[Vinesauce] Joel - Tee Off Thursday: Gone Golfing

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[Music] well everybody it's real uh TF thursty start that's another goddamn joke but uh here we are um but this game that I'm about to play is not like a Tiger Woods kind of Mario Golf kind of game uh like that was the kind of the original idea but I'm shaking things up by actually playing like a combination uh this game is calling it's called gone golfing and if you remember on the seven is scary game Spooks whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it um uh we played a game that was very like horror golfy kind of game and um this game is kind of similar um greener grass was that game uh and first when it was suggested to me I thought is this the same game very similar but different the thing is I am doing this because I didn't do a tuna th tuna two St uh yesterday uh because this game is two 4 one that ladies and gentlemen we we have a tuna two St tea off thur combination uh sort of uh so this is kind of the perfect game for this um never played it before but uh let's give it a try and see what it's all about go on golfing okay uh wrestling Wednesdays no no no no no no no no no no no no we can't keep doing this oh God is one of those games that like destroy the computer with its graphic settings okay uh I can already hear my computer goingo some Unity or unreal games they used to have a tendency to like destroy things um and this is one of them okay uh go golf thing here we go slimy Sunday okay here we go I'm going to try this and here we go all right here's the game uh and uh well uh but no credits at the the menu I never know who play place this uh was the a West day ripe MK Buton space barard tab see watch me forget about this in a second so all right select episode oh the several uh Gone Fishing Mary gfas golf mayare gone fishing I guess we'll start with the original uh after having an absolutely horrible day at work you decided to check out the newly open Coy Cove mini golf land okay the sun is shining and the birds are singing what's the Worst That Could Happen Coy condom okay uh all right well let's see man is this mini golf rather than like fullon golf is a new thing I suppose I guess I guess mini golf is oh it is mini golf um oh my God the text um uh okay what what how am I swinging okay uh all right why is Coy Cove welcome to all right um right can I just swing at this interact oh soda okay uh number two I guess we got to start with number one can you turn the game up a little bit yeah sure okay maybe I can just do this instead hang on oh well there's no options in the game it's just you're [ __ ] you want to change the options too bad all right this is number three so we've gone past what we're supposed to do um let's see here doesn't say anything could this be number one no could not uh surely this must be number one right yeah okay and oh my goodness this is is a little awkward all right kind of all right hang on let me just yeah okay hey he por porno porno on stream everybody uh watch out okay wasn't there whole s Simpsons episode dedicated to that like March was like offended or something watch this damn that was a good shot wait can I just do this okay two for one ready ready yeah double kill that's what I'm talking about okay here we go here we go and we're going to go that was pretty slick actually that was pretty slick I'm also not being like uh what do you call it uh oops I'm not getting any points on this oh oh oh oh okay okay actually this doesn't really matter what this can just hang on what the [ __ ] get in there no no no no no all right whatever try that again did you have me to gol Weeden yeah of course we do no H has been outlawed in the war [ __ ] did I shoot it backwards okay I'm not doing so good on this one what the [ __ ] up with this okay I might have actually um shot it so far off that uh I'm trading mini golf like regular golf man okay all right here we go I'm going to do it at an angle like this I have no idea where that thing was oh wait a minute wait a minute there it is there it is there it is yeah now we're cooking okay hang on okay uh now the problem is I got to get that thing over okay we just going to try again there's fish on the ground where so there's a lawn mower outside oh there's fish hello fish what if I can do [Laughter] this all right you know it worked um oh come on that that hit right guess not I hate this little like ramp thing man did that do it oh man I'm sucking at this how many have a shot now okay hang on maybe just a little bit no keeps going over okay hang on but just like a nope maybe here nope super swing ah my goodness sucking at this man go didn't even hit it this time okay hang on and go okay th this this is like a quop challenge this is insane this is really difficult okay hang on how am I even supposed to there we go there we go there we go all right there we go there we go okay no problem for Joey okay there you go okay uh I'm going to get a lot of points for this one oh God gentle gentle there we go save that was Splendid really good first try everybody wow someone said uh it has to be natural your [ __ ] is just swanging it wo woo woo okay oh boy I I bet this one to go go way easier yeah this going to go super easy watch this watch this like holding one did I actually no no no I swung too hard okay hang on meeting off is hard man oh you got to catch it like where is it where is it there it is and then uh uh okay well it rolls down oh oh sick hey I'm not too bad I'm not too bad I mean took a little while but not too bad not too bad we're still kicking ass here be closed off here okay there's no run by the way um this is this little brisk Pace we're walking okay door open go back Oh you mean here ah I see gotcha gotcha okay what's in here here close the door do you enter the pudding yes or no yes or no no okay oh I guess I have to go world am I going to have to hide from a giant golf ball monster I'll put a hole in one in you [Laughter] budy okay what's this all about what what what huh it's a bear trp Tiger Woods is coming if I'm not getting paid over time I'm going to start stealing [ __ ] starting with this lever lever uh so I got an achievement said at least you can read whoa the steam kind of spooked me okay uh what is this all about no no you come back here you come back no no no no no hey hey hey hey hey h ow get your ass back here hey I'm talking to you what is your deal hey no I'm I'm here you're the monster you're supposed to be chasing me hey what the [ __ ] okay well uh you just go in the direction oh hey this game is good get get hit by Mr golfy uh huh okay well that's Mr goie um that's Mr [ __ ] again um so I guess I got to collect all the three golden golf balls to get out of this mace or something uh H all right I guess it's lock can I just go in like this okay I guess not you know I said as a joke like what if it's a giant killer a golf ball and it has exactly what it is and I like it okay used to lever I guess I got to bring it with me I guess I'm just going to explore a little bit of the environment first this this could have very well been a puppet combo game it feels sort of puppet combo e a little bit Ah this goes here okay so we got to we got to grab this put it in and you know I also think it's one of those games that I'll start playing it and at some point I'll get all the golden keys right and we're this close to finishing it suddenly uh you know last minute that happens [ __ ] okay