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nice and smooth oh what was that oh we wait my canopy might have wanted to just crash into the mountain that would be really sad it would be my fault as well [Applause] so this jet that i'm flying in right now i don't really have any experience in at all so this should be interesting but yes hello everyone fudgy here and welcome back to another veto vr video now first of all thank you so much for all the support in my first veto vr video you all said you want to see more of it so here we are right now now i said this in the last video as well but this is not a tutorial or anything like that i am not a professional pilot again i don't really know what i'm doing and i haven't played this game since my last video anyway but we should be able to turn off apu in just a moment and then we're gonna line up behind the jet over there and take off because this base right here we need to defend it's about to be attacked so we've got to be quick right ap can turn off and i reckon brake lock off okay i think we're ready to go let's hurry up we're a little bit behind right now oh yeah hud that would probably help out if i had that turned on all right taxi to the runway oh good a little bit quicker here we go hang in there buddy i'll be just ah so um you know how i said i don't really know what i'm doing well this just confirms it don't worry once we're in the sky i should be a little bird she needs to take it easy while uh taxiing it's just that i was doing my intro now i'm behind schedule a little bit i'm supposed to be taking off by now okay that's it he's on the brakes all right run away is clear let's just go straight on there here comes the other plane as well we gotta be quick otherwise that's gonna probably just go straight into us okay and there is the runway line ourselves up okay uh you know brake lock on screw it uh flaps down to two uh okay no hands i think we're ready i'll see you in the air buddy all right here we go nice and easy now that's it nice and smooth oh what was that oh we wait my canopy oh no oh no what have i done this is not good i've lost my canopy look i what am i gonna do i'm just chilling this is not supposed to be how this was supposed to go i felt like i did okay in my last video which if you haven't checked out by the way feel free to uh do so and let me know if you want to see more video in the comment section down below and of course leave a like okay i'll do a flyer between these buildings right now because i'm gonna have to resell this mission i don't think i can do this without my canopy oh man i love this game so much you guys friendlies yeah i think you're friendly oh how am i not dead yet wow how am i doing this oh it looks like a nice place to touch down just kidding oh all right i think i know what went wrong i think i went you know just a little bit too quick on take off wait is mike oh i got a minute it hasn't been shut this entire time oh no uh canopy where are you oh man i told you guys i honestly have no training in this whatsoever but i thought that would just make it so much more funny that way uh no wonder it came flying off man i'm an idiot a few moments later oh found it finally right we can get on with the mission now oh so much more peaceful like that as well i was kind of thinking like it does sound really loud and now i know why all right now we're seriously behind schedule we need to let this plane go and we're gonna wait here just in front until it takes off there we go it needs to be nice and quick the attack's gonna happen any moment now right at least we get to watch this take off now any second oh there it goes i'll see you in a year hopefully i said the same last time it didn't really work out too well all right anyway now that's over with let's make our own way to the runway and take your so i guess the issue last time wasn't that well going too fast it literally just was a case of this being open which is the most stupid thing i think i've ever done in this game and it just had to be while i was recording anyway oh my flaps were down no one saw anything so now we're in the sky i'm gonna go to also hover auto uh altitude whatever and then we're gonna turn the radar on i've been trying to learn how to use this a little bit so radar there we go that way we can actually use some uh air-to-air missiles is that right all right let's go to the objective destroy the two fighters so this okay we're gonna go for the two fires i think before they can take yes all right let's do that set waypoint then what i'm gonna do turn these on real quick head to navigation let's zoom out a little bit actually let's have a navigation on this side radar will be this side i don't have a visual on any enemies just yet can't see anything i think we're in the clear at the moment but the attack will be happening very soon oh bomber spoiler from the north copy that all right i'm going in let's go take him down all right we yep we definitely got enemies coming from the north all right let's see if we can take them down oh man i literally only have done a little bit of training on this just before i start this video uh well with this radar stuff okay right how do we do this again so let's switch yes that's good that's what we need let's lock into our targets is this gonna work uh-oh i think we've been locked into mr oh launch warning oh no that's not good i don't know where the flares are either shoot okay we've been told to shoot let's do it missile inbound now please let that be a hit i think the only thing i'm really trained with is uh the vulcan here okay please let that be a direct tick come on baby come on i'm gonna fire another one wait is that it oh no we're all out already wouldn't have many of those objective failed no maybe i've jumped into this mission too fast i'm such a rookie all right screw it going in with the vulcan doesn't stand a chance against my vulcan ah oh there he goes he's out of it oh i'm gonna pass out okay we're good we're good we'll go back around on him try and take him down still warning frost yes good good good oh there's so many warnings coming on oh mr warning this isn't good everyone okay we got it down it's going down it's going down where are my flares oh engine failure okay this isn't good right engine failure we're going down we're going down i repeat we are going down i have no choice but i guess to eject okay ah our wings got as well all right eject okay are we good oh oh well we survived i managed to take down one jet at least that's something it's now bad time to say i can't swim today is not my day goodbye oh oh man i had a really really bad dream i dreamt that i actually left the canopy open like i'm that bad of a pilot and then i landed in the drink and then yeah well i'm back now luckily it was just a dream but you know it's not a dream this mission we gotta get on with it all right engine one engine two turn on come on activate