Vinh Giang - TED-Style Talk - 30 mins

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[Applause] thank you so much for clapping I haven't done anything yet but thanks for the applause so I did become a man and six years later I asked her to marry me and we had our first little boy just eight weeks ago hashtag first time dad yes yeah he's still excited fool but you see this is the thing like all dads I had to take photos of my son so that he would mimic my favorite action hero of course Bruce Lee 700 photos I'm not even kidding but we got the shot and while that's up there I'm just the proud dad I have to tell you this my wife was six months pregnant and we were still struggling for her name and we're thinking what are we gonna call our son it's a huge deal and finally on month eight we came up with a name that we loved Axl with what this was it it's a beautiful name and we had to get my father-in-law's permission so I remember flying to Malaysia and and asking my father-in-law going hey Dad what do you think of this name Axl it's a great name right and and he says he goes okay that's not bad man okay hmm okay you say again and I go all right dad it's Axl and he says okay the X hole very good that no no total man no bum hole [Applause] and just like that Axl has become forever Axl so I do apologize to any ex holes in the room my wife and I we just literally moved to Los Angeles and we can't wait to furnish a home we actually going to be going to Ashley's to finish Ojo him and this is the thing the craziest thing was that I I imagine myself telling my son this and I'd imagine this is how he react dad memes for life but you see I'm not know let's begin I want to get him a feel for the room how many of you know who I am and what I do precisely please do raise your hands thank you just about half the room very good now let me give you some context for those of you who don't know who I am eight years ago I had one of the most traumatic experiences of my life I was in university studying accounting it was thank you it was no no don't clap it was horrible experience the degree was called Commerce and law and it was a five year degree four and a half years into the degree imagine you were there I come home my parents in the lounge room I come home and I say the following I said mom dad I love you very much it took me four and a half years to build the confidence to tell you this I love you I'd like to quit University Asian parents love their degrees so this point my mum's that's strategically crying and when my mum cries my dad automatically gets pissed off so dad I kid you not my dad walks up to me he rolls up his sleeves and he rolls them all away but he goes so for those of you don't know that's what brutally does before he kicks your ass so at this point you know you recognize the signs of danger and I said dad don't don't don't do it just wait there's one more thing I need to tell you dad you remember that investment property you bought in 2001 and you said it was for me for me for me for motivational purposes commercial or one and two stated it was a verbal contract it's come the time I'd like to sell it use a hundred thousand dollars of your money to build a business on the on the internet too young to teach magic tricks just and just to make sure we're all on the same page just for a second I've just told a 60 year old Vietnamese man who's been through the wars on a boat for two weeks to find a new home to give you this son of his an education this son just told him he wanted to be Harry Potter right so my dad gets so angry he doesn't what to do with himself he looks at my mom who's crying for real now so he freaks out he walks over he picks her up and then they both walk into the kitchen and you must understand at this point I'm thinking why the kitchen I do not understand why oh right knives and I I don't panic I try to become but then they whisper and it freaks me out and my imagination goes war I'm like what are they saying in there and this is what I'm thinking dad's saying something along the lines of this don't worry honey don't worry kill this okay don't worry okay honey tonight we make another one okay okay don't worry okay don't worry [Applause] it's uh it's not even a joke but thanks for laughing my my brother was then born as a result my brother and I complete night and day complete opposites didn't do very well in high school if city my brother straight A's in Australia they call them a 20s perfect days it's disgusting nauseating and and get this now my brother is in Univ he's in university now studying medicine what a jerk so for a long time I think my mom and dad felt like they had one son my brother but you know I want to tell you my mum and dad said when they came out because they blew my mind very difficult to blow a magician's mind mind you but they do and you have to know one thing about my dad as well his is the oldest of seven brothers and that's them right there dad's one right in the middle in the black suit handsome I know it that looks didn't generate past the next generation and it's tragic but the crazy thing is he was one of the oldest brothers that made the decision to flee Vietnam to leave everything behind to try to find a new home for the children who weren't even born yet he's a pretty cool leader like that so my dad comes out and he says to me he goes he goes boy I did not risk my life I did not risk the lives of all your uncles and all your aunties especially your mom and your grandparents I didn't risk everybody's life to find a new home than to force you to do something you did not want to do I tried to find in your home to give you the opportunity to do what you love and if it's magic son that's ok and then the most beautiful words he said then followed he said boy in this life in this life of yours boy you must jump as high as you can and as long as I'm alive son I'll forever be your net thank you so I test the theory I I'm going to help for sure every single time I fell my dad reminds me the ancient old wisdom that failures not a it's not a destination it's just a detour every single time my lawyer buddies now he finished and our lawyers and accountants would outcasts to me my mum reminds me that son this adversity you're going through is the training required to become great and every single time I needed an extra two and a half thousand it was charged me a ridiculous