ah ah well at least I know where this is if it's not randomized that is uh uh there we go all right what is this game man gone golfing Perhaps Perhaps the uh the fish episode is more tuna but I'll try to beat episode one here I guess question is is this going to actually turn into a golfing thing or is this just this kind of gamepl is this Pokemon in Fusion no the new update broke the game unfortunately so we we're holding off on it tonight and and T find a solution at least but uh all right and what did that do nothing it did nothing um huh okay uh run run run I live all right watch out for missing golf here everybody uh Mr [ __ ] is known to steal your balls so watch out hey there's the fish and fish looking [ __ ] up can I distract Mr [ __ ] with with fish all right well uh I guess we're going to find out this is the same way back oh Mr [ __ ] okay is there jiggle physics no he's just permanently jiggling so there's a bunch of like lockers you can hide in I guess so that'll be useful you know I always think of that back rooms 99 game where they added like a ton of lore to the game and there was like a giant chicken nugget monster chasing you and uh this is same way back I'm going in circle um I think of that game and I think of me playing guitar in the locker hey that's where we started can I just exit no okay it's the same game uh I won't say it's the same oh hang on oh okay oh Mr [ __ ] hey are you leading me to the right direction that is the question okay you go into the Shadows all right I'm going to be peeping over here and hopefully we oh [ __ ] okay uh I don't even know what the hell so I gotta play golf in the darkness I see I see I see being chased by a golf ball well this is a little unfortunate oh [ __ ] that's another thing oh Jesus maybe this could have gone here instead um but what about do with the fish okay it seems to be good oh this is going to be some awkward [ __ ] game play okay he's he's he's GNA like spook me when oh my goodness when I can't even see him I I have a feeling okay there we go there we go and uh cu the steam does not kill you okay you know I could just pick this thing up and just pull it in there okay uh I'm going to go back and see if I can drop that thing in there instead watch out for the bear trap I'm going to guess that Mr golf ball Mr golfy gets more and more Angry uh the further your progress these kind games are kind of like that so it's all about uh being Swift Taylor Swift is locked okay he's he's around here somewhere up up up up here it comes better run uh-oh h [Laughter] I don't think so I don't think so C the music uh oh oh he's going to get me man [ __ ] all right um huh well at least I know where it kind of goes I I think ah I knew I heard oh come on now we just started okay now he's really pissed a damn it can I reach a locker in time hang on uh go in go in I guess not horror gam still can't figure out how to do tables yeah that's the Kryptonite all right you made fun of him okay hang on let me let me just uh outmaneuver him I guess um oh [ __ ] the blood okay we got this thing I guess I can go left here and go directly to where we're supposed to be that goes there and I guess that opens up with you um actually clear it all right here we go and we're going to go all the way here put that thing in there and then uh you know hey don't let Tor Rift live R live rent free in your head one punch of yours can obliterate all right and pull here we go all right so the the other one is a little bit of a bait and switch it doesn't do anything I understand oh mother [ __ ] okay I guess we'll take it but uh all right let me just do it at an angle here yeah I don't know where the [ __ ] that went yeah good luck good luck buddy um yeah we we're doing that at least we know the other lever lever lever I don't know all right here we go we're going to put you down here and then we're going to swing like those tomorrow [ __ ] yeah so logically it should just been okay I say logically but you know in a game like this right ah wonderful wonderful wonderful okay there you go there you go man okay we're going to have to do a back swing all right all right kicking ass okay now there we go all right one is in we're going to actually take the other one cuz I didn't in the the backwards way of doing it I still have fish but I still don't know what the fish does um we'll see though oh well okay um okay I'm going to see if I can get him here do you walk in the bear trap no he does not oh [ __ ] uh well I'm screwed hey [ __ ] off man oh Jesus no no no no no oh man oh man he's after me all right oh [ __ ] he's real close now okay can you hit him with the golf club no I don't think so I came in like a golfing ball okay we'll do the reverse way this time where this is the qu easy path and then the other one is the more hard one and I'm actually going the wrong way uh it was like in the office area there we go Mr golf in here no no no we we're cruising okay uh now if this game actually uh saves each uh lever that would be really good but we'll see though you know how these games are okay it did say yeah but we'll see we we see I don't I don't trust that it does I don't trust that it does can you throw a sh him with your Club you know I can try I can certainly try this game will 100% win the vame Olympics do you think Jeff key would like this oh my goodness hey I didn't even notice that man it did do something okay okay this goes here and we got another one apparently oh yeah but I'm not caling down where is he okay well number five um what what do you want me to wait a minute what the other one goes here did I do I need to carry it can I take it out and put it here instead don't calm down pleas sir oh I won't maybe I missed something oh Jesus all right uh well time to look time to look and see uh and hopefully we'll find it find a lot of fish but uh Mr golf might be around here somewhere Mr [ __ ] my bad oh man oh man where is he nothing here it's like a needle in a hay stack here man there's no way I can find this [ __ ] uh not here the fish fish is alive by the way okay maybe not here the process of elimination it's called when you're looking around everywhere and hopefully we'll find something uh much of CRT monitors I was watching a bunch of British ads from like the early 80s and man watching Those ads like just reminded me like at one point we hated ads but now we will voluntarily watch retro ads on YouTube you know [ __ ] so many fish it probably stops the guy but yeah I was watching it it was like you know Crazy Prices it was like uh two pounds for a TV okay uh did I break this hang on another messing lever can't you do anything right yeah oh man all right fine oh great I'm going to die now up up got him again three dubloons for a house okay uh I guess we'll try this one more time oh is after me again can you hide like what I mean I you I see but Pluto looking ass okay I'm going to see something real quick I'm going to see if my other okay well I guess we have to hide once and hide I guess he goes away oh I don't know where he is but all right I'm going to see if it counted like that that worked um and if it didn't we have to redo everything there's a Christmas DLC oh Jesus Christ yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] off can I go up here he might be too quick for me oh [ __ ] here we go here we go and close and close okay good what oh so it doesn't work I guess he saw me but that's a very video game logic okay um okay so he always spawns here