VISITING BUGATTI! Chiron Factory Tour and Test Drive

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hi guys I'm Shmi hello to you and welcome back to the channel where today you join me for a visit of one of the most iconic venues from the automotive world behind me is the famous château sands on the home of Bugatti today we're going to take in an experience of everything this fantastic manufacturer has to offer I'm going to be jumping into that very bugatti chiron behind me for a test drive with Andy Wallace we'll be able to take a look around at the facility starting where the customer journey begins in Remy stood where they would come to spec their future vehicle and then head over to the Atelier the assembly plants where cars like this are built we can also take in some of the history and enjoy the experience of everything here at Bugatti let's get started with a quick rewind so a tour a Bugatti founded the company over a century ago in 1909 here in Mulsanne it's now part of France but at the time this was in Germany and then in the mid 1920s the company moved to be based right here at the traditional Chateau built in 1857 which is now the main customer reception downstairs with offices above either side of the chateau it's flanked by the stables to this side you have the Remy's hood with the room where you can see different options and the configurator that will experiment with later on on the other side of the chateau you have the Remy's nord which now houses the museum and some pieces from Bugattis history we're of course in the driveway joined by this fantastic example of the bugatti chiron but you would arrive here through the traditional gates at the very front of the facility with the assembly plants at the Atelier towards the rear but let's take a quick walk around of this very car the bugatti chiron which no doubt needs very little by way of an introduction we'll be jumping on board for a ride experience with Andy Wallace very shortly and then swapping seats for me to take the wheel to discover what this car is like this particular example is finished in full exposed carbon fibre it has a dark tint but you can see the exposed pattern throughout the entire car with the contrasting interior to go with that and of course the car it's powered by an eight liter quad turbo w16 that makes 1500 horsepower and 1600 Newton meters of torque and the car itself is limited electronically limited to a top speed of 420 km/h now the Chiron is soon to be joined in Bugattis line up by the Devo but really this journey for the modern day company started with the Veyron in the early noughties a car that was the pinnacle of engineering in every possible way with its achievements its capabilities its performance but also its reliability in the way it went about things the sheer on then superseded the Veyron and took the game on to another level as I'm going to be exploring and discovering later on but as you can probably tell it is winter here it is rather chilly so let's find Andy to learn a little bit more and to take this car out for a drive I am joined now then by the legend that is mr. Andy Wallace how are you doing great thank you very much if a little cold that is certainly for sure now I believe that Andy has one of the very best jobs in the world well as a car-free yes I do very fortunate we have to drive this car pretty much every day and you spend a lot of time taking customers out for drives part of the experience right yeah and it's basically getting the customer to be comfortable in the car you know it can be a little bit intimidating driving something with this much power but after five minutes you realize actually it's a pussycat I'm getting to discover this is one other thing I mean I know some of the headline figures of course 1500 horsepower but this car mixes so many different characteristics together yeah it's easy to forget that actually underneath all that it's a luxury car but it just happens to be incredibly fast yeah so 1500 horsepower what are some of the acceleration figures all I always think the zero hundred is is really an almost no relevant measurement these days these cars are so far so zero 206 seconds flat zero 300 13.1 these are crazy numbers 13.1 seconds for this car to accelerate all the way to 300 km/h 186 miles per hour well I'm not necessarily sure we'll be doing that today we're not on the German autobahns but should we jump in take a seat here they hear the noise of the car starting up yeah let's do that it's wrong that's that's quite an attraction at this very moment this very stealthy in terms of its visual appearance we'll take more of a look at the interior shortly but let's listen to the quad turbo w16 coming into life at the back here behind the exhaust rear brake lights the iconic c-shape surrounds the door let's open it up take a step inside as I only suggested to get just a touch warmer this is certainly are very very welcome much nice it already wow this is quite an interior and shortly the heated seat we're warming up nicely too that sounds very very nice at this moment and it's one of the things isn't it as you were saying you have those performance numbers but then you just take a look around here at the the quality of the finish the materials everything you can see everything you can touch is quality as you say and it's also very uncluttered there's not really much to distract you from the job of actually driving the car and one of my favorite features is the speedometer which goes all the way if I can just show this to 500 kilometers per hour which is quite a nice fun touch so should we head on out then let's do as we head out we get our first look at the rest of the venue and I believe this is the Orangery it is and this is actually in the building it was built by mr. Bugatti back in the day it was a crazy foodie and so he wanted everything to be perfect and then in front of us is the Atelier this is a famous venue that I've never been to at this point we're very excited to see it in many many images and inside are the works of part of Bugatti create as we depart that mean you'll notice on the right-hand display here the tire pressures and temperatures which are currently all showing about four degrees more point five degrees outside but I believe it's quite important to get those slightly warmed up while the