Virgin Voyages: Learn WHY & HOW to Book Dinner and Shows ASAP - You Will Thank Me!

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coming on a virgin voyages sailing you're going to want to make sure you're avoiding Disaster by learning their app ahead of time hey everybody this is Brandon the weekend Cruiser where I go to weekend Cruise just about every weekend and I'm here on my third sailing on Virgin voyages Scarlet lady and there's a few things that I've picked up on their app that will save your cruise if you learned these things before you go and so it's not going to be a full tutorial of the app but it's going to talk more about the best ways to utilize this app and where you need to be going to look at everything now the first thing that you want to make sure that you are doing is you are going to download and Link the app so it's going to look just like this little button here at the top of the screen that I'm showing that's what you're going to want to look to download so that you can get your cruise synced to your actual account it should automatically populate if you've got your email in there but you may need to go through the process of adding it and the reason you're going to do this is because you're going to scroll to the bottom and you're going to see where it says book dining if you are more than 45 days out it's going to tell you what day these reservations are going to open up for you and so make sure that you set an alarm and that you go back into the app on this day to be able to make your reservations if you are booking a last minute cruise all of their reservations are probably already taken and that is just not a fun experience I have seen many people on this Cruise turned away from restaurants because they don't have a reservation they've made your DS will work with you they'll try to squeeze you in but there's just not enough space to go around and you don't want to play that game so as soon as your 45 days opens up make sure that you are going to be booking those reservations now let me show you in the app what that process actually looks like so when you go into your app I am currently on the crew so mine may look a little bit different than yours I'm on day four and so you're just going to come down here to the bottom and it says book dining so I'm going to click on that and the first thing that you're going to see is probably none of these are going to have availability so if it is grayed out or maybe it's not even listed as a time that means that they are all taken you're going to have to get a little creative with these restaurants because it defaults to six o'clock but you have to play with it if you want to see reservations for later the restaurants here stay open till 10 I'm gonna say say let's try nine o'clock and see if I can find something there I'd love to be able to show you all one that is open but it's not going to be the case if this was open one of these time slots would be in red and you know that you could select it and then book that actual reservation for you and whoever you are eating with if everything is taken you need to get Brandon I don't want to have to wait with the major day and I don't want to eat at 10 o'clock when they squeeze me in here are the other options if you scroll a little bit further down that you're also going to be able to do the pizza place here is fantastic you can also go down to the different Galley options so that is there I don't want to say food court it's like a a food Hall if you will or they have different stations that you can order from they're gonna have a lot of that listed here that you can check out and then you're going to have some like the dock that's only open during the day which is one of my favorite places to get some munchies the next thing that you're going to make sure that you're doing and this is as soon as you get on the actual Cruise you're going to notice a lot more things open up so what you're going to do is you're going to then go into browse the event lineup as soon as you get on the ship so I should also say that you want to make sure you're getting the earliest check-in window that you can if you are available to get to the ship as one of the first passengers or Sailors as they call them here on Virgin voyages you're going to want to make sure you do that the reason for that is they've got a lot of different shows here that are gonna fill up so you can only book certain shows once you get onto the actual ship and so that's going to be the variety shows like the ship show or maybe you want to see dual reality their Circus Olay Style Show those fill up extremely quick so you're going to come into your app and you can see the ones that are listed here I'm gonna go to last night because they did have some that were listed if I scroll all the way to the bottom here you'll be able to see one of these available so ships in the night is their theater show that they have you're gonna come in here and you're just going to press that book option one thing that you're going to make sure you're doing is selecting all the people that are linked to your reservation so that they also get a ticket because I've made the mistake of just quickly checking out you'll see all the different little circle icons with people's names there I can't show you that I don't think because I don't think that there's anything that I can book at this point um but I didn't check off mom and include her in the reservation so that was no good let's see if I can find