sort of it might be random I'm not sure but um all right well we're going to go back here and hopefully uh this time or we can get confirmation sorry I just want to see if this worked or not it did not you have to redo everything oh oh oh [ __ ] can I bunny hop out of here okay maybe the plaers up top could help Escape him I doubt his pathing would make it oh [ __ ] here comes Pacman close the door close the door did he see me he couldn't see me okay you could you can't be hop but jumping seems faster yeah maybe it makes some more noise I don't know I'm not sure prise I don't know I don't know if the way they um oh I I hear him hey I want to see something very smart very smart could you B him into one of the bear TR I tried uh he seems to walk over it unfortunately but uh he golfed my balls we is so good the first time too okay but I thought you were playing golf why you trying not to get killed okay uh well trying that one more time still got to find that third guy okay might can can you maybe sneak in this to make it better I generally I hate sneaking in video oh my God okay wait hang on hang on I got an idea I got an idea and jump off okay good good good good that actually got him um all right where is this thing let's try one of these fish all right come here come here come here come here okay hang on and it doesn't work it doesn't work the fish is useless ladies and gentlemen it's sucks okay fish resistant uh this is going to take forever so here what I want to do I'm going to save and quit and play the gone fishing one okay um all right this seems a little bit better I guess okay there we go well welcome back to tuna two St uh all right uh I already got a fish anything in here was that something in the distance what is that is that just a water scared by a Shader there's some insane um fishermen in real life they can cast one of these things like three miles like there was some there's some YouTube shorts thing I see and I know don't like take YouTube short so literal but they can cast it out like Olympic style yeah yeah like insanely long um my boyfriend caught a tree last time he went fishing a tree where was he fishing I guess we used do this see what we get uh-oh that's not good what do we get nothing okay is it animal crossing logic like what what talking here okay we need to fully get it up there we go I guess we do do this okay iron long there was a game that people were commending me it's like uh it's iron long but in space which it already is in space but that's on the blood Planet it's called like um Utopia 19 or something like that oh [ __ ] sakuda you don't need to do that I appreciate though but man give me so much man you don't need to do that I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here is randomly fish I guess use wait well just wait until it catches something okay yep it's another day being a fisherman how long does this thing go this is crazy ah yes the the uh Anonymous car okay well H gone fishing gone home maybe I need some sort of bait or something I mean I guess that is the bait but where's my where's my box man let just do this see I'm trying to catch a fish but they ain't biting what about uh what about this for a second I thought it was going to bite I guess not okay uh maybe we do it here but I can't see anything man make yourself the bait um I mean surely just just throwing it off the pier might work I'm not sure I I have a box full of worms or something I can use maybe I miss something uh my kingdom for a flashlight you need to you need to upgrade your bait maybe go in the water all right see this is how the pros do it Pros just W okay Pros just walk and catch the fish like this oh [ __ ] I got gloma okay well this this game is certainly unique uh guys I'm going to get a glass of water not uh salt water mind you but yeah uh tell me if any fish show up and kill me so uh watch out that boo okay um then any fish show up did I miss anything nothing maybe I can stand here and do it uh you know I'm going to do the same thing where we fish for the fish like this okay I it sort of works when okay it moves when you do this there some sort of like you you did it kind of confirmation you know yep just uh catching fish Drive the boat what do you mean Drive the boat you can get inside oh man yeah okay that makes sense sweet Tunes prepare for remen Speed okay okay well off to the great unknown I guess uh can you see anything I can not see anything okay well nope the Doom 3 joke goes in here guys I can't tell if I've hit a invisible block okay I hit a invisible wall I'm going to go this way instead cuz the game's like no no no no no no no no no not not that way not that way okay go here can he go backwards I think I'm I can't see anything okay there we go okay now we're cooking with gas all right maybe it works better now maybe get something can't wait for cthulu reel in maybe we'll get something no okay I think I think I got to drive off more before we get something and backwards is it stuck I can't go backwards I got to hang on there we go and off we go forward all right we we managed to uh Colonel we managed to avoid drowning okay you have to listen to my calls some here well if we go here maybe we'll find something go to the light I guess I guess yeah go Bonk in another like invisible wall uh here we go that's fish I think whale ah I heard something hey hey hey hey hey Plenty of Fish over here maybe all right maybe we'll get something maybe we'll get something Rel maybe uh not yet okay well hang on let me let me go this way towards there yeah now we're talking this makes me want to play sea of Thieves again okay what is that wait what's that noise is that a is that a fish or is this water okay my my shit's like sinking okay there's something here whatever that is hey what is that oh it's um it's a buoy it's a buoy hey how you doing prepare for ring speed oh okay hey I found a friend hey at least we can see what we're doing over here all right time to fish and now we wait uh with the camera Baba bu jump on it so I'm not sure if if this actually works or drop the anchor you fool what anchor you mean like this is this the anchor yeah I don't think that works that way um but wait if I have a fishing boat people don't fish this way they like throw throw a net in h uh no h i got to get this thing properly like this okay now how do I how do I holy [ __ ] that scared the [ __ ] out of me some can fell over um can I do something here summon a Bo all right I guess uh that's not the place it's like no fish at here at all okay here's something maybe I got to follow the Splish Splash hang on up up found something okay it's right ahead of me okay here we go did I get him hang on it's right here like around here it's not a good noise damn it fish I'm trying to come on found dude I just catch in midair at this point come on oh I got him maybe my thing did something might have lost some [ __ ] oh man well no fish yet got to keep exploring man Jo already caught like five fish nine fish I did they are just invisible ah I see I see okay well we sure getting the fishing experience here guys um hey there's something over here what was that what the hell is that uh oh it's another ship uh oh it's a sunken ship uh can I board it might be a little risky to do that uh how close is it I wonder if I just align this boat this seems very risky to do but all right I didn't even have a wheel hang on this is the second time we hit land thanks to you why do I even take you out of these fishing