Vintage Letterman - Let's Look for Swedes

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you know I don't know what the weather has been like in your part of the country this year but here in New York City and I believe in the Northeast it's been mild wouldn't you say so Paul Oh miles yeah it's been been hot as hell now wait a minute how can you say that a weekend ago one week ago Sunday that week do you remember that we have is terrible week it rained Friday it rained Saturday had rained all day sunday I'll and I looked at my thermometer outside of the house it never once got above 60 so how can you stand there and tell me this has not been a mild summer oh I thought you meant just that last weekend it was hot as hell but in general the summer it's been basically a mild temperate sorry son boys play the sneaking out now you can't get rid of me that easy but so so like Paul said now finally we get some summertime weather it's beautiful outside it's a little hot it's a little humid but we thought what the heck what we have here now in New York City is perfect weather to play let's look for Swedes here's how we play let's look for Swedes how this is our director and racing legend Hal gurney how turn on the external camera won't you please Hal journey now switching on the external camera look at what a beautiful day we have outside that by the way that huge lovely limestone faced building in the background is the structure from where we broadcast each and every night that's 30 Rockefeller Plaza beautiful building isn't it fall based in Indiana limestone that was quarried not far from where I grew up I'm thrilled to hear that all right ladies and gentlemen let's play let's look for sweet here we go on the external camera it's a very take those now we better get a I don't think so wait a minute maybe no I don't believe hello no not a chance there donate an undershirt for that man wait a minute wait a minute spin around that guy that guy that guy right there maybe you gives me sir then pardon me let's keep our fingers crossed how do you do sir my name is Dave Letterman what is your name please Dave Carter where you're from Dave Raleigh North Carolina all right keep moving thank you very much all right that's her first shot undaunted I had a feeling he was not Swedish when he said his first name was Dave right there all right there this woman yes right there how do you do oh wait a minute the other one are you how do you do hi are you girls related yeah pretty kgr Nepal what are your names I'm Katie Jamie where are you girls from Omaha Nebraska how would you like to move to Sweden everything's on me and have you ever been to Sweden no yeah yeah what are you doing today touring New York City yeah where you going um from here Boston from here to Boston yeah going by cab all right girls nice chatting with you have a lovely afternoon there they go Katie and somebody okay well just for the heck of it let's talk to that woman in the haplit where is how do you do ma'am nice to see you my name is Dave Letterman what is your name Jackson we're here from Pass California Court of California Anaheim and I'm down there in Orange County the home of Disneyland among other things right and the California Angels yes how's Gene Autry doing these days wonderful good what are you doing in New York City just visiting and family and friends ah yes yeah what size have you seen the Statue of Liberty right so Ellis Island right went out to dinner last night in Times Square that's very nice have you have you ever seen a green dachshund look over your left shoulder there's one right over there a rear left shoulder man about to burst into tears alright one more there was a young woman there to the right just back it up to the right just a little bit how do you do pardon me ma'am excuse me hello hi my name is Dave Letterman what is your name ma'am my name is kaya and and where are you from ma'am I'm from Germany Oh rheya have you have you ever lived in Scandinavia no never uh-huh do you have any friends from Sweden no not you wouldn't by any chance be wearing anything suede would you all right thank you very much RAM but you know with that in mind we're going to do a commercial and we'll be right back here with rocker welcome back to the program ladies and gentlemen if you are just joining us we've been playing let's look for Swedes turn on that hat camera out there howl and let's see if it's still out there you know it occurred to me when we saw the two young girls who looked one looked like she might be from Sweden the other one looked like she might be from Milwaukee and when I when I realized they weren't from Sweden I had nothing else to say to them and I think that proves a very important point about life generally just because you look like you're Swedish does not necessarily mean you're Swedish if we can take one thing away with us from the program tonight I guess it would be that lesson don't you think Paul I'm going to take that to heart man excuse excuse me sir I'm talking to Paul I thought that was a man on the street I thought I saw a man down there on the street yeah Oh do have time to go looking for Swedes are one more time now now remember how excited you were when we ran into Raya remember the excitement because we thought for sure she had a little accent we thought Swedish absolutely Pepe turned out she was from Germany that's as close as we have been just try to remember how excited you were when we saw it all right I'll turn on that camera again let's stop and look for Swedes here we go take those letters off we there no I guess not yeah kind of elfin looking there one of the Keebler elves crabs hi hello how do you do excuse me ma'am we're we're looking for we're looking for what are you Swedish I'm that's all right we're playing let's look for Italians why do we have winter ma'am if you can come right up to the studio and you'll get the prizes for being selected on let's look for Italian buongiorno yes whoa what what is your name Oh vanilla Oh daniela bellissimo all right Daniele if you can have one of our people there just bring you right up to the studio we'd love to see in person congratulations we're ahead it Cali ins okay well how about that Paul we have a winner it wasn't Ali put a thought just by randomly looking at folks walking up and down Fifth Avenue I'm going to find us an Italian I tell you what we need to do a commercial oh and then Daniela will be here and lyle lovett azir's Oh is she here yet where is the the young woman we found when we were playing let's find Italians in wicked ballroom as ask her if she's ever been on television before if I thought that no I didn't know how long will she be in the United States an amazing little band um she's been here a month ago she's mythbusted on top of the minds of the aisle R & R or shots up to date here you know here we have a lovely yeah there that's the the salmon that when it was originally we were looking for Swedes and soon we didn't find any Swedes look we have Beefaroni that's not yours pass it over but this is trying to keep the Beefaroni alright oh we we have to go folks have a lovely evening good night everybody
Channel: antisepticmanor
Views: 462,270
Rating: 4.6423907 out of 5
Keywords: Italian, Letitia Baldrige
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2013
Reddit Comments

Vilka jobbiga ljud bandet gjorde. Saknar verkligen inte gamla letterman.

EDIT: Men va fan. de hittade ju ingen svensk. Fan dig OP, du slösade min dyra midsommars tid.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/REGRET_EVERYTHING 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2014 🗫︎ replies
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