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It's already summer and it's so hot already. So we want to prepare food products that are cooling, refreshing, and very healthy. Let's also add colorful. That when you eat it while having a bad temper, you will be in a good mood because you know that it's really good for you, right? So let's prepare Fresh Spring Rolls Vietnamese Style. This is very very easy. So do not bash me, I know some of you will say especially those from Vietnam: "We put a different filling." I am gonna inform you first. You can put any filling that is gonna make you happy here. If you want to put shrimps, if you want to put crab meat, if you want to put shredded chicken, if you want to put lobster. You can put anything inside but today, I will put a very simple one only because this is very budget friendly and I promise you that the sauce will bring it up. So how would it be? First, you go to the grocery store and you just buy spring roll wrapper. Just like this one in here, you can buy it in leading grocery stores. And the beautiful thing about this rice wrapper is you don't need to refrigerate it. Okay, just outside only. Don't find it in chiller section, it's normally on Asian section. Right? So how do you prepare this? Very basic, you just read the instructions. Right? They will tell that that's why we're watching for us to not read. "What is that? Just show it to us." So I have here. You choose a plate or container that is a bit bigger than your wrapper because the goal is you will soften it for it to be pliable. So I just have here hot water, you have to be careful. A bit of hot water. I'm just using cheesecloth. A high-class cheesecloth that I got from IKEA, I really line up for that. So you praise this beautiful towelettes. So that's hot water and I'm also going to put room temp. water. Just like that. Okay, you put room temperature for you to not get burned. So you just, lukewarm. And then this wrapper, you'll just put here. It's better to do two so by the time you finished the other one, there's another one ready already, and then you just set it aside here. You wait for few minutes, okay? It will soften. Not few minutes actually, sorry but few seconds. It will soften. Let's look at this one if its- so okay, just like this one. See? It's already pliable. When it's already pliable, you transfer it in here. My table has been sanitized. You replace it with another one. Okay, you also check the other one if it's soft already. Don't soak it too much also, okay? Because if you oversoak it, it's not good. And then I have here lettuce, just put the lettuce in the middle. Carrots that I've julienne or I cut into long like this. This is just cucumber that I cut as long too and then cilantro leaves, you can also put basil. Traditionally, they put basil and then as simple as this, you just roll it. You just roll it like that. Again. You put anything you want to put inside. Isn't it amazing? And of course, the general rule, you try the first one that you wrap. So crunchy. Of course, there's still no sauce but we just try it for you to see inside. If you already like the arrangement. It's just like flower. When you bite it, when you see it, you need to get refreshed. So if you're happy with the arrangement, if you're happy with the ratio of carrots, cucumber, cilantro. I am happy already. So if you're more happy, you'll be more delighted. Just continue doing it, don't let anyone stop you. I can't talk anymore. Just watch me. You can also put mushrooms on it. Shrimps that has been steamed. I feel so proud. One more time. This is what I'm telling you, I really aim to show it to you. I do that purposely. Excuses, right? So I do that intentionally. When it's oversoaked, it becomes like this. That's why don't soak it too much because it becomes like this, right? I have talked too much already, I have talked too much in the video. Don't soak it for too long, in Vietnam, they move so quickly. In Vietnam, they put different fillings. Traditionally, they put shrimps. Some of them also put pork, others also put the back, pork back. It's also delicious all, some also put chicken. If you also go to those fancy restaurants, some also put crabs. Some also put lobsters. If it's already a bit dried, do not put it anymore. You just keep on rolling. Okay, and you try to make the longness fair. For a while, it seems like I am still practicing, right? This is best if you are gonna have a party. Of course, you have to be considerate with your guests who wants salad. This coming Holy Week, this is really perfect. The beauty of serving this when there's ocassion, it already have it all, so there, it seems to be salad roll already. "If I am gonna roll that already, how long would it last in the refrigerator?" Of course, it's better just like any salad, within the day for you to consume it. But of course, if you