Victory: The Mindset that Leads to Life - Louie Giglio

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well it's so great to be at church today and to have our hearts and our minds focused on the reality that god is with us he's in the story with us today and because he is in the story we are a part of a story of victory and as we come to the conclusion of this journey we've been on around these messages of victory i just want to say one last time that god wants you to take control of the garden of your mind by the power of the spirit because the battle for your life the battle for my life that battle is one in the mind so it's not all about doing something to change our lives it starts with thinking something to change our lives and today we're talking about i believe probably the most important aspect of this journey in terms of winning the battle that starts here so that our lives end up on the course that god has for us we were in romans 8 last week and we're picking back up here again and i want you to notice verse 6 because this is the summary if you will of everything god wants to deposit in our lives today it says the mind of sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace now i for a long time was in a translation called the new american standard bible i don't know if anybody remembers that translation or not and i knew i had this in my mind in some form that i could grab onto to get this phrase out and then i went back searched it sure enough it's the new american standard that was in there for many many years in the past and that particular translation gives us the verse like this for the mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace if you're in niv your scripture may say the mind governed by the flesh and governed by the spirit the mind controlled by the flesh controlled by the spirit but i love that new american standard translation the mind set on the flesh and the mind set on the spirit so today we're talking about a new mindset we're talking about a new way of seeing ourselves and a new way of thinking about life and that new way of thinking if you take the whole paragraph sounds like this beginning in verse 5 those who live according to the flesh have their minds set there it is again on what the flesh desires but those who live in accordance with the spirit have their mindset on what the spirit desires and we all know what this is about we get stuck in these thoughts and these patterns and these ideas and we can't shake it and or we get determined that we're going to do a certain thing or act a certain way or go after a certain outcome in our life we set our thinking towards a certain destination it's like going to our uh dog park with london in this dog park where we go a lot there's a culvert there where there's a drainage pipe that comes out from under some buildings in the area and she loves to go in that drainage pipe the pipe's uh about this big and she jets up in there further than i can see into the scary darkness of this pipe and every now and then as soon as we get to the dog park you can just see it in her mind some days we go and it's just sort of business as usual other days the moment we walk into the dog park you can tell her mind is set on i'm going in the pipe mom tells me i can't go in the pipe dad tells me don't want you in the pipe something might uh be harmful in the pipe you're going to come out with all wet and muddy feet out of the pipe and we just don't want you up in the pipe it's a no but you can see in the mind that the mind is set on the pipe and you can just watch the countdown and as soon as mom or dad are distracted looking a different direction bam i'm gone down the hill into the pipe i know it's not where i'm supposed to be but my mind just couldn't get off that one idea have you ever been stuck in a moment like that stuck with a thought or stuck with an attitude or burdened down with a concept of who you are or maybe stuck in a temptation and you just your mind was set and eventually in time what we've learned in these weeks together is where the mind rests most this is where we end up in our lives and this is what paul is saying he's saying those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires and we're going to talk about that in just a moment but those who live in accordance with the spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires so we're going to find ourselves in one of two mindsets today one set on the flesh or one set on the spirit and then he comes again the mind governed by the flesh is death but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace the mind governed by the flesh is hostile to god in other words that mindset on i'm gonna do what i want and get it my way that is like starting a war against god he said it doesn't submit to god's law nor can it do so but those who are in the realm of the flesh these people they cannot please god and so there's a choice to be made today and the choice is not a small modification the choice is an operational upgrade it's you and i understanding that we're either going to be controlled by one mindset or controlled by another mindset there is no neutrality there's no middle ground there's no days off there's no seasonal life where we're like i'm just going to check out for a moment it is always going to be one or the other a mind controlled by the flesh a mindset on the flesh or a mind controlled by the spirit a mind set on the spirit and god is saying i don't want to make a slight adjustment i want to do a complete operational upgrade in your life and that upgrade happens because he's put to death condemnation in sinful flesh and given us the possibility of living alive in the spirit to christ this is what we talked about last week just to bring us back to it to the end of verse 3 and then into verse 4. this is what god did for you and for me and so he condemns sin in sinful man that's in christ in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us here it comes who do not