Virtual Job Interview Tips with LinkedIn's Catherine Fisher

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welcome back everybody you know these days Ryan Ryan Seacrest you may have to you may have to interview for your next job over video conference did you know that yes I mean that's kind of like how we interview for every job on a camera yeah well yeah I guess we've yeah but I mean literally over a computer screen zoom with tips on virtual interviews please welcome back LinkedIn's Catherine Fisher hi I'm Catherine how do you suggest we prepare for our virtual interviews well the first thing you want to do is test your tech and so hopefully my picture is coming through clear because I was testing my tech all morning make sure that you really understand how to use the videoconferencing that you know how to mute your line how you unmute your line what you don't want to do is spend a lot of time fumbling around you want to be thinking and focusing about how you want to answer those questions and you don't want to be distracted you know we are doing this on a Skype right now and there come there's no audience there can be a delay it's very it's a very different dynamic how did you suggest that you practice the delay that you practice humor you don't use humor how do you make it go smoothly you know you really it is about having a lot of practice and really you know if you can having a friend do a test run with you to check your connection to make sure you know how to use all the different bells and whistles of these video conferencing and you know if it doesn't go so well if you start having you know issues with your video hopefully I'm not right now that there is a lot of forgiveness and so just making sure just take a deep breath and it's gonna be okay and setting up our camera shot is very crucial correct because that when we first started doing this I found that I looked like I was in the Blair Witch Project and over time we figured out a way to sort of it's a lot of trial and error because we started working this way really on the fly we were you know yeah the challenges were in I mean it is so myriad so what do you recommend for people yeah giving that set up is really important it used to be that you just would have to you know worry about how you're gonna answer the questions and what you're gonna wear now you have to worry about is the lighting good is the camera in the right position where to look so some good rules of thumb is make sure that you're not backlit because you don't want that weird silhouette look so make sure that you have you know one of those really easy to buy ring lights you can just stick it right on your computer make sure that your arms distance away from your computer and that the cameras pointing eye level and that you because you really want to like fill the frame so just having some of those you know tips in mind you'll look and feel great an eye contact is important sometimes I struggle on the phone to figure out where the camera is and I know it's Kelly and I we hear if I look at Kelly the eyes it's here but if I look into the camera it's here so how are we supposed to do the interview it's really unnatural and uncomfortable the way you want to do is you want to give that impression that you're having eye contact so look into the camera don't look on this screen because once you see I'm looking at you on this street stream and it it doesn't feel like I'm looking at you and the first thing you can do is check yourself out and like look at your hair cause it's so tempting to do that so just keep looking right into that camera no but I do that I look like a disaster I've been doing this hide the gray hair it's very easy what's happening like I don't know where the hole is I can't even see it you can't okay so once you find it put a little sticker next to it and say like look here put a sticky with a big arrow and just say look here mark the hole location that's what you need these are with an arrow we're gonna come back we have more tips and I think that you're gonna ask us an interview question a pseudo interview with Kelly and Ryan live after this we are back with Catherine Fisher from LinkedIn and Catherine were ready for our pseudo interviews so you're gonna ask us some questions as if we're looking for a job yes so the you know the best thing you can do to prepare for a job is think about all those questions you're likely gonna ask and so one of the most common ones and I'm gonna start with you Kelly I'm gonna ask you the same question is why do you want to work for live with Kelly and Ryan oh I don't know no I'm so sorry I am sorry I apologize I totally misunderstood the assignment she's applying a retirement that's what she's looking for yes I'm applying for my retirement no I I am I like being part of a team I am a collaborative person I like the spontaneity and the danger of live television and I feel that my strengths play into all of the things that that brand of television has to offer fabulous all right how would you answer that question Ryan how would I answer the question why would I like to be a part of live with Kelly and Ryan yes well the title I guess right hold that it seems like it would make sense and then the other thing is and Kelly knows this when I was four I was watching a young producer in his 30s at the time Michael Gelman and I always said to myself if I had the opportunity when I become an adult and full grown I'd love to spend my days learning from him deducing things from him wisdom things like that and so I would say that the the opportunity to spend time with that man right there is a real big driver for me what do you think I think that was a great answer and the reason why is because you did your research he knew who was behind the show you taught you both talked about your strengths and what you can bring to it what you want to try to do is make sure that they know that you know all about the company and really what you would need to do to succeed there and how your skills apply to that so I would hire you both oh great oh my gosh we got hired you did we take day off no you have to work right now are you sure hey these are great tips thank you so much for coming on nice to meet you Kelly Ryan calm for all of Catherine's job interview tips and you take care yourself thank you thanks for having me yes back when I was four this is just a radio show was radio theatre and Gelman was producing he was producing he was found he was like one of those you know they used to do a thing called talent scouting and he was found in it he was found in a Starbucks Coffee was it called Starbucks then no it was called the coffee shop it was the village canteen we're gonna come right back here I was originally hired to be Regis Philbin's daughters mani a lot of people don't know that here we go
Channel: LiveKellyandMark
Views: 50,332
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Keywords: Kelly and Ryan, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, kelly ripa, ryan seacrest, virtual job interview, job interview, linkedin, catherine fisher, kelly and ryan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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