happy numbers 25 Celsius if you've reached that level even in first year you are a hundred percent traction with Roseman and I don't think we're gonna get there today very quickly no I mean it's obviously important certainly with this much power to have all of that prepared but it's just so smooth I mean driving normally gently like this it's comfortable the ride is good quality just asleep going along with that grunt wall behind some switches of the turbos and get to look around through its massive gear leaver beneath these lovely toggles and see it well just taking it all in the light bar it continues around the inside to match the design of the exterior and that view through the rear for the engine bay Wow it's a lovely place to be isn't it I see now they say see what we like that's just priam first Keihin see where we've almost got enough acceleration is phenomenal okay so now we're up to 23 the rear tires 22 in the front sounds about perfect that should be sufficient I think you get the reversing camera up on that screen as well so in a second it's going to be my opportunity to take the wheel of this rather special card also when you're parked up you get two different pressure readings yeah so obviously the quoted pressure is always the cold pressure but of course that's in an ideal well so we've been for a drive so if you were going to pump the tires up now you would need to pump them to the blue number okay and then when they cool down they would be at the correct glory clever yeah it's very clever it's simple I suppose but it's very clever so it doesn't matter when you pop the tires up they'll always be right fantastic well then let's say the swapper out that's experience what this car is like to drive Wow it really is what a spaceship isn't it is something completely different and we now also have it by the way or with the wing up as well just so you can see how that works for cooling that comes out from within the exhaust system or back here but obviously such a hot engine so this is the wing pops up to allow air to come out right here so for stealing calling position that will stay like that until the engine bay goes down below 45 okay it's 400 seconds okay okay [Music] the driving mode selector on the steering wheel actually see the road bike change okay so the right height changes the wing move positions as well and that prepares itself for fast driving which is the Henrico to get more seats before okay so handling mode a bit more downforce the wing pivots slightly further forward okay then well I'm getting very cold very quickly should we jump back in the car here we are then taking a step inside the driving seat of took the gassy share on here we are so driving modes we're back in the normal Bugatti mode that's the original starting mode yep I'm essentially that's an automatic mode at the same time - so okay it'll actually change with speed okay so into gear gearbox engages and away we go it's very gentle isn't it it's super smooth pulling away and thoughtless is the way to describe this car yeah you just feel the quality don't you even this me it's it's so easy it's not intimidating it's not scary it doesn't feel doesn't make it nervous in terms of the size in any situation just long very happily the immediate first sensation is it's almost one of of how Invitational the car is to you how it's not a daunting prospect that's just driving gently of course probably less than 1% of what the car is capable of it might be strange to say this but I actually think one of the oddest sensations is that you can easily forget driving like this just a normal traffic what's you're actually piloting it is so normal but in a different way yes interesting you say that because that's what after why I say to people yeah the car especially if you have a nice conversation you can't really forget your inner like the car and yet to everyone else around they see it it's so distinctive its appearance and dramatically different from anything else while the talk it's you doesn't spit the drops down again but noises as well when you lift off the Porsches and swishes that you have all around to you you can actually just lose yourself in the whole vacation discussion what a nice try now we can of course manually downshift gear second gear speed in some of the power it's amazing held lightly you can press the throttle pedal yet the car just propels itself with an ease that honestly there's nothing else that drives like a Bugatti as though it's it's some one of a kind example you know you've got enough tire temperature to would plant walking here in what situation now you can squeeze the throttle they're waiting there are lots of matches just be short-shifting G to the earth unexpected sensation of the car's propulsion I just have to get a small field Wow [Music] the thing is even that's probably not even 50% it just fits so much quicker than anything else I should probably add at this point that this car has done twenty seven and a half thousand kilometers how do we pop up a little system so it's anti-clockwise on that switch and then let go like that so it rotates himself back and the new system goes up over the speed bump we control back on for the open roads back on the left in the conduits they say back in normal drive mode what he was just saying which i think is completely brightest in the car you necessarily need it to be a smooth road that controls the gearbox you can just either go manual of the paddles on your own ice road like this and keep their driver car seats and though exactly what you want it to do yes the gay box reacts very quickly in tribal dogs we'll drive early around the corner smoke much power out of the corner one of the things about the karma is it's just some fast you can't even begin that to get into the realms of using it up it bodes well I suppose you have to pick your spot don't you yes but he he copes well with any situation and then there's always a nice clear piece of road you can actually get this right and fall down yeah not for very long obviously no but in any gear the amount of torque available just just pulls it away even now we're in 7th gear just gentle press drop it down some more itself what would you say is your favorite thing about the bugatti chiron that's some interesting questions they're mine I suppose it it depends in some way