hope that helps alberto thanks for the super chat and alberto's in romania too by the way so that's awesome okay cool super cool thanks for uh thanks for watching us all the way over there in romania that's super super cool i love seeing where you guys are from i think it's great yeah all over the world yeah yeah i love it it's super good okay so let's talk about so while we're talking about netcom let's talk conf um yeah it's today yeah so um today um it starts today it's already it's ongoing it started 11 a.m eastern standard time here um and so it's one right there so if you click the purple button kevin at the top we'll see i'm showing them at the top you can get to the live feed right there you can also follow them yeah so that's scott hunter and there's hey look there's scott hansen on the right oh let's go huntsman with his um his uh run dmc style i like that yeah uh awesome don't we we need to send him a was i'm sure i'm sure he would love it so oh that's funny um so like you can watch there or you can watch it also on youtube but let's talk about things that i'm paying attention to and so you may want to look at so right off the bat you could look at the 130 there introduction to maui if you're interested in what that's all about for cross-platform development um that could be kind of cool um it's kind of funny that they are still continuing to talk about this a lot though doing this because i know there's a lot of stuff talking about it even though it's not like it's not released as part of this other stuff they're still talking about this it shows you that they're still committed to this because i think when when when dot net maui got pushed back just pushed back to q2 2022 when that happened i saw a bunch of naysayers like oh man they're going to abandon this thing maui's done like i knew they couldn't come to this no no no they're saying we're still in on this we're 100 students on this it's lit like i mean look at that kevin yeah one o'clock enterprise degree blazer app so net six i think that would be interesting um if you're a language nut um even at 12 30 what's new in c sharp if you're already actively involved you just want to see kind of what's going on uh but the ones that i'm i think that you should pay attention to our crowd is to move down to around four o'clock um alberto watch this on mental apis and dot net six i think this will give you a better understanding of where they're going and building apis and you'll see how easy it is to do at 4 30 um also core nbc and razer pages i noticed a question here on what i was looking through um that we can answer izzy's uh i can't say it a-z-i-z um let's ask his question right there because it kind of goes in line with it you know the first one the second one um which one the first one this one yep yeah if i don't care about apis for the moment should i use mvc controllers or use pure razor pages without mvc controls instead i think right now you're going to use um you can use razer pages or nbc i would use nbc i think it's a better um in-use pattern it's more applicable to other things if you want to skip over to like spring or jump over to somewhere else i really like the mvc design pattern razer pages is built on mvvm it's a different pattern they call it a different thing but in general nbc controllers i think is the best way to go at this point i think it's easier to build a crud app with nbc versus pure apis it's much more difficult to and they're making it easier but you have a lot more security concerns when you're renting all your code on the client side with javascript whereas nbc your your pages and views are rendered on the server side so security's a little bit easier to do um the tooling for scaffolding all that kind of stuff is built in so it'll generate views for you so i think you'll get your page up quicker um than you would with an api thing not saying that you don't want to build a single page app with an api you can i just think that an mpa a multi-page app is coming back in vogue and i still think to this day nbc's a way better pattern to do it and i'm sure that people can disagree with me but you could do one or the other and it doesn't really matter i just think nbc's in more use right now than razer pages is so i hope that helps all right so back to uh.netcoff all right so uh i would pay attention to the four clock minimal apis and 430. i'd watch both of those um if you're considering the self-paced course you're in the cohort now you're watching this and you're you're learning from us i would watch both of these these are the ones that we're watching uh today as a staff we'll watch this between four and four thirty today and then um i think if five next generation blazer components are kind of interesting to me but the one that's really really kind of cool was down there at seven at seven o'clock so this is interesting to me because this is exactly what we're doing in our self page course and i find this kind of fascinating that um me and microsoft are on the same wavelength on this thing though i know they built it it's their wavelength i'm just allowed for the ride but in general the out of the box with minimal apis and the waypi done at six doesn't include identity and so like when you do an nbc project identity's built in and that's because it's just it's a little bit more difficult probably to get the template typically to work so our course is going to be built with net six and identity in the web api and showing you how to