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this video is going to be a rather lengthy film study look at the LA Rams offense under Shawn McVey generally going to focus this on 20123 my motivation uh it's an interesting offense number one it's definitely an anomaly they play by their own rules hence the graphic that I tried to create for him to represent that Dynamic the Lions will also host the Rams in week one after a thrilling playoff matchup this will be a rematch to open the season and so I wanted to do a couple of previews for that as the game gets closer of course it's June so this is going to be a lengthy film study look where I try to familiarize myself with the offense ref familiarize myself with some things I thought I already knew and hopefully expose myself to some new ideas or concepts and give you guys my Impressions and perspectives on it so I'm going to talk about data first the film won't follow until about four or five minutes in we all rely on data whether we're NFL fans the coaches the players the front offices it helps everyone make decisions coaches make decisions based upon the data that they've got player it helps players to anticipate or or maybe know where they might be able to have an impact on a certain snap coaches want to try to recreate as many favorable situations as they can over the course of a game o over the course of a season and they use data to put players in position to succeed consistently or at least try to sometimes the data is team team or opponent specific sometimes it's based on Modern Trends and that's where we'll kind of get into the discussion with what Shawn McVey does it's the data is is the driver at this point for almost all decisions we as fans want to use data patterns numbers to support our own team analysis whether it's balanced analysis or tribal like so many what I'm going to do here is give you some data some patterns that I noticed while watching a significant amount of rams offense film in 2023 they played the Ravens in Baltimore in an unbelievable fun game to watch now that it's the off season it was not fun to watch that day I had a feeling leading up to that game that the Ravens may have trouble stopping the run with their nickel against the Rams 11 personnel feel free to go back and look on my channel I'll try to link that video up in the description here and then I did a post game film study on the Rams offense their first drive I think they ran the ball the first seven plays of the game I also obviously cover the Rams when they played the the lions in the Wild Card round a 2423 win for the Lions great game so I have a significant number of film that I watched amount of film that I watched before those two games and afterwards I think I've got seven games completely marked up and the data all organized for you I'll try to explain what I think Shawn McVey and his staff do to use data and modern Trends to deceive NFL defenses in a very unique way it's very old school and I'll go even one step further I think McVey uses other team's reaction to Modern Trends against them he's playing a different game in my opinion if you will and the two elements I'll focus on I'm sure other people have focused on at various times since Shawn McVey was HED there in 2017 we'll focus on his use of compressed formations and motion specifically motion from compressed formations these plays Will FL through here while I talk about it I think McVey stays in 11 personnel as a control feature he wants to control as much as he possibly can any offensive coordinator or defensive coordinator does for McVey I think staying in 11 personnel gives them consistent looks through which to gather their own Intel again I said the intro here is going to be rather lengthy basically couple of questions here I think he's trying to answer right off the top early in games where is the nickel Defender against the 11 personnel very few teams will respond with their base defense be it a 34 or a 4-3 structure from that 11 personnel platform which McVey and the Rams use 93 to 95% of the time in any given season I think he forces defenses specifically the other team's nickel defense to play in a manner it's not designed to combat and I will refer to the Ravens defense consistently while trying to explain my thoughts there let's go over some of the data for the Rams offense from 2023 compared to other seasons and then I will relate it to other teams and to try to illustrate to you how much of an anomaly mcvey's 11 personnel unit is they were 4555 in terms of run pass ratio in 2023 it sounds like they're pass heavy to some I think they're actually run heavy even though 4555 is obviously skewed in the pass in the favor of the pass game first of all let me establish it they're in 11 personnel 93 to 95% of the time now let's compare that to the rest of the NFL when they're in 11 personnel somewhere between 66 and 70% pass plays for the rest of the NFL out of 11 personnel take for example the Lions they were in 11 personnel only 62% of the time and they were more heavily weighted towards the pass out of 11 than the Rams were the lions were 63% pass 37% run when they elected to go with one running back and one tight end 17 other teams in the NFL were above 70% pass out of 11 personnel of