Video Game Theories That’ll RUIN Your Childhood

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gamers are a seriously passionate bunch after spending hours days or even weeks playing a single game some seriously hardcore fans will seek out tiny in-game details left behind by the developers anything left unexplained can have a fan base spinning theories that point to a much darker picture off-screen and disturbingly not even your favorite childhood games are safe from mario's insatiable hunger for souls to people eating pokemon it's time to shatter the fourth wall and take a dive into a few theories that'll ruin your favorite childhood games forever [Music] freaky fall guys when the platform battle royale game fall guys was released in 2020 the gaming world quickly fell in love with the battling beans they raced through a glorified mini golf course knocking out competitors as they go mallwell dressed in a wonderful wardrobe of costumes but some players noticed that the costumes didn't fit the way they expected this one for example revealed the slim shape of the bean's head through the face opening now most people assume the bodies of these beans fill out their suits but this indicated that they're actually more stick-like with that in mind fans started to wonder what was really going on underneath the onesies our fall guys squishy stick-like beings that can stretch out of their suits at will or maybe the bulk is made up of extra body parts so that they can crawl out of their face holes like true to life nightmares horrifying as that was it turns out that what actually lies beneath the suit is much worse than any fan could have imagined to one up the community the game's senior artist mocked up this flesh crawling interior view of a classic bean this this is not okay this needs to stop now the head is suspiciously human but the neck legs and torso are so distorted it's hard to tell where the humanity ends and where the nightmare begins nothing about it makes sense i mean how does that bent spine support all its weight how do its hips move without sockets how does its mouth work inside its body and don't get me started on those eye stalks to make it worse they also confirmed that the beans are all about six feet tall i don't know about you but i miss 15 seconds ago when i didn't know this man-sized monstrosity existed if you want to take your mind off of what you just saw try doing something unrelated real quick oh i know you can hit the like and subscribe buttons down below that's much better a set of nice safe normal buttons that don't look like they're growing out of stocks oh no now i can't unsee that either let's just move on shall we peak anatomy in 2020 a year where a worldwide pandemic left a lot of people craving social interaction one game rose into the limelight not because it connected people but because it let them kill each other in space this is among us a social deduction game released in 2018 where each player completes tasks on a spaceship through their brightly colored astronaut avatar however there's an imposter among us well them who kills off crewmates before the tasks are complete as they fall to the ground though their bodies expose a single bone at their core this brilliantly bizarre anatomical feature has led some fans to theorize that these aren't human astronauts instead they're alien creatures that contain just one long bone like a sentient leg of ham though not every fan buys into the lone bone theory some have pointed out that the characters have little oxygen packs so they must have a rib cage to support their lungs but in an update from january 2021 one of the new maps had a small detail pinned to the wall lo and behold it was the lone bone hung up like an anatomy chart and while this is literally the backbone of the internet's understanding of the crewmate's skeleton the rest of their anatomy is a total mystery considering what happened last time fans questioned a bean-shaped being's anatomy i'm happy to leave this unanswered pokemon problems nintendo's popular pokemon game series started off as an 8-bit adventure that over the years has exploded into a world of vibrant colors and warm characters but several fans believe this might all be a smoke screen for a world that's actually much much darker for those who've never played you collect these adorable little monsters and battle them out ordering attacks that make the opposition pokemon faint although the word faint here is just a very nice way of saying you've beaten them unconscious that on its own is pretty horrifying when you think about it though it's no big deal you can always heal your own pokemon at a nearby pokemon center but always might be the wrong word if the infamous lavender town scene has anything to go by in the first generation of internationally released games pokemon red and blue you the player enter a town that's accompanied by this very sinister tune while suppressing your goosebumps you have to climb pokemon tower a skyscraper packed with hundreds of gravestones not for humans but for pokemon it's here that you meet your longtime rival gary or blue he immediately asks you why you're there if none of your pokemon are dead which is strange because that would indicate he's there because one of his pokemon has passed on in every battle you've had before he sends out a rattata that's evolved into eradicate but this time the raticate in his party is missing now the last battle you had was aboard the ssan a ship without a pokemon center on board in theory this could mean that after losing the fight on the ship your rival rushed to the nearest pokemon center but was too late to save his raticate wait