bring that feature set in there so that you can have roles and and claims and authentication and authorization built into your api so i'm really excited to watch this one so just to see if we're thinking the same thing we didn't look at the promise of lots of demos which is the way you want to see these things yeah that's all i want to see there you go i like that so it's we're really excited about that so that's um and if we go over to wednesday maybe we'll go with schedule on wednesday i think um down there it's um you know you can look at the it's kind of interesting um if you want to look at data science definitely full stack at 130 with blazer webassembly and azure static websites is something you want to watch um for sure we'll be watching that and then it gets um 3 30 yes so this is without your functions i think is something that you would want to pay attention to um you know and then you know there's some things around five another thing about apis modern apis that you have core um if you're really into i apis i think that's this number at five o'clock is something to watch and then there's a lot of them in there that you'll find be interesting that you can go um but that's the ones we're gonna be looking at and it goes on into the night man i mean you know yeah yeah so if you want to watch if you want to benchmark your app that's kind of cool yeah i'm just gonna keep on going wow later in the morning if you're just staying up you know and you just got like stuff to do um scroll keep scrolling down i think it maybe it ends at 2 30 in the morning 2 30 yeah yeah yeah it is what it is yeah yeah okay so then if we come back on thursday at 8 8am is the one i'm going to look at this is the one i'm pretty much saying this is it oh okay there you go you knew this one off my heart that's what i'm going to look at so i'm definitely going to be looking at that there's some ones around 3 30 in the morning that's um i'm back pro watch on replay because i'll be asleep yeah yeah um but um building a production ready blas blazer was a map so wow that's awesome right yeah yeah yeah and i'm assuming all these back on demand too which is kind of nice you can watch i hope so i can't remember what they do but like there's a lot of content out there so go to just type conf 2021 and then just go look at it but today between 4 and 4 30 i think there's two good ones today for sure that you might want to pay attention to there you go i threw it in chat right so that's all the conf is this week and visual studio is is out released on six is out um now it's time to get to cody man i mean like it is just really cool there you go visual studio isn't it today so you can go to there yeah so kevin you've got vegetarian machine don't you i do i actually have it right here look uh theme support look at that theme they put a cool little theme on it yeah yeah yeah you can do this like the tools this cobalt 2 theme i thought was kind of cool okay it's like this dark blue green theme with like these oranges on it i thought it was pretty cool yeah um yeah definitely coder foundry it looks ish yeah it is isn't it it is when i saw the colors i was like oh they are like the orange with the we can we can have a similar color to this this green blue that we use as a secondary like oh i like this and you can i guess you can build your own too i've not played with that yet but maybe we will maybe we'll see messing around with that we're thinking about doing our own but like i don't know it's like there's a lot of themes out there yeah there is there is and actually if you want themes too that's the other cool thing you can like customize this now if you go to themes and get more themes and pull this up and see all the themes look so you can go um sort by installs you can see the most popular themes so i was using uh yeah some are kind of strange like wise ide 100 300k i don't know like you know i think it allows you to like so this is like your background yeah this one allows you to like put different images in the background that's what it allows you to do you can put any image on the background so you can take this and you can have like right here in you this area you can put any image so or texture or something or like it's right kind of interesting it serves its purpose i guess but yeah there's a marvel theme too we're talking about that last week there's like a game of thrones theme there's a bunch there's a bunch of cool stuff here yeah beyonce beyonce theme so yeah oh yeah the beyonce one yeah that's here somewhere that is here somewhere it's not it's installed as much but you know i guess it's not purple um there you go it's here it is here all right that pink is just like that's high that'd be bright it'd be hard to read on in my opinion on the day on the day-to-day probably so like daily yep exactly exactly but yeah lots of cool stuff it's very cool i've been playing with it just uh a little bit it's obviously you know not something i do every day so for me it's a little bit different but you know seems cool yeah so i think about the standard new dark theme with the new mona lisa font and that's that's what i'm doing yeah they've changed up the font i've heard a lot of talk about the font yeah in here um yeah i like them so i definitely think um coding fonts make a big difference in eye strain and things like that so i like i really like um the font so yeah it's kind of here we go here's an interesting question is actually i've i have a point about