trips you are a waste of space well that's not good okay o o okay I jump up nope and up up up up up up up up up up up up up up oh [ __ ] go go go ah okay come on big jump big jump big jump come on oh go what the hell jump jump around I can't get on this is the Fate okay I'm just going to wait I'm just going to wait until it's like way up and up can I hm can you swim I don't think I can what if I like on the side here and I kind of see if I can do something like this no no what gorilla what what what was that monkey Munday a skeleton gorilla is by the way that was that was the Kraken apparently uh it just said so um sea monkey ah I see haha all right we're going to go in the same direction but not hop on that boat it is death okay sure would like to catch a fish too but hey okay Seany monkey golf Anto a triple threat Thursday yeah that's right uh that was the gorilla from the lonely gorilla after it walked underwater okay hang on hang on hang on we I hear it come on now and go wait and reel reel reel it in reel it in did I get him I got a little fish or I think so um no maybe uh he gone out [ __ ] oh well that's the buoy again that's your boo better uh Joey you've done team TR SP it time for Shen [ __ ] I forgot that was an app uh yeah I haven't heard much about that app um like I he hear about occasionally but maybe next next team of trash we can do a little bonus feature of it you know but it's the same [ __ ] right it's the same garbage my mom uses it and I hate it what what what does your parents Buy on their lasagna plates she is just mostly clothes I mean it's it's all like Ali Baba stuff aliex Al AliExpress stuff you know I wonder can you even beat this expr okay that's another ship do not approach that okay thank you sorry dink Teemo had four ads on the Super Bowl really hey Joel did you know that did did you know if you didn't know this they put Metallica in fortnite I heard about that yeah give me fewu give me five give me v-bucks now okay well we're going to keep going straight in this direction see if anything comes up I don't know if the fishing mechanic works or not in this game but um Lord I've been try okay you will play guys I will play as L olrick by there's a video out there that made me laugh uh can you show this off real quick um I got to show you a video of Lis ol drumming now I know people have been ripping off ripping on Lis olrick for a while but Loris rri recently has been like really and I mean really bad uh and you know get get this right I stand L Al Rick like he doesn't need to play drums good he made it you know he gets like oh bit my tongue [ __ ] he gets um Revenue sales from The Black Album more money uh daily than like we do like in 10 years okay so he's set but uh I have to show you this this is pretty insane uh they're playing Orion in Finland I believe and the way Loris is playing here is nothing short of amazing check this out uh take a listen of [Applause] this Rob tro playing and then LS comes in and it all goes to [ __ ] the count something it's a little late too but that doesn't really like matter too much try the crash Loris listen to [Music] this oo [Music] ooh oh man oh oh man what the [ __ ] man o like going to high hat [ __ ] [Music] all right [Music] well I don't know I don't know what's going on here but uh someone said slightly worse than Mike's drumming no Mike I think is legitimately a better drummer than this um but uh yeah I know what happened here I mean not every day is perfect but yeah it seems like he was really struggling with the temple there um I don't know uh yeah but but but but but sure you know uh can't win every day um you know we all have days like that I guess but uh yeah do you think that L is a bad drummer no I I think he just I think his legs hurt his arms hurt after so much touring and he's kind of old and like at this point who gives a [ __ ] you know uh just be happy you get to see him you know is he a good drummer he's he's Lars you know uh I think he's done some amazing work you know on justice for all and all that stuff but yeah you know it's not like you know at this point we expect him to be amazing you know uh I mean if you want to listen to like technical death metal drummers like the guy from origin like you know like it's it's not that kind of music you know truly one of the drummers of a time there's there's an episode of house that's really funny um like there's some patient that's been like in some accident and then like for some reason uh Doc dror stevenh House comes in and he says to the patient what's his name Hugh Lori I forgot what Howell sounds like but I'm going to I'm going to do my best hey you're going to listen to the best metal drummer in the world L and it plays give me few give me five f p sh that's not him I think it is you know be an awesome crossover house and Joe's house now that my friends is what I'm talking about okay are we actually going forward or are we stuck in an invisible wall again Fric talk uh did you hear about Kirk saying metal started with Jud as priest oh hang on we got another fish here no I didn't he hear about that but you know sometimes sometimes artists say really really silly stuff is it out here there it is okay hang on going wait a little bit and then I can't wait too long y okay oh hang on hang on H is he going to do the thing where he goes forward again I guess not okay uh all right well new spot I guess all right well um so I know artist say sell as [ __ ] I watch you Denmark banned one of the most popular romen brands this week for being too spicy and poison if though no other nation has banded yeah the Bulldog Ramen I've heard about this a lot and uh so I was curious I was curious about this I was like wh why are what are you talking about and Denmark basically uh banned bulldock and bulldock I eat bulldock like almost daily as like actual food not as some sort of like ridiculous Tik Tok challenge um and the weirdest thing is why is it that uh bulldog has been banned but like the 357 donkey sauce that have like 3 million captation that's okay but something that is basically 20,000 is I I I think I know why it's because like literally children or like teenagers that they do like challenges where they eat this kind of stuff and again it's not even like that spicy I mean I I big talk on for me I suppose but you know I think it's basically some racy old politician that's like I think I think those children should stop before they die and uh thus it was swiftly banned without no like veto or anything you know it's not that spicy [ __ ] I no I eat it like almost daily I'm serious um no make not making a joke about it okay let's see if this actually connects I guess not okay we're going to do a little closer or further away actually come on come on come on is he going to do it uh give it a few more seconds okay guess not little Timmy has just been hospitalized after doing the eat your own [ __ ] and inhaling a Roc rhinoceros nut sack challenge okay I'm going to drive a little closer with this thing there we go okay there we go now we're talking I want to get one fish at least you know I think it's over here I think that's that's like straight on a come on now come on now bite that [ __ ] lore okay we do another cast here and reel it in and here we go boom go go go get it get that [ __ ] I have no idea how to fish in this game is that clicked once maybe ah get its ass oh another fish gone you got to believe all right um all right well H maybe if you ask nicely please I