Well, congratulations Mr.
The Fast and The Furious it think they say is gonna
cross like a billion today, or something. It's just opened,
it's the biggest opening of all time it's- >> [APPLAUSE] >> That's amazing. >> It's pretty amazing. >> I mean it's gonna cross a billion
today, while we're sitting here. >> Yeah, right now. >> You said, you don't have a watch on,
did you forget your watch? >> I forgot my watch. >> Darn it.
>> I have one. >> Could I use your watch please,
for a minute? I'm kidding, [INAUDIBLE] >> [LAUGH]
>> Thank you. >> She just wants you to
have something of hers. >> [LAUGH]
>> So this is amazing cuz you didn't even, you don't believe in sequels you
thought there should not be a sequel. >> Initially, that's true [LAUGH]
>> [LAUGH] >> That's true, that's true. Back in the 80s and 90s,
if you sequelized a movie, you lost every chance of it being
a classic, or being something special. And so, I turned down the first
two attempts for a sequel. And then they said, okay,
you write it, you produce it. And I said, okay and
now we're here with the, it gets-
>> Amazing. >> [APPLAUSE]
>> Only cuz of you. >> [APPLAUSE]
>> Then, and their good movies. It's a combination it has to be
a good movie for them to go see it, and love it the way they love it, so
>> There's a people think of the explosions, and the submarines, and us out doing each,
action set piece, love it. The core, it's love. >> Mm-hm. >> At the core it's all love, so that's
what makes Fast And Furious what it is. >> Speaking of love,
let's talk about Charlize. So Charlize Theron-
>> [LAUGH] >> Or Throne, or Theron, so many ways to- >> There-on. >> Throng. >> So there's a quote here,
his character, this is about the kiss. >> Yeah. >> His character's just,
she said this on the show, it's just frozen like a dead fish, and he-
>> What? >> Yeah.
>> [LAUGH] >> What? >> [LAUGH]
>> Come on, guys, do I look like a dead fish? >> [APPLAUSE]
>> Wow. No that looks like
a Connie Corleone that's saying, don't do this in front of many. >> [LAUGH]
>> That's what that is. >> I know. She said-
>> Yeah? >> Let me just continue-
>> Okay. >> [LAUGH]
>> I want you to defend yourself. >> Yes! His character's just
frozen like a dead fish. >> What? What just-
>> He's saying its the best kiss ever. It was the most psychotic kiss ever in
this whole speel about how lips dont lie. I like a little more movement in my men. >> Movement in your men. >> [APPLAUSE]
>> Can I say something. Okay, first of all you
don't come on Ellen with the wonderful animation
of Finding Dory and comparing me to a dead fish. >> [LAUGH]
>> Right or wrong. >> [LAUGH]
>> Go ahead. >> [LAUGH]
>> I'm not sure what happened, but, yeah. >> [LAUGH]
>> I don't know how that solved anything, but that's fine. All right, Guardians of the Galaxy. You just are in just like
blockbuster after blockbuster, and this is the first movie, I think, is
this the first movie your kids can go see? >> It's the first movie
that my kids can see. It's I took them to the premiere. >> And did they love it? >> They loved it. >> Did they know that was you? Could they figure that out? >> Well, my son was part of
the reason why I became Groot. My son was,
I brought home a book of concept art. >> Mm-hm. >> From Marvel. And I said who do you
Marvel wants Daddy to play? >> And my son picked the tree and
I was like are you okay? >> [LAUGH]
>> And now whenever we're driving in the country and we see trees my sons goes
Daddy it's your brothers and sisters. >> [LAUGH]
>> That's adorable, that's sweet. >> I brought my daughter
here on this show. >> I know, I know. >> They love you, and they love this show,
and they love Finding Dory, and they love you. >> Sweet as can be, yeah, she was like three years old
when she was here, I think. >> That's right. >> We were outside racing tricycles. >> [LAUGH]
>> Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 is out May 5th, we'll be right back.
I was waiting for him to run up to one of the girls in the audience and say "when did this turn into beautiful world?"
I'm still mad at June for ruining the 'sleepwalkers' episode!
they are mother and son, deal with it