this too so 23 would be backwards compatible with no issues because it was in 2019 the new job that they were doing so here's the cool thing is that we were literally talking about this this morning bobby and i so yeah yeah with net 2022 you it comes out of the box with dot net six when you install everything it just comes the dot net six you can choose to install if you want dot net f5 so here's what microsoft is saying they're saying they they know timelines for development can be multiple years right they think about like game developers and things right if you're developing a game it can take multiple years and what do they do never upgrade their tooling over that amount of time yeah well i that does happen in some shops kevin right well it's in the past it's happening like i know guys right now they're rocking visual studio 2015. right because they've happened because they're on standard exactly because they've had to do that well now what they're saying is you can update tooling while keeping the same frameworks so you get the cool bells and whistles of the new tooling but you still get to keep your same framework for the whole thing so yeah apparently it is totally backwards compatible i was able to put an f5 on visual studio 2022 literally with the check of a button um so if you're in the self-paced course and you want to use visual studio 2022 it's pretty easy to set up as far as i can tell i've not run into any issues with it i installed a um dot net five you just go into the installer and you go into the packages and you basically check a box that's dot net five and you install it it's something sean is that you can run these side by side which i'm doing right now i have them both on my machine and they've been flawless in the how they've insulated from each version all right justin all right just our inside uh just thank you thank you man appreciate it that's some tacos there oh that's awesome starting coming monday oh that's awesome yes yes yes yes yes yes i love that awesome that's awesome man so sean you can run them both side by side and then you can figure out like um if it works for you and then you can um the team can figure that out too but like uh yeah sometimes um teams sometimes will stay on the version of visual studio before but i think microsoft knows that it being 64 bit's a big deal just that alone and that teams are going to try it out i mean and then you just pick the framework that you want to target so that's the thing you can try it out but then like what we said you can also run for just 2019 at the same time i'm talking about like literally at the same time too you can actually run side by side if you wanted to yeah and you can uninstall them with no problems i noticed the installers on the other installers were great so i had vis i had 22 pre-release on mine and i was playing with that and then when the the the final one came out yesterday i installed that and it installed separately and i still had a pre-release version as well i was like don't want to keep the pre-release i'm like no no i'm going to move on i just so i installed it no there's literally a button i uninstalled and i just got rid of it very very easy they've made it very seamless now it's way better than it used to be yeah definitely give it a shot and um so yeah you can you can i can give it a shot and probably probably just fine yeah all right cool good question um okay so let's do some there's some more uh questions too then if we're done talking about it okay cool um let's stop oh one more thing i did one thing i could learn i did well there's always that yeah i'll click on the button and i do by the way i do have a button i push i literally push a button there it is look i push that button i have a lot of stuff on button but that's one of the things i do have on button um there is a uh book got published today oh yeah um so this came out today it literally published today so it's the new csharp10 six uh from pacts probably a great reference material so if anybody's interested in this this is probably the book that we if you're gonna get a book as a reference this is probably there but it links to it's chat if you want to buy it you know if you want to go after it yep so um if you're watching it and you want to definitely resource some people like books yeah here you go i'll stick it in uh nice to have as a reference material you know um i think you can get the what they have they have the the paperbacks 50 bucks you can get the kindle version for 35.99 too it's kind of nice that's cool okay let's go look at yes a ridge reader has a great um comment here i think we should put in there about intellicode and bs code oh yeah yeah that stuff's very yeah it's cool yeah so he is right about this you you will notice a big difference on regretter if you just just by changing over yeah um the code ahead stuff is really really really powerful instead of visual studio 2022 yeah i'm guessing they're going to have to do that they're going to add the uh github pilot thing too is my guess they added it to visual studio code so i'm guessing they're going to have a version of it over here at some point um although maybe not because the intellicode is kind of similar it's not quite as ai driven and smart but it does a lot of like your type of head stuff and it knows kind of context and stuff too doesn't it it's pretty smart yeah it's pretty smart i think you'll notice a big difference by going over changing over so that's cool definitely