Virtual Commencement: Business (Last Names H-O), Saturday, May 25 at 2pm ET

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Hi, I'm Paul LeBlanc President of Southern  Hampshire University but you probably could have   guessed that from this getup I'm wearing today.  It's a special day it's the day in which I get to   welcome you to the spring Commencement Virtual  Ceremony. I'm doing so from the campus in our   Green Center for Student Success. It's a wonderful  building. it's one of the four original buildings   on campus when we came here in 1968. We've been  around since 1932, but we finally had our own   campus and what I love about this building is not  only this beautiful renovation that's occurred but   the fact that it houses so many of the offices  that support our students and lead to their   well-being, their flourishing, and helps them get  to the finish line. So these are offices like our   International Student Success Office our Veterans  Lounge our Women's Center our Diversity Office,   Academic Advising, Res Life and all of that adds  up to this incredible commitment by our faculty   and staff to all of our students, whether they're  here on campus or whether they join us online or   from one of our remote sites around the globe. Why  are we here? Commencement! The day of Celebration!   And this is one that's pretty poignant for  me this is my last. I've been here 21 years,   my first graduation was in 2003 and  that year we had 1,803 graduates. One ceremony. This year we have 16,000 graduates  we will have four ceremonies here in Manchester   we'll do seven more virtually. It's an amazing  celebration of success from from all of you. While our earlier graduations were a lot  smaller, some things remain true. Our   students then and our students today they  have enormous resolve. They're gritty they   persevere. They can do this hard work of  juggling busy lives often with children,   full-time jobs, sometimes in the military  and also studying and being a student and   getting across that finish line. They  do so with Incredible smarts. So I've   been incredibly proud to be your President  these last 21 years. It's been the honor of a lifetime. I want to thank you  for that and now we want to   get these ceremonies started. Let us begin. Well done! Great! [Applause] Hi and welcome! Congratulations, we've done it.  Breathe in the sweet smell of success because we   did it. We did what we had to do to cross that  finish line and dang does it feel good. Despite   various struggles we face mentally, physically,  or academically, we charged forward. Your path may   have been like mine or different but no matter  what, you sacrificed. You made it. Why SNHU? it is a question we have all pondered at one  point or another as we are closing this chapter   of obtaining something that was once a distant  dream. Throughout our time at SNHU, we formed   bonds that transcend boundaries of geography,  culture, and background. I've been inspired by   the diverse ideas, the supportive community,  and the relentless pursuit of excellence that   defines SNHU. It wasn't just about the knowledge  gained, it was about the newfound confidence,   the resilience, I discovered within myself.  I learned invaluable qualities about myself,   such as my level of tenacity and perseverance.  Embrace what makes you special and wear it   fearlessly as you enter whatever comes next.  Fear is a choice. Just because we feel it,   does not mean we have to choose it. Go  for that next degree, go for that job   that you're "not qualified for." There may  be challenges that you come across in life,   but all you have to do is learn to adapt or a way  that works best for you and you can accomplish it.   We have all been granted an amazing opportunity  to use our education to change the world. Let   our collective experiences challenges and triumphs  Inspire us to approach the future with creativity,   adaptability, and a relentless pursuit  of excellence. My advice for my fellow   graduates is to forever persevere. You don't  ever have to stop. Never stop dreaming, never   stop reaching for the stars. And wield the wealth  of knowledge, the breath of skills and the depth   of our abilities to to achieve greatness in all  our endeavors. Approach your future goals with the   determination and consistency you did in pursuing  your degree and there is no limit to what your   future holds. Way to go class of 2024! Our future  is bright and our journey is just beginning. [Bagpiper Music] Good morning. Good morning! All right! It's  a gray day outside but it's a great day to   graduate! Welcome to Spring 2024 Commencement.  My name is Dr Jennifer Teague Executive Director   of Business Programs. Although you didn't  process into the arena today we would like   to acknowledge the faculty and graduates of  each program. I have the honor of recognizing   our first group. Would the faculty and graduates  of Southern New Hampshire University's Business   Programs please rise if you're able and remain  standing so we can celebrate you. [Applause]   President LeBlanc, distinguished guests,  faculty, and administration, families,   colleagues, and friends, please join me in  welcoming our newest graduates. [Applause] Our Business graduates will enter more complex,  dynamic interconnected and technology-driven   organizations than any graduates before them.  