Visiting a Local Lavender Farm & Making Lavender Wreaths With My Mom! πŸ’œπŸŒΏπŸ₯°// Garden Answer

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hey guys good morning so today's project is a fun one i'm heading down to the garden center to pick up my mom and then we're heading out to a local lavender farm to gather up a bunch of lavender to then come back and make wreaths thought you guys might enjoy seeing this whole process i've actually never been to this lavender farm although the gal who runs it is a super great customer at the garden center and we've known her for a really long time so it should be a really really fun day i want to show you what i'm taking i really don't even know what to take exactly but i'm thinking this will work i've got a couple of kneeling pads and our falcos here i've also got this is a leaf tarp from dewitt it unfolds and it has handles in the corners and everything it's really handy but it's kind of not huge but big-ish and then i have my kangaroo pop-up bag which i could just layer you know lavender at the bottom and we don't need an enormous amount of lavender um just enough really to make two wreaths and maybe a few bundles to hang in our closets so i'm gonna head down to the garden center first and then we'll probably stop and get a coffee on the way oh and here are the supplies for making the reeds all we need are these wire wreath forms and paddle wire one for each me and my mom all right i'm hoping my mom is ready because i am running a tiny bit late which is not usual for me hey hi you about ready to roll ready to roll look at this you guys big old renovations going on in here right now so this used to be a hallway where that little wall partition thing look looking thing is and they're opening this up putting a door to go out to the garden center and instead of office spaces this is now going to be retail it is an updated wiring which oh yeah it was like since the early 1900s it was time and it was time yeah yeah how about ceiling are you gonna be doing anything with the ceiling there yes we are i'll get my clippers okay i have a kangaroo pop-up bag and i also have a leaf tarp okay so i don't we don't need a terribly like a huge amount so we could put it all in the kangaroo pop-up out there or here uh at my house oh it's your house yeah benjamin's excited yeah i told him that i said when i get back guess who will be with me all right gathered up my mom now we're gonna go grab coffee perfect so check this out you guys downtown in our city they have just recently put in these bump outs so on the corners they flank each corner and they're going to be planting them up which will look pretty but it'll be very inconvenient for parking i don't know how i feel about it yet it'll be pretty and thank you to the gal who bought us a gift card from ohio yep yay we're using it today and this is what the consoles of our cars usually look like coffee gardening supplies and the random plant yes it's pretty out here it's gorgeous this is remote living yeah here we are lots of blossoms and bouquets hi stacy here's your morning coffee [Laughter] oh how fun you guys first of all check out the view just beautiful you can see the hills over there oh all the lavender plants here and look at this oh what a fun way to spend the morning look at this oh my goodness [Applause] wow so the gal who started this farm which is called buds blossoms and bouquets uh her name was stacy and i believe i read up on her website um she went to a lavender farm in washington in 2007 or something like that and was just so inspired so they came home they planted like over 800 or so lavender plants and then they plan to add 500 more this year so it's an operation that's just like i mean it's huge already and they're planning on expanding it and what a fun location for this so sweet of her to let us come out here because i don't know if she's open like if she does a festival or anything like that yet so i feel really fortunate to be able to come out here and check this out but i do want to walk through her garden because it looks really fun that is the most beautiful thing oh some zinnias in here going oh and you're using drip tape too we are using it for the first time this year so far so good good yeah what's your experience it's um this is the third time third year i've been using it do you have to replace it every year the drip tape i do it every two years if you roll it up and store it i thought it will last but we the hard water is the killer oh look at the fun you poppy because the ground so look at how beautiful do you have deer out here yeah they they kind of keep it out of the face do they good before we put the fence up they were just flying look at this laura that is gorgeous isn't that beautiful yes i started off with a bed of it there last year and i and it cut well you know just kind of popping it's moving it's talking about this oh and look at the little planter out there blushing lanterns ooh that's cool isn't that cool yeah yeah is this a set like a self-seeder or is it this is the first year i started from seed and i imagine it will be a very wow what a wonderful filler for a bouquet like a super interesting structure oh you did yeah she's awesome yeah yeah her website is so full of good info got some potatoes here oh and there's some beautiful red poppies it's great having