course some of that is is third and long or maybe second and long but teams like the Bengals commanders Giants Jets and also some very good offenses Packers Chiefs Cowboys Texans All Above 70% pass out of 11 personnel three other teams were right at that 69% barrier where you would either round down to 69 or round up to 70% in terms of their past tendency out of 11 think about the Ravens the team I spend the most time watching film of 79% pass when they're in 11 personnel almost a statistical giveaway in terms of their intentions if we bring that back to the Rams they major in 11 personnel and they're 4555 run pass ratio to me mcve is hiding within the overall data compared to the rest of the NFL your nickel defense is used to defending 70% pass roughly and when you go up against M McVey it's almost 50/50 they're middle of the pack in terms of run pass ratio but out of 11 personnel they're right at the front I think it's a foundational element of what they do essentially NFL nickel defenses 425 structure see 70% pass on a weekly basis their coverage calls their Paradigm are built from those patterns and the Rams are going against the grain of that data if you ask me when you combine that with the quality of their offensive line at least for 2023 the prepared and astute play calling that McVey gives you the arm strength and quickness of reads for Stafford you end up with a top 10 offense in scoring despite a number of young young players who started the year three and six I think they finished seventh or eighth in the NFL in yards per game I want to illustrate exactly what I'm talking about with formations compressed formations out of 11 personnel how drastically different they are than the rest of the league we'll slow some of these pictures down forgive me for the speed of those initially so compressed for ations by Nature are a stressor McVey has obviously relied on them since he took over his head coach in 2017 the Patriots famously came up with a brilliant game plan basically a 6-1 front that kind of matches the surface meaning it puts the the same number of players in the Box on the line of scrimmage or close to the line of scrimmage as the offense does the off and McVey only uses one tight end to create that well how is why receivers are lined up so close to the tackle this is going to be Point number one that I think a lot of people will reject the Rams utilize their wide receivers like wings other teams don't now if you only pay attention to the NFL and college football then you probably don't even know what a wing is it's short for Wing back basically think a hybrid wide receiver running back type player who lines up near or just outside of the tight end or the tackle usually it's a one by one alignment sometimes deeper sometimes slightly wider MC V has precisely calculated where to line up his wide receivers in terms of the width to combat and just annoy the typical defensive end outside linebacker Edge player in a nickel defense basically because of the threat of the wi receivers Wings blocking down on a dender edge Defender they're putting said players on both sides of the ball both sides of the formation excuse me in tremendous conflict pre- snap just based on their alignment and I'll use Endzone angle pick here it's going to flow through with the gaps Illustrated for you don't have dgap Illustrated nonetheless it does exist and then I'll show you where the nickel Defender is the ball is on the left hash for the Rams here you can see the nickel Defender Kyle Hamilton is to the field so the Rams know where he's going to be number one because they understand the Personnel that they're getting for two front basically means there seven gaps created by the five offensive linemen and the tight end but because of the two wide receivers that are lined up cup and nkua in this picture tightly again Wings this is basically red and blue formation for the wing te at least in the terminology that I know the defense is going to be in a 4-2 but they're outnumbered meaning how many who plays what particular Gap that's all we ever hear people talk about is what Gap do you have the Rams will shift and move those gaps through motion just before the snap while forcing you as a defense toine lineup in a certain way I think they freeze NFL defenses numerically they have an advantage already with 10 players right now in the picture 10 offensive players in the picture that is against eight for the Ravens defense as it relates to the wide receivers I think they're perfectly deployed I think that McVey and those guys over the course of the years have looked at the width of those slots Wings receivers whatever you want to call them to try to force the edge Defender to decide to line up either inside or widen up and risk being too far to play a role on a run concept away from them you look at the edge defenders in this picture both of them OA on the our left hand side of the picture the Ravens defense's right or Clowney on our right hand side of the picture the Ravens defense is left both of them are just inside of the wings or the receivers that the Rams have used to deploy there's other factors here obviously uh but I wanted to explain the impact that the compressed formations have out of 11 personnel just from an alignment