live according to the sinful nature but who live according to the spirit so something's happened to you and me a massive shift happened in our lives he condemned sin and in the flesh and when he did something happened to us something happened for us and something happened through us and what happened in us wasn't simply that we got freed from hell and got an entryway into heaven that is not the work of him condemning sin in sinful man condemning sin on the cross and his son jesus christ the result isn't oh great now i'm free from the penalty of the law i'm free from the consequences of sin i'm free from the condemnation that was rightly handed down in the beginning i'm free from all that now praise god i am now set free and the gospel actually isn't quite like that yes you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free but what you understand when you know the truth is is that now that you are set free from condemnation you are now set into a new relationship with god by the spirit it wasn't all i'm going to wipe the slate and then you can go live as you please it's like no i am going to erase the debt and now you are going to be under the control of my spirit alive in the spirit alive by the spirit alive for christ in christ to live the life of christ so that he may be glorified in and through your life it's not oh great it's my life now and i don't have to worry about condemnation shame guilt i don't have to worry about the debt now i can just live my life it's like no it's now his life in you that got you out of death so that life in you now is lived fully surrendered to and for him i've talked before about my greek professor at georgia state university i don't know what got into andy and myself but we took for our language requirement in our undergrad studies classical greek i could have gone with spanish french italian but no we went with classical greek why because we knew we were going to seminary we were going to study the scriptures eventually we were going to take new testament greek so we signed up for classical greek with dr koontz who is the head of the language department at georgia state university at the time and she was amazing and brilliant spoke about eight languages and she really loved andy and me so it all worked out good except for the fact that i didn't do great in classical greek and i failed out of classical greek so there you have it and then i ultimately uh was asked to take some time off from georgia state as a whole so that's your pastor and i'm just telling you you can come back if that's been your story you can come back and i came back with a vengeance because the lord turned my heart around i got serious about school i wanted to make it to grad school in the fall i wanted to make it to seminary that year and so i had to cram in about two years of my college education into about one year in my last quarter we were on quarters at the time at georgia state i was gonna take 35 hours that's how many hours i needed to graduate in august so i could be in seminary in september and so i've got seven five hour classes and one of them has to be greek two i've already gotten greek one back now i've gotta take greek two and it's not offered this particular semester or quarter and so i'm sitting in dr koontz's waiting room waiting to see her and i explain my situation i really do want to get to grad school and i really need to take this class and so she moves heaven and earth if you will she hires a tutor from another university in the city who will come and teach me this class she makes all the arrangements and she does what only she could do to make it possible for me to get into this class and and she even offers i would teach it to you myself but uh we had another professor drop out this summer and i've got to pick up his entire schedule or i would do it for you but i'm gonna make a way and from that moment on not only did i make it through the 35 hours yes and did finish and graduated and went on to seminary and all the other amazing things that happened because of that like meeting shelly the next summer and all those dominoes happened because of the kindness of dr koontz and i have always been so grateful to her and since that i'm in her debt for her stepping into a moment just like we see here the result of my activity the law my failure was a penalty the penalty i couldn't solve but she had the position power and authority to step in personally and to solve the situation and to open a way for me to have life she doing that for me unlocked in me a sense of gratitude to her to this very day i feel indebted to her and if you take that and you put that on a level a billion times greater you start understanding the gospel the gospel is knowing that i don't have a chance but god made a way he stepped in personally because of his position power and authority and he did what i could not do to open up a way for me to experience through grace a doorway of opportunity to step into a brand new season a brand new life a brand new future and that's what god has done for you and me it's god moving in a powerful way to set you free from the law not so that you can just go and live your life but so that now you can step into the possibility of are you ready for this being governed by and controlled by the holy spirit of god who is a new operating system and power in the person of the holy spirit to completely revolutionize our lives and to lead us into what god has planned for us it's waking up to a brand new mindset a total and joyful dependence on the holy spirit to run our lives so that we can exemplify the victory that christ has won for us and that's what god has in mind for you and me he talks about being controlled by a mind that is set on the flesh and what does that look like a mindset on the flesh would probably orbit around these values ease in other words you're waking up with a mindset on the flesh what is your mind set on it's set on what is the easiest route not necessarily like no that's not me i