spice up hud is on good let's turn the brake lock off all right i think we're pretty much good to go goodbye apu don't need you anymore now feel free to also give me tips and advice in the comment section down below and uh because you guys were actually very useful last time i played this game i got some advice from people well i say useful doesn't seem like i've been using any tips or advice in this video that's for sure but i did see what you guys wrote and i do appreciate it so if you have any more tips do let me know for the next video i post but anyway on with this mission let's go oh do you know what if i'm quick i might be able to take off with this jet just in front of me right now i reckon that would look really cool is he going straight away oh this is probably a bad idea to be right behind oh he's going his guard all right let's go with him flaps down ready to go nice this is cool all right and he's taking off gears go up few gears away dude that's it good stuff oh look at us flying in formation this is wicked sometimes i just enjoy flying around in this game you know there doesn't necessarily have to be any objectives and i will still have fun playing this game oh look at him go where are you off to buddy let's hope we survive this eh got another jet to our left as well i think we're just flying in formation at the moment oh yeah we're flying information look at this oh this is amazing this is so cool i actually love veto vr i need to get better this game so when i make videos next i'm actually well not a potato i guess when i play hello good to see you buddy hello anyway uh let's sign all this stuff and let's get our radar and all that juicy stuff ready to go actually what other objectives we have defend the base yes there's our primary objective and let's go to this navigation zoom out perfect hey we're still in formation i wonder what happens if i just quickly swerve to the left oh they they just follow exactly what i do they're copying me stop copying me i'm just kidding don't stop copying me it's actually really cool look let's go might have wanted to just crash into the mountain that'll be really sad it'll be my fault as well oh that dude got way too close to me all right still in formation oh yes all right boys we got contacts inbound so let's split off and get ready to fight all right split off go go um what is that is someone firing missiles i mean oh he uses flares how do you do that teach me wait is that ground we got ground targets down there okay well i'm going to take them down i've actually got some bombs so i'm going to go ahead and use them oh oh no why do i not know where my flares are that's like probably the first thing you should learn about master arm right where are my bombs wait did i even get bombs oh i do yes okay i'm gonna take out those ground targets over there if i could find them again all right i've got a visual on these ground targets going in for a bombing run now these are unguided bombs so we have to be as accurate acro we have to be as accurate okay here we go fire and again oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they got out here that's never good oh no yes direct hit okay two to our left oh no ah make some actions ah oh no he's coming right for me storm warning okay i think they're down no there's still one left no there's two left okay i thought somehow they got destroyed there we go yes oh oh pull up no not until he's dead i don't think we got him no how is this still one left how how did he survive that he survived two bombs and also my vulcan cannon attack right i'm going again i don't care about your over t oh i care about store warning though okay here we go fire come on yes got him targets now neutralized oh no left engine failure we're going down again i repeat we're going down okay okay i've got control i've regained control oh no i haven't no i haven't no i haven't oh this isn't looking too good okay we'll get some eject again we've got no choice but to eject right engine failure your left engine failure i'm trying to keep control but i can't eject oh oh no no my jet it's been destroyed again it's not been a good day as this mission is kind of difficult even without just suck okay here we go again shortcut oh yeah hud i'm gonna take off with this guy again oh john would be cool if i actually took off next to him yes ah all right dude ready when you are okay we gotta be quick oh he's coming he's going hurry yes oh okay not quite next to him but this will do a little more to the left okay going off the runway here that's fine not a problem yeah buddy we're in the air again we're really close to this guy um i think we should set ourselves challenges forget the enemies for a moment because i'm gonna fly under this bridge that's right i won't have any issues with this because i'm a trained pilot and i know exactly what i'm doing don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to do i actually did it i'm alive oh my friend's still here too the other one oh man it looks so cool when you're just flying next to each other like this oh oh oh ah i am so sorry but i needed the target practice uh-oh where we are anyway we're good aren't we buddy we're fine all right you know what i am gonna try and land since i haven't actually landed since i've been on today i've only taken off of course so let's go for a landing and see how that actually goes all right this is a very weird landing i'm gonna go for it anyway i know i'm not like lined up perfectly but anyway flaps down to two landing gears around uh yeah i should still be able to pull this off okay coming for landing we have way too much speed right now way too much collision wait no no it's not a collision warning i'm trying to land all right i know i'm going too quick though ah there we go uh running out runway that's no good side we've landed though i apply the brakes apply the brakes okay we're good yes oopsies okay well we landed successfully now for a weird takeoff uh it's really bumpy really bumpy that's that's a wall isn't it oh no break break what is that i don't know ah we're fired we made it well on that note i'm gonna end this one right here so remember to comment like and subscribe and i shall see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Fudgy
Views: 938,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ThexFudgy, Fudgy, vtol vr, vtol, vtol vr gameplay, vtol vr review, vtol vr dogfight, vtol virtual reality, vr funny moments, vtol vr funny moments, vtol game, flight simulator, vr flight simulator, plane simulator, flight sim, jet simulator, vr plane crash, plane crash simulator, vr fails, vtol vr fudgy, fudgy vr, fudgy virtual reality, vtol vr tutorial, vtol vr eject, landing, dcs, dcs vr, plane sim, vr flight sim, vtol jet, vtol takeoff, dogfight, pilot, disaster, flight, vr
Id: GuxRUSFdO_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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