standpoint the constant use of motion and the threat of the Jet Sweep or the toss behind the Jet Sweep I think freezes a lot of NFL defensive coordinators I think it certainly had an impact against the Ravens it it prevents them or slows them down from bringing a lot of pressure when Stafford is under Center and I will explain some very severe tendencies that I've noticed in the Rams offense under Center shotgun and Pistol but the one reason that I think that teams hesitate from pressuring or bringing stunts or blitzes when the quarterback is under Center is the ability to run the toss or the Jet Sweep to either side of the field now look the Rams don't run a ton of the Jet Sweep to be honest with you the more so run toss plays behind the jet motion that seems to be more a more important facet of their offense more effective if you will it really functionally acts as a Jet Sweep as you see ncua taking a Jet Sweep against the Ravens I only think I had him running 13 Jet Sweep plays in all of 2023 maybe it was only 11 the key here is that the motion adds another player to the side where you want to attack at times it could be two or away from the nickel Defender if you hand the ball off to the running back and use the wide receivers as a lead blocker well those wide receivers which I've already established to you my claim that I think they're really functionally Wings on run plays they're going to be more effective as a lead blocker out in space they're they're more practiced they're more well trained because they play in a sh McVey offense because they're asked to do those things I think if you Blitz or stunt and the motion goes away from you a lot of the backside Pursuit can be compromised you don't see that a whole lot because I think the NFL defensive coordinators are often Frozen particularly when they're under Center whether they're playing man or Zone you're not seeing a ton of stunts I didn't cherry-pick these plays to show you here that to Loop through of the defense is not blitzing that's just what they do I think the the jet motion and the plays that work off of it the toss behind it act as a jab it holds defenses in place kind of makes them stationary if you will pre- snap and then once McVey finds out how you're lining up he's got multiple plays to thwart that and and the Rams offense seems to improve their after now basing out of one Personnel Group I think it benefits the Rams to be honest with you because there's no substitution needed to get to the next play not to say that they utilize hurry up a ton because they only ran 62 plays per game so I think that's quite average I think it's 14th in the league somewhere around there middle of the pack a little above you know middle of the pack but it's not like the Rams are in hurry up mode could it adversely affect the players for being on the field too much sure may maybe so but I think the perimeter threat the Run game being available to either side is a very real Dynamic you certainly don't see Cooper cup getting a lot of jet sweeps nowaday nor other players I do Wonder at times about a dynamic that exists for option teams and that's this a play call given with no direction do do I really think that the Rams do this a ton no but let me explain the dynamic for triple option teams a true triple option read team is such that the offensive coordinator or head coach will call a concept let a midline option and then it's the quarterback's job to go find the three technique if that is exactly where the offense wants to run it generally it's going to be to a two or a three I know some crazy ass people that'll run it to a one technique but generally you don't want to uh it'll be the quarterback's job to call the play directionally the head coach offensive coordinator calls the concept and the quarterback's job is to come up get up on Center or in the pistol whatever and then see the defense if the tight end is already to the side of three which is generally what what you're going to get in overr cool make the call and run the play to that side if the tight ends on the other side it's the quarterback's job to make the call motion a slot or a wing over to create a three-man surface excuse me motion a wide receiver over because we're talking about the NFL and then run midline away from the tight end the first drive of the game against the Ravens I think gives you a great example of how McVey can manipulate and freeze defenses week 14 Mike McDonald typically put NFL defenses in a blender an absolute bind on third down third and four third and five third and six the diff the the amount of blitzes stunts and coverages that McDonald employs and his players can execute was a Snowball Effect for offenses in 2023 they couldn't figure out what the Ravens were doing and they never got into a rhythm well the Rams totally flipped that Dynamic on its head at least early the compressed formations and the motion never let McDonald have any element of control pre- snap now did McVey get the offense to the line quick and then rely on Stafford to change the play or change the direction no I can't say that I saw that Dynamic a ton on this first drive this seemed like an example of the Rams having play calls made up for the right hash and the left hash out of 11 personnel