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Where are you now? Today we are in Jerusalem, a city we were dying to visit…and here we are. We are walking the Via Dolorosa which the path that Jesus took on the way to his crucifixion. It says over there that this was Barabbas’ cell. It’s so easy to get lost in here that after the Seventh station we ended up in the last one. We made it to the Holy Sepulchre. All right, we are on our way to the Old city from our hotel The hotel has a great location since it’s only about 12 minutes away. Everything that there is to do and see is located in this area. There are 7 gates around the Old City and we are headed to the Lions’ Gate. That’s because it’s a walled city. The Old city is divided into four quarters: Christian Quarter, Jewish Quarter, Muslim Quarter and Armenian Quarter I read that people come to Israel to study music and art. That’s completely new to me. I would’ve never associated Jerusalem with music. That’s the third public piano we see on this street. All right, check it out. This is the Old City, walled like we mentioned. We are by the New Gate. We know about the Damascus Gate which is famous. The Lions’ Gate. Zion Gate So the idea is to start here and make our way back through the street. We’ve just arrived from Turkey and we are very familiarize with the Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent. He built this mosque that you we seeing here. Well, it turns out that he built these walls as well! I’m like wow! The power and reach of the Ottoman Empire was incredible. Do you like the video? Give us a thumbs up!! Jews use it (kippah) to remember that God is above all. This seems to have many commercial streets, but it’s not chaotic like when people are pushing you to buy their merchandize. Why are they singing like in procession? We are walking the Via Dolorosa which the path that Jesus took on the way to his crucifixion. And let me tell you that the walk from the Jaffa Gate to here is looong. I’m feeling tired and we are only about to start the Via Crucis. There is smells around here….like church smell. They are burning incense. And that reminds me of my childhood. Exactly! Memories of the Holy Week. Sunday Palm Sunday So the Lions’ Gate, that’s where the Via Crucis begins. You can follow the path, the walls will have the stations written on them. So you can literally take Jesus’ last steps. All right, so for those interested in religious tourism you can join a guided tour. If you come by yourself you wouldn’t know what you are doing, unless you have an audio tour with you like we have. So that’s why we knew that, for example, the first station is there: Jesus is condemned to death. Here he is made to change his clothes. And here the crown of thorns was placed on his head. And started walking down that way. Second station: Jesus is made to bear his cross. It’s closed. We took too long. What we see now-a-days are reconstructions. This buildings/churches were built in the 1900s and carry inscriptions of the stations, so you know it happened here. Jesus’ prison We have entered Jesus’ prison, we spent one night here while the crowd was choosing Barabbas to be released instead of him. It says over there that this was Barabbas’ cell. And it is located two levels bellow Jesus’ cell. All small alleys have history and with the audioguide we know exactly where we are. But it’s easy to get lost as well. It’s really big. The Via Crucis started in the Muslim Quarter. They look like empanadas. And cheese! And the good thing is that if you get hungry there are plenty of places to eat, drink juices. Andrea always worrying about her snacks LOL I was waiting for her to tell me the story of Herod and King David, but no. She is telling me the story of where to eat LOL Damascus Gate Here you can literally say “Empezó Cristo a padecer”=Christ began to suffer (Spanish saying for something that is tiring) How did Jesus withstand this heat, OMG. It’s April and it’s really hot. I don’t want to imagine the Summer. Third Station: Jesus falls the first time. Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother. Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross. Sixth Station: Veronica wipes Jesus’ face. It’s crowded! It’s so easy to get lost in here that after the Seventh station we ended up in the last one. We made it to the Holy Sepulchre. The Fourteenth Station, through a small alley and we made it. Sad, cuz I wanted to visit all of them. Do you want to know why is this door closed? We will tell you on our way out. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments. So it is believed that Jesus rested here after being taken down from the cross and was prepared for the sepulchre. People touch the rock and rub it with a piece of cloth or whatever they have to absorb its energy. Look how incredible this place is. Behind you can see Jesus’ tomb. This is the line to enter. Ouch! It’s too long and we don’t have time, so probably we’ll come back tomorrow. For example, it says that if you look closely you can where the cross was placed and the crack on the rock product of the earthquake that it’s believed happened at the time of Jesus’ death. After a two hour wait to see the crack…. I told him I don’t like lines, he made me do it anyway, and I couldn’t see anything. It's a black hole. You can see a crack but next to a black hole, no need for a line. There is literally a black whole and an image of Jesus next to it. There. You can see it from here. So, all you just saw is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Now the story about the closed door. I don’t remember exactly so you can go ahead. A Sultan named Saladino once said that, in the future, Jerusalem wouldn’t need a second door because the Christian population would be very small. And he wasn’t mistaken. The population here is mostly Jewish and Muslim. Christian are only about 5%. Christians that come here are mostly pilgrims. One curiosity: This thing here is in case of a bomb, you open it and throw it in there. Now harm caused. Do you like the video? Give us a thumbs up!! We are in Church of St. Mark. Here the mass is given in Aramaic, language of Jesus. Also the Last Supper took place in here. We are lost. And we are hungry. For a cheap meal, since we haven’t mentioned about how expensive Israel is in general Including food. This place is called cofix. Recommended. For an average of 2 USD. Pasta for a dollar and a half. Thank you for watching! Did you like the video? SUBSCRIBE….and travel with us :) Find us on Instagram……….and don’t miss our daily adventures. Andrea is complaining that it’s too hot and she’s thirsty and I told her: Do you think Jesus was given water? LOL You are in the Via Dolorosa. So get yourself together, otherwise a sponge dipped in vinegar will be given to you. This is the Jewish Quarter, looks like. It looks like the Gran Bazar in Istanbul. Yeah! It even has a roof. We were trying you find the Lions’ Gate and ended up the in The Wailing Wall. Andrea was saying that we HAVE to go in so….we have to go in. She is the boss :) SUBSCRIBE !!
Channel: ¿Y Hoy Dónde Estás?
Views: 1,323,183
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Keywords: que hacer jerusalen, tour por jerusalen, como es jerusalen, santo sepulcro jerusalen, que hacer en israel, monte de los olivos, semana santa jerusalen, La Vía Dolorosa y el Santo Sepulcro en Jerusalén, Basílica del Santo Sepulcro Jerusalén, santo sepulcro jesus, santo cepulcro, chalom, profeta, cristianos, tierra santa, belen, velen, cuarezma, que ver jerusalem, nuestro señor, jesuscristo, viacrusis, salvador, dios, misericordioso, redentor, rey de reyes, viacrucis, Jueves santo, resurrexion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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