Through their studies in business administration,   accounting, management, finance and  economics, human resource management,   marketing, operations, and project management,  organizational leadership and sport management,   and their real world experiences, these  graduates have acquired the knowledge,   skills, professional dispositions, and  competencies necessary to operate effectively   in an uncertain and often volatile Global  Marketplace. Today these graduates transition   from being yesterday's business students  to tomorrow's business leaders. [Applause] I would like to thank our faculty, our  associate deans, academic advisers,   and staff who have contributed to the  success of our Business Program students.   Congratulations to the newest graduates of  Southern New Hampshire University's business programs! Please be seated. Good morning graduates, you look marvelous. I'm  Lisa Marsh Ryerson, University Provost at SNHU   and it is my true honor, and great pleasure to  welcome all of the families, friends, faculty,   staff, and of course our graduates who  are with us here today or watching via   live stream. We are thrilled to be celebrating  the Southern New Hampshire University class of 2024! And now if you're able,  I'd ask that you would please   rise for the singing of our National  Anthem, sung this morning by one of   this morning's graduates Myrna Pierre.  [Applause] Oh say can you see? By the dawn's early light? What so  proudly we hailed at the twilight's  last gleaming. Whose broad stripes  and bright stars, through the perilous fight, over the ramparts we  watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting  in air, gave proof through the   night that our flag was still there. Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave! The brave! Myrna, thank you, wow! What a  way to begin our commencement exercises. This year we have graduates from all 50  states and US territories. From 49 countries and   a wide range of cultures and faith traditions. And  our ceremony takes place on the ancestral lands of   the Abanaki nation, in a city, Manchester, built  on the backs of immigrants and working people.  So now let's take a moment together in silence,  whether in simple contemplation or prayer,   remember that our success has its  roots with those who came before us,   including loved ones no longer with us.  Let them always be present in our hearts. [Moment of Silence] Thank you. And now to get us started, it's  my great honor to introduce our platform   party. I'll ask you to stand when I read your  name or your group and please remain standing   throughout the introductions. Leading this  morning's procession was our mace bearer Dr   Anthony Siciliano and representatives from  the SNHU Board of Trustees, Rick Banks,   and Luis Lopez. [Applause] Representatives from  the academic and executive leadership teams of the university, our alumni speaker  and our student speaker,   we are honored that you're all  with us this morning. Please be seated. It's always a great pleasure   to acknowledge and thank our longtime  closed caption provider Deborah Knapp   and our amazing sign language interpreters  Heather Geisser and Kristen Chenoweth-Curty. And finally it is an extraordinary  honor for me to introduce to you   the President of Southern New  Hampshire University, Dr Paul J LeBlanc. And before before I invite you to join  me at the podium, I want to take a few moments to   recognize Paul. As many of you know, in December  Paul announced that he would be stepping down from   his role as president at Southern New Hampshire  University and the ceremonies this weekend will be   his last. Paul has been our President at Southern  New Hampshire University for 21 incredible years. [Applause] And under Paul's leadership SNHU  has transformed from a small regional  university to an internationally known leader   in higher education. Having grown from 2,500  students to more than 250,000 learners today. Like many of us in this room, Paul is a first  generation college graduate. He immigrated to   the United States from Canada when he was 3 years  old. His parents, both of whom had eighth grade   educations, worked tirelessly to care for  the family. The youngest of five children,   Paul was the first person in his extended family  to attend and graduate college. This experience   fueled his vision, his passion, his drive to make  higher education more affordable, more accessible   and higher quality for all learners. And in the 21  years that Paul has been our President, more than   200,000 students have earned their SNHU degrees.  At SNHU We are proud of each and every one of you,   of all students we serve. And we often talk  about the importance of the ripple effects of   earning a college degree. Paul, your leadership  your commitment, your passion for accessible,   affordable high quality higher education has  caused far more than ripples. Our president Paul   has inspired and led waves of impact and changed  the lives of thousands of people around the world.   