pretty smart yeah um okay let's do some uh some questions here then too so ninth five says where would you start with coding which language did you start with so for me it doesn't matter because the language i learned early on doesn't really exist anymore so like um basically believe it or not when i went to college they were still teaching cobol in the late 80s so i was in there and then then did some ford gl some things called focus and assembler even and then um but once i hit the industry the shift happened and this is what i'm talking about screen shifts so i never coded cobalt professionally ever the first job that i had coming out it was doing something on windows development in powerbuilder and then from powerbuilder i went to um dv6 and then from there i went to and then from there i went to c sharp so that's the primary languages and along the way html css bootstrap javascript all those things so if i was starting today i'm still focusing web development today i still think that's where you want to go and you want to pick the framework that best gives you the most opportunity to get a job with so for the building websites you have to know html you're going to know javascript you have no css i think css can be easily achieved with bootstrap and so that's where i go that's where we default to in the self-paced course that's how we learn css in there that's how we're focusing in on it and so you can know enough about how to build out websites how to build templates with bootstrap and then you know enough javascript to be able to communicate to the dom um we go through that in a self-paced course and then you need a server-side language actually sharp or java now we think c-sharp is the one to pick right now with the industry moving to this you're just gonna see them adopt it in droves um next year so is what i would pick on right now that's what i would start with let's start with the framework and learn all the things the websites so i hope that helps okay um oh this is kind of the same question really but where should i start maybe maybe not same thing start with web start with web development if you if you don't know where to start that's where you start um so so start with web development and the best way to do that i think is take a course like at cutter founder or uw or something like that start with something small like that and then if you want to go to boot camp you can do that so zero to here on the bootcamp isn't impossible it's just really hard so take some coding stuff before you plot down a lot of money in a boot camp bootcamp will get you there faster but like take a javascript course or make sure that it's going to be right yeah yes if it's right for you see if you like it you know yeah you end up hating it that's exactly um before we do another question look hold on shameless plug for the shirt because we're both wearing the shirt to the moon baby these came in so we both we both got the same ones but i was like i was like i know which one i'm gonna buy and i was like which one do you want bob and you pick the same one that i'm gonna get so i was like oh well we're matching on the shirts but they do have uh uh we do have these options too so this this is the one that we grabbed but i might get this the nasa code is kind of cool it's really cool yeah yeah i might get it too it's very nasa colory um yeah if you're up for a web assembly shirt you can always go check that out um i will uh throw that in chat too we're just full of all the shameless plugs today no we're like shielding everything today you know senses that's how it is if you want to call me a coder friend or shield then that's okay you know like you know so like um that's that's kind of what we're doing but like there you go let's see if we can help someone out today you got in your burning questions um put them in chat and then um if if you need us to answer and it's something you just can't do it just hit us to the super chat um by me and kevin some tacos and we'll uh answer your question for you there you go um okay so can we demo something six uh not today but maybe we probably will at some point we'll definitely um i think we've got a video in the world we do we do we have works we have a quick throwing up uh yeah we have a throwing up a foundry project in dot net six um so we're gonna put that out here soon it'll be on uh and then we'll do that instead of doing that live it gets um we'll do it as a pre-release so we can edit it together and make it yeah something good we did we did record it yeah it's gonna be one of the instructors so it's yeah it's and it's cool it's it's good so yeah so that's that's that's kind of coming look look on our channel for that um so he wants to know will vs 22 run on linux and mac so visual studio will run on mac os obvious code to run on linux but visual studio doesn't run on linux that i know of yeah i don't think that they're going to should they're wrong can you be aware that they're different products they're trying to get them to be the same now the one thing about the mac os project for for visual studio 2022 it is for the first time a native mac app which is kind of cool so like um natively for that it's still um this is still you know yes it's always going to lag behind windows probably um but not maybe always i mean so they're they're they're they know that you want to code on a mac so but right now it's just it's it's it's pretty good it's just not the same product as the visual studio 