Virginia vs Miami College Football Condensed Game 2017

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actually to take away [Applause] go over the head of breathe go down to the field to say a little Holly [Applause] that is complete to read 37 venture over the middle effort made by Du Bois beautiful throttle green but again the protection nice throw away from the defender [Applause] to pets again pressure getting Drummond he is tripped up that was print Paris who leads the team in sad he has played in a very high level he splits to Packers horses banker up in the pocket since 13 now good strike to his big time and evan bucks for another virginia first down to start this game [Applause] of the drive second seven as it is part of gaming then darted back misuk and his own Virginia chips [Applause] perhaps this a spot for him third and nine rows here first temperatures facing a third and nine [Applause] Rozier septic but he Blanding fourth of the year for Blandon Landing known more as a tackler in the backend of the defense but the play by Juan Thornhill number 21 knocks the ball up in the air [Applause] to the outside incomplete again Zacchaeus came at the end there is that a fumble yes here comes the chain Michael Jackson - to the goals goal for the season was twenty five turnovers and that was number 25 [Music] shut down field and into the hands of Richards take a shot on the first play after the turnover little stop and go they beat want Thornhill at the top for the quick ascent third and 20 too much from rosier in heat of it he gets it complete for a first down Benten kurt stood right up to it for 11 yards to a canoe he was going to get leveled he gets just enough on this throne no follow-through at all but was able to snap it off just enough to get to completion with quarterman bearing down on him that is a gutsy play fired up and this overly linic Miami defense without polluting a target wide open [Applause] sir and it's an out knob by Joe Reed and it totally froze the corner Malik young and then wide open behind the Miami secondary just a loss of concentration is absolutely flawless so far the ball game [Applause] and we will see did it go 10 this is the risk reward of doing that first down from the 42 weeks corner blitz Rozier has no idea it's coming tries to pull the ball down and scramble and right into the hands [Applause] and he's coming after him again looking for Thomas short-throw helps Jeff Thomas Thornhill not 20 ones in good position a little bit of a push off there but by the time Thornhill look for the ball it was already in the waiting arms of Jeff Thomas now seem to be third in a and you can believe that bronco mendenhall very aware looked a middle guy right here in the middle of the defense just for that purpose Rozier vintage of the turnover but they were this time beautiful throw outside shoulder up in the air almost impossible for cornerback to defend receiver season-high points it can't stop them Miami drawers with itself to his head today he's been very calm third and 3 another completion and another first down Andre will droning that is made a living on 30:13 Miami stunts upfront checks down to Alice Alice to midfield we'll be short of the necessary yardage picks up nine the field of the passing game [Applause] RPO with rosier and now he has to escape geeks it'll let it play by Harley got taken down who's here avoiding Andrew Brown watch number nine have him in his sights a little sidestep rosier keeps his poise at his eyes downfield and makes the nice throw to Harley those were two incredibly here the Richards and he won't get there it was Kaiser right on them right away and the struggles continued for Miami's with a return here [Applause] and he umbrellas this doesn't turn it over a lot of traffic there is he muffs it was pulling for the fair catch and there is a plate for the ball Travis Homer was one of the first guys down there drifting away from ham you gotta cut it just a mistake a mistake by Virginia and a capitalized situation by Miami on the outside that's Jeff Thomas [Applause] Rossiter down touchdown [Applause] throughout the tape with the touchdown and we get the tie ballgame air is very slimming through Virginia Grammys capitalize on those mistakes here's swing it out of the backfield to Ellis [Applause] this down back at the 18-yard line with Ellis slacking him to the left that never may never have a chance with [Applause] Hagen's with a terrific player and now coach that's great work Dallas to the edge and a first down with the extra effort from deejay Dallas Dana died [Applause] 35 sprint nearside wick out complete that's what Barrios does best for for the Canes [Applause] time by pager and it's incomplete without a critical error Zacchaeus again they were first hit this is Joey and he gets to the edge in a hole [Applause] keep it wide out and he's going to show the speed and getting outside Trent Harris the defensive end Trent Harris can run for that right here third and five pressure coming up that it often gets it complete dowling into Miami territory 22 yard reception remember no timeouts for Virginia confident very comfortable and slicing up this hurricane defense venture gonna take a shot downfield was thrown did he complete the process of the cat's eye well here it is it's a beautiful throw I thought he thought it and took a stuff before he went to the ground he has it two feet are down that's a catch the ball doesn't come out till the end of the play the Lavanya are wolves expert what a guy you've hit it right on the head the 3d components control and you've got to take and do something common to the game those steps were common to the game [Applause] to start the second half Rozier taken down by Chris piece moments ago Holly with mark Rick's perfect spot from third and twenty-two they only bring three he comes here it's going to tuck and we'll be tackled after a gain of just three that UVA defense comes out and does their job gifting of the [Music] Virginia yaks vehicles and they will have possession in prime position it was snowden coming in snow d8 half-hearted effort by Herndon the tight