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We have cucumber flavored Lays, grilled squid. This is extremely strange. They sell turtles. Oh my gosh my friends, few things are weirder than taking a stroll walk through a supermarket in China. (Music) Hello friends! One more day in China, one more day trying to be part of this beautiful country and today in one more attempt to continue to understand it, we will go and see what a supermarket in this part of the world looks like. Crossing a street in China is very difficult, even though I have the green pedestrian crossing, look at that, the motorcycles are just passing like that, look here comes another one...I pass because I want to. I think that motorcycles and bicycles here are completely exempted from road traffic. In China, from what I've noticed, pedestrians are all the way down the priority chart. Now let's get started. Since I arrived I've been seeing right across the street from my hotel this supermarket that is called the Century Mart. I've never been inside, this is going to be the first time that I'm going to have contact with an authentic, 100% Chinese supermarket. And needless to say, I'm really looking forward to seeing what crazy stuff we'll find in there. By the way, I think it's important to show you the places surrounding the supermarket. Here we have a Starbucks. They are a little bit different from this side of the world. And later in some video I'll tell you how the American franchises are in Asia, what they've become, it's really, really interesting. Over here we have a place of only wong tongs, and this one here is a place that looks extremely unusual, it's kind of like a store that sells only duck parts. So they sell you duck legs, the neck of the duck, the head of the duck, the whole duck hanging like this. Same, after in another video we'll go into full detail of the things that they sell in these kinds of stores. Duck stores. Duckery stores, I have chosen to call them that. Well, nothing more to add. Let's go into the Chinese supermarket. Let's start with the carts. Quite conventional, they don't really have a strange system of accommodation Here in the entrance like at any supermarket, we have the the specials of the week, the entrance is plastic. Let's start with the fruit and vegetable section. Unlike the supermarkets in Japan, in China I can see that there is an immense variety of fruits, really in Japan you find very, very few and it costs a lot, the prices are extremely high. Here for what I see is quite reasonable, they sell us for example 500 grams of apple for 5 yuan. As a reference for the rest of this video, one yuan is about 3 mexican pesos, 1 yuan is 15 cents of the dollar, 15 cents of euro, approximate amounts so that you can just multiply it and I don't have to be transforming each amount that I say. We have for example oranges at 7.50 per 500 grams, these white pears, albino pears we'll call them at 2 yuan with 50 for 500 grams, pineapple at 2 yuan with 50, quite, quite affordable in my opinion. Look, this here is extremely rare, it's like old tangerines, it's like a typical Asian old man who is very wise. This one I imagine is like an Asian tangerine, old, wrinkled, full of wisdom. She gives advice to the young tangerine. - Thanks for the advice grandpa, you are the best. Enough fruit, let's go now with the products in refrigeration. We have juice, grape, orange, grapefruit concentrates. Pretty normal, pretty conventional. Look at this, Yakult, apparently it's a big hit, the bottles are twice the size of the ones that are sold in America, pretty wide, pretty prominent. This here is very funny, I had already mentioned to you in a previous video that the Asians especially here in China, love to flag everything and this here just proves it. Eating from a stick is the hit, they love it here, they're fascinated by it. And if we're talking about microwave food, apparently these stuffed rolls are the most common thing. I've seen them served to you in a lot of places, stuffed with anything you can imagine, egg, fish, meat, vegetables. And seeing how much variety there is of these breads, there's no doubt they love them, they are fascinated by them. We arrived to the butcher part. Wow, frozen pork feet. I know this is not uncommon, in fact in many parts of America also sell it, but I don't know, it's a little scary to see the sliced leg like that. Around here, wooow, the whole ducks are frozen. Their little legs feels really weird, look at this one here it looks really weird, its whole face, its neck, completely flattened. You have to summarize, I'm really not used to seeing a duck sold this way, and apart so wholesale. In America usually when you order duck somewhere it's expensive, it's an expensive meal. Here I think it's the most common, the most conventional thing there is. This here, I don't know what it is and I'd like to be able to ask this man here what it is, what it's all about but there's no way to communicate. Woah, this is extremely strange, they sell turtles. Wow, this as someone from the west, I find extremely strange, extremely unusual. For