So to honor you and continue Paul's great work I  am proud to share with you this morning that we   have established the Paul J LeBlanc scholarship  to help first generation students achieve their dreams. And as President LeBlanc embarks on  his next journey, which we all can't wait   hear more about, we know it will be  incredible. I know that on behalf Paul   and the entire SNHU Community, we extend  our deepest gratitude for your leadership,   your inspiration, your love, and  unwavering commitment to our learners.   Now please join me in recognizing and  welcoming President Paul J LeBlanc! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.  Thank you. I love you too and I promised   I'm going to hold it together till  the end of the end of the day,   today so forgive me. This is how special  you are I wore my favorite Air Force Ones the fancy ones with the initials PL on them.  Also guys there's a lot of you and I'm going to   be standing for a long time handing diplomas  the best part of the day. I want to at least   acknowledged our sign interpreters and I love  Heather and Kristen and we've worked together   for a long time and they gave me permission to do  this, but I'm a lover of language. I'm an ardent   defender of the Oxford comma, I actually think  you should never end sentence with a preposition,   and I think sign language is the most beautiful  form of communication. So if you watch the screen   and those of you who can't see, turn and watch,  we're going to demonstrate just how beautiful this   language is. When the most handsome and smart  group of graduates in America sit here today,   all across the universe, stars go flying across  the sky, elephants raise their trunks in song,   I mean raise their trunks in song, monkeys  in the jungle flap their arms in happiness   and joy and whales leap out of the water,  leap out of the water and turn somersaults   in celebration of our graduates. Isn't  that beautiful? That is a beautiful language. I got to meet some of you beforehand as  I was wandering around and I've been thinking that   if you'll have have me I'm going to claim to be  graduating from SNHU today after 21 years and I   said how long's it taken you? And there like, it  took me 30, it took me 22. I was like okay you   got me beat. I have it all right. We all took our  journey and this has been an incredible place. The   medallion would have given it away that I'm the  President and I always joked that I would know   when my time had come because all the names of  my predecessors are on the back with their dates   and mine's on there now it's like uh oh I guess  I can't change my mind I'm leaving. Do you know   who the next President is? It's Lisa Ryerson our  Provost and she, Lisa is a friend of 27 years,   an experienced College President, she headed the  ARP Foundation she was on our board, she's been   our Provost for two years, and she absolutely  shares an unwavering faith in our mission,   our values, our people, our students, she never  ever, ever, gives gives up on people and she   will be an amazing leader at this institution  and I am looking forward to cheering her   on. Graduations are happening all over the  country, those are often fraught right now,   I've been watching the news. This graduation  is amazing to me and it is every year because   when I look out on this audience, I see  America at its best. I see every race,   every faith tradition, every political belief,  I see veterans, I see mothers and fathers and   grandparents I see people have never given up. I know people in this audience who did time and   came out and prove that you can redeem yourself  that there is such a thing as redemption in   America. Every version of grit and resilience is  on display here. I walked around as I said earlier   and I'm going to be a grandfather for the first  time next month, my wife and I, so I can't resist   a baby right now so I've been holding babies at  all these graduation ceremonies, but when I hold   someone's baby for a moment I think the world  begins anew. With every new child the world begins   anew in terms of possibility and all of you who  are sitting here, in fact, wave your arms if you   have kids. If you're graduating today look at that  I mean look around right? What you are doing for   your children today, is so important! Not just in  terms of the opportunities that start to open up   for you with your degree, but for the role model  that you become. That they look and say my mom,   my dad, college graduate. You have the  power of that is amazing. So we applaud   and celebrate your accomplishment. I was  thinking about graduations I started to   say and I told the story from time to time,  we used to have a branch campus in Brunswick,   Maine and on the highway there was a sign that  said Bowdoin College Southern New Hampshire   University. And the trustees at Bowdoin which is  a wonderful little University, it's very wealthy,   very selective, pretty pampered. The trustees come  in and said why are we on a sign with this place   called Southern New Hampshire University and  they started politicking to separate the sign   and I really got a little prickly about the whole  thing like who do you think they are like they're   not deserve like we don't deserve to be on the  sign with you all and then I was