end and he gets it it's not a full rush look they're running to set up the return it's one man rushing the putter and he gets their negative yardage play though at that first play out the block punt by the Miami defense [Applause] the cleanest way then goes to the sea watch the quarterback bed Kurt he's looking left doesn't see it now he's going to know he's got to get rid of the football and all of a sudden he sees am flashing by the defender dee Delaney at Hard Rock number three team in the country trailing by 14 Jeff Thomas on the return and they could use a good one as he kept his balance and strives out pass to 35 three of eight today [Applause] third and five Rozier is going to talk and we'll get it in the first down hole more big play from the league Rossiter well he has done this offseason watch him get a good block by Herndon right here in the middle also that Springs it for an even bigger game he was going to get the first down just on his decision third down and nine [Music] here's a corner blitz again they pick it up Rozier downfield from Broxton Barrios [Applause] time to cash in stager rosier beautiful ball to cut it back to a touchdown the Dame couldn't get it done here number 13 Virginia Tech couldn't get it done here but here is been Kirk is going to anticipate where this balls going and cuts right the intended receiver Ben Kurt was for four for throwing on first down that one was a mistake moments like that banker I see they'll get ahead for a first down Cassity stand great catch that time by Ellis stood his ground inside the 40 we've seen this say play a few times days ago effort on the backside by a Miami defender what a hit by j-kwon Johnson but Jordan Ellis hangs on to it again it was the outlet [Applause] six low-pressure picks it up gets it oh that should have been caught by Dowling [Applause] Benford with Todd lost more than sex and there is no flat completion so they've been here before they've had more games like this than the other way right over the middle to the big target burned in the tight end and he fights for extra yards to make field freshman number 29 out there now second time in the game it's a michael irvin the son of and it's another first down [Applause] Rozier [Applause] this time by Thornhill he was looking for Jeff Thomas he's loaded and Thornhill picked it see this ball is gonna get intercepted you better go fight for the football and help your quarterback out Miami tide against unranked Virginia here late in the third pressure gets to him for the Miami defense RJ McIntosh and company if you have to leave the you better go straight up the middle because they're too fast McIntosh the first to get there [Applause] Alice trying to create some breathing room only a yard that time they're going to be punching out of their own zone field most of the day today we'll then again Wazir right get through that line but they closed in on him and watch number 13 he's the first guy that's going to get there get a hand on Rozier he's not able to pull him down by himself but he's the first guy to slow the court that's his prime position on the short punt run the ball on third and nine and somehow homer made the most of that was able to get to be a 44-yard attempt [Applause] get on this play too and with that Miami takes the lead spin it has been a tidal wave the past five minutes fun able to spin three was Ellis in the grasp of Macintosh what Thank You Cassidy's second and six to the outside complete and a first down and dotty over the full warning and trying to work his way to midfield is down and once a candy Guinness it just continues first down being productive on first down has been huge for them today when they to the outside and Zacchaeus again has been a dynamic weapon pressure up the middle and they're able to get to Finn Kirk that was Johnson who had the pick-6 earlier flying in from his safety spot this is a bad job by Jordan Ellis job he turns his shoulders and he doesn't square him up that's his poor pass protection third and three I think this is two down territory also for Virginia we will find out the [Applause] [Music] now extend the plan his SATs Jordan Ellis gives a better effort on this past route but this is a mismatch [Applause] good place pins free [Applause] and he will be marked eating clock but Mark Richt felt like this Virginia team was a little down in the dumps after the failed conversion two times in a row they give it to Homer to run in the ballgame what an effort with the left hand here's the quarterback run see straight ahead [Applause] it's by design watch the center release watch the patience of Rozier just setting up the blocks by his garden center and just kind of feeling his way to the endzone battle of the way if those two guys play as good as the two quarterbacks in our game today it should be special and here comes that Miami front seven again Thomas and Jackson with a scheduled meeting yet bedecker they're just going to pin their ears back the ends are gonna collapse the pocket the protection has been pretty solid all day but Miami not worrying about run right now at all just perfect then fertilize take them down of the 30 fourth and six [Applause] we'll be put this thing to rest in two minutes and 50 seconds but why this season has gone [Applause] [Music] don't kid yourself if you don't think there's a fierce competitor underneath all that Homer great great second half for the games tacular and Virginia history get stoned and check this home again 17 Russia's 96 yards after the slow start by showing what there it's not going to be a tea and sunny [Music] there's a good effort from Ellis here as things will close out this thing was a thriller and in my hit the gas pedal [Applause]
Channel: ACC Digital Network
Views: 32,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ACCDigitalNetwork, ACC Digital Network, ACCDN, ACC, College Sports, Division I, NCAA, Atlantic Coast Conference, athletics, competition, miami, hurricanes, virginia, cavaliers, college, football
Id: yPZM1FldlBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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