2022 on windows yeah but you can do it yeah i think they're trying more and more for like the um uh parody between these right they're trying to yeah thing is without having to get better not like an electron app or something like that it is a full native app so that's that's that's cool that's that's the big news for people that want to code on a mac yeah i don't know if this preview is uh oh it is apple silicon too look so that's so that's an important thing for a mac if you've got a new one like this part right here is the is the thing this is you you wanna look for this m1 everywhere for your apps from from here on in um so you know if you've got a new mac which you know um they're all going to move to this eventually but that's going to be the thing to look out for um mine shipped by the way just look at all the release notes pay attention to what they're saying about it but for right now if you want a bulletproof experience it's the windows still today yep so yep my mac did ship by the way it's all right cool it's coming all the way from china coming in it's coming in it's on a it's on a boat from shanghai so it went from shanghai then you can track it right you get the tracking thing yeah it went from shanghai to japan and then i think it's going to go to anchorage next come with fedex it's going to go to anchorage and then it's going to come down somewhere on this side of the country so it's i mean it's really going halfway around the world pretty it's pretty cool cool cool awesome yep that should be good when that comes in when that comes in we'll test a few things on it yeah um oh yeah there you go uh enrique says it's a preview mac but not linux yeah i don't think there ever will be a linux let's have this feeling they're just gonna they just don't seem to care about it i don't think i think they really look at usage rates and they just feel like yeah i think that's what it is it's like a market yeah you know so like the install base is definitely larger on windows and that's where they're to spend most of their time yep you know and maybe it is self-centered in their part but hey man they make windows i mean like right they're right there it's not that big of a deal i mean like if you're on a mac you can run parallels and run windows on it so it's not that big of a deal which is what i do yep so i'm running a mac machine with parallel we'll see what that experience is like on an m12 and uh when we can do that uh so having put in our data structures and algorithms for web devs i think for interviewing it can be uh you do see some of these questions that come out to it i think um the most things that you're gonna see in most web devs um especially in the us right now the current um what i would call the current group think around interviewing is you'll see looping um over arrays and things like that algorithm type questions that may be like palindrome or find duplicates in an array or you know find the large element arrays things like that so you can find all of these algorithm type questions on there do i see linked list questions much no i don't see that very much at all um so i see some questions um sometimes from coderbite where they're asking those questions but i don't think most interviewers are asking this right now in the u.s they may ask him in other parts of the world because it's more important to them but if you're interviewing for a web dev i mean like man just focus in on that demo man so uh casey think of the super chat um all right how should you customize bootstrap site production good that's a good question actually yeah um i'll i like that because i think yeah we'll pull that up in a second yeah we'll talk about it yeah yeah because it does get a bad rap on like what it does and i think they've done a lot to fix it from four to five that's yeah yeah sure so i think it's important i mean but i don't think it's the only thing i think the most important thing is having a demo um and a portfolio project you can show and you can overcome that but um if you see it hey brian thank you man thanks for having me thank you thank you so much i'm gonna go get some tacos today for sure so like yeah thank you thanks brian um so anyway i hope that helps and um it's important but it's not the most important thing i don't think right now but um yeah study some some go to daily coding problem lead code there's a lot of sites out there that um that have those right now so it's kind of cool how weird is that that ghosted on the screen yeah i know can we it's just ghosted no no why that's that's the first time i've ever ever seen okay what do we do um i'll see if i can fix it well uh let me see open i can i can i mean i can definitely take it off let me see there it goes i don't know weird that's strange so just so you know super jazz might not be working for a few minutes here okay all right at least for at least for today you customize the bootstrap site for prod let's put that question on ck yeah yeah let me uh so we can ask this question casey here so um casey there's a couple things you can do there's the easy way and then there's the sass way where sas allows it gives you variables exposed to your thing you also can look up the variables and if you're thinking about colors um which is what people are talking about that's what they're talking about um they do expose a complete color palette in bootstrap 5 that you can get through sas so that's how you would if you need to like implement your colors but also