am so hungry okay is that a Shader in the water or was you know it's the hardest fishing game ever man and here I thought of like oh you know s simple simple fishing no no but anyway but back to the the spicy food thing in Denmark I think it's just some politician outrage over this thing and what really pissed me off is that local news in Sweden uh tried Bulldog for the first time and it really added to that like fear mongering we're like I'm going to die I'm going to die and not only that but they cook the noodles was wrong they added like cuz you meant to drain the water and then add the sauce that's not what they did no no no they just like boil everything in water so that really you know aggravated me further all right right here come on come on why is why isn't it working what am I doing wrong here like when it starts sinking down like that is that you know not me supposed to right click and reel it back did they die listen a lot of people think that [ __ ] Tabasco is spicy Tabasco is the worst hot sauce I I swear to God Tabasco just tastes like um like ketchup water like it's terrible man but it's like a classic you know like the Classic Diner it's always Tabasco and and [ __ ] speaking of that um I was talking about the British commercials earlier and hey what's this and A1 steak sauce not A1 I forgot what it's called but uh yeah what what [ __ ] um it's like a this brown sauce it's got like wishest sauce HP yeah there we go yeah yeah yeah I always see HP in stores but I never like buy it okay well if if I jump now and try to get this thing it's game over so uh here goes nothing guys that thing it's all the B hole I managed to find this flum but I have no food and it's getting really cold I don't think I can last much longer whoever finds this stay away from the weather boys boys damn man you got no face can I fish you the boat hole all right guys here goes nothing um what monkeyed okay all right what did you see old man gorilla gorilla Gilla okay off we go again all right let's let's take the light on okay uh do you have the brands Crystal or Louisiana hot sauce we those are great yeah Louisiana hot sauce of course Man classic I actually bought a hot sauce that is um a completely clear hot sauce uh forgot what it's called but it's it looks like one of those snow globes inside um what game is this this is uh gone fishing hot sauce Crystal yeah I added to a Chile last night it was pretty good is it called Crystal B sauce no I don't think it's servy as a crystal but okay I realized I haven't been taken off the [ __ ] thing there we go I'm going to go leftish this time okay Joe you drank a snow globe it doesn't taste like much it's basically like a clear hot I think it's just pure cation or something um do people not understand that different things people different people have different spice to of course yeah yeah but I'm saying like the taste itself on Tabasco like doesn't taste great like for me a hot sauce should be tasty not just hot right it should be a little bit of kick to it and a nice nice flavor to it uh there's uh one of my favorite hot sauce is a it's like a I think it's a Mexican brand called el Yuko and there's one that's like just this it looks like black sludge but it's actually very tasty and Smoky okay uh okay where is it there it is there it is I'm going to wait a little bit and then reeling it never works what am I doing wrong I wish I could check the controls but I don't think they are controls maybe space shift uh oh you can't crouch in this actually okay well um Joel will I play Metal Gear Delta when it comes out Metal Gear Delta is the mds3 Remake right yeah sure I'll give it a shot maybe not stream it but play it I will but uh I wonder who's going to voice act snake is it David hater is going to be uh uh ke keither Southern [Music] land it's reuse audio it's David yes really David hater is the thing is I think David hater is great I love his voice acting but I think the the recent well recent well the the latest in the series where he worked on I think he started sounding very inhuman like not default his voice acting but nobody talks that way you know he sounds normal now um I I really like Metal Gear Solid 5 and like people people say it's almost like dirty to say that I really enjoyed it I I remember playing it when it came out and I played it during like a whole summer I think and I just had a good time with it man I I I don't know man I I thought it was I thought it was [ __ ] fun you know getting uh peod whatever his name was helicopter rescuing dudes and like you know being on the horse and you know going down a box and a slide [ __ ] man I I enjoyed it I I know I know I know you know there's kind of An Unfinished game and all that [ __ ] but man for what it was worth I had a good time playing it I I will say this though one of the most anxiety inducing moments when c calanth yeah was walking towards you and you had to like get the [ __ ] out of there terrifying [ __ ] you know I wish the game had more of that okay I guess we're going this way then that was a hard ass Mission too you know thoughts on ke ke for southerland's performers as snake uh as I said I'm I um I mean I guess it's fine you know they keep they keep doing this thing where they keep saying that this game is like The Missing Link in a middle gear franchise I think remaking three is unnecessary what they really should be remaking is Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake make it into a one game cuz there's a lot of w conning in that series that's I'm make any goddamn sense you know um but what I really should do is remake akes Revenge make that Cannon okay but what did big boss do after that whole thing I don't know I I I think I think uh middle gear one R could be fun it's some ridiculous name for the middle gear one like uh fox sound dudes is it Fox Hound I I I don't remember but yeah I think it no foound is the [ __ ] unit you're part of um well the outer Heaven guys recuit by Big Boss It's Like shotg on Duck or whatever [ __ ] uh flamethrower giraffe like crazy names I mean I I guess psychomantis doesn't sound great either but we're so used to saying it that we're like a you know hey dirty duck jerking walrus you turn Escape From New York into a game I I think uh Kirk Russell actually said that you know I I could be I could be uh playing uh in the video game at some point I wouldn't be a post is this a sunken boat or what is this hang on this there's a new area okay I think I think the fishing here is like second just an exploration thing going on right now guys we found another bonfire wait is this the same guy that died yeah this is the same guy let's not hop on there we know what's coming we know what's coming boys what game is this today isn't tuna Tuesday well it's going there's a game called gone golfing and the first episode of this game was uh escape from the spooky uh golf ball and we're playing the final episode right now which is uh a fishing simulator question mark uh and I haven't even caught one damn fish you know it's tuna off Thursdays I don't know man it is what it is but um yeah going back to the spicy thing again uh I like those Bulldog raming things but the thing is that I find fascinating right hear me out if Denmark views the Bulldog Ramen as some sort of poisonous entity that will kill your uh citizens why is it that uh Korea eats these things daily not as a challenge but for lunch are you suggesting that perhaps Korea is a self-destroying nation