something that we can actually book while we're here uh I don't know if you can book a tattoo I can add that to the agenda which I don't want to do music trivia oh do reality so I've got two tickets booked for this event already which is great but if you were you can come in here to book and you'll see where it has both of us listed and you just want to make sure that you're booping on the second person to get them listed and you can choose the time slot that you're going to want to go to and so we've got it for tomorrow night at six o'clock so I don't want to change that because we are already ticketed for this event but this will also give you a picture from it so you can kind of figure out what it is and then a description of what you're going to be seeing some of these descriptions I will say don't really tell you too much but I would say if it is on here and it is a show of some kind make sure that you are going into it another thing that I would advise you not to actually do is they have a filter button up here at the top and you can filter down by different things but what I found is the filter system doesn't necessarily here they have everything aligned correctly and doesn't list everything their app doesn't have a ton of stuff and you will find some of the physical classes on here you'll find some of the salesy stuff but you're just going to scroll through all that to see what is going to be here and pick the ones you want if you filter you're going to miss things and their filters don't necessarily make sense so you're not going to want to do that if you're back on the main part of this app you're going to see a few things up at the top you can see your actual agenda so if you have reserved certain things so if I was to go to tomorrow night I should be able to see dual reality at six o'clock to seven o'clock which should work out well because I've got the wake at 9 30. actually that's in the morning that was brunch and then we're gonna have Razzo Dazzle at 7 30. so timing should work well there that's also going to be a little bit of a game and you have to prioritize do you want a restaurant if the only time that you can get is during your show time or do you want to go see the show so there will be a little bit of priority there if you're also coming for a shorter Cruise don't try to do all the restaurants because there's too many of them here they're all fan fantastic pick the ones that you're going to like the best and make those reservations coming back to the main screen you can see the venues on the ship do get used to the layout on the ship their signature will tell you what is on each floor but it's not going to tell you what direction to go to so if you can figure out where something is I would highly encourage you to do that if you want to see what the different bars are it'll show you what the bars are what the times are we'll go to the grounds Club too one of my favorite places you see that it's open tonight until seven and it'll give you the times for the rest of the cruise as well and a little description on what you can expect so we'll come out of that cabin housekeeping this is an important one you can do this on your iPad as well but if you need more water if you watched my full room tour that we're in they have a water bottle over there that they keep filled up for you you can request more water you can ask your cabin to be cleaned fresh towels ice or you could just you know do maintenance and tell them come fix something Adam fixed that door back there because it was extremely loud it would squeak a lot you just need a little WD-40 on it which they easily came and did for us and you can view your wallet this is where you can see all of your charges so you see for me it is a lot of coffee the grounds um and then we bought Wi-Fi the premium Wi-Fi I should say as well just to make sure that everything will work so those are the key things that you're going to need to know for the app the app is very buggy know that it's gonna probably time out on you might not connect well you can close it restart it many times because it's just not the best app don't use the filter and by all means set an alarm for when the reservations open up to book your your dining reservations you will thank me do it the same day 45 days out book your dining reservations it will fill up I promise you very very quickly so make sure you're doing that get an early check-in time on the ship and as soon as you check in pull up the app and start seeing what shows you want to go to in Booking those tickets because they're also going to sell out the venues here or smaller they're more intimate which I love but you gotta have a ticket to get into the show all right everybody this is Brandon the weekend Cruiser I hope you found this review of the Virgin voyages app to be helpful and you avoid disaster on your next cruise by getting your reservations as soon as you can
Channel: The Weekend Cruiser
Views: 18,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virgin voyages, virgin voyages app, virgin voyages tips, virgin voyages booking, virgin voyages restaurants, virgin voyages scarlet lady restaurant, restaurants on virgin voyages, how to book restaurants on, how to book restaurants on virgin voyages, how to book shows on virgin voyages, scarlet lady, cruise tips, virgin voyages cruise ship, scarlet lady dining, scarlet lady cruise
Id: RCOm2KuL8do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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