interest rate chiller just went to the bank my friends I begin with this story because I'm so fundamentally aware I would not be Who I am or we've never achieved any of the things I've achieved in my life if it wasn't for the sacrifices my mom and dad have made and those before them and I don't thank you thank you and I believe the same is true for you you would not be where you are if it wasn't for the sacrifices your mom and dad have made and those before them so can we clap it up for our families I know what you're thinking did you sell the investment property yes we did never lost so much money and so quickly in my life and that gave birth to encyclopedia of magic and this is the online magic business where we teach magic online and the crazy thing is just recently we've actually merged with another large online magic business called 52 cards and collectively now we have just over 800,000 students from all over the world it's one of the reasons why we're awarded with the Young Entrepreneur of the Year dad's got two sons again I'm back in the game in your face younger brother but you see the wonderful thing about building encyclopedia of magic joining with 52 cards and gradually being able to win this award was that I started to learn so many wonderful lessons that changed my life and today I want to share with you three things that have completely changed my career as a speaker and I know I can help you too the only difference is that I do use magic as my metaphor so I will be bringing some of you on stage please if we could just get one thing clear if you look away I can still see and on that note I need five people I've been watching you as much as you're watching me when I point to you please do join me on stage please don't resist makes it rather awkward for you so first lady in the lovely white jacket number one if you could join me blazed on stage please come on stage one and I'll like number two that's you there number three the judgment in that striped shirt there there lady with the behind in the red with the Sunny's on top that's four and five where are you the lady just in the white and flowery shirt there with the glasses looking down yes it's you please give these five people a big round of applause thank you good fantastic thank you thank you very much for joining us on stage nice to meet you I forgot to get you to stand right here the game we're going to play is called truthful lie and it's very important you hear the instructions my friends I'll show you the cards and in a moment what I'm gonna get you to do is all the cards are different and it's a very simple game I'm just going to wrap the rubber bands around the cards I want you to hold the cards in a moment very close to your chest lift the cards up the first card you see is the first card you remember does that make sense don't think of the ten it'll be too easy okay don't think of it too easy go Fritton please don't look at each other's cards lift up one card have a quick look at it once you've got it pass it to the next person say to yourself over and over and over and over again please don't forget this if it's a picture card remember it if it's a number card remember it please don't forget it because if you did the trick would be crap so thank you rather important and if once you've done this pass it here good you see the situation now is each person on stage has a card in their mind none of us in the room including me know what it is our job is to find out so we're going to ask a series of questions to find out however it's called truth or lie because you could decide to tell the truth or a lie it's up to you sometimes lie make it more fun okay so try this hands behind the back slightly dishonest don't say he's probably going to lie very dishonest first question is was it red or black red good thank you it was a red or black red Myrtle black sorry red thank you very good it was a red or black black good right Oh black red lack haven't asked you yet but thank you that's very good and was yours odd or even slightly slightly confused you know what this means it means it's a probably a picture card and she's not yes and it is the small gave it away good so I think I know yours is so that's easy was yours odd or even I'm riddle black sometimes hard to remember lies isn't it yes was yours a five no truth okay the shoulders tend to give it away hunting of the shoulders was yours a he a nine now or was it a three now was it a five now whoa you're very good at very strong be very scary to be in a relationship with you you're very yeah just no means no VIN I'm you're very good could you face the audience please I'm going to name the cards from ace through to King if your card was a six which November but if it was the six as I get closer to the six you do something to give it away most go slightly constipated in the face so if we get the camera fixated on the five please and face the audience so it creates more pressure obviously keep don't look at me starting from ace two three four five what that was a lie six seven eight nine ten Jack Queen King thank you very much for that I will name five cards please do not react if you hear your card please do not react to of Hearts seven of clubs Jack of Clubs queen of diamonds ace of spades if I named your card walk back to your seat now do not lie no lying big round of applause for the five thank you very much indeed good my question my question to you immediately after this trick is who here in this room believes they can come on stage and perform this trick right now please raise your hands please raise your hands less than one percent of the room if that why is the next question there's a knowledge gap I know how it's done and you don't so why not close this knowledge gap in the spirit of being here at NSA and I will close this knowledge gap and teach you how this is done not to reveal magic but rather to help reveal your full potential and if we could just get the the camera to zoom in please on me I'd like to show you these cards if you'll find them quite peculiar every single five cards are the same two of Hearts seven of clubs Jack of Clubs queen of diamonds ace of spades how do you like me now now now no no no no here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing immediately now one minute after I showed you the first time what if I asked you now who here believes if they took a