you don't have to use the default colors you can just override them and put those in the root variable of your um css file if that's what you want to do other than that man i mean it's it's html so like there's nothing about bootstrap that is anything that makes it look bootstrappy you know other than maybe the nav bar you're like ah that nav bar but that looks like every other nav bar on the planet so like i don't know um but mostly in the colors you can look it up it's it's pretty clear on their instructor said how to do it so they have some of the best documentation in the world so if you know about sas then you can compile it and get it in you also can bring in the entire uh website and don't use cdns and bring in the entire css into there and then in the top of that you'll see the colors defined in there and you can just override the colors right there where you can say primary is now this color and then and this secondary is this color and then it'll just flow through naturally just like it would i think that's what kind of gives it away a lot isn't it it's like it's part layout gives it away and then colors if people use the colors and that's what they've yeah they recognized that as like critical feedback and they did between four and five they added a lot more colors too the standard ones they added different shades of colors to make it easier to change those people like oh that's bootstrap blue it's like literally out of the box it was like it was if you knew it it was easy exactly but you're looking at it through the eyes of somebody who knows it don't forget too so don't always worry about like that either the person the generally the customer looking at the side they don't understand bootstrap they've never seen a bootstrap site before they're not going to tell you like straight oh that's bootstrap five i've seen that a mile away no they don't and it's it's not a bootstrap site all bootstrap is a css framework that you use to construct your website with i mean you know so if you don't like the nav bar at the top don't use it um you can make a nav bar links without using the navbar um component um if you want nav bars running down the left hand side for like a single page app where you're scrolling up and down there's lots of examples out there how to do that with bootstrap um but it's just built with css and html i mean like there's no magic to this other than um they have a lot of components that you can use you know like that are built in so it's kind of cool um so i think it's somewhere around 80 percent of people are using bootstrap anyway so just embrace it and look at it so that's kind of cool um so sean wants to know i fixed the uh super chat by the way i believe all right cool you're fast we'll see if somebody else super chat says we'll see if it works i think we have a coffee cup kevin do we have one we do i don't have one with me actually but we do um oh i have several here in the office but they say we have internal ones uh we don't have one t-spring at the moment no maybe we'll make one in d-spring we do have the option to boarding okay i believe yeah we'll make one we'll make one for you sean um we had one at one point there was just the straight cf logo on it maybe we'll just make you know what shawn kevin get his information i'll send him a tumblr oh there you go sean uh dm me on discord yeah i'll send you a tumblr sean i mean you know got a job and get the new job start next week um i'll send you a tumblr i think i have some left over still so like you know i think yeah you need a ship from the topic though you know so yeah definitely yeah we had um we do have internal coffee cups in the office but they're branded both quarter foundry and uh you can see seventeen heroes comment it's hilarious see uh saying here this is something we maybe should have this is this is this this is the product suggestion [Laughter] that's maybe maybe the uh the beer stein would be a thing maybe that's just a giant yes exactly um yeah okay let's uh let's go to our next question yeah so as he's his blades are stable and safe uh osaka we kind of talked about this a little bit a big and complex projects six but yeah i think webassembly definitely man i mean like you can build stuff on people you'll see it come out this year people will be building stuff in it so like yeah it's safe it's ready to go um the only thing that was holding it back a lot of ways was just the hot reload which is it's been fixed in most scenarios people argue with me and say it's slow but like anything compiled is slower than anything that's not compiled so you have to understand that so like blazers blazer applications are compiled so hot reload does work in a lot of use cases for it doesn't work for every use case but in general it's it's ready to go and ready for prime time that's what they're saying fully supported by microsoft and um you know it's stable it's safe it's it's cool so i i think you definitely gonna see a lot of people adopt it so patricio it's based on a nasa font but it's not the nasa font because i didn't quite like the nasa font so there is a font out there like a nasa font but i had to i fixed it i made the w and the m different than the font that they use and i i obviously works it'll but it's based on that ours is definitely modified so this is like custom kevin work right here man like it's not just the phone because it didn't it's not just a font yeah right so yeah yeah uh but you do you probably have typed in if