just stuff to where you don't have the mud yes some sage kosher bindweed and it helps oh it does oh is this clary sage so beautiful that the leaves are amazing i bought the seed but i'm so off this year because our our space we didn't get water until mid part of this month that's beautiful wow every time we we um sell this at the nursery people are like is that just a thistle are you selling thistles and i said well yes they are quite beautiful and we do sell gauntlet gloves yes you have to add brush up alongside it going yeah it's a good add-on sale there mom you should display them together that is a great idea yeah this is what aaron wants us to do he's like we need to do the landscape fabric and burn holes we just we tackled our space so wrong but it's a good learning year this is a really neat border the wood that's really cool whoa oh i need to get a view from this side look at the calendula oh there is a rose in the center right there oh no yeah oh that's so pretty all right boy i need to clean my falcos look at that all right lead the way stacy [Music] and what are these products that i make oh sweet thank you so fun and we're going to smell so good we are the oil we just distilled too oh brand new lavender oil distilled awesome thank you so much thank you hey kitty oh yes you're just now coming out to visit there's always kitties in the video oh hi chuck and now he's turned into all right here we go lavender wreath making time awesome thank you oh looks like my hydrangeas are picking up a little bit after all the rain boy that one got beat down pretty pretty good they're pretty they are just so heavy-headed yeah hey look i started to harvest my garlic one head one head and it looks pretty good hey benjamin yes backwards jackson for the hug hey benjamin show nana your fireworks look shawna where are they right here well show me come show me your favorite one is that your favorite one is that big fire that one's called chewy that's amazing oh these oh those are pretty cool um where's the frog this is called pyro frog pin yeah what does it frog say it's ribbon aaron loves the fireworks yeah yeah he's you're a fan of all the holidays you get very festive clearly so we made it back to the house so now we've got to set up all of our stuff which really it's not a lot of stuff it's just a lavender our wreath forms and our paddle wire i think we're going to do this in the gazebo because we've got that dining table it's a little bit bigger but look at this you guys and it smells so amazing [Music] okay so now we have the proper fuel banana bread that mom brought over last night and some coffee to get us through the rest of this project that's right benjamin wants to play a little little croquet yeah it's been a little while since i've done a wreath tutorial so we'll kind of take you through the steps in fact i'll ask my mom if she'll show us the first one but we just used this this is 24 gauge paddle wire right here and i prefer it in these kind of round i don't know i prefer getting it like this on the paddle and then um this is a 14 inch wreath form right here so we're going to attach the paddle wire to the wreath form and then we're just going to make lavender bundles and lash them on one at a time to the wreath form so anyway we'll get started here so you just have this little paddle wire here it's a it's a light gauge 24 gauge i think i read on there and you just secure it to one side of your wreath like your life depends on it yeah yes because this is the key to have it be this is the only place it'll be really secured until the very end of the wreath making process right so you just twist it i do like a little figure eight and then twist it and then you wanna make that up close like that yeah and then you wanna make sure that it's really snug but don't pull too hard because i've actually broken the wire before oh he-man strength and then um just wrap it around a couple times [Music] and i'm left-handed so everything of mine is going to be just the opposite of yours it was a joy learning how to knit from you as a right-handed person but we did it we did it we did it okay so here we go now then you're gonna get a bundle um and you know you can make these as thick or as thin as you want it's kind of wild looking do you want a wild wreath sure you know what you can well that's like a little while that looks a little hairy yeah how's that well looks pretty good so you just lay it down on top where you attach the paddle wire go a couple times pull snug because as he's dry the stems will atrophy so do it about like that and do you trim any of your ends off or do you leave yours i well these are pretty long so i might trim off a few and i'll just trim them off about this you know the shape of the wreath make them sort of rounded you don't have to though sure need to oil these things i got some oil but they've got lavender oil in them right now i haven't cleaned them since we cut so i haven't cleaned mine since the beginning of 2018 now 2018. okay so there's the first one okay then we'll show you how to put the second bundle on and then basically the construction of the wreath is the same all the way around and we'll speed that process up because it does take a little time and oh yeah that looks oh that looks good yes yeah just like put it on you just scoot it down a little bit so that the seed