risk they could perform this trick raise your hands look around look around what changed knowledge but can you see how knowledge directly impacts our beliefs a minute and 27 seconds ago you believe no one believed that could be done no one believed they could do it I mean it's in 27 seconds afterwards you all of a sudden believed it could be done knowledge changes our beliefs but why is this belief thing so important because our beliefs dictate our actions in life my friends last year I was here at NSA as a participant as as someone sitting right in the back corner had blond hair looked like a Yakuza from Japan no wonder everyone avoided me but the crazy thing is i sat there in the back watching the speakers here on stage in or thinking to myself I can't do that that is impossible I'm just a bogan from Australia that cannot be done but then I went out to the breakout sessions i sat in on the general sessions and my beliefs transformed I went from thinking it was impossible to within three days believing it could be done I was sent back into my world taking action that has led me to where I am today and just like that Nursery Rhyme in the children's book if I can do it you can too the next thing I'd like to share with you something I hold very deep to my heart I need a very specific person so please do join me on this please gotta get everybody in the room to think of a number between say 1 in 10 just get it in your head nice and clear if you're thinking of the number 7 please stand please don't lie please stand thank you good the people who are thinking in the number 7 you are still in the game so I need you to think of another number between 1 and 10 not not 7 but get one that feels right for you okay and if you're thinking of the number 3 stay standing stay standing if you think you're the number 3 look at stay standing look around these are the most predictable people in the room very good now I'm just going to bring somebody up but there's a qualifying question the gentleman here in the green question was it know what's your favorite color nice and loud blue no okay what's your favorite color nice and loud Oh lovely I might try this with you actually could we give her a big round of applause that she joins me my friends have a seat have a seat have a seat thank you hi what's your name Kim nice to meet you Kim thank you for volunteering thank you please be careful and Kim if you could just stand there and face me face me Kim I'm going to give you the wonderful opportunity to win 50 Cent's Australian thank you worth less than it is here yes thank you no worries we'll hold that coin behind your back like this Kim if you don't mind Kim it's about if I could just bring my slides up again real quickly I just need to show Kim it's quite important she sees this and Kim this is about influence so don't let me influence you and actually you can see my slide there can't you so just it's about influence don't let me influence you Kim in a moment you're going to play with me which hand is the coin in okay don't let me influence you I'll just say one thing Kim in a moment I want you to put the coin in whatever hand you want but make sure you put it in the hand it feels right for you okay Kim and in the hand you've got left you can just leave it empty if you like good so Kim makes your decision please if you don't mind I won't look and just bring your hands forward like this make it Bruce secretively behind your back so even people behind can't see and they bring your hands forward can you do that for me now thank you you have free choice happy with that so you know what she's thinking he's telling me to put it in my right hand do you what I said put the coin in the hand that feels right and leave the hand at the left empty but what did I say before that don't let me influence you so she's thinking bugger bad I'll put it in the left it's exactly what she does good you open your left please yes yes that's one out of four good that's good behind you back here behind your back good hey you are perfect for this Kim thank you this is great so Kim here's the thing if people put it in their left hand so you put it in your left that what do you think most people do now out loud what do you think they do good that's what you would do that's not what most people would do you'd put it in your right but you don't have to do that you just stick to what feels right obviously okay free choice secretive as you can so you the people behind that bring your hands forward please if you don't mind and Kim this is a free choice are you happy with it being a free choice so she's not she's thinking now he said dort feels right again VIN is bluffing and then it becomes a bit complex she goes but wait could could could it be one of those double bluffs and some some freaks I'm good no it could it be one of those legendary triple blocks no one no one knows what a triple Bluff is so you know she does at this point she keeps it in the left open your left yes good that's two out of four good behind you back good ah he was so good at this game Kim this is great okay so Kim the most statistically improbable thing most people think about is they think I'll put it in the left four times in a row yes and that's what you're going to do so you can do that or you can change okay his Kim something interesting happens to human beings the more we go left you know what happens the more we start to think I just want to try right once do you not I mean I just want to give it a go you don't have to you can't get this wrong you can only get this left so please make your own decision bring your hands forward please and face the audience like this Kim you have a choice at this point you crush your right hand over the left or your left over the right Oh interesting all the way through all the way through across although through yet but I'm going to show don't no reaction see that top hand the top hand is not as obvious as you see this bottom hand here the bottom hand is what they call the guilty hand but she's played this game before she's played this game before she has to this time put it in the right could you open your right which is the top one yes it was thank you keep good you're good good good good okay this is fantastic um Kim because you're so good at this for the last one I'm just going to tell you what you're gonna do okay so Kim it is absolutely inevitable you will