Vintage 1940's Beauty Routine for Women - 1948

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The best way to clean your skin is still the old-fashioned use of soap, hot water and plenty of elbow grease. There 'are' other good aids for cleaning your skin! One of these is cleansing cream. Many girls find it helpful in removing cosmetics. However, nothing can take the place of your daily bath or shower This is the time to give your skin a good invigorating workout. If there is no visible dirt to wash off, there are body odors to be eliminated. By cleansing your skin of dried sweat, skin scales and dust. which accumulate constantly. Your bath or shower, should end with a brisk rinsing, to carry away all soapy residue. This is really the best part of the shower. It stimulates the skin and wakes it up all over. Bathing and toilet articles should be kept for your own personal use. Don't share them with others. You wouldn't use another person's toothbrush... So don't use their towel or toilet articles. And it goes without saying that only clean lingerie should go next to that clean skin. While it may not be necessary for all of you Some girls use a lubricating cream or lotion, to prevent skin roughness or chaffing. Expensive creams and powders however aren't necessary. A healthy skin can be kept attractive with only a few simple preparations. The removal of hairs is sometimes a problem. You can take care of single hairs with tweezers But for leg and underarm hair your best bet is a safety razor. Don't worry that shaving the hair will make it grow back either faster or denser. That isn't true. But it is true, that chemical hair removers have been found harmful to the skin in some cases Nail polish is harmless, but you should remove it for short periods in order to prevent cracking of the fingernail The hair needs careful attention like this Like caring for the skin, proper care of the hair require some understanding of its structure and function Here's a strand of human hair greatly magnified Notice the rough scaly texture. You can imagine how dirt hangs on to anything like this. And there's another factor that causes hair to get dirty. Remember the oil glands that pump their oil out along hair shafts Well a healthy scalp has plenty of oil to which dirt will cling. So wash your hair frequently if you want to keep this constant accumulation of dust, oil and sweat at a minimum. Your hair should be washed once every two weeks, or more often if necessary, with water and a mild soap. This will usually take care of normal dandruff too. Although excessive dandruff should be treated by a doctor. Rinse your hair thoroughly following the washing. A few drops of lemon juice or vinegar added to the water during the second rinse, will make it much easier to remove any soap residue. The final rinsing however, should be in fresh water. If your hair squeaks after the final rinsing, you may be sure it's clean Most girls follow hair washing, by doing their hair up in pins or curling rods. This is a good time. Since damp hair is more elastic than dry hair. and you'll find it easier to manage. Permanent waving, if skillfully done,will not damage your hair However the use of strong dies or bleaches, is very likely to make the hair brittle. Brittle hair in turn is liable to break off in larger quantities than you care to lose. For normal daily care your hair should be methodically calmed and brushed. But be careful that brushes and combs are not used. so as to tear your hair or dig at your scalp. Careful brushing not only gets rid of dust and dirt which may be clinging to the scales but increases the luster of your hair, by spreading out its oils. A small amount of hair always comes out during a brushing. That is normal. Natural hair beauty is possible, if you take care of your hair. And make the most of what nature has given you. By following these simple rules of body care and grooming, you too will achieve that quality of appearance. That feeling of well-being, so important to make your dreams of happiness come true.
Channel: glamourdaze
Views: 2,600,064
Rating: 4.9528537 out of 5
Keywords: vintage fashion, vintage hairstyle, 1940s women, 1940s, vintage, tips, cleansing cream, walk in shower, skin care, lingerie, skin lotion, moisturizer, hair removal, plucking eyebrows, leg hair removal, best way to shave legs, nail care, hair care, hair brushing, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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