us all turtles are very, very well taken care of. Eating a turtle is forbidden, super frowned upon and here they sell them to you as if nothing. In fact a price that's not expensive at all. Aye, that part I don't know if I liked it very much. This right here as well I find it super weird that it's in a regular supermarket. You can pick your own fish. straight from the tank, these ones here are even are labeled and still alive. Too many fish that you can choose, more possibly living things that you can choose to put directly into your table. This area seemed very, very strange to me. We've concluded with the entire first floor of the supermarket, we still have a whole floor full of craziness, full of discoveries. Oh yeah, oh how delicious life is, possibly my favorite section in the entire supermarket, all over the world. The candy section. We have papaya jelly, papayon made jelly. What is this right here? Milky soda, like a milky soft drink, this of course I have to take it, it must taste super, super weird. And, possibly the best known Asian sweet all over the world. Pocky sticks. I'm telling you Asians love to eat everything on a stick, even their sweets and there's a lot of variety, lots and lots of delicious flavors. These ones here are green tea, matcha. This here I don't know what it's, like custard or something like that, I guess. Blue delicious berries, different green tea as more milky, pizza, chocolate, seaweed, wow, how weird. This one is mango mousse, of milk, milk flavor. Flan flavored sticks! This Asian woman looks like she really enjoys them. The most common strawberry, chocolate. Tiramisu, wow, what the hell. Red wine with chocolate. Crazy, I want that. take several of these flavors, I want to taste them all. Oreos are apparently also quite popular. We have different types of filling, this one is like raspberry with blueberry, peach with green grape, this one is like a pastry filling, like meringue. A complete party. Filled with tiramisu, apparently tiramisu is very popular here, it's a flavor that I've seen in a lot of things, and this one from here, I mean I don't understand, but I'm gonna say that it's like mint or green tea, more possibly green tea. Yummy. The Chinese are fanatical about sweets, they are already my allies, I am liking this country more and more and if you thought you had seen crazy fries flavors, clearly you have never come to China. We have Lays. Cucumber flavor, something like ground beef flavor, wow steak flavor, pork flavor, squid flavor grilled, rotisserie chicken flavor Cheetos. It is possible my friends that in your countries at some point, the have banned these jellies that you squeeze and they go whole in your mouth, because many children were choking to death on these packaged delicacies. In China clearly that's not the case, in China they are crazy about these jellies. This here fascinates me, the way they write coca-cola, it's the same logo but written in mandarin, it fascinates me. This is Sprite, this is fanta, Sprite with some epic warrior. I find very interesting the engravings that we have, the logos of the brands that although they are written in a completely different language, we can know what kind of soft drink, what kind of product it is. Instant soups, aisles fulled of them. And I think everything else is very repetitive. This concludes our walk through the Chinese supermarket. I think the thing that I'm most curious to try is the milky soda, I can't imagine what it's going to taste like, what it's going to be like. Let's proceed to taste it. It smells quite like yakult. Wow, the taste is just majestic, I never thought I would say this in my life, I like milk soda. Small things that one discovers about yourself, for the first time in your life. That's why it's never a good thing to stop trying new things, to say I'm fine now, always try to try something new on every trip, on every ride that you do. And well my friends with this we conclude this video, with this concludes this journey through a Chinese supermarket. I really find it fascinating to learn how they do their shopping in a completely different culture, how they feed themselves, what grows the most here, what sells the most. I think it is a very important aspect, a very useful aspect if you want to know more in detail the lifestyle of a country. Thank you very much for joining me in one more Asian adventure, I really hope you liked it, that you enjoyed it and I'll see you in a few days with a new video. Bye bye pipollo that makes asian purchases. [Music]
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, china, super, supermercado, mercado, tienda, tiendas, walmart, oxxo, market, supermarket, store, compras, productos, tortugas, tortuga, pescado, peces, peceras, dulces, poky, papas, sabritas, lays, coca, coca cola, China, asia, chinas, chinos, chyna, chaina, japon, japan, tag, tag del supermercado, reto, challenge, vamos al supermercado, cosas raras, raro, weird, extraño, extrañas, viaje, travel, trip
Id: XvrngnRhOis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2017
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