does this make you a pokemon killer this theory is pretty upsetting to say the least almost as upsetting as burying hundreds of pokemon in a skyscraper so creepy but it's not the only disturbing detail in the first generation pokemon games post-war pokemon in vermilion city the pokemon gym battleground is run by the military mad lieutenant surge when you approach him he makes a one-off comment that electric pokemon saved him during the war and that they zapped his enemies into paralysis sounds like something your crazy uncle would blurt out at christmas but hold up this means that pokemon were once used as weapons in an actual war and lieutenant serge is only middle-aged if his hairdo and highways trousers are anything to go by so it must have been a fairly recent war at that this would indicate that the pokemon games are set in a post-war world where the kanto region suffered a huge number of casualties it'd go a long way to explaining why there's so many pokemon centers and a lack of older male characters throughout the game this might be why your character only has a mother and no father and why there's no mention of your rival's parents at any point in the game in order to wipe out an entire generation of adult pokemon users the theory follows that this war must have been huge although it's unclear who the enemy was another region perhaps maybe an untameable legendary pokemon and while nintendo has kept quiet about this mysterious conflict i wonder if they've got plans to release a game that'll let you play as part of the pokemon war i mean how cool would a pokemon crossover with games like call of duty or battlefield be pikachu i choose you hit the enemy with thundershock yeah great job pikachu now tea bag him coughing fit while you can find many pokemon in the wild not all of them are natural porygon for example is a first generation pokemon made entirely out of computer code proving pokemon can be created artificially and with that said what happens when these artificial creations go wrong well one theory has an answer in the form of the poison pokemon coughing this happy ball of toxic gas is a favorite of the evil team rocket throughout the original games but this bunch of thieves would be much better suited to ghost type pokemon seeing as they can slip through walls disappear instantly and really frighten their victims there are only three ghost pokemon in the original games though ghastly haunter and gengar and they're not easy to catch unable to get their hands on them what if team rocket had attempted to create their own ghost type pokemon by genetically engineering gas particles from poison pokemon and forcing them into bulging balloon constructs similar to ghastly shape they brought this floating coughing creature to life it clearly worked at first but when they tried to evolve their creation into a haunter shape their plan went sideways instead of growing a set of hands like haunter the resulting wheezing grew more heads the smile of this tumor-ridden horror was replaced by a look of constant pain and misery and as its name suggests it was even struggling to breathe faced with the menacing monstrosity they created team rocket admins abandoned the project and gave the poor pokemon to their grunts to use as cannon fodder that theory's so evil i wouldn't put it past team rocket to try a ghostly relation it's no secret that all pokemon are identified by their elemental properties ranging from fire and water to dragon and steel but it's ghost pokemon that stand out as some of the oddish sorry oddest because if the three original ghost pokemon ghastly hauntor and gengar really are ghosts then what pokemon are they ghosts of one theory argues that the answer is lurking on the other end of the spectrum in the realms of the original fairy pokemon fairy types are a mystery with moves and abilities more magical than any other while little is known about them there's a striking similarity between the fairy pokemon clefable and the ghost pokemon gengar from their pointy ears stubby limbs and three-fingered hands their silhouettes are unnervingly similar not only that but gengar is also known as the shadow pokemon a shadow of what well when you flip it around like this coincidence i think not could this mean that gengar is the dark spirit of a very sweet but very dead clefable well if so then what about the fairy pokemon before clefable's evolution do they also have ghost type counterparts upsettingly the theory follows that the adorably tiny ball-like klepha perishes into the ghostly sphere of ghastly and the cute-eared clefairy is trapped in the form of haunter what kind of dreadful end did these poor pokemon meet for their souls to be trapped like this well i have another theory but i don't think you're going to be able to stomach it soylent green is pokemon since the pokemon games debuted fans all over the world have wondered if normal animals exist in its universe if they don't then what do the people there eat this isn't really addressed in the earlier games though in pokemon sword and shield you can cook up a delicious range of curries and share them with your pokemon and these all seem innocent enough until you cook up a sausage curry there hasn't been any mention of regular old eggs in this universe at all so are those sausages made from pork or pork iman perhaps i'm overthinking this maybe they're just a good-looking vegetarian alternative though it's hard to rationalize how bluntly named bone curry could be made without any kind of meat uh maybe normal animals do exist in this universe then we just haven't seen them ever i mean the developers at nintendo wouldn't be sadistic enough to make you