at lunchtime every day built different so Denmark is basically saying hey we're giant [ __ ] that cannot handle spies please don't [Laughter] eat I think I heard a fishes now okay now you got it oh hang on you ever tried tabi I'm not saying that right but yeah I have okay okay hang on hang on there's got to be some other way to reel this in I'm holding right click maybe I got to do a left click as well there it is there it is okay I'm I'm try something here maybe I got to drag it like this and it just let's go I'm going to see something I'm going to save and quit and do this controls yeah okay no way of doing that oh let's try golf mare five okay ah we got a little ski close the door go to sleep sleep okay I knew I heard someone cutting about hello what uh bye oh he pissed now oh hide the door hide the door this a a game man this is a game I like it all right what's in here multi [ __ ] okay maybe maybe you can't come in here cuz I have one of these he's here somewhere what is happening in this game it's the chat member's room oh my God it is it is that's the guy with the toilet okay uh I got to check oh we can just Escape bye [ __ ] Joe's house over here oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh got me again oh what's this hey buddy you look thirsty it say the gun Tilda ending oh [ __ ] I'm arming [ __ ] I'm going to [Music] nute okay I'm going to golf I'm golfing okay that was that uh let's try out Merry Golf missas oh boy oh boy it's Christmas it's almost Christmas oh ho holy [ __ ] wait you're that guy it's Christmas time Christmas time there's something over there what what what's that but what is that guys no you know I have the BRB music up in another window there we go [Music] timing okay wakey wakey it's time for school it's Christmas I'm feeling extra charitable this year so I'm going to give you one chance to escape put the meatball into the meat hole and you will be allowed to leave oh I don't worry about the stroke count worry about getting out alive you have five attempts ho ho ho oh [ __ ] okay all right am going to beat the Christmas oh no oh Jesus all right well hopefully we don't die there we go all right I don't know where the said the me is but uh we're going to try they can Crouch uh I guess not there we go all right maybe backward swing no no no no there we go oh [ __ ] where to go oh Jesus okay fine I'm going to locate the meole first don't take that out of context holy [ __ ] no no no show me that guy the hungry skeleton oh my goodness yes okay here we go here we go okay this game was a little before but okay keep going here okay uh it's not working out too well but hang on maybe do this hang on I guess not okay when he's aligning here and here we go damn it is it like impossible okay hang on hang on and get a little bit of this going how in the [ __ ] are you going to do this this is impossible What if I them a little bit more like uh maybe maybe this this will work it's like maybe not put him here wait and [Music] swing I can you walk to him no okay here we go one more time one more time do you think this is even possible possible Kitty issue okay hang on they [ __ ] bouncing off so you already did it once did I you got one in but I should have gone a Cho or something all right fine all right all right so we got to go past here right right right Welcome to The Well of wishes throw a coin and sign and receive a prize throw anything else and receive death oh this is Joy's Castle okay do I have a coin uh I want to go here uh SEAL issue that's funny Mommy I thought it was just really misplaced boobs what the [ __ ] is that what's this um you can't leave yet the fun has just begun oh right can I burn myself okay uh can't do that we got to find the metol a chion span of a of a Zoomer yeah where did you find a gold coin then man okay you got the coins from the skullfist mini game well now we're [ __ ] oh he eat me okay uh oh my socks I'm going to try that again okay I I just didn't see me getting I guess I was too distracted by the funny skeleton so I I guess it is attention span of a Zoomer okay I just need to locate the MEO oh what's this no that's allowed and no girls either keep out gamer Zone gamer Zone hang on what's this all about [ __ ] vog chat chatting is that another the meatball we can do this hang on and a little bit of this little bit of this and you do this okay hang on oh what's that sound hello something in here guess not is that my footsteps I can't tell well we're going to try this [Music] again me a second and we're going to align him like this and here comes and I guess didn't work teach how to make meatballs uh 50% pork meat 50% uh ground and uh breadcrumbs uh herbs you know I like use a little bit of the soy sauce in him you know um a little egg and a boom dirt and glue hang on did that go in I didn't even know man a little [Music] egg okay hang on not quite so far this has been the best part of the game like seriously Hank Hank the hunger skeleton is my favorite part it's been it's been a very confusing part like game all right hang on oh it worked where's my coins is that my coins do I have them now it didn't no okay it's hard to tell come on come on and then we shoot that didn't work okay okay glad I have infinite fish at least his eyes change color oh I see I mean that was perfect come on man all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and guess not okay its size begins to Glow [Music] all right and not yet not yet mom have you ever wanted to uh feed a skeleton a bunch of fish well here's your opportunity in this game gone golfing why not [Music] yes all right awesome all right let's see where this goes you got to be [ __ ] kidding me you got to be [ __ ] kidding me okay we'll wa here all night all night get comfy guys new desert bus you'll die of old age before I do [ __ ] hell oh it worked he got bored and left okay bye all right let's put one in what do I get an anchor okay uh or an anchor right I mean a lever sorry anchor what the [ __ ] am I talking about now where the hell does this go no no no no no no pray this works pray this works this game sucks ass okay yeah you know you could ask a little bit more from this game but it's also my fault for like playing it badly I guess oh he's coming he's coming man well it might not be gone this time I might have an infinite thing here I got another coin I do not get another coin unfortunately uh do I not get another um I guess not [ __ ] uh oh man oh man oh he's coming man he's coming better watch out okay right okay hang on hang onang on watch this oh beautiful you don't know what the [ __ ] to do now huh oh [ __ ] let's take the H oh please don't please don't let's not take the hall [ __ ] hell uh no I don't think so okay hang on oh lovely Hannah delicious burgers Soda Man and then Mr golf his S struming stand what the [ __ ] they s strumming what hey heyo okay close a poor hygiene and kidnappings that's what it is vaan vaan okay I know Mr golf is the star of the show but I think it's time to expand our team can we get someone to make a soda man and Hannah hamburger costume guys when is Blum housee going to uh make this game you know what I mean oh man that's probably the exit huh [ __ ] well I think I might have broken the game I can't reset now unless I actually reset the whole like campaign I guess um okay well um so weed uh I don't I don't even know where to put the meole or whatever the [ __ ] Joel the the the the thin stays after the the respawn what thing the coin lever