Vienna to Rome by train: ÖBB’s Nightjet Sleeper (Deluxe)

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[Music] hello and welcome to another trip report and welcome to Avena hoped bahnhof that's Vienna's main railway station that is the train to Frankfurt the rail jet departing just beside me I've not tried that yet it's a lovely train maybe wonderful a future trip report what I'm here today to do is to take a sleeper train to Rome the capital of Italy that's going to be a fantastic journey it's a wonderful wonderful evening to be traveling I'll be on the Austrian Railways night jet in a deluxe ensuite sleeper from Vienna to Rome gonna be a great report I love sleeper trains and I hope you do as well by the end of the video let's go check it out Vienna's main railway station opened in 2012 and serves around five and a half million passengers every year it was basically designed from scratch and that means for all of the facilities it has are designed around the needs of the modern passenger night jet trains do not have a restaurant car and have only a limited selection of food for purchase on board so I recommend you head down into the bowels of the station and buy yourself some dinner if you prefer a good quality hot meal or just want to maximize sleep on the train there are plenty of places you can get a good hot meal inside the station on the ground floor sleeper passengers can access the Austrian Railways lounge which is located upstairs on the gallery level this is a pretty decent space it's only a few years old the same as the station and is pretty much all of the amenities that you might expect to find in a decent Airport business class lounge this is much higher quality than most railway VIP lounges I've been in you can grab yourself a half-decent coffee cake fruit and of course charge your devices on the power sockets which are located throughout the lounge one thing I should say though is that it does get quite busy in here around an hour before departure most of the seats were taken so just waiting here on platform here at vienna's main railway station behind me is the Salzburg train as soon as that trains clear the platform I think mine is to to come in now the trailer I'm about to get is actually two trains in one one portion will go on to Milan and my portion which are being will be going to Rome I believe they spit at Villa which is near the border of Austria and Italy at about midnight so I better make sure that I get cut in the right coaching in the right berth it's all printed on my tickets so it should be pretty straightforward okay so now I've got to find my carriage not quite sure which one it is but I think I'm probably gonna be down the front of the Train I know the cars at the back they're goats in the land so my guess is the Rome Porsche is the front one so I guess wrong gotta go down the front of the Train as you get on board you'll need to show your ticket and your proof of ID or passport to the steward will then grow a new access here we are safe and sound birth number 32 room six car for one - found it in the end absolute chaos here a lot of people didn't realize they need to look for the birth number not the room number on their ticket so yeah anyway - about ten minutes to get here [Music] and so that's us having left Vienna main station in about 14 hours time I'll have gone over the Alps and I'll be in Rome one of the cradles of civilization gonna be a cracking trip I think wonderful weather for it couldn't have picked a better day gonna be great the Train accelerates south east down towards the Italian border the first order of business is to look at the menu sleeper passengers are entitled to a complimentary six item breakfast you can order more than six items but this comes with an extra charge of one euro 20 if you're really in the mood for it there's also a limited selection of hot food available on the menu plus some hot drinks and wine I'll leave a link to the full menu in the description text below as far as freebies go all of this was waiting for me at the table when I bought it including a bottle of Prosecco be sure to fill out your breakfast form promptly handed to the sleeper car attendant when he comes around and he'll also check your ticket to make sure you're in the right berth at the same time as for me I wasn't sure about the availability of food on board so I brought my own dinner from one of the shops at Vienna station there are other ways of taking the night jet other than by getting a deluxe solo sleeper I'll take a look at those in just a moment but first a room tour of my berth of the night this is basically the whole sleeper cabin that I have to myself today as you can see there are three seats here now there are actually three berths that could be made from this particular cabin there's one here one here and also on right at the top if you notice there's some light controls there air-conditioning vents nice big window and it does open which is an absolute boon in weather like this air conditioning and that's at an away volume control as you can see there emergency break Night Lights these here are to summon your cabin attendant for example if you need something in the middle of the night or you want to order some food this down here is your bin which looks empty and clean that's good something which I almost missed and which the steward had to point out to me is that the only power socket is down here well it's the only one apart from the one in the bathroom which I'll show you shortly each of the berths does have replicated controls as you can see but I've got the whole thing to myself tonight this is a single deluxe they actually don't sell all three berths as a deluxe the maximum that you can have is two I've got solar occupancy today the other thing that we have is if I squeeze past this table down here we have a