because they knew the Ravens would be in their nickel and saying okay we know the nickel's going to be here let's run this play away from him or we know the nickel's going to play be be on this side here let's run it to his side but let's block him this way they're playing a different game than everyone else they ran the ball in their first nine plays I think the Rams had to settle for a field goal and then punted near the end of the first quarter which was only their second possession if you go look at the play bypl It's kind of unbelievable how few plays were actually run or snaps there were in the first half and then they scored 17 points in the second quarter they being the Rams offense seven plays 75 yards touchdown nine plays 75 yards touchdown in the second quarter a lot of it revolves around the use of compressed formations the jet motion or fast motion if you will exploiting the defense A and B being used to gauge reactions some of it is based on down and distance meaning the play call and what the defensive coordinator is most likely to utilize coverage and Blitz and and stunt standpoint in that area of the field I think the hesitation of the defense to put the nickel anywhere near the line of scrimmage nor either one of the two safeties just Dooms them when you're dealing with a McVey offense when you combine it with how first of all how great the offensive line was this year for them how well the Rams wide receivers block part of that is their training I think that just adds to the yards the running backs gain in the Run game naturally or organically one of the things that the motion can accomplish and often does for McVey and the Rams is you can get Defenders to run themselves out of the play two examples of it here against the Saints later in the season Tyron Matthew and then an inside linebacker on back-to-back plays kind of allow themselves to be out of position no one needs to block them because they're unable to get involved in the play it of course it depends on the stunt or the coverage that the defense is running obviously but that's one of the things that at the NFL level offensive coordinator head coach the entire offensive staff has a pretty good idea of the coverage that they're going to get and again it's a control Factor McVey knows the nickel defenses on the field there's certain teams that play certain coverages only with their nickel defense or or the or the opposite only play a particular coverage out of their base 34 or base 43 it's a control factor a way that McVey and the Rams can also leave particular players unblock say for example a Kyle Hamilton you don't feel like dealing with him you know where he's going to be you can run away from him conversely if you know where he's going to be and you know what his reaction is going to be in a particular part of the field because a lot of coverages are are location on the field based meaning the right hash or the left hash and then the yard line are you on the -40 the positive 40 or the positive 17 the coverage Paradigm or the coverage umbrella that teams use ch ches depending on all of those factors and others and I think it just allows McVey since he knows who's going to be on the field exclusively nickel defenses to control the look that his guys are going to get now look all of these things that are done by McVey in the offense from a scheme standpoint from a formation standpoint compressed formations and the Motions shouldn't take away from the fact that Kyrie Kiron Williams is really talented he's got great vision Great Cuts he seems to wait until the last second sometimes to make his cut not sure how to explain that Dynamic he's just very abrupt his jump cuts are exceptional I've seen him move across two gaps to find a running Lane he averaged just over five yards per carry in 2023 I believe 5.02 finished over 1100 yards rushing 12 touchdowns is he aided or boosted by the angles the blocking angles that sha McVey and the scheme creates sure of course the tight formations also give him the ability to like I said move across gaps cuz so many Defenders can be clustered in together they can almost end up having two defenders in the same Gap and he can find the open Lane but in and of himself his ability he's top of the food chain if you ask me he and the ra and the Rams scheme create a lot of second and five and second and six situations for the offense I did think that they went to more shotgun run Concepts later in the game after playing the Ravens in week 14 I noticed a tremendous tendency that I I'll go over here in a moment everything they do with Kiren Williams I think just sets up McVey and Stafford really to attack the defense if they freeze and then take take advantage of any overreactions if they Blitz as an aside get three receiving touchdowns in 2023 to me looks like the type of running back that can produce even more overall than the 100 plus offensive yards he did in 2023 because of the he had 32 two catches on 48 targets as a receiver I think they can get more out of him which they don't really necessarily need to hukaa and Cooper cup are going to get a ton of targets and touches I believe the last six games of the year kyen Williams averaged over 100 rushing yards per game sat out in week 18 I think he really turned