put it in the right so catch me out and put it in the left okay does that make sense so but it's free choice make your decision pretty hands vote the people behind you cannot see what hand she puts it in is that fair so could I just get you to turn and face them for a moment you see this last one is inevitable I played this game thousands of times the last one must be the left yes it was both of them so sorry Kim no fifty cents for you give her a big round of applause I'm so sorry thank you so much you're amazing om Kim Kim you can keep that good luck thank you big round of applause you have to ask the question why did he do all of that why this nonsense I did this to prove to you that influence is one of the most powerful forces in life and you know it was it was famously said by Jim Jim Rohn when he said you are the direct reflection of the top five people you spend time with and wow that point changed my life because as i sat there as a young man I thought to myself so what that means is that it means I can control who I become in the future by deciding who I spend time with today and that was a big moment for me and I remember telling all my magician mentors my dreams about becoming a speaker and I'm a magician mentors would tell me then then well then before you start to speak do the world a favor as like a magician you learned how to use your instruments now you want to become a speaker learn how to use your instrument your voice see a singing teacher learn how to use this instrument your body so I did years of singing training at the years of theater training I spent thousands of hours doing these things and I did not become successful I could not understand so I remember my mentor at the time David I said David I don't understand why I'm gonna successful this I don't get it you've said that if I did these things I'd win and I'm not he said then it's so obvious it's so obvious vim you spend all of your time with four magicians in a bunker underground was socially I was like I was like it's very offensive David but makes sense he said if you want to be a speaker bring a speaker into your top five and that that changed it all for me so the stalking began and I found this speakers one of the best speakers in Australia Matthew Mihailovich tried to get his attention by email everything calls nothing blocked my number you all know the deal I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and then what's crazy was that I believed in this lesson so much that I was the direct reflection of the top five people I spent time with about a year and a half in I went all out and I I bought a thousand of his books my wife was pissed yes I sent him this photo and I said Matthew please please please I believe in what you believe give me 15 minutes of your time a week later he calls and I knew because I had his number right yeah yes and I kid you not the call went like this it was like ring once Matthew he slightly freaked out I kid you not this is what he said he goes VIN you cheeky bastard next week one hour we've become best friends I'm here on this stage because he started me on a journey that I could not start on my own he not only influenced the way I spoke he influenced my values and beliefs and you know this is another lesson that ties into NSA right here right now I came here not knowing anyone last year i sat in the back just super tragic loner and I saw a speaker on stage on the streets they call him their man bun otherwise known as scott stratten and i watched him from the back yes whoo and I was watching from the back and I was like that man needs to be my friend and I found ways to add value to Scott and we'd become friends he's changed my life he's helped me learn the way to learn the way of being a speaker being generous being kind and on top of learning from Scott who is a wonderful speaker I've also been able to connect with so many other wonderful speakers because of NSA I've been able to connect with Peter Sheen I've been able to connect with Josh link the mill Robbins Amanda Lynn held my friends don't try to achieve all of this and everything you're trying to do on your own we are better together you're the direct reflection of the top five people you spend time with you can choose who you become in the future by deciding who you spend time with now who's going to be in your top five post NSA I already got my next five planned look out there's one more thing I wanted to share with you you know being a magician I obsess over magic because every time I perform magic it creates a moment of wonder a moment of astonishment and I've always wished that I could recreate that astonishment and that Wonder in my life of my personal life in my professional life I wish that there was a way and I tried my whole life to try to find this answer and I've tried for years with with no success but then another magician had already discovered the answer to this his name's teller from Penn & Teller the mute one he actually is a very intelligent person and he speaks very well and teller said one thing that made it all make sense so how can you recreate what magicians can create that experience that Wonder in your life this one sentence or two do it magic is just someone spending more time on something than anybody else would reasonably expect again magic is just someone spending more time on something that anybody else would reasonably expect mastery is the key the thousands of hours I spent in the theater the thousands of hours with the senior teacher the thousands of hours performing as a magician the stage time has created Who I am today my friends there were three things today it is knowledge that will unlock your mind you know the next one do you remember it it is the people that you spend time with that will unlock your full potential and the final one it is through mastery that one accomplishes the impossible good luck my friends thank you very much
Channel: cmispeakers
Views: 259,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: change, collaboration, communication skills, customer loyalty, relationships, diversity, creativity, entertainment, entrepreneurship, influence, innovation, inspiration, leadership, motivation, overcoming adversity, sales growth, teamwork, vinh giang, communication
Id: FUW_iDRtc84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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