what kind of mood you're in that feeling of intense acceleration is something I've never experienced before in my life in anything I've ever driven so I'm the right day on the right piece of road that accelerations almost addictive gets them but then that's you know there's just any one very small part of mie I think I like that sounds like I'm an old man of something but I like the ease of driving to be honest it is it's a real pleasure to drive in any situation whereas some of the other quicker cars are fun testing fun when you're really pushing and then less so when you when you slow down to normal speed this is just a pleasure which doesn't sound very exciting but I find no but it is one of the overwhelming sensations is that just cruising through these peaceful French villages small towns automatically driving in a normal civilized way as we said in the car that feels just like a normal almost everyday vehicle as opposed to the hyper car that it is even L what is this car on the brakes it doesn't pitch either it stays completely flat absolutely right and then when the air brake triggers so about 180 yeah then that the way that actually keeps the car flat is even more ok so so we say let's say from 400 kilometers an hour yet maintain it pretty much eliminates any of that weight transfer that yeah will you feel okay liftoff swoosh it's it's beautiful whatever if you just played with no it's yeah it's a lovely sound speed a touch it's so much orbit what was interesting there when you accelerate is you can tell it's just past roughly yeah but it's just relentlessly pushing you forward yep and it never in ever eases off continues delivering in the same range consistently to get a real feel finish that so first gear crawling along let's give it some throttle and electrode minutes it makes up smoke greatly just quickly yes that it definitely does some attest that put it into effect yeah the same maybe for for this one I can't call their way up the booze yes hold the throttle on the throttle way you feel that yeah he's coming and everything amazing how you feel that how you feel it to the breakthrough and now the other character entirely just gently cruising down the highway calm relaxed what same car it's very very calm so loudly it's not noise inside these almost isn't intrusive [Music] they always advise me actually a little time [Music] yeah so here we are then back at base thank you ever so much for this opportunity Feeny pleasure every chance driving a share on it's just something I don't know how to describe it it's just so so monumentally special but we're back now to continue the visit today we got the sad moment then of switching the car off so you get the Bugatti logo to the left the ettore bugatti's signature to the right let's now climb on out to continue the next parts of today's adventure and visit but this car has been really quite something to experience you just look at the view the center line that runs over the roof all the way towards the rear including the wing lots of openings of course for cooling wherever possible it's magnificent with the Cheryl now lurking just outside let's have a run-through of the customer experience to come here to Mall time to visit Bugatti so from where it starts to specking up a car to ultimately seeing them being built now a pod arrival the customer would be greeted by their host and taken to the reception room over in the main house then the next stop is to come to the room that I am currently exploring in what's called Remy's suits now this is where prospective or confirmed customers come to look at options to build their specification for a Sharon or a vivo now they would be greeted here upon arrival by a designer who could show them through all of the different samples some of which we can explore right now so here we've got different shades of paint just a few of them some tinted options for the carbon fiber you can have the exposed carbon in red and green and purple in blue we have some leathers for the interior some stitching examples if we come through you can have just about any paint color that you can imagine quite literally you could have a metallic a pearlescent a satin finish you can have complete exposed carbon fiber again in glossy finish or in satin finish all of the different paint color samples different threads there's the brake caliper and there are plenty of objects around to look at how those will come across on the car in clue back there some expose will looks like teal tinted carbon fiber different wheels as well and even some of the special sets that you can see how they come together the Rembrandt Bugatti example we've got just in they're all very very nice as you can imagine from there they would then come through to this side with a gigantic screen for the configurator to truly build up a unique spec as well in here a quick shout out to the furniture made itself from exposed carbon fiber and just have a look at this seating area with the sofa and chairs with the EB logo at the side all very very nice a lovely lounge to be presented with also featuring the engine from the car which is huge it's incredible to think that that actually fits inside the car itself when you look at how large and how tall it is around about 700 kilos or so just for that assembly for the powertrain to get all of that horsepower out of one single power plant very very impressive so coming over here you would be joined for a meal for example while being able to look through the options some of which are presented here for us to see so your choice of color your choice of carbon fiber some of your other materials and finish and then on this tablet as well when we log into it you can see that you can actually build up the car so you can change the different view if we just scroll through these I think there are a number of different ways and that then comes up onto the main screen if we just go back to the front you can then load up some of the configuration options where here you can see for example the exterior colors you have the option of a mono color scheme or a Giro color scheme you can select different carbon fibers so for example we could set the a color to be blue visual carbon fiber the B color to be should we go something completely different let's go Matt a lighter color that works almost in a way doesn't