heads are just a little bit down from the original ones put it on there and do do note that um the way however big you make your bundles will indicate kind of the size of wreath that you end up with so if you make little ones you'll end up with a smaller wreath or you could make like big bundles and it'll be a giant wreath but you also have a frame make sure not to put them too far into the center otherwise you won't end up with a hole yeah it'll look like a big gob of lavender look like a bird's nest yeah which not a bad thing but you could make a centerpiece like that like a screw and fill in candles totally yeah no that's not the goal for the day look at russell he's checking us out he's everywhere yeah okay then you just you love him yes i do he's his mitts are funny okay then just pull them about three times yeah about three or three times and then just continue on so see this stays attached the whole time yeah and not cut this yeah until the very end and so you'll do your next bundle you'll lash it next bundle lash it so that's what we're gonna do right and we'll see everybody's wreath turns out a little bit different that's right so banana bread time yes i really can't think of a better way to spend the morning this is awesome this is the perfect one yeah okay so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] mom's wire just broke were you pulling too hard probably because i'm making this monster yeah so here we go here's my mom's it's um big what do you say yeah i love it i love it here's mine so far i love it they both look i mean they both look very similar but different in a way yeah well on purpose we're going to make a difference so mom's making hers just a tiny bit more wild and then she's going to have a big tail coming out of the end yeah and then mine will just be like a straight up all the way around circle wreath do not break your wire though do not pull on it like your muscle muscle person yeah muscle person muscle people uh like really strong bodybuilder there you go yeah don't pull on bingo like you're a bodybuilder yeah not the right thing to do because then i can't find the tail and you're almost done too yeah you got a jump on me big time also when you're doing massive bundles it tends to go a little faster we're having fun we are i think we might have enough do you think there's enough there for you to do a second one i think it would be so pretty to get a picture of two of these wreaths yeah on your french doors that would be pretty mm-hmm i could rustle up another wreath form somewhere i'm sure i've got one and you make the other one well no because then it won't match oh that's true so yeah you're in it in it to win it today [Music] you playing with your cars baby you are such a good little boy maybe you could smell chuck on me i pet a cat named chuck this morning you almost done with your beast i am nice yeah i don't think i've ever made a lavender wreath this big oh here's benjamin right through oh look at that how cute what a cute friend oh look at that that was so sweet he wants so bad for the kitties to sit in his lap oh so the tail the tail talk to me about the tail i'm not done with it yet okay i love the tail it's unique it is unique you know what that's what art is though right you just have to like experiment till you find something that you like yeah so but it's not done yet okay okay it's gonna be awesome benjamin's playing with bubbles a little bit and i just wanted to show you i'm getting toward the end of my wreath right here you can see this is the last bundle i put on and so the inside looks pretty good i'll probably add a very small bundle right here just to finish off the circle and then i'll add in one more fluffy ish bundle but it gets just a little bit harder because you have to be careful where you put the wire because you want to pinch any of your lavender that you've already got here down so it's just a matter of being really careful and threading your wire throughout but i'm still not going to cut this off until the whole wreath looks pretty full now don't be ashamed if you have to get the hot glue gun out and hot glue well i'm just i've had to do it so many times if you have there's a bubble if you have any holes in your wreath you can make little individual bundles that you wire together at the base and then you just tuck in like let's say i wanted to tuck one in here i could just tuck it in there and wire it to the back of the wreath form or you could hot glue it right in there because this whole thing is going to dry anyway and you want to like the way it looks so anyway here comes aaron with the hot glue gun in case we need it so far though i don't know that we will i think everything's looking pretty good it is actually we're almost done with our wreaths a little bit more fussing to do with them here's mine right here i feel like i need to add a little bit more like right in here but we're gonna run to joanne's and get some ribbon i saw some really pretty ribbon there yesterday and we think we may want to use some oh mine needs it here's the ribbon isn't it yeah that's a really pretty one that's like that light lightish blue gold i was talking about and then i thought this ballet pink kind of one was really pretty really pretty this one's really pretty too a lot of really pretty ones yeah i really like this one down here it's like