Vinyl Plank vs Laminate vs Engineered Hardwood

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welcome to the funny carpenter today's video very exciting we're going to be doing some extreme durability tests on the three most common types of flooring out there so the three floors that we're looking at here today we've got a waterproof vinyl plank from the Home Depot and this stuff is 328 a square foot next up we've got a laminate floor from the Home Depot this is the cheapest floor out of the three and it is 248 per square foot and then finally we've got the engineered hardwood the most expensive flooring out of the three and that runs three ninety-eight per square foot we're gonna be dragging chairs dropping pans sliding heavy furniture across the floor we're gonna be letting my dog do insane burnouts across here and finally we're gonna be fumbling giant kitchen knifes onto these floors and see how they stand up let's get testing but before we do if you're not already subscribed you may want to consider it I've got some great videos coming up about the best way to repair these floors after they get damaged and then we'll have a look at what happens when water gets on these things so the first test we're gonna look at here is the sliding chair test because inevitably what always happens with chairs is the little felt pads will fall off and then all of a sudden you'll have a chair with no felt pad it will just be sliding across the floor so let's see what that would do to these three types of floors so after that chair test I'm not really seeing any damage on any three of the floors which is a bit surprising I thought the engineered hardwood would have got damaged especially being a darker color so that's pretty impressive for all three of them next up the frying pan drop test will drop this frying pan from about ten feet no will drop this 10 inch frying pan from about 40 inches roughly countertop height and we'll see what happens so checking out the floors after the frying pan drop test the vinyl plank I don't see any kind of damage whatsoever the laminate and there's nothing a couple spots on the engineered hardwood have dents where an edge of the pan knocked into it so these two are a hundred percent and there's a some minor denting on the engineered hardwood and the next challenge we have the heavy furniture challenge we're gonna take this refrigerator and we'll slide it back and forth a number of times on these three floors and we'll see what it does yeah so after doing the fridge test I mean I can't see anything on the on the vinyl plank flooring I was twisting it on there and there's nothing so that's awesome the laminate I'm not noticing anything on this edge but on this part here there's one little scratch here I think where I was twisting the fridge on there and then over on the engineered hardwood that took a beating it got pretty gouged up when I jumped the fridge on to it and then there's compression scratches all the way along here yeah there's all kinds of scratches on here so this did not really stand up well to a fridge sliding across it which I didn't think it would but I am pretty impressed with the laminate and the vinyl plank challenge number four the dog burnt our test this is Willy he'll be assisting us here well you won't go get it ready go get it GoGet so from the dog challenge on the vinyl plank I'm not seeing anything you cannot find any kind of imperfection on the laminates I am picking up a couple of small tiny little scratches I'm seeing it tiny little scuff over here it looks like a little chip out of one spot I'm not bad at all on the engineered hardwood I'm starting to find all kinds of scratches if you catch it in the right light you're noticing you could definitely pick up some scratches from the dog running around there only a lot of little scratches from the dog running across here so the next challenge we got is the kitchen hey fumble now I'm going to be careful not to bounce this thing into my foot but what I'm gonna do is drop this thing from about five feet and I'll drop it on each one of the floors about five times we'll do various kinds of drops like a horizontal drop they'll do some tip down drops now I'm pretty sure that all the floors are gonna take some damage so it'll be interesting to see if the vinyl plank will take its first casualty yeah so the results of the knife drop test has definitely produced some carnage so over on the engineered hardwood it's taking some serious blows on them when the knife landed tip down one here dug a whole chunk out so another big gouge there another gouge there this piece here is not looking great it's kind of split the wood it's separated it all along here if you can see that but it's all kind of blistered up along here yeah you can see some a word like the hosel impacted there move it over under the laminate here it's not looking great either when the knife was landing tipped down it was just gagging chunks out like crazy and they don't look great this one's all blistered up this one has a big little chunk missing out of the side in terms of the sideways impacts it doesn't look like the knife was doing a ton of damage when it wasn't landing taped down and then over on the vinyl plank yeah when the knife was landing tipped down you can see there's a little slit it'll slip there a little slip there I mean all in all it did stand up the best and if you take that do you see that I just pushed that back together and it's it's almost like it's not there another little slit here you could probably just push that one back together too definitely makes it better on the laminate here I mean chunks have just blown apart yeah so overall the vinyl plank is amazing it's definitely the most durable of the three the engineered hardwood was slightly more durable than I expected but it got beat to hell yeah the fridge destroyed it the dog put scratches in it the pan made compression dings all over it and the knife just went to town on this thing the laminate was quite durable it barely showed any scratches up until the knife test it had a couple scratches from the fridge and the dog and then the knife did take some pretty decent chunks out of it and then yeah for the vinyl plank this stuff is pretty amazing even when the knife did stab into it I mean it's barely noticeable from a distance so that's pretty impressive now this is a floor that I actually have installed in my basement and I've had it in the laundry room for over a year and I've recently just put it throughout the entire basement yeah I've been super happy with it if you're at all interested in this vinyl plank floor check out the channel I've got a couple videos on there about installing it and as well as kind of preparing if you're putting it in your basement you might need to do some patching on the concrete so check that out if you're into it thanks so much for watching get you on the next video
Channel: The Funny Carpenter
Views: 704,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best floor for dogs, vinyl plank flooring, vinyl plank vs laminate vs hardwood, vinyl plank vs laminate, best floor for pets, luxary vinyl plank vs laminate, best floor for basement, best floor for basement that floods, vinyl plank bs hardwood, vinyl plank vs laminate flooring, most durable floor, durability floor test, best floor for kids, the funny carpenter
Id: iBQIxFhhkJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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