where is it in my inventory what do you mean it's where you died lever you just die there okay all right let's let's check it out hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on um where exactly did I die you passed it you passed it okay ah I see I see I see well how the [ __ ] oh boy okay uh can I escape this can I escape this uhoh okay okay oh no no h we escaped okay I think we're good okay he's going that way he's going that way boys I think we got it close the door close the door can't close the door gasoline soak wood convenient for campfires uh right um but where well the door's open apparently so that's not too bad maybe I can do this hang on hang on all right I can burn a [ __ ] now you know I think I'm going to burn Hank and his uh stand his standle maybe not to well what else let see have that I can burn man this level is kind of long ah there's another one here wait hang on hang on yeah all right no point right uh I guess I need another thing but where can I get another thing oh there's that wood floor at the beginning though remember that uh well I can just go back I suppose um I'm going to try that as well okay I'm going to another piece here there we go it's a game in Sweden I don't know if it's played anywhere any elsewhere in the world but it oh [ __ ] it's called uh [ __ ] what is it called in Swedish it's you know swedes please help me out you put it down like this and you throw it on another piece uh it's called the squid game that's right Cub Cub yeah Cub I don't think I've ever heard any other country play cub I play like Cub drunk at a wedding last year uh and I don't remember if I won or not but yeah you're like a team you put one two 3 four five six and you have a king in the middle and the objective is to uh you know take the other pieces down and yada y y um you know it's pretty fun it's pretty fun it's very summary kind of uh game all right's see what we get all right do you have to use a real king you could I guess sure that's just chest Joey all right what's down here oh no no no no no no no no no for [ __ ] sake no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off there you are [ __ ] off Off You Can't Hide forever oh Jesus [ __ ] is he coming towards me okay no we're we're good we're good oh [ __ ] the back rooms okay okay uh all right what's this shortcut it is a shortcut actually okay okay all right I'm willing to bet there's another piece we can get in here it's going rip that off no I can't yellow equals back rooms apparently yeah well you know it's video games guys it's all the same [ __ ] I you know this game would be awesome if you close the doors yeah what up oh [ __ ] I can actually oh hey oh what up there's something above me and it's really angry okay I'm surprised this game hasn't got given you a gun yet okay hang on he goes that way right I'm going to go left okay I am Mr [ __ ] I am get it Tor strikes co go Force to close yet again due to poor hygiene and several people gone missing carbon fiber aluminum which putter is the most durable when a rage quitter quitting we have review the top five Putters in the world me disaster strikes another four people have been reportedly missing from Coy Cove the police are currently looking for one of the former staff members who goes by the name of GG it's G it's gig guys okay okay okay uh someone is buying up all the mascot outfits causing a price surgence are fies left are ferish to blame this new the Christmas team coo will be unveil this no I'm reading okay right okay this game's uh this is a little mixed uh Little Mix little little little raw in places I would say but uh you know it do it do it do a little bit okay uh all right got something for you oh okay bye gegg [ __ ] off I'm golfing Jesus man okay can I go maybe right here oh a little TV this is very Scooby-Dooby you know what I mean honey why do you the Christmas present smell like gasoline did you forget to wash your hands after last golfer we burned okay uh that goes that way this goes here can I get a uh an extra lever that would be awesome man oh [ __ ] okay hang on haha damn it I got hammered in the dick oh no open fire okay I'm golfing ah ah it feel good ah okay I was on the naughty list guys okay um I don't know how I feel about this game I feel there's something here it's just a little underdeveloped I guess I mean there's some ideas here but uh I would say ah kind of I kind of feel like it need a little bit more polish I guess I mean it's there but I think uh you know greener grass maked horror and uh golfing a little bit better um it's okay I guess I would say uh it's a little bit like lacking Direction a little bit um you know and I think it's a little difficult too it might just be me but when you're going hiding it doesn't really work like you just safe Spots Don't Really Work I mean you got to like not only escape from be very far away to hide in the lockers but uh you know um the golfing looked frustrating I I think I think yeah maybe need some patching or something uh I had a good time streaming it though but uh I don't know if I have the patience to really sit down and and play one of these to completion you know uh so whenever streamer say it's fine and has potential it's either ass or peek the peak peaky the peak guys that's not how it works in Beantown okay um the developer put out like three games since this one it is what it is okay it plays like the Android game granny it is a little granny es you know H Joe there's a UFO sighing simulator demo on the steam next Fest also monkey simulator oh oh oh who okay they're only ones and zeros apparently interesting could this be the next granny killer I don't know but um I'm going to I'm going to be very lazy and do uh a uh an ending to this gone golfing ending uh okay this is all the endings and uh this is because I don't have the patience to play all of them but uh I I got the gist of all the episodes it's not a hardcore Friday or anything like that so we're just going to do this but uh this footage belongs to uh Nico the S seril so shout outs to uh you know the Master Classic can play horror games that I can't you know niiko Bellic um all right the patience of a saint once again shout out to Cobalt do tools wonderful website people have been saying to me Joel you got to watch out for YouTube now because YouTube is now like hardcoding ads into the videos or something like that like it's it's very bizarre what what what what what what's going on but yeah laran messaged me and said like there's a new thing that they're doing on YouTube basically they're like hardcoding Subs into uh the videos in form of ads um yeah they're like twitch ads now server side ad infections I don't I don't know what's up with that but uh it sounds terrible it sounds terrible man okay hey I just wanted to say I listened to the album skeleton Metal X and it was [ __ ] awesome love it well thank you so much it's a very long album it's like so much [ __ ] on that album you know um Google please stop trying to sell me things challenge impossible okay why does YouTube do this don't they have make over like 999 trillion dollar a month yes but what if they made 999999 999999 trillion dollar a month yeah you know okay um remember when we used to watch TV and we waited like two minutes for ads no don't you mean 40 minutes of ads come on dude kind of world you live in all right here's here's all the endings to the game and again I'm sorry that I don't have patience to um play all of these but uh again