want the hardest route i want the most difficult path i want to accomplish something great but maybe you would say it a different way i don't want pain i don't want discomfort i i don't want difficulty in my story i want to avoid hardship and pain that's a mind set on the flesh we're protecting ourselves and we're putting a perimeter around ourselves so that we don't get hurt a mindset on the flesh is about me so it would be attention for me either by me showing how well i can do or me projecting that i don't feel great about how bad i did at the end of the day they're both the same thing it sort of centers around me it it would be a story of pleasure the mind set on the flesh would be what is my flesh desire what is my mind saying is going to satisfy my heart what in the sinful flesh the sinful nature does my sinful mindset want today and now the mind is set on that pleasure it would be on control the mindset on the flesh would be trying to run things control things be in charge of things be the boss of me if you will or maybe it's revenge that mindset on the flesh is a mindset on getting even with somebody or staying even with somebody or letting somebody else feel what i felt that that sense of revenge or anger that's a mindset on the flesh i'm protecting i am projecting myself i'm wanting to be in control i'm wanting the pleasure that i want right now maybe i want to get even with somebody that's a mindset on the flesh but what does the spirit want if that's what the flesh wants what does the spirit want i believe you could sum it up like this the spirit wants the holy spirit wants a healthy functioning body capital b namely the church and glory for its head who is jesus the spirit he is set on a healthy functioning body we see this all through the scripture he is set on awakening you and me filling us with gifts weaving us into a body knitting us together in unity giving us the same mind and the same purpose because we have the same head who is jesus he is the head of the body he is the head of the church and the church ultimately is not about any one part of the body the church ultimately is about the head of the body it's ultimately about jesus and so what does the spirit want to do he wants to make us healthy and put us in a healthy functioning relationship as a body so that glory can come to the head of our body who is jesus this is what jesus said about the holy spirit in john 15 and the holy spirit does a lot of things in our lives there's a lot of functions we'll see a few of those in just a moment but jesus says in chapter 15 of john verse 26 when the counselor comes speaking of the holy spirit whom i will send you from the father so we have the whole trinity is involved in this equation the spirit of truth now he defines the counselor who goes out from the father he will testify jesus said about me so a counselor is coming i'm sending him to you jesus said i'm sending him from the father he is the spirit of truth and he goes out from the father and he will testify about me in other words when the spirit is operating the spirit is moving and awakening you and i for one ultimate purpose and that is to testify about jesus he's moving through the world to convict people in open eyes so that they can see jesus he's moving throughout the world to affirm truth so that people can see and understand and have a revelation of who jesus is this is the work of the spirit to put us healthy in a healthy functioning body so that glory can come to its head it's operational power in the context of a body for the purpose of making jesus known in all the earth we saw this when the spirit came in acts chapter 2 on the day of pentecost and here are these followers of jesus who have had the transactional power of condemnation being canceled in their lives that has become a reality spiritually for them yet they are without the operational power to now function in a body and bring glory to its head so the spirit of god comes fills up the place where they are meeting and touches down on each of their lives and instantly they all begin to move supernaturally to do something that they've never done before they've gone from fear to courage now they're out in the streets on pentecost preaching to the jews who've gathered from all over the known world the story of the resurrection in all of their own languages they're people they're from asia people they're from europe and people there from africa and they're all hearing the gospel in their own languages and they can't believe what they're hearing and probably in the same way that the followers of jesus can't believe what they're participating in but a new operational power has come into their lives and who is now getting glory jesus is being preached to every language that is present in that place not a language that now that we all hear the gospel we're all speaking this one language no god says i want the gospel to come to you in your ethnos i want it to come to you in your language i want to respect who you are and put the gospel into the paradigm of where you have come from i want to insert into your cultural setting the power of resurrection life in jesus christ and i want you to see the outworking of that by these people that you know don't know your language preaching the gospel to you in your own tongue right from the beginning the spirit comes gives operational power supernatural ability to the followers of god not so that they would look amazing look at me i know how to speak a brand new language today but so that jesus would be glorified three thousand people are brought into faith in that day in the church is born a church that's still moving in this moment in time operational power in the context of a body for the purpose of making jesus known in the whole earth that's how the spirit of god is moving today and he's inviting you into that story and if you're willing to step into that story it's possible that you can ultimately win the battle of your mind by getting a completely new mindset