eat the creatures you've befriended in this game would they maybe not in the international versions but in the japanese release they made no secret of the main ingredient in this depressing dish i mean that iconic claw definitely belongs to the crab pokemon kingler nintendo hasn't officially confirmed people eat pokemon in game but for one horrifying moment let's work on the assumption that they do would the farming process work like normal where battery farms raise and breed pokemon as livestock maybe certain pokemon species like those close to cows and pigs are bred to be food what if after they've been harvested farmers save on the costs of raising new pokemon and restore them through pokemon center technology that would mean that they go through the entire gut-wrenching harvesting process every time someone starts craving steak seafood or sausages even though this is just a theory i've suddenly lost my appetite still alive the physics-defying video game portal is a puzzle lover's dream no matter their age it starts off innocently enough where you play as a test subject in a research facility with access to a shiny new portal gun after ripping holes in reality to solve a series of innocuous challenges the story takes a turn for the worse the spotlight shifts onto the homicidal villain gladys a rogue ai who has a love of testing and a hatred of you but before she goes completely haywire she introduces you to companion cubes these weighted boxes help you complete some of the more complex tasks that would otherwise require you to be in two places at once what's inside them is never revealed but when you're instructed to incinerate this cube you unlock an achievement called fratricide that's the act of slaying your brother or sister almost like the cube was alive and that's not all during one test sequence gladys lets slip a vital hint i think that one was about to say i love you they are sentient of course we just have a lot of them you heard that right the cubes are sentient and can talk that means there might be actual humans trapped inside them in game gladys has no regard for human life so it's not too far-fetched to assume she'd force the player to unwittingly kill someone just to antagonize them a captivating design to the unassuming eye portal's maniacal mechanical villain hanging from the ceiling looks like the furthest thing from a human however a developer's commentary of the game revealed that gladys's arm was actually inspired by human traits she was originally going to have a floating brain or resemble botticelli's rise of venus made out of mechanical parts eventually they settled on this sleek curved design to make her look fatally feminine they were so successful in this though one fan believed they could actually see the shape of a woman in the arms outline it wasn't botticelli's venus though but a woman that had been bound and strung up from the ceiling by her feet the two forms certainly look similar and considering gladys's madness is restricted to the facility the bound form gives the shape of the villain a lot more meaning maybe the developers couldn't admit this sort of risque influence in the commentary so kept it out of the description sounds pretty unlikely but even so i'm definitely gonna have a hard time unseeing this comparison sonic's shoes when nintendo released mario and sonic at the olympic games tokyo 2020 fans noticed something strange about the surfing event while mario got to ride his board barefoot like a regular person sonic still sported his sneakers this got fans wondering why sega's favorite blue hedgehog was never seen in any game without his trademark red running shoes although the better question here might be what are his shoes hiding does sonic have little clawed paws like a hedgehog maybe they're as equally large as his hands or perhaps he has fully formed four-toed feet oh god i wish i'd never asked it's a question that's haunted sonic fans for almost 30 years thanks to the inconsistencies in comics and animations from the 1990s while one cartoon shows he has little blue paws another reveals a pale-footed three-toed creature and a separate comic strip displayed some freakishly human feet so what's the truth according to sonic the hedgehog game producer takashi izuka sonic just never takes his shoes off in canon frankly this leaves me with more questions than i started with maybe the answer can be found in other characters that don't remove their shoes like kirby this cute little pink blob is a nintendo creation who sports similar red shoes to sonic but just like sonic kirby's creator refuses to divulge what his feet look like beneath well some believe they're smooth pink blobs like his arms others theorized that to be able to run and walk as he does there are five-toed feet hidden beneath does anyone have any bleach i need it for my eyes kirby's secret kirby is an innocent series of action platform games that are as adorable as they are wholesome that is except for one kirby 64 the crystal shards this was the first kirby game to boast 3d graphics which gave fans a good look at the worlds kirby could play on too good it turned out one of the available worlds called shiverstar featured a geography similar to earth's all seven continents were clearly visible but obscured by a cold foggy haze when kirby visits the planet you can see the terrain is also similar to earth's though most of it is covered in several feet of snow but this isn't set during the ice age as the game progresses the player bumbles through factories and shopping malls tended by malfunctioning robots but why are all the robots malfunctioning where are all the humans and why is there a massive