you've got nationalization you know then you've typed yeah which i think is your full name yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so yeah it's crazy how c-sharp is using more different areas of development like ar vr and so many others have to say though javascript is similar in that regard yeah it's similar i mean yeah so like you can use react native and build things in javascript um is there a javascript thing for arvr i'm not sure about that there may be i could be wrong but like uh if there is i haven't by far unity is the the king in this arena and it's c-sharp on the back end of that so like if you're gonna be building an ar vr i think professionally or otherwise you're going to be you're going to be writing that most likely in unity could be an unreal engine all of those are going to use c plus or c sharp on the back end javascript is similar that it's used in a lot of use cases um can you write a website with javascript yeah 100 but when you when it absolutely has to be performant you'll see the big companies are adopting server-side languages like c-sharp like java on the back end or you know some like go or rust i will say this in mobile development arena when you're running cross-platform most people are moving away from javascript type build up and if you look at that like google uses go and dart and that's what they're using to build native apps ios has their own language swift and then there's is c-sharp so that's the three big ones and then there's react native which is still javascript front end so i think that um those native apps are gonna be dominated by what i would call more traditional server-side languages so like you know it is true yeah it's true i just don't know how much it's used in all of those arenas so like right you know while it can be done there are people actually doing it where c sharp is actually being used in a lot of these arenas you know so like javascript still to this day is still predominantly on the web and it's not that it's bad it's necessary that you got to learn it um so it's necessary so yep yep um so tesla wants to know how many weeks ago we still talk about the mac here um i want to order one in estimates about four to five weeks yeah so i ordered it the second or the day after they released i should have ordered it the first day because i could have got it much quicker so i ordered it the day after they released and it's gonna be here on like the 15th i think is the guess or 16th somewhere around there so whatever time frame that is it's yeah there's there is a long time frame on these things unfortunately yeah just how it is it's how it is man but yes order one sooner rather than later so come sooner right yeah eventually they might get them into stores or on the website where i guess if you're shipping them um unmodified i think you can get them quicker that's exactly it if you order one of the stock options they have yeah if you order one of the ones that they have literally listed out specked out as they have it you'll get them much quicker i could have got it like i could have got it on release day had i ordered one of the ones that were specced out from their spec but i didn't want their spec i wanted the faster chip but i also i didn't want to spend six grand on you know having the crazy memory and stuff that they had expected so i was like i don't want to do that um i wanted somewhere in the middle and i wanted the you know i wanted to choose my drive size and my memory size and all that stuff on the chip um but that meant that it was a custom build so it just took longer why um so juggernaut says uh so we can use uh bootstrap html css.js and some backend azure if we know the basics why do so many experts pushing using wordpress okay so the experts aren't wrong here what they're talking about is if you're going to build a static website all right and you need a content management system you know then wordpress is predominant like this dominating the the cms market oh yeah so that's that's what they're saying so what do you need to know to do wordpress yeah php and some javascript and html so like that's there isn't that's not bad advice what we're talking about in our world is building applications like wordpress i mean like it's like building instead of using wordpress yeah yeah exactly so i'm building an application then um quickly you outpace what wordpress can do yes you can write your php components and i get all that but it becomes more problematic versus like okay i just need to write i want to use some other tooling when that's where c-sharp and all those things just really really shine when you need to store items in a database you need to build crud functionality you need to do all these kind of things um that's where it shines so there i think they're two different um use cases and two different goals in mind but if you're building a static website wordpress is kind of tough to beat for those kind of things but that's not what we're talking about people definitely build careers on wordpress stuff for sure it is you absolutely it's totally a legit thing it's yeah that's not what we're teaching cody founder but you absolutely can and that's what those experts are talking about um that you can win on wordpress you know will wordpress be around forever it looks like it was someone around for a long time now yeah yeah but you know i mean it's possible but like you know i don't i don't see any talk about that just you know so i haven't heard