that is a mind that is now set on the spirit that brings life and peace ultimately paul is talking about being saved and not being saved being in the flesh and hostile to god or being brought to life by the spirit and finding peace in life in god but i also believe it's a daily choice for each one of us to see this outworking of the spirit in our lives the spirit does so many things all through scripture gives so many gifts helps us in so many ways but we see in romans chapter 8 a few of the key ways that holy spirit works in our lives we see now if you just drop down into verse 9 that he gives us the ability to overcome these fleshly desires it says you however are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the spirit and if the spirit if the spirit of god lives in you if anyone does not have the spirit of christ he does not belong to christ but if christ is in you your body is dead because of sin yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness and if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead is living in you he who raised christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who lives in you it's the end of verse 4 that we talked about earlier it says now the righteous requirements of the law have been fully met in us who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the spirit and he's saying in verse 9 and following that spirit gives you the power the operational ability to overcome the sinful desires of the flesh the things that you've been trying maybe in your own strength and power to fight against the spirit of god says if you will surrender completely to me i will give you the power to move in victory verse 16 says the spirit does something else it says the spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are god's children so he helps us overcome the flesh but he also establishes for us a brand new identity the third thing we see that he does in this chapter a chapter that i have as a subheading uh at the top of chapter eight life through the spirit how is the spirit moving it well a third way he focuses us on future glory verse 17 now if we are children then we are heirs heirs of god and co-heirs with christ so there's our identity but now look as he helps us see out into the future if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we we may also share in his glory and then he unpacks this for a moment paul does so he's helping us look beyond the temporary into the eternal why because the temporary is broken down the temporary is painful the temporary has suffering the temporary things don't always work out but the spirit is helping us stay focused on future glory so that we can draw strength up in the moment knowing there is something ahead of us that far outshines everything we know about this world the fourth thing we see the spirit doing in verse 26 is he's helping us in our weakness it says for in the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness in this particular context he says when we don't know what to pray the spirit will help us pray when we don't know god's will in a certain situation the spirit will help us get in touch with the sovereign plans of god through groanings that are beyond our words the spirit helps us in our weakness the spirit moves into our lives when we know that we don't have the power for a certain moment or situation and then the last thing that we see in romans chapter eight and we're just in a chapter is that the holy spirit seals us in a victory story so this text is all about life through the spirit but once again it ends with a declaration and an amplification of the victory of jesus and it comes down to the last verses those that you know well knowing all these things we are more than conquerors there's the victory through him who loved us for i'm convinced that neither death nor life neither angels or demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else and all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in christ jesus our lord once again a holy spirit infused chapter leads us to the pinnacle declaration christ jesus is lord and in him we now are sealed into his victory story and nothing can separate us from the love of god in christ jesus so the spirit is working and moving in our lives but a lot of us haven't come to know that relationship with the holy spirit we know there's a trinity we know there's father son and holy spirit but we don't know how to allow the holy spirit to actually activate in us the power of christ so that jesus can be glorified in our lives and i think maybe a few simple steps there's no abc no formula but a few ideas for us to maybe orbit around as we come to a close today would be these the holy spirit moves in power when you and i are willing to completely surrender to him so this is not a negotiation this is a complete and utter surrender of our lives to the governance if you will the control of the holy spirit in other words it's not me saying when i need you i will call on you if i need a comforter if i need a helper if i need someone to intercede i'll let you know it's not that at all it's saying i want to completely and totally empty myself of anything that is not of you and i want you to completely and totally redo the operational system inside of me i want it to be you who is in control of my life complete surrender it's no self-preservation it's not i but christ and then saying to the spirit of god completely open completely available to you i think another thought coming around that is that it's daily intention in other words it's not some occasional endeavor it's daily setting our mind on the spirit it's daily entering into that attitude of surrender it's daily recognizing that like dr koontz on steroids god has made a way for us and the way he's made is not for us to now go half away the way he's made is that we now would enter into the process of being about making him known in the world that the spirit of god is knitting us into a healthy body as healthy people