i don't know if that's satin or what is that well it's it's pretty yeah it is but they're so expensive you only get two yards 25 off today those are a little bit a little much and then i like these two i think those are really pretty i think this would look really really pretty with that lavender wreath yeah i agree look at the bees the honeybees around that wreath they love it yeah this is the big splurge what's this yeah the ribbon spendy but pretty super pretty so maybe are you putting it down there by the tail yeah nice like that all right i'm gonna go grab my wreath i gotta do a little work on mine too nice looks good all the bees like it ooh sun's coming back out maybe we'll be able to see it a little bit better look at how many bees this is a pollinator-friendly wreath maybe think about that before putting it on your front door yeah right although once it's dry i mean these are super fresh blooms so there's still you know some things for the honeybees to feed on once it's dried out it won't be any issue whatsoever so my wreath i just did more classic shaped it looks like in the camera like it's really thick right here but that's just a shadow maybe if i get closer you can see i did end up with quite a good hole in the center that's always the trick a good one good yeah yeah and my mom is out there finishing up her wreath on the side of the greenhouse so let's run over and see what hers looks like it's interesting because she took her as a completely different direction kind of on purpose because we wanted to show you just a couple of different takes it's always interesting like at andrews when we do wreath making seminars we used to do wheat wreath making seminars and then holiday wreaths um did we ever do a lavender wreath class i don't think we did i don't think we had access to that much that amount of lavender that's right um but it's interesting to see how different everybody's wreath turns out it's always very unique and just unique to that person i like it look at that so my mom's turned out she did hers beastier for sure i mean we use we use the same the same size wreath form so 14 inch wreath form doesn't look good up against the shakes and then she left a tail on hers see that with the stems just to show a different way you can end it and then we went to joann's to pick up this really beautiful ribbon because you can adorn your wreath if you want it to be like a little bit more fancy i guess yeah or just add us something extra texturally you can add something like that in whatever color i mean lavender is super easy to you know find colors that look good with it but anyway so that's the difference like kind of a plain simple wreath and a little bit smaller and then something with a little bit more impact i didn't say the least yeah i love it you were gonna leave that here right yes i don't know why not i think that you can make another one to go on that side wouldn't it be fun yeah hey what are you doing hey nana has a sucker for you a lolli bud a lollipop yeah you want to go get it okay let's go you get it you want to take the wrapper off oh benjamin did nana get you a lolly oh do you want help do you want nana to help you no no you're gonna do it he very much likes to unwrap things yes are you strong um it is it's waiting for you there it is there it is oh good job you did it lollipop yeah it's oh it's red and red yeah we're all kind of like your cheeks right now i think we should go through the goody bag real quick see what we got organic lavender multi-purpose cleaner oh we'll use that oh yeah organic lavender sugar let me put it so where you can actually see it oh that would be helpful i'm like a scone wouldn't that be yeah scone or some sugar cookies or something cookies yes oh a lavender sachet ah oh it smells so good yes lavender seasoning that's interesting so a blend of lavender basil thyme savory marjoram sage rosemary dehydrated onion and salt that's super interesting and one more thing in here oh lavender essential oil you guys i'm not sure if she sells any of these things online yet i'll check but i'll put a link to her website down below just so you can check out there's other pictures and stuff of their farm so that's thoughtful yeah very sweet and we each got a goodie bag we did so that is it for today's video cheese do you want to say cheese cheese [Music] what a great way to spend the morning and the better part of the afternoon it's been the best it was really fun project and it's i don't know we do less of this than we used to when i worked out at the garden center full-time it was like we would go out on trips all the time we'd go out into the wheat fields or we'd go out to the mountains or wherever to one of our gardens and gather things and create stuff like this all the time so it's good to get out and do that we really should do it more often yes we should and we're both very relaxed from all the lavender yeah we are super relaxed i could go take a nap right now so anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video seeing these wreaths come together i'm having issues saying grief breathe yes anyway thank you guys we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 462,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: TmM5bQ9IfGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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