pop-out seat which I assume is going to be useful if you want to get changed in the morning and a goodie bag we will look at that in just a moment next up the toilets and the shower the great thing about the deluxe is that it has an ensuite so you don't have to share this with anybody else it is very small but it does have a functioning shower we've got the shower heads down there didn't I point to my camera out there shower gels provided but I recommend that you bring your own wash basin clean toilet everything that you'd really need from a small ensuite if you've ever been on a sleeper train with one before it's just like any other ensuite shower that you've seen or if you've taken an overnight ferry before a lot of the bathrooms are small like this small perfectly-formed here's that other power socket that I was telling you about and also air conditioning so that is pretty much it and that's my home for the next 14 hours the best thing of course about this room is the fact that you've got a window out into deepest Austria in the morning that view is going to change and we'll be looking at the north of Italy so other accommodations you can travel in the seated coaches for the lowest possible price however this is not recommended one it's very uncomfortable and two this train basically turns into a local commuter train once it comes into Italy and therefore you might be sharing your berth with some people on their way to work a more solid budget option is the couchette these are available on night jet in six and four berth varieties you'll have to share with other passengers of the same sex and no bedding is provided it's simply a flat surface for you to lay your head for the night nonetheless for the price it's a pretty good option on most European sleeper trains if you're not traveling with an ensuite then there is a communal shower and toilet located at the end of each carriage corridor these are pretty clean and tidy and this is what they look like inside personally I find having a shower before I'm able to step off the train is a fantastic amenity now as I mentioned earlier half of this train the back half is actually going to Milan but don't worry you can't access the wrong part the train by accident it's all signed off and the doors are locked around an hour after leaving Vienna we're in the Alpine foothills and the scenery as we approach Semmering is quite spectacular [Music] okay so let's have a look and see what we've got in our little goodie bag that was waiting for us when we arrived so slippers that is what's that little face towel pretzels not sure I'm gonna be eating those another bottle of water this is a refreshing towel so I'll use that before I go to sleep and earplugs probably going to be using those tonight just one more thing in here which is no it's just a leaflet you don't get a huge amount it's not like a business class amenity kit but it's definitely better than nothing I think at around midnight the train enters of Villach the last stop in Austria the Italian border is just a few miles away and it's my cue to get some sleep [Music] so here we go this is the cabin in bed mode as you can see this bed has folded down from the wall and the seats it fold away there kind of just underneath as you can see there the attendant will do that for you there's no reason for you to do it yourself although if you really do have to do it yourself it's pretty easy to figure out the bed is in fact already made when it's folded up into the wall there although Stewart has to do is literally fold it down and out it pops ready-made other thing is that that big table that you saw earlier has folded away against the window and that's it that's my bed for the night the next day I woke up at 7 a.m. to some fantastic Morning Sun as we pass through the north of Italy the sleeper car attendant has also brought me some breakfast you remember from earlier in the video I filled out our form and handed it to my sleeper car attendant the night before breakfast was absolutely fine I mean it's nothing much to write home about but still it's breakfast and it will set you up at least until lunchtime if you're interested to read more about the railjet I've included two links for you in the description text below this video the first is Austrian Railways official night jet site and the second is a blog rail guide Europe which is an authoritative and in-depth look at the night jet product and I'm sure you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did so my room is being turned back from bed mode into day mode where they convert the seats back up only got about half an hour to go now until Rome so I'm just going to sit here in one of the old cassettes and watch the world go by have my breakfast had a shower change of clothes I feel fresh great I'm going to arrive in Rome just after 9 a.m. more could you want [Music] and that's it welcome to Roma termini station in the heart of Rome it's 9:25 a.m. the perfect time have you asked me to be arriving and cracking on and seeing some other sites hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you might consider a sleeper car next time you look to travel around Europe but until next time see you around [Music]
Channel: Wingin’ It! Paul Lucas
Views: 584,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightjet review, obb, obb nightjet, sleeper train, sleeper train in europe, Vienna to rome, Vienna rome train, sleeper car, european train, cheap train tickets, Paul lucas, Pauls trip reports, wingin it, nightjet sleeper cabin, nightjet deluxe sleeper, schlafwagen, nightjet deluxe cabin, nightjet vienna, trains, travel, europe, austria, italy, austria trains, rail, railfan, railway, vlog, review, trip report, tripreport
Id: WB0L22Gi7hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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