with a brand new identity so that together we can glorify our head who is jesus so that at the end of my life at the end of my day at the end of my journey there is a purpose a reason for my being on earth and it is that the peoples of earth will know about jesus and where i can't do that in my own strength and ability the holy spirit he will animate me in his power and in the life of christ to be an agent for good and for the gospel in my generation we said a few weeks ago one of the thoughts that we wanted to plant in our garden was that we served at the pleasure of a king and we said it this way i am dispatched by the spirit on kingdom assignments to be light in a darkened world so that others can see jesus can i say that one more time it's waking up and knowing that today i'm being put in the current today i'm like a leaf in a fast-moving river today i am now entering into a pre-existing story of god i am now making my life the good and the bad the highs and the lows the joy and the sorrow i'm making all that available into the stream of this fast-moving current of the will and purpose and glory of god and maybe i'm just a little leaf in the current and the current will take me where it will but i am available to god for this reason to be dispatched by the spirit on kingdom assignments to be light in a darkened world so that others can see jesus and i'm not necessarily worried at the end of the day about what people are going to think about me or how it's going to impact my ease or my comfort or my pleasure or me being in control or me getting attention no i'm completely and totally interested in jesus being seen in this world and i want god to move in and through me in a supernatural way to see that happen i do not want to get to the end of my life and be able to explain my life i don't want to get to the end of my story and be able to give a blueprint for how i did everything i did in my life i want to get to the end of the story and say i don't know how all that happened that's amazing that all that happened that was beyond what i dreamed beyond what i could have imagined that's definitely not me you're seeing in that story that's just me being a leaf and a current of the will of god powered by the spirit to see god do things that i could never imagine that could have happened in my life i think another place where we orbit around complete surrender daily intention is momentary activation momentary activation in other words when the spirit gets control he's not going to give you a daily plan now if you're a planner that's great god is for you if you're not a planner probably need to play a little bit more but the holy spirit isn't going to say to you okay here's thursday here's how it's all gonna go down on thursday the holy spirit's gonna lead you out but as you go there's gonna be modifications in the plan there's there's gonna be someone on the train that you didn't know is gonna be on the train someone at the table next to you that you didn't know would be at the table next to you a conversation that now you're a part of that you didn't plan on being in that conversation a moment an opportunity a situation that you didn't see coming and the holy spirit is going to be in that moment and he's going to give instruction in that moment this is what i want you to do this is how i want you to respond this is what i want you to say this is the invitation i want you to extend and there's going to be a momentary activation of the control of god's spirit in your life right in that situation and that's where i think the beauty begins because everything in the flesh is going to say i don't know i don't feel comfortable i'm not sure about that what will they think what will they say how will they respond this isn't the right time i wasn't prepared i i didn't see this coming i don't know what i would do to meet this need and the spirit just says i just need you to take a step i just need you to take a step i need you to open an invitation i need you to ask a question i just need you to reach out i need you to be available and here's the beauty of it it's actually in the step where we oftentimes see the activation of the power of the spirit we are like okay do something great and then i'll take the step give me all the right words okay just write them on that napkin right there okay now i feel good about asking the question no it's when we take the step when we open our mouth when we ask the question when we extend the invite that's when the power moves that's when the power flows it's in that gap of no longer i but christ in me it's in that gap of i don't know where this is going to land but i'm going to take a step of faith and i'm going to believe that the spirit of god is going to be in that step it's like paul in ephesians 6 after he tells us all about the battle raging in the spirit he tells us all about the armor of god that protects us he tells us that at the end of the day we should be praying in the spirit with all kinds of prayers about everything and praying for each other and praying for all the saints and then he says and pray for me paul in prison in chains writing a letter to the church has his own message and ministry going on right now and what is it it is to be a light in his world to be a light to the guards a light to the other prisoners a light to the governing structures above him he's not saying god get me out of jail he's saying give me the ability to be light in the jail i'm a leaf in the current today and the current today is taking me into this place but in this place here's how he says i want you to pray for me pray for me are you ready that utterance may be given to me when i open my mouth that i might proclaim the gospel boldly as i ought to proclaim it in other words he knew the gospel he already knew what the gospel story was he shared it thousands of times in so many different settings but he said pray for me that when i open my mouth that the utterance will come in other words i'm believing that when when