VICTORIAN PHARMACY BBC - 'Complete Four Episodes' (full)
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Keywords: Victorian Pharmacy, BBC, history, documentary, Blists Hill, Shropshire, 19th Century, Victorian, Pharmacy, drugs, health, common ailments, Pharmaceutical Industry, cure, Professor Nick Barber, PhD, student, Tom Quick, historian, Ruth Goodman, pharmacists, traditional remedies, leeches, potions, cannabis, opium, Malvern water, bronchial kettle, Indian tonic water, coughs, disease, medicines, electrotherapy, germs, disinfectants, poisons, arsenic, perfume, shop, revolution, public healthcare, chemist, soap
Id: jXnVTMzSy3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 0sec (14160 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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