it on during that stretch overall during the course of 2023 talking about a guy who had 6 100 yard games doesn't fumble a lot I did see to has over 1100 yards rushing with 12 touchdowns there's really no reason why he and the Rams can't create that impact in 2024 let's talk about some of the trends or the patterns that that I've noticed in in the film study and organizing the plays what I try to do is is label everything down distance Personnel Group formation run type run pass play Direction Etc uh so let's flip the Anis towards that for a moment since the Rams are in 11 personnel so much there's actually less information to use if you were trying to categorize the data and and I can only tell you this from a personal standpoint meaning I can't say okay it's second and four between the negative 35 and the positive 45 what I would generally consider you consider you know middle of the field and they've gone 21 Personnel so you can often times look at the data and say okay it's 21 Personnel second and four 48 yard line if they go pro ey it's counter weak or counter strong if they go twins eye then it's play action pass weak you can generally predict plays like that for for certain situations that's a dynamic that exists across all levels of football play sequences cross referenced with the Personnel the down in distance and and the location on the field McVey and the Rams they remove some of those variables maybe they control some of them is the right way to put it even though they do have real indicators as it relates to some pre-nap alignment basically the formation now I only have first down and second down plays included in this data that I'm going to quote to you here in a moment my third down and fourth down play concepts for the Rams in 2023 were organized in a separate folder intentionally I did that because I wanted to look at mcvey's play calls at the beginning of a series of downs not separate and these are not separated or organized by game time here it's just done by a formation study that's how I look at the game of football that's how I was taught to do so so specifically comparing the under Center and shotgun Play calls run pass two vastly different situations and it is as I expected meaning prior to week 14 when the Ravens hosted the Rams I looked at 17 I had 17 under Center plays saved up for the Rams 15 of them were run plays and then I had 82% of my shotgun plays were pass plays overall now I have for separate from that data I have 45 under Center plays in 2023 34 runs 11 pass for for a total of 62 plays of which 49 of them are run plays so pretty high percent percent run when you're under Center shotgun absolute flipping the the numbers there 50 plays 42 of which were pass totally in line eight of which were run 42 of which were pass totally in line with the data that I had leading up to that Ravens game in week 14 now what can NFL teams do about it as recently as two or three years ago I believe I or saw a website a Rams website at Rams fan site I could be wrong talk about a perennial decline in McVey offenses from week nine onward I guess the implication would be he becomes predictable and that data that I'm quoting to you would seem to support that but that was certainly not the case in 2023 the Rams offense got better over the course of the year they averaged TW just over 28 points per game from weeks 11 to week 18 went 7- one in that time scoring 30 points four separate times whereas in their opening nine regular season games they' only exceeded 23 points three times so if this information is out there that I'm quoting to you the under Center run tendency shotgun SL pistol pass tendency if that information is out there they do if they are predictable and become even more so over the course of the Season how come nobody was able to do anything about it how come in 2023 did McVey go away from those Tendencies intentionally I did notice after week 14 more run Concepts out of the shotgun when it came time to do the preview for the Lions wild card game I did notice some of the Tendencies being uh walked away from additionally I don't think NFL defensive systems are built on pre-nap formation recognition and the ensuing Tendencies now some are we've seen or heard about some very real patterns that have been exploited in big moments Super Bowl wins for that matter a lot of that information is not going to be shared by defensive coaches or players nor should it be occasionally in a Super Bowl after a win you'll get coaches or players talking about something because it's a big stage and there's more media presence there's more questions to be asked generally as a defensive coach you want to preserve the data and your ability to use it against the offensive coordinator or head coach in this case you want to preserve that as for as long as possible perhaps cost across multiple Seasons I think mcvey's system also makes it difficult to do as a defensive coordinator and and defensive players to do as much as you would like I should say in hindsight they deserve credit for that they being McVey and the Rams staff it's another control element not only do they hold the chalk last but I think what he does is he uses six or eight different plays from each formation and therefore the defense is unsure