it so you can literally go through this and completely configure it all even in the horse-shoe you can have polished aluminium or have it painted should you prefer and again every different option can all be loaded up in here including different views and all sorts that you can have for the car so this is I suppose quite close to the traditional spec for the car I didn't save my configuration just then but an ability to go through everything and all to be seen on the gigantic screen should you wish so Ulsan here you can see some of the models of the cars some of the accessories some of the other parts around even here one of the exhaust systems as well you can go through it all here is the box for the Chiron if we just open this up and have a look inside this is what you would get with your key it also has the speed key so if you want to go to the electronic limiter to unleash it above 380 to go to 420 you'd need to have the speed key installed in the car so this comes in a beautifully stitched box as well to match the specification on the interior of the car and all of the drawers as you can imagine filled with different samples different things that you can see to help with that experience but now that we've seen where it would begin let's head over to see the cars actually being put together this is where it all happens I've come over to the Atelier the assembly plant where each and every Bugatti model is put together to become a final completed vehicle so the likes of all 450 Veyrons the sharon's that have been built so far and in future the divos as well so let's take a look around this immaculate environment in which it all happens starting up here with a number of cars in various different stages of completion so you can see on this car for example which is mechanically just about complete but missing the visuals of the exterior bodywork and of course the interior which is one of the last things that gets completed on a car only keeping the seat the steering wheel the components that are needed to move it around the factory but you can see all the way from the carbon fiber through to the packaging operation at the rear so for example to squeeze the sheer scale of that engine and all of the components that are required is clearly quite an engineering task that they have to go through to make all of that possible and then you have a number of customer cars ready to head on out which basically aren't kept here as soon as the car is finished after it's two months or so it heads straight out for delivery wherever in the world that may be now there are nine stages through which the cars are built an additional four stages over on this side for the paintwork and the dyno testing but three main stages so let's come straight through and have a look right here one of the most important and significant parts of automotive manufacturer the moment of engine marriage so you have the early carbon fibre chassis here stiff lightweight with its wiring loom installed and then behind it the engine mounted to the 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox which using the contraption the machines on the floor will literally marry together and become one unit if we continue down a few more stages where different things happen and you have these trolleys or chariots that bring the components ready to be installed and before they even get here they go through scrupulous testing to make sure that everything is absolutely precise and perfect so for example here some of the interior parts and another trolley just over here with some of the exterior final visual carbon-fiber so up on the top you can actually see the diffuser and the underbody you've got the wing that you have just here the bonnet panel all of those arriving just in time to then be fitted to the car before they go through testing and various other different stages so for example right here a car that is just about finished with the exception of the interior that is waiting for the full interior fitment to be done which happens right here at the very end of the line but what a location to be able to to look at to explore to see do you have the 13 stages in total including the ones just off to this side so you can see alignments and things through the back is the rolling road I know that had to be built specifically the only one in the world to be able to handle the power of the Bugattis for 1500 horsepower the weight of the cars and the way it's delivering the torque and then they come for paint word inspections and checks with the bright lights that would be turned on around the car here and behind Freddy's head on out for delivery but each and every car actually gets protected to go out and do a road test they all go to an airfield every car gets driven to 350 kilometres per hour before they then are dispatched from here and then one thing I particularly like have a look at this models of each of the Bugatti Veyron coupe a is the original 300 coupe A's in their respective color schemes that were ordered a very very nice touch to be kept here at the factory so this is where it happens this is where the cars are assembled and created and wow what a special place to be able to see beyond at the back is the logistics center where all of the parts actually arrive to be organized ready to go on to the cars and then from here you can see where they will come out be loaded up and taken on from there from the new to the old let's take a look at some of the history behind Bugatti and where it came from here in Remy's Nord where we have a number of the different cars from more recent past but also going significantly further back so this will give us an insight into where Bugatti came from what Ettore Bugatti was doing with his son John Bugatti as well for example we have the likes of the t25 a lightweight originally Road car that went on to race and dominated racing at the time in fact winning over 1,000 different races so those were from the mid 20s in the late 20s you had the likes of this the Royale only six were built it is a ginormous car but mixes luxury with status and you're presumably also familiar with the Bugatti Atlantic one of the most beautiful cars in the world so they mixed that sporty status and elegant configuration in the future to then go forward and this was the concept the eb 16.4 concept