Vintage Potato Farming in Ireland Documentary
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Videos of Irish Farming Life
Views: 547,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traditional farming documentary, documentary, farm, life, rural ireland, old farm video, old, horse, horse work, harvest, Planting potatoes, threshing, mill, thresher, ireland, irish, rural, kerry, john thompson videos, videos of irish farming life, historical documentary, history, vintage, vintage farming, Irish Cooking, Farming Potatoes, Potato, Farming Life, Vintage Potato Farming in Ireland, Irish Documentary, Ploughing, Spuds, Planting Potatoes, Plant, Farming with Horses, Irish Farming, film
Id: wNpeCgzn22w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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