thinking about   it you know the average SNHU student before  a Bowdoin student even gets up has sent their   kids to school packed lunches got the house back  in order got to work and they have been at their   desk as that Bowdoin students wandering across  campus to get that late brunch or breakfast before   class the average SNHU student who's serving  has done more in a day than some of those   students do in a semester there are wonderful  students at Bowdoin for sure but I would not   trade an SNHU student for a student at any other  university in America. This morning you are the best. [Applause] Now I will finish with a  couple of things before I I want to talk a   little bit about the examples of people in  this room because I've been talking about   myself and I apologize I need to talk  about Jeffrey is in the audience in the graduates today. He's an Air Force veteran  he's a great-grandfather great-grandfather   graduating today with a degree that is  45 years in the making he took his first   college course in 1980 and he struggled  with academics, well many of us do,   put a study on hold for a lot of years and then  to fulfill that dream, he enrolled at SNHU. Today he earns his BS in Business Administration  at age 64 with a 3.8 GPA. Jeffrey Smart! There's Paloma. Paloma came to us through our  partnership with Walmart. For half a year,   Paloma faced challenges with basic  needs. Paloma lived in her car. She   often slept in the Walmart parking lot  and to create a better life for herself   she worked three jobs while studying here  at SNHU. Today she earns her BS in computer science and she goes from working in  clothing to working in computer networks   as a network architect. Pretty amazing! Pedro,  another Walmart student who immigrated to the US   from Cape Verde at age 18 in just five years  he made that move he learned English and he   earns his BS in Business Administration  today. Amazing! Just 5 years, all of that. Then there's Bobby, I'll finish with Bobby,  a marine, a father, a musician in the 116th Army   National Guard band. Bobby enrolled with us after  his wife encouraged him to pick his education back   up and he completed a journey today that's been  25 years in the making. Throughout the years he   worked on his SNHU studies during downtime at  in the service, after work at his daughter's   dance competitions, even on family vacations.  Bobby shared with us that on a recent family   trip to Disney while waiting in line for 147  minutes for Big Thunder Mountain, he managed to   write a discussion board post and respond to two  classmates before it was time to get on the roller coaster. Hey Bobby, you know what  you're not going to do tonight at   5 minutes of midnight you're not hitting  the send button on your last assignment. Remarkable. Now I will finish but I need  to take one minute because in so many of   the conversations as you all were coming in and  I heard about advisers. I heard about financial   aid specialists. I heard about admissions  counselors who you stay in touch with even   after they were no longer in the admissions process. And story after story and I heard   about faculty who rescued, who came to help  you when you were struggling with something,   story after story after story, I am reminded that  I get to work with some of the best human beings   in higher education. This staff, this faculty,  runs through walls for our students and I want to   take a minute to recognize them and applaud them.  I'm so honored to have them as my colleagues. [Applause] They are a remarkable group. At each of our ceremonies, a student  speaker is chosen through a selection   process led by a university committee.  We have 5,000 graduates participating   in our virtual ceremonies this Spring and  we're pleased to have our chosen speaker,   Owen Adams from Sacramento, California. Owen  is a US Army veteran that hit a rough patch and he was incarcerated for 10 years,  but during that time he fell in   love with psychology and acquired three  Associates Degrees. When he was released,   he came to SNHU to continue his education to  help others with their battle with addiction.  Today, he graduates with his Bachelor of  Arts in Psychology Summa Cum Laude. We   are are so proud that Owen is part of our  SNHU community. Please welcome Owen Adams. Welcome President LeBlanc, Board of  Trustees, esteemed faculty, staff,   proud family members, friends,  and my fellow SNHU graduates. Today we gather to celebrate not just  the culmination of years of hard work,   but the triumph of the human spirit over  adversity. Each of us has had a unique journey   that has led us to this moment, but what unites us  all is our unwavering determination to reach this   milestone despite the obstacles we have faced.  