of what to do so in order to explain that I'm going to go into one formation under Center and then one third down situ formation excuse me to illustrate the depth to which McVey goes from each set as some people call it some teams get into formation to run three plays maybe not even that some teams only get into a formation to run two plays mcvey's platforms the formations might not have as much width meaning they're all out of 11 personnel and they all Quote look the same and that's the design but the depth of them how many plays he runs out of each formation is quite incredible the formation that I picked to try to illustrate to you guys the depth of how Shawn mcy and the Rams attack opposing defenses it is called Pro twins most people would refer to it as red and blue from the old Wing te terminology we'll let these plays cycle through multiple times while I try to talk about some of the Tendencies 7525 run pass like you saw but what McVey does through the schematics the alignment of the formation and then the implementation of the motion is kind of freeze the defense such that they're not willing to attack with the blitz basically by having two Wings one on each side technically one of them is a wing one of a slot but in any case he can threaten the Jet Sweep or the toss to either side of the formation I think the implementation of of the the play calling lines up with the formation perfectly it's that alignment of factor the compressed formations which is certainly Outside the Box in terms of 11 personnel offenses in the NFL the players that he has the Personnel the the the motions and then the play calling all of that fits perfect some of it is specific to McVey but I think it's also how they instruct how they coach how they teach basically the wide receivers are asked to block more so they have to practice it they have to spend time doing so in the Box in that tight space where you see some of these guys blocking in these plays that are cycling through again I think the wing back comparison has some Merit McVey and the offensive coaches have created angles that make the wide receivers blocking assignments I don't I don't want to say easier but something that they can accomplish more efficiently if you will now an interesting question would be do the Rams look for those traits or characteristics when they draft a wide receiver maybe I'm sure the offense they're going to run under mcy as part of the equation the more interesting question to me is how are they evaluating and examining offensive line in the pre-draft process because I think they're getting a lot of juice out of the guys that they're drafting or the guys that they're bringing in anyway back to the overall point about the one formation Pro twins that I'm using to illustrate it this offense is characterized as an anomaly a Divergence from other NFL teams for sure cuz the 11 the preponderance of 11 Personnel shotgun teams that want to throw the ball 60 65 66% of the time look if you watch more than just the NFL and high level college football talking about high school and youth football at the lower levels you will see a ton of these offenses a ton of them to for my eyes it's not an anomaly this does not stick out because I have seen hundreds of teams run offenses that quote look like this now they don't have this complexity this speed this performance and execution and Brilliance and play calling it is striking or interesting to me to often hear so many people call mcvey's offense irregular it's not a knock on those people it's just I think more likely due to math meaning we'll do some simple math that might have some some variance in in terms of accuracy I think there was 127 million viewers for the Super Bowl last year or earlier this year really let's do a ballpark figure multiply that by four and say that roughly 500 million people watched an NFL game in 2023 I'm not sure how close that is to being accurate but for a moment accept it with this next question as a follow-up how many of those people also watched the high school game locally even one and those 500 million people who watched an NFL game probably watched two dozen if not more NFL games in one season there's probably some overlap in people who watch the NFL high level college football and also attend or maybe coach High School football but there's a large majority of football fans who only watch the NFL and college football on TV or on their phone or a streaming service this offense would not look like as much of an outlier if you split screened it with under Center compressed formation based looks that you get on every Friday night or Saturday afternoon in high school football they're everywhere and they're often very successful they're they're often very successful for some of the re same reasons that McVey and the Rams can flourish it's a sequential based offense they have an answer for everything from each formation and that can only result from having five or six plays to run from each formation efficiently as this plays cycle through you'll notice that they're all from the same formation Pro twins under Center I have the Rams in this formation at 75% run 25% pass pretty heavily weighted towards the Run clearly and something that you see across a lot of the under Center