yeah uh again footage belongs to Nico the cgle on YouTube go check their Channel out uh they uh can play horror games way better than than I can so uh yeah go check that out anyway here's this uh so you know do this and this goes on for a bit and uh you know uh gol a lot you had to bring the thing with you uh and eventually becomes a nightmare [ __ ] [ __ ] over here okay now you're in the water area Okay okay so you oh wait watch out for the fish so fish attack you um and the fish uh you are inside the fish now uh and then you exit out of the fish and I believe you're in the water Temple from our Arina time here fighting Shadow Link huh and then you go into another door got to watch out go in here little teleportation mace cool okay okay got to get a little lever action in got to get rid of the steam once you rid of the steam do a little bit more golfing okay way better shots than I did okay I'm going to skip ahead a little bit more so we see more of the levels a little bit more golfing back and forth Mr golfy chases you around oh and here here's the ending here's the ending okay so the fish chases you around again and you go in here a buch of Coca-Cola cans and you see yourself at the computer get out of my room mom can't you see I'm streaming it wasn't me it wasn't me Mom it was all a game the pusses the crazy guy in a golf suit the two-legged trout it was all for entertainment you should be angry but none of this is real so why should you care accept This Bitter End and move on Bravo he did bra done it again but play streaming David cage approves okay here's another ending to the game by the way if you go this way something else happens you did it you winner you winner golden end Against All Odds you survived and finish all of the 13 holes okay you are winner as you leave the Cozy Cove parking lot you get the feeling that there is more to the story than psychotic mascots and mutated trouts with legs but for now you're glad to be alive get the [ __ ] out of my room I'm playing Minecraft I like that people are posting the goat SE in chat saying you won this hole okay let's see what this is said I won't be surprised if the developer watches your streams yeah that's kind of you know there's no Escape so don't think about it they'll be a good little boy stay in your room oh [ __ ] leaving all these soda cans everywhere uh-oh this is the this is the second episode a dude dude neod the cgle is going to like destroy me in this they're going to know exactly what to do so you went here okay all right then you would uh get it over there I did not find the actual golf but uh okay okay see the hardest part of this game is actually escaping from uh the uh the Crazy Golf things may oh they can't see be I took that for granted you can just be behind a desk and not be seen I thought they automatically H in but but they actually have ice big old crazy ice that's see okay that's that that's so obvious but okay I I see okay I understand the hiding Raptor logic you probably have more about killer bean than this guy though though you probably know more about killer beam Maybe okay right some pretty [ __ ] slick gameplay man it's always weird cuz when you're playing games like this you do the you do the first playthrough and you do excellent cuz you don't know the limitations of the game but once you start taking it seriously and you're trying to like take advantage of the the the the AI That's when the game play really chugs down but the first sort of like I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing you get really far and then you don't it's very weird what was that uhoh watch out man the Mountain Dew that doesn't hurt your feet this light is straight out like Mor wind okay is it like poison for M Mr [ __ ] leaving all these soda cans everywhere soda okay Doom slime we get the valve okay bu a dead dead golf dead golf balls got something for you okay all right so you go over here right put in the hole not the actual golfing okay okay well Joe you're so good at the game thanks man unprecedented good that's where the valve is okay so you get that now I wonder what the the ending this is going to be is it going to be you defeated evil now go back to uh golfing uh without the evil what was that okay you the winner you the winner you're the winner okay he managed to actually avoid um by being being a locker thing I'll do it again okay ghost and golfing okay well next time collect all four four library cards you won golf with sex is now unlocked you winner Mr be sex unlocked okay why not oh you got the 10 oh [ __ ] okay oh close call there okay this reminds me does really have a a puppet combo vibe to it like find all the things okay suck a golf ball through a garden house wa do you beat him in the head with a leg okay so you carry the leg and now the leg is radioactive okay what the hell was that sound nuclear leg uh did you do that and then the fish eat it fish eat nuclear leg and once you're done with nuclear leg you get another lever what some Sierra games [ __ ] going on here what what's going on here okay yeah I don't think I would have had the patience to do this it would take like six hours okay so we done that when you're doing that you can escape and you get the ending to explain all of this Greg the killing the trout everything here we go you have shown that you're not only a competent mini golfer but also a master of Escape okay as you run away you can finally leave nightmare behind thank you for playing but oh o oh that was a game guys that was a game winner is you guys I gotta say I gotta say uh they didn't show the ending to three other things but uh you know I'll say this I'll take what I can get having a two tuna two St T off Thursdays kind of like segue to each other I think this was fine I think this game was a sort of your your average boiler played escape the the angry monster game I had fun streaming it sure maybe it wasn't like the greatest game but you know I had fun streaming it with you guys and I think this was was okay you know fine you know um however the next TF Thursdays if we do one is going to go and play we're going to be playing regular ass golf games and I mean like Tiger Woods 2003 Mario Golf [ __ ] like that you know Hot Shots Golf okay so this was like a like a sort of segue into this you know we had to do a soft sort of like transition like who you know so uh I dare you to find another game that makes us Golf and fish so know golf with your friends is great it could do that could do that Kirby's Dream course well we kind of play that but um it is what it is uh uh actin hung your first Ninja Pro am on the PlayStation 2 yes you know there was a gun golf game really oh yeah I think I heard about that yeah yeah yeah but uh all right guys that's going to be that game um cool stuff I guess anyway guys I'll be right back with uh the next game but yeah thanks for watching the first tea off Thursdays uh good luck finding uh a game that's about fish and golf that's all I'm going to say [Music]
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 3,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, golf, fishing, gone golfing, gone fishing, horror, chase, scary, spooky, icehelm, survival horror, cozy cove, puzzles, jumpscare, golfing, ending, water, fish, metallica, orion, funny, lars ulrich
Id: L4cLn7th9Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 17sec (6617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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