robotic boss at the end decked out in an army's worth of missiles and lasers according to one theory shiverstar is actually a version of earth trapped in a nuclear winter following a nuclear winter the ash from immense fires got trapped in the atmosphere blocking out the sun and freezing the planet to its core the humans that survived the deadly radiation were killed off by the subzero temperatures leaving the factories mauls and robots to gather dust this means kirby might be rolling around a post-apocalyptic landscape bouncing through dust that used to be billions of people and i thought his feet were bad malevolent mario unless you've been living under a rock you probably know the story of this red-capped mustachioed plumber in super mario world mario has to save princess peach from bowser the evil king of the koopa who rules over the mushroom kingdom along the way different items lend mario the power to smash through bowser's minions but as heroic as he appears the fire flower power-up has sparked a fan theory that's hard to ignore unlike other attacks hitting an enemy with a fireball produces a coin now why would burning an enemy to a crisp reward you with money well this theory claims that the coins aren't made of gold but of souls like an 8-bit cremation burning up the bodies releases the souls whereas bopping or crushing a minion doesn't destroy the vessel completely and what's more collecting 100 of these soul coins grants mario an extra life like a soulless exchange for immortality but if that's all true why are there so many coins concealed in bricks and blocks well in the original super mario brothers instruction manual it says that the piece-loving mushroom people like the character toad were turned to stones and bricks by the koopa so by headbutting the bricks you could be shattering one of toad's cousins and claiming their soul for yourself anyone else feel super guilty all of a sudden behind the mask majora's mask is one of the bleakest games in the iconic legend of zelda series but there's a chance it's much darker than anyone first thought in the game our protagonist link discovers he's lost his friend navi his quest to find her becomes so troubled that one popular fan theory claims the game actually guides link and the player through the five stages of grief these are denial anger bargaining depression and acceptance clock town represents denial where despite the menacing moon threatening to end the world the townsfolk continue to plan their upcoming festival and then there's the deku king representing anger who's blinded by rage at the disappearance of his daughter after that even though darmani is dead and has become a ghost he embodies bargaining by trying to strike a deal to return to the land of the living then maybe saddest of all lulu speechlessly displays depression after losing her eggs then finally link's acceptance culminates in his ascension through the stone temple where he literally becomes enlightened through his discovery of the light arrows it almost makes you feel bad for enjoying the game with representation of grief packed into every pixel other theories have pointed out that link might not be grieving over navi but is actually struggling to accept his own death at the beginning of the game link chases the elusive skull kid and falls down a deep hole accompanied by an impossible stream of visions before landing unharmed at the bottom but one fan pointed out there's no way he could have survived such a long fall let alone land without a scratch the rest of the game serves as a quest for him to come to terms with his own deadly demise before his soul passes on to the afterlife and that's pretty heartbreaking dungeon disaster before hyrule's hero was given his piercing blue eyes or recognizable blonde mop he existed as this blocky character in the original legend of zelda video game from 1986. this 8-bit adventure saw the now famous protagonist battle to save princess zelda from the evil wizard ganon by scouring dungeons in search of pieces of the mystical triforce each dungeon was a unique labyrinth of rooms guarded by monsters but the third dungeon turned out to be the worst by far not because it was tough but because a top-down version of the map resembled a shall we say freakishly fascist design this discovery immediately led to rumors and theories that there were fascist employees working for nintendo and that the game was actively advocating fascism after all link does go around killing everything in the land that doesn't look like him and to make it worse later iterations of the character were given fascist favorite features like blonde hair and blue eyes oh boy nintendo rushed to reveal that this was actually designed after amanji an ancient buddhist symbol promoting peace unlike the horrendous hate symbol people had mistaken it for so it was all just an innocent error in judgment and thankfully not the world's worst recruitment drive well which of these games have been ruined for you forever and do you know of any others that make you wish you could hit control alt unsee let me know down in the comments and who knows the ones that scar me the most might make it into part two thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 396,450
Rating: 4.8705578 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, scary pokemon theories, lavender town music, among us theory, clefable is gengar, sonic's feet, mario eats souls, link is dead zelda theory, ben drowned creepypasta, creepy fall guys theory, pokemon war theory, scariest video game theories
Id: Ks_pHtscOUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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