VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi 16

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just grab the ticket it's right there there's actually a guy puppeting the robot Oh oh my goodness this shots incredible we got to tell people what the heck is special about this hey what's up welcome to VFX artist react this is our emergency green-screen blanket you can find things like that and more at the core or digital box store anyways we've got some great video clips to show you today to react to awesome classics and good stuff some stuff that you or these guys have probably never seen before but it's mind-blowing pretty cool also hey Nico isn't today a special day for you is a special day for me it's my birthday right into the good stuff here we go I think this movie gets a bad rap because of that there's a lot of technical breakthroughs that came through because of this movie and then breaking ice looks really sweet dude this guy is the best train driver in the world would you say he's had a lot of training that's right there grab it just grab it literally right there and they're not getting any closer so grab the packet right there that's somehow we have the traction to pull the Train out in the water it's okay it's a cartoon whatever it's funny you mentioned that it's a cartoon because at the time they didn't exactly know how to even classify this movie Robert Zemeckis did not consider it to be an animated film because he directed real actors on a sense yeah that's what Andy Serkis says too about his characters but you know what anytime this motion capture there's a team of animators they're fixing that mostly I do not disagree but this is also kind of like the first time that this was done for like an entire movie they they film to pretty much the entirety of this movie in a 10-foot by 10-foot square room with a hundred and seventy cameras pumping out 80 gigabytes of footage per minute he's way ahead of his time with this because we're now people are starting to go towards completely virtual sets you know the new avatar movies are kind of feeling this way so it's also interesting about this movie is that most of the characters in this movie were performed by Tom Hanks they wanted to have the mature performance of an adult but I made it weird for like the actual performs cuz the way a face moves is on an adult especially Tom Hanks the way like his forehead wrinkles apparently is a little different than how kids foreheads wrinkle they were trying to make a very stylized movie but at the same time it's not the same kind of stylization you get from a Pixar film like The Incredibles and it kind of lies in this weird no-man's land yeah it's like what are we supposed to make of it the weird stiff facial animation just feels like somebody was insisting on making a tech demo in their movie and it just doesn't feel like the best option is sometimes the industry needs tech movies like this to push the bounds of what we can do ice we're gonna trouble doing one of those groundbreaking visual effects movies from the 90s now this is voted by our patrons if you want to vote on what we will react to in the show consider supporting us on patreon all right let's do it twister the tornado movie of the mid-90s this is like the beginning of those classic disaster movie tropes looks so good yeah this is just incredible how much do you think with simulated vs. hand animated Ren are you telling me everything was hand animated oh my god okay so the only thing that was really hand animated is the roof of the silo there as it like falls off kind of floats towards Cameron and lands right behind the truck but the thing about the barn exploding outwards is that that's all particle based pause read move on we've got to tell people what the heck is special about this so these days you can do physics simulations on computers we really take it for granted we do really take it I mean you see it in video games all the time you have a stack of cubes they can texture like a building you can knock it over and there's your building destruction for your new Hollywood movie but back then to do a whole barn game destroyed its that some really intense physics simulation and there's a simpler way to do physics back in the day with particle systems so particle is just a point in space so rather than having to deal with a geometric object you just deal with a point so when they're destroying the barn they built the barn out of a bunch of small 3d models planks panels etc there are 3,000 pieces in that barn each 3,000 objects just been hand placed by a modeler at its center has a particle paired with that object so you're saying that the particles before the barn is destroyed are sitting in barn formations yes they're moving those particles in a very specific way yes and it pulls that piece of geometry with it so I remember seeing this house and number thinking how did they get a huge house like that to roll across the ground and the answer is that the house isn't real it's a computer-generated house but it looks so real we know the guy who worked on this shot his name is Stu mashed wits he spent six months working on four shots in this sequence and it was all hand animated there's nothing simulated about the shot so really one day he'd spent like animating the door falling off its hinges another day to have some shingles flying off at the shot right before the truck actually bites through the house it's 12 frames and each one of those frames took over 12 hours to render oh my god up to this point when it comes to visual effects everything's unlocked off and hammers have been on tripods in the dekai directly this was the same guy that directed speed he's like no I need shaky cam so the poor poor matchmover is over at ILM had to sit there and try to match those camera movements by hand in 3d shadow shop oh it's like we have programs that track camera footage these days to make a 3d camera but back then you had to do it manually yeah we're so lucky so how the heck do they do is trying to effects so is it like particles is a little cloud that's flying around just use trapcode particular whatsapp Andrew they did not use travel so first things first you have a thread so you animate this thread and then attach that thread is basically a cylinder or a cone so then they have to go through and they have to actually give it this dusty surface one of the ways they did this basically the same way your video games render bullet hits and that is like a sprite based system you have four hundred five hundred little points spinning around a central object basically that being your spline now if you have a puff just an image of a puff puff based imagery of a symmetry you can attach those all over the place and when you get enough of them till I kind of fell your shape that's kind of how you can get your tornado look and then basically if you're casting light into your scene and you can have these sprites these little layers shadow each other that starts to give you depth as we need a shading to see volume in our shots and when all that is stacked on top of itself it starts to looking really convincing which is basically the same method at which we do stuff like that today in the bus stand dynamics video when like the robots running off from the distance instead of doing like a smoke simulation for it all the dust being kicked up it's just a puff system I gave every part of my used to do a job and it goes through a Chevy tour here's why this is special they took old black-and-white World War 1 film footage and they made it look like modern film check it out they just deadly warfare you were facing the Japanese Oh oh my goodness you know what actually is a pretty incredible stark difference that's how they're able to actually just upgrade that and now it's like wow that wasteland it's like you're there [Music] everybody loves the camera bathroom look at these guys like hamming it up I noticed how many people had bad teeth back then yeah that's because really a parent watching it like this the other crazy thing is sound if you hear the people talking you hit the clothes dressing it's here that the horses and the Ravens in the background because back then there's no sound in the cache it's they've recreated all the sounds oh my goodness you know it's really cool they hired lip readers to go in and read all the lips of the people no way they could recreate the audio