Vicious Gang Leader Barry Mills Incites Race War in Prison | Gangsters: America's Most Evil | A&E

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August 1997 United States Penitentiary Lewisburg Pennsylvania War breaks out between two prison gangs the Aryan Brotherhood and the DC blacks authorities would claim race and respect as the primary motives evidence came in that the DC blacks declared war on the Aryan brotherhoods um which means kill these guys on site Nationwide wherever you can find them the DC blacks disrespected the Arian Brotherhood and they had to answer for that and a kite was sent through the prison system between the Aran Brotherhood members the kites it's a note that they pass with information from one cell to another from One inmate to another from one prison to another and it contains important information in this particular case the note went from adx Colorado to Chino Hills California to USP Lewisburg the kite had harmless family news to the naked eye between the lines in invisible ink were the words war with DC blacks and with that the Aryan Brotherhood in Lewisburg had their marching orders they were basically attacked in their C the element of surprise is very important with the Aran Brotherhood they didn't see it coming there was Lookouts from the Aran Brotherhood and then the Hitman enter the cell and then stabb these guys to death a guy named Al Benton put a 12in shank through the throat of Mr Abdul Salam Salam was an alleged leader of the so-called DC blacks Al Benton was one of the bosses of the Aryan Brotherhood he carried out the most Dreadful attack of the race war Salam and another black inmate were murdered three others were seriously hurt by members of the Aryan Brotherhood the US government traced the mysterious kite back to the supermax prison in Florence Colorado where some of the most feared criminals in the world were being held including a gangster named Barry Mills the baron as he is known throughout America's vast prison system is the commissioner of a small but vicious gang known as the Aryan Brotherhood the Aryan Brotherhood as big as it is by name and reputation actually has very few members they maybe have 100 maybe 150 full-fledged members they're very selective on who actually gets to get into the gang which allows them to stay very very small very very tight very very secretive the Aran Brotherhood traditionally has been viewed as the most dangerous prison organization when the Aryan Brotherhood wants to kill you in prison they don't stab you once they don't stab you twice they stab you 117 times when they wanted you dead you're going to be dead they sell drugs they extort white inmates they carry out contract killings we know they did a few murders for the lucasi crime family and they did one of them at the USP in Atlanta as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons was coming for a tour they did it right in the hallway the baron believed his Brotherhood was Untouchable their murders in prisons were very public they were very open so that every inmate could see that it was done and they were brutal in 1996 and early 1997 at the United States Penitentiary at Maran there were a series of incidents between white and black inmates a black inmate hit a white inmate over the head with a radio and a pillow case it appeared that the black inmate did it because he was in trouble with his own gang and he knew if he attacked a white inmate he'd be sent into the hole where he'd be safe from his own gang a calculated move for survival the inmate in question lit a fuse which then could not be extinguished two weeks later uh a dozen blacks attacked a half dozen white inmates on the yard in the recreation yard when the news reached Barry Mills and his right-hand man Tyler Bingham 1,000 M away in the supermax pen in Florence Colorado they took it as the opening round in a war they meant to finish they declared war they were so afraid that the message was not going to get through that they wrote it three separate ways they wrote it in this very sophisticated bilateral Cipher they wrote it in kind of prison slang and the other thing they did was they used urine wrote it on a piece of paper let it dry kind of like as a kid when he used to use lemon juice as invisible ink when it dries it's invisible when it's heated it turns dark and it can be read it read war with DC blacks Alan Benton Federal commissioner in the Aryan Brotherhood alongside Mills and Bingham carried out the deed himself killing an alleged leader of the DC blacks Abdul Salam mom with a homemade shank Alan Benton spent several hours in his cell after the murders and by the next morning he decided that he should not have done it he asked to speak to the federal government about the Brotherhood and the baron I think people flipping encourages more people to flip people start to worry about our other people telling on them they start to think maybe I should get in the door March 2006 the first in a series of federal trials against the Aryan Brotherhood began in Los Angeles the four defendants were older men with comic book names Tyler the Hulk Bingham Edgar the snail heav Christopher Overton Gibson and Barry the baron Mills the government's object was to put these four men to death because of the belief that they were a danger to other prisoners to Corrections Officers to anyone that they came in contact with the attorney for Barry Mills says they plan to prove the witness's testimony is unreliable because quote the government is providing these informants with favors freedom and cash to get their testimony the indictment of charges against the group was more than 140 pages long Beyond murder it included charges of narcotics distribution racketeering and conspiring to rule the nation's prison system our tactics were put the cooperating Witnesses on the stand whether they're good guys or bad guys and then show the jury that this is what these cooperating Witnesses are saying but look at what the letters and phone calls are telling you look at these documents that we found documentation tells you the story in this case the story told by the prosecution was overwhelming it takes 6 months and the jury comes back guilty for all four defendants it took the court clerk more than an hour to read and verify all the guilty verdicts the only indictment that didn't stick was one of the multiple murder charges against Mills and bangham Gibson and heav were sentenced to life in prison the baron and Bingham faced the death penalty for their crimes the jury deliberated for more than 4 days before reporting to the judge that they were hopelessly deadlocked the vote was 8 to4 in favor of life for Tyler Bingham and 9-3 in favor of death for Barry Mills the jury after hearing all the facts decided that we don't have enough so you know and that's just part of a trial you know that's the great thing about the system in America the jury makes all the [Music] calls the judge sentenced both men to life in prison without the possibility of [Music] parole they are now both back home in the supermax Penitentiary they know so well in Florence Colorado
Channel: A&E
Views: 253,184
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, Vicious Gang Leader Barry Mills Incites Race War in Prison, Barry Mills, race war, prison race war, Gagsters: America's Most Evil, Gagsters, America's Most Evil, Gagsters: America's Most Evil scenes, Gagsters: America's Most Evil clips, Gagsters: America's Most Evil episodes, Gagsters: America's Most Evil streaming, season 2, episode 8, Aryan Brotherhood and D.C. Blacks, Aryan Brotherhood, D.C. Blacks
Id: 2BMYadfJydk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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