McVey formations heavily skewed towards the Run you'll also notice that there's different points of attack for each play concept they're not attacking the same side of the field the tight end or the split end side or the same side as the motion they'll motion right to left and then attack back to the right hand side one thing to note they didn't I didn't see any trick plays I haven't seen a reverse a double handoff A Flea Flicker anything at all in my study of of mcvey's offense the only the only play that I recall being a being a trick play of any nature was 2022 an interception thrown on a Flea Flicker I believe that was intercepted against by Tariq Wen against the Seahawks but I I wonder what why that is I think it might be another control element if you're a if you're a Rams fan and and that phrase bothers you forgive me for that it certainly is not meant to I think McVey wants to control as many factors as possible and they major in what they do I don't think he wants to minor in anything the college reference doesn't work for you forgive me for that but there's some people myself included who had one major in college and like six minors others have one double ma some people double major McVey is not one of those people McVey to me is terms of the offense majors in one thing maybe one and a half if you talk about the shotgun passing game that we'll get to in a minute um whatever the relationship I guess is trick plays seem to be absent and again feel free to let me know if I just missed them the only one that the only play that I have labeled as a trick play and I keep everything in folders on my computer is an interception that woen picked on a fleet flicker down the left sideline in 2022 but look when the offense is rolling the way that the Rams offense did late later in 2023 you don't really need them after their Buy in week 10 in 2023 Rams went seven- one they ran the ball for 1100 yards in those eight games I think an average of 137 or 138 per game you got a lot of play action oriented schemes when they're under Center for good measure um this is the Ace formation the difference here is that the tight end is off the line that hence that's why you see him motioning each time and the wide receiver to the tight end side most of the time it's puka nakua is on the line of scrimmage so therefore he cannot motion he's tightly aligned next to the tackle within two yards usually a yard and a half of the tackle and this is for motion purposes with the tight end still same parameters compressed formation motion only the Jet Sweep is is vastly different the tight end's not going to get the ball he's not going to get the ball on a Jet Sweep right the sweep would be from the slot who's away from the tight end Wing side it's just and that's just used far less frequently whether it's High School youth football or anything there's not a lot of people want to run the Jet Sweep or even a toss to the side where as a tight end of the wing it's actually a dangerous play but look the Run pass ratio for this is even more skewed with the data that I have I got 84% run 16% pass which is pretty incredible if you ask me and and the ples that I picked to illustrate that or all run plays I think I gave you five of them they'll be um that's probably enough coverage of the under Center Run game or under Center offense forgive me if it became monstrous my dedication to that but it probably reflects my own commitment in terms of time or hours which was upwards of 10 for this for this video and don't get me wrong I had a heck of a lot of fun doing it I don't wish to see the under Center jet motion Run game or play action from the Rams for a while until I begin to um complete some previews for them going to Detroit and taking on the lions in week one of 2024 so the last one that we'll cover it's a sequence of plays will be third and fourth down pass plays and there's some real patterns that exist with these as well really it's the other side of the coin compared to the under Center plays that I've shown you in in three different cut UPS you're generally going to be talking about out motion from a trips or a bunch set meaning the inside receiver is going to motion towards the sideline it's the one of the concepts you're going to see often but you're either going to be talking about out motion to trips to kind of free up one of those receivers or a quick huddle sugar huddle almost which you'll see here in a moment that Sugar huddle is basically get to the line quickly snap it before the defense can really get a look at the formation and adjust you're probably talking about you know first sound at that point one thing to note on these third Downs which I didn't mean to package these so many unsuccessful third and fourth Downs these are just the ones that I had access to against the Lions two games against the the Cardinals against the Ravens against the Giants and then against the Browns I think in week 13 either out motion from trips a sugar huddle sugar huddle quick huddle or you have a shield or a rub concept that pretty much encompasses most of the third down Concepts that that I would that I have categorized and saved they would fall under one or all three of those descriptors um at various times and it's not to be simplistic again