anything yet about that so it looks like it's gonna be around for a minute there you go john's ordering a tesla that's pretty awesome that's what you should do when you get a new job go buy yourself a tesla like i love it you just didn't be a tumblr now [Laughter] exactly because if you can swing by sean and give us a ride around in your tester that would be awesome test drive yeah that would be great yeah okay one last thing then uh zed shock blade thoughts maui i think it's huge um it's just gonna take them a minute to get there um i do think that uh this is another one of the game changers microsoft's putting out so just i like to think about it i think it's small to hold it windows ios android those four this can do that from just changing the compile target that's that is like holy grail type stuff and there's a community project i can't vouch for it but there's a community project to push it to linux as well so like look at that that is what they're talking about one code base one framework all unified under net six that's what they're talking about it's just gonna they need to make sure it's polished at this point and so that it's ready for prime time i think it's smart to hold it back i think that's smart to hold it back if they released it it wasn't ready like it would just get so much hate um there's no point just hold it back take the time to make sure it's right because this is gonna be game changing this game changer like no no one can do this no one else has this so i'm gonna share a version of this i'm sure flutter will try and the other ones will try but i can tell you that it um when you just read the blogs on it man it is a engineering challenge to make this work on all those different platforms yeah just the controls and rendering the right control and writing the right view and make it look native and all kind of stuff so it's kind of cool i like it i'm excited about it yep so and if you're out there and say flutter already does that that's let me know i'd like to see it so like you know just to just suck it up on it but i think that this is a game changer don't know it's exciting yep hold on just to clarify at this point too juggernaut wants to know um so we can ignore wordpress um yes and no i mean you you can if you don't know with wordpress but yeah so like if you're not gonna build a wordpress career yeah i don't use wordpress i don't know if i ever have i mean so like what i'm saying is if i had to build a business on customizable cmss i would have to really look into wordpress to see if that's where i wanted to go and what i would use i would say that's the predominant one you know but if i'm building a webs web application today i'm not using wordpress to build a web location for sure i'm not doing that right but um i but you know if someone needed a content management system i had to push a bunch of these sites out um you know you gotta pick something you gotta use some you would i would use a cms of some type so i'd be looking at wordpress you know um it's more customizable than say squarespace or wix yeah you know we use it's also called disclosure we use the cms to build i mean you know we're using the cms to build a course site so like those things are because we don't want to build all that functionality but like we also in the days we run it they're like man that's like thinking dude i know we wish we had our full webpage you know some days were like well i wish we'd have built this other days we're like i'm glad we didn't build this yeah because it's fair i mean you know yeah exactly yeah you've got there's pros and cons with everything isn't there so it's like there's pros with the wordpress sites you get a lot of stuff out of the box but there are limitations unless you can extend it with php stuff it's like you know it is definitely it does have limitations that's just the nature of the beast but it's dominant it's dominant and then when you add on gatsby and things like that on top of that that can generate static files out of that it's kind of cool i mean you know it's kind of kind of cool to build websites like that yeah but i think there's just two different things there's a web application that's what we're talking about and then there's websites um like your restaurant or you know your your comp site for your customer marketing site that's a lot of that's done with wordpress yep anyway i hope that helps let's uh let's wrap it up let's go grab some tacos go watch some dot-net stuff that's what i'm gonna do um get it let's let's all focus on getting a job this year and if we can be your teacher your coach or mentor we would love to help you out here at coder foundry if not go to unity go to university go do something else jump in with both feet learn how to code this year and hopefully with our shameless plug there hey man come to cudah we'd love to help you out but if we can't and we're not the right school for you that's okay um we're still gonna be friends and we want you to succeed in this new um shift that's going on this year so check it out all right good luck guys keep coding we'll see you on thursday see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 3,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, software developer career, web development, web dev, web developer, portfolio review, web developer portfolio, portfolio, coder portfolio, programmer portfolio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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