i take the step god is going to supply the power when i lean into the moment god is going to do what only god can do and this is the life of the spirit this is the mind set on the spirit this is that mind set that leads us to life and leads us to peace and it puts us in a story where at the end of the day we're like oh you're going to believe what happened today so-and-so walked in i sense god put on my heart i have reached out to them and now here's the dominoes because of that obedience now sometimes we don't see him sometimes we get a nose sometimes the person says i'm not interested sometimes the person says i don't want to talk to you sometimes the person says hey i don't believe in all that stuff we don't know then how the dominoes go maybe they go later in another season and we never see that but you're going to have stories to tell not of ordinary days that go in ordinary ways but you're going to have the stories to tell as you come back and link into the body man i was on a kingdom assignment today led out by the spirit dispatched by the spirit and i got to share light in a darkened world so that others could see jesus now i think if there's a check in all this it's just simply that we're in a body and so we all move in community accountability that means the word of god takes precedence over what we sensed or what we felt or what we thought or what we heard in our mind the community gives us accountability so that we can stay on track and we don't end up you know with some super spiritual secret way in and out of the kingdom but we all know we've got a way in and out through jesus we've got a word that's guiding us but we have a spirit who's prompting us and i love sometimes failing i sense the lord lead me i sense the lord wanted me to say this and then it just didn't work out that way and have the humility to say well i i might have gotten that one wrong i i might have thought that was what the spirit was saying but maybe that's not what the spirit was saying what did you what do you think about how that went down or i think the spirit is leading me this way what do you five people who are my closest accountability in this body i'm woven into how do you sense that with god's word and knowing me and knowing the circumstance how how does that how does that land and it's that community accountability i think that gives us the guardrails if you will that we can move freely in the spirit and become kingdom agents empowered by the spirit to overcome the flesh to be established in our new identity to to be laser focused on something way bigger than today to see this future glory to know that whenever necessary he helps us in our weakness and he seals us in a victory story that ends in jesus and so i just want to invite you today to maybe just take stock and maybe just inventory is christ in you have you moved from condemnation to salvation because of your faith in jesus and if so have have you come to that place where you're willing to lay everything down and say i want to be a spirit-filled spirit-led agent in my lifetime so that the ultimate win of my life is that people see jesus and maybe today is that day father i thank you for your willingness to organize yourself in such a way that we have a comforter today activated by jesus present in our lives able to animate us now in the life of christ and for the glory of christ holy spirit we open our lives to you we say to you today that without you we are going through motions you we have just signed up to a set of beliefs without you we are operating in our own strength and ability but we want to be filled with supernatural power and ability today so that in extraordinary ways christ can be seen in our city and our families and our neighborhoods and our spheres of influence and i know for me today and for all of us today that means again less of me and more of you and so will you lead us today those who are ready to that place of total surrender because i know today one person surrendered totally to you can have a greater impact on a city than thousands of people who are still standing in the middle half mind on the flesh half mind on the spirit unavailable for kingdom power and purposes and so we trust that you will gracefully move us to total dependence on you and we thank you for it in jesus name i just pray that you would be open today to what the spirit is saying to you uh talk about it today talk to him about it today and i just invite anyone who is in the gathering right now who wants to put your faith in jesus you can take that step right now by just confessing your sin to him thanking him that he gave his life in your place inviting him to come and forgive you and make you brand new filling you with his spirit saving you from the condemnation that was yours and opening a doorway for you into grace and mercy in a brand new way of life and you can just invite him to do that right now today and if that's you there's a number on the screen there and if you text alive to 33864 someone on our team would love to reach back to you and encourage you in whatever weekend today in your faith but i'm so grateful that we all had a chance to be in this story today in the victory that god has for you and me it starts with and ends with the finished work of christ made available to us by the filling power of the holy spirit i pray that over each of us as we respond and worship to him today in jesus name you
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 122,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church worship, louie giglio sermons, passion city, giglio louie, city church, passion, giglio, passion city church sermons, Atlanta, temptations, passion church, louis giglio, cumberland, victory, mindset, mindset hacks, passion city church, christianity, church, victory in jesus, passion sermons, passion messages, loui giglio, Worship Matters, W2O2R2S2H2I2P
Id: XjvJ5CE09Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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