I've mentioned this multiple times I think it's a control feature I don't know this about Shawn McVey I don't listen to a ton of interviews I don't get the chance to watch other people's content but to refer back to the wing comparison and I understand if you're a Rams fan you've listened this long and you don't like this it's actually complimentary their wide receivers can block so well that I'm making a connection to the wing te where Wing backs have have been expected to block for decades there's a control feature there meaning McVey understands what his guys can do and he going to put them in that position because they practiced it to be able to execute it you could do that with pass plays as well when at times they do third and fourth down pass Concepts it's about control again if you ask me McVey wants to control as many elements as possible he's successful at doing so the pick or rub or Shield Concepts if you will allows him to control which player is going to get open by Design same thing with the out motion from trips if you ask me there were some times where I thought I saw zone defenses giving Stafford more trouble on third down but they do a great job of getting him to the line with enough time such that McVey can still try to provide some information in the Huddle there's a control element there as well I don't know this for sure and feel free to corre correct me in the comments section if this is inaccurate I've been told from by a couple people that Stafford as at times when he first came to La given McVey some feedback that he didn't want so much information relate to him um in the headset so late in the play clock meaning as they had lined up overall I found this to be a a fascinating offense to try to study and then review for you some of the the data the patterns that I presented to you were just really confirmed stuff that I thought during the season when I conducted previews for the Ravens game in week 14 and then the Lions match up in the wildcard round what I saw was under Center run Concepts 70% of the time or more anything shotgun or with wide receiver spread out wide meaning a TP what would be a typical alignment for wide receivers in the NFL nowadays but McVey utilizes the compressed formation so so much more often anything with shotgun or wide receivers spread out wider is almost a complete flip in terms of run pass percentage so there's a real level of predictability that I see after the fact from a run pass standpoint it's it's notice but in terms of the 11 personel data I kind of alluded to this earlier I think it's masked very well and I think it's all intentional very intentional the under Center and shotgun 11 personnel groupings Com or formations combined excuse me end up being about 45 55 in terms of run Pass Run 45% of the time pass 55% teams have probably already called their coverage and the Rams get to the line of scrimmage with enough time on the play clock so Stafford can change the play I didn't mean to say that it's not an outlier of an offense in the NFL it certainly is even with major college football but if you do a little bit of research on What's called the wing te's red and blue formations and the plays that they use to threaten The Edge Jet Sweep or rocket sweep and then the complimentary or sequential based play play Concepts that are built off that action you'll see some of the similarities that I'm describing in terms of the compressed formations motions and run heavy dominance that sha McVey illustrates when they're under Center in a compressed formation as someone who coached a long time against some very good Wing te programs won some and lost some more consider it to be a compliment if you're a Rams fan that I think mcvey's offense is able to blend a modern passing attack with a scheme that is structurally similar to something that has been around I I think the first Wing te book that was written I believe was in 1951 from the University of Delaware I'm talking about it's been fun for me to dedicate too much time trying to understand both the similarities and the differences in mcvey's offense and what some of those old school physical offensive styles that I alluded to were able to accomplish if you enjoyed this video please let me know in the comments section if you're a Rams fan and you think other Rams Fans would enjoy this look that probably missed some elements that other people have covered before me which is no problem you can let me know in the comment section number one but number two if you think other Rams Fans would enjoy it please consider grabbing a link to this video sharing it out on social media to help this content get more reach I will have a ton of previews for the Rams visit to the lions in week one because besides Ravens content I also cover the Detroit Lions and film study format appreciate you guys time
Channel: All_22_Films
Views: 6,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: All 22 film, NFL film, NFL All 22, Sean McVay, Rams, Rams Offense, Rams highlights, Puka Nacua, Cooper Kupp, Matt Stafford, Sean McVay Offense, Kyren Williams
Id: oMx2rzE5jF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 16sec (2656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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