have leftover, about 1 to 2 days. Especially if you refrigerate it, it won't get damaged easily though. So I'm going to continue wrapping our fresh spring rolls and then next, let's make our sauce. So now, I'm finished with wrapping the spring rolls. Okay, my apologies if it's not the same size as there's three of us who rolled that. So of course, it would depend on what we feel, right? Of course, the one who isn't going through something keeps on pouring the filling inside the spring rolls. But anyway, as mentioned, whatever you're going through in life, there's a solution for that and that is the sauces because this one would really bring it up, the one that will give delicious flavors on your spring rolls. So today, let's prepare two types. First is the Vietnamese Nước mấm. Very simple, this is a popular baking sauce in Vietnam. So I have here lime juice or calamansi juice, into the blender. If you also don't have blender, you can just use mortar and pestle. Just combined everything in there. This is fish sauce. This is just water. Cilantro leaves. This is garlic and chillies. If you don't like it too spicy, you minimize the amount of chillies. But me, I want it to become spicy. And this is white sugar, you really put a lot of white sugar. So let's set this aside and then this goes into the blender. Okay. It smells Vietnam. Oh my God! Food would really bring you to happy places, right? So this one, the Nước mấm, it smells like Vietnam. That's just okay if the size isn't the same at all, right? So it seems like you chop it even though you just blender it. Next, let's prepare the peanut sauce. Super easy. I have here peanut butter, this is just the creamy style peanut butter. If you want it to have texture, you can also use the one that is chunky. This is the hoisin sauce. This is oysters sauce, I'm using Good Life brand oysters sauce. A bit of water. And this one isn't included in the recipe but I like putting a splash of lime juice or calamansi juice. So I will get some. I always have this in the fridge, we squeeze calamansi juice already and then we put it in container, we keep it in the fridge. Just a splash. The splash of acid will balance the sauce. So that it would be thick, right? So that you won't feel fed up. And get some water to dilute. Just mix it like that. If you want it smooth, let's say you're an OC, you really want it to be so smooth, you can use a wire whisk for it to emulsify. Depending on your liking, if you want this thinner, more liquidy, you can add more water. Let's try. I will put a bit of water for it to become more thinner. The choice is really up to you. Just like what I've said: "What's gonna make you happy is in your hands". There it is, right? You want it thinner? You put more water. You find it too rich, you put more calamansi juice. You want this spicy, you put chili. Your cooking won't react at all though but your heart will surely react because it's beating. So anything that is gonna make you happy, go with that one, okay? Go with that one. So there it is, how to taste? Then get spring rolls, dip. Who among you wrap this one? They are going through something since the filling is thrifted. They thrifted the filling but that's just okay since we can remedy that with the sauce. Delicious. When you serve it, it's both nice to have two of them. Because those who prefer sweet will go with this while the one who wants spicy, as you can see, I turned red because of spiciness. they will also go with this one but again, you can reduce the spice level though. And of course, to plate it, you normally cut it in half and you let it stand like that in the plate. There it is, right? It's not the same size, you reduce it beneath. And then you put the sauce. And then you just put some sauce on the side. Peanut sauce. If you want it more aromatic, you can also put it sesame oil on top. I put it on top so it won't rancid because if I mix it quickly, it will get rancid easily. And then the.... Why I am making myself go to a hard way, I use a small spoon. And then you just serve it like that, so there it is, right? It radiates so much freshness, right? Of the Fresh Spring Rolls. Then let's taste it again. You might say that I keep on tasting it again and again. Just let me be. Actually. You can mix it both. Why should they mind, right? If you're happy, you dip both of the Spring Rolls over there. That's why it's your spring rolls, right? So me, I even mix it. Is it correct? So good, you will be inlove because of how delicious it is. So what are you still waiting for? Make yours already because it's healthy, crunchy, colorful- It will just really make you happy. See you again :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 788,662
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Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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