for the Veyron at the time when Volkswagens ownership came in the intention was to create a car with a thousand horsepower that could do naught to 100 kilometers an hour and two and a half seconds could go to a top speed of 400 km/h in total but still be driven to the Opera so this was the concept alongside it here we have a pre-production of the Veyron 16.4 with 1,001 horsepower and meeting the various different objectives and really becoming that car that is completely its own it went through a number of different variations along the way for example the Grand Sport came with a removable Targa roof then there was the Super Sport with 1200 horsepower and then the Super Sport or the Grand Sport Vitesse that mix the two together and in this case the WRC standing for world-record convertible the fastest convertible in the world at the time and really the veyron was an icon for over a decade for ten years it was the pinnacle of hypercars the fastest the most expensive as well when it launched in fact even back at the time the Royal was four times the price of a Rolls Royce it was really a car intended to be sent sold to Royal Family's to have that kind of prestige but to talk a little more about Ettore Bugatti himself he came from a family of artists his father was an architect and his brother Rembrandt was a sculptor and in fact if we come on through just to take a look here at the nose of the royal the elephant symbol that's worn there at the very top was based on one of Rembrandt Bugattis sculptures itself there's also been a more recent tribute to Rembrandt so when they were nearing completion of the final Bugatti Veyrons they introduced six special legend editions each indistinct liveries based on this the Grand Sport Vitesse one of which with exposed brown carbon fiber and some other painted brown accents was named the Rembrandt Bugatti as a tribute but to think more about a touré he was really a forward thinker so for example here is one of the original work benches that's emblazoned with the bugatti logo something that wasn't really commonplace back at the time and another thing that he introduced that was really revolutionary so when the t35 s were being raced he was the first to present customers with the opportunity to attend in a hospitality suite that not only made them more part of the brand but it also gave more exposure for Bugatti with the branding at different racing events it is of course very interesting how they went from cars like this cars like the Royal and the Atlantic through to the cars that we have now via the EB 110 along the way again another part of the history in the 80s and the 90s EB 110 models before the presentation of that in 1999 but also just to look around at the room here a collection of some parts that we can see so for example up here you have the front bumper from the black Bess one of the other six Legend editions and also that's quite a distinctive part the fender of the law Blanc painted with that very very unique color scheme Bugatti introduced a short while ago so yes a very nice little collection of cars in yeah but let's head on back outside back outside then where it's getting late towards the end of the day but what a day it has been today to visit Mall time to see Bugatti to experience the Chiron to go out for a drive in it with Andy Wallace but to also see more of the story behind the French manufacturer to see the cars being assembled to get a feel for what it's like to come here as a customer to be part of it but really and truly what a car this is and in the light we have now does it not look just incredibly stealthy the black effect of the dark carbon fiber with the black wheels as well also the black brake calipers but then that ignition of color coming from the inside you just walk around this car though and have to appreciate the engineering marvel that it is from seeing them bare-bones without the body panels installed so realizing that it is basically the smallest package that it can actually be over the top of that in its entirety yet so many details for example we saw the diffuser earlier how far underneath the back of the car it goes how many of these parts are to do with air flow and air management around the car the exposure of the top of the engine you can see at the back with 1,500 to represent the horsepower and the w16 just to remind us that this car has 16 cylinders tucked away back there but also these shapes for example this dividing line changes air flow in terms of going to different radiators you can see the sheer scale of the cooling required for the radiators they're actually sitting back there inside then you open the door and you see this interior the color of it in this car in particular but with lovely touches like the share on embroidery there on the central tunnel the stall small stowage area you have underneath those Center controls but also just the finish of everything everything that you look at and can touch is all the very highest of quality mixing those luxury elements along with the sporty capabilities and the performance numbers that nothing else can do to match the likes of a Bugatti in particular the Chiron so the Devo will hopefully have a better look at in not-too-distant future but look at that look at those headlights before on each side the way they are illuminated it's a masterpiece this car and lovely place to come today to see with my own eyes the Chateau Sichel the home of Bugatti so what a legacy a Tory has built I'm sure they have a lot more to come in the future but thank you very much for joining me today on this visit a big thanks to Bugatti for the opportunity to do so but that's it for this time guys I'll see you again very soon Cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 592,386
Rating: 4.8553176 out of 5
Keywords: Bugatti, Chiron, Factory, Atelier, Assembley, Plant, Build, Building, Home, HQ, Spec, Specification, Test Drive, Test, Testing, Visit, Visiting, Explore, Review, Andy Wallace, Onboard, Experience, Epic, Mega, Adventure, Exclusive, Rare, Special, Expensive, Opportunity, Ettore Bugatti, Royale, T35, Vitesse WRC, Veyron, Bugatti Chiron, Bugatti Factory, Inside, Look, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: 4yLrCKcAufI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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