As a formerly incarcerated individual myself,   I stand before you as living proof that no  challenge is insurmountable with perseverance   and the power of education. Southern New Hampshire  University has provided us with more than just a   degree, it has given us the tools to rewrite our  stories and re-define our futures. For some of   us higher education has been a beacon of hope in  the darkest of times offering a path to redemption   and a chance to break free from the shackles of  our past. It has taught us that our worth is not   defined by our mistakes, but by our resilience  and our commitment to self-improvement. As we   stand on the precipice of new beginnings, let us  never forget the value of our education and the   opportunities it affords us. It is a privilege  denied to many and we must honor it by striving   for excellence in all aspects of our lives. Let  us be guided by the knowledge that our potential   is limitless and that with dedication and hard  work we can achieve anything we set our minds to.   But our journey does not end here. As we venture  forth into the world, we must remember those who   are still struggling, those who may feel trapped  in the darkness of their circumstances. We must   be the light that guides them offering support,  encouragement, and empathy. We must use our   education not only to better our own lives but  to uplift others and create positive change in   our communities. So as we embark on this new  chapter, let us never lose sight of our dreams.   Let us embrace the challenges that lie ahead  with courage and determination let us continue   to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to  strive for greatness in everything we do, and let   us always remember that no matter how difficult  the road may seem, we are never alone. We are a   testament to the power of the human spirit and  together we can illuminate even the darkest   corners of the world. Congratulations class of  2024, the future is bright and it is ours for the taking! [Applause] Okay, there's one last piece we have to do,  Provost Ryerson will join me, we have to read   some legal language my first year I forgot there's  a whole class of people who don't really actually   have their degrees but they think they do, I don't  want that happening to you so Lisa take it away! Will the recipients of associate's, bachelor's,  and masters degrees please rise? [Applause] President LeBlanc, the candidates standing  before you have successfully completed the   course of studies prescribed  by the faculty of Southern New   Hampshire University and have fulfilled all  requirements for their chosen curricula. Now the legal language, by the authority  vested in me by the Board of Trustees of   Southern New Hampshire University and by the  general court of the State of New Hampshire,   I hereby confer the degrees of International  Master of Business Administration, Master of   Arts, Master of Business Administration,  Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts,   Master of Science and Nursing, Master  of Public Health, Master of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of  Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration,   and Bachelor of Science, Associate of  Applied Science, Associate in Arts,   and Associate in Science with all  rights honors and privileges there   too. Congratulations graduates please be  seated we will get this party started! [Applause] It's now my pleasure to introduce  our Alumni Board Vice President,   Gloria Lee. Gloria, please come to the podium. Love it. Hello, congratulations to our  newest graduates of Southern New Hampshire University. [Applause] On behalf of  the Alumni Board of Directors I am   honored to officially welcome you to the  SNHU Alumni Association. Today more than 250,000 SNHU alumni from around the world  congratulate you on your success and hope   you will become an active part of the SNHU alumni  community. So as you continue to celebrate your   achievements, remember there may be another  SNHU graduate at your workplace or living   right right next door to you. Seek out and lean in  to your vast Alumni network. Congratulations and   good luck on your next chapter, we cannot  wait to see what you'll accomplish next. Congratulations. [Applause] So now it's time for a really important ritual  in higher education. It's the turning of your   tassel. When you earn your associate's or your  bachelor's degrees you move your tassel from the   right side of your cap to the left side of your  cap. I'll ask now for all of our associate's or   bachelor's degrees graduates to please stand  to participate in this ceremony. Are you ready graduates? 3-2-1 Congratulations graduates! [Applause] [Music] Please join me in thanking members  of the New Hampshire Pipes and Drums   for playing during this afternoon's commencement exercise. Our recessional will begin with the Call  of the Bag Pipers, followed by our platform party,   our faculty, and then the graduates. Thank you  and Congratulations to the SNHU class of 2024! [Bagpiper Music]
Channel: SNHU
Views: 3,572
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Keywords: online colleges, online schools, online degrees, online degree programs, southern new hampshire university, online university, college, university, affordable online degrees, virtual reality commencement, 360 commencement, snhu 360 video, snhu virtual reality, southern new hampshire university 360 virtual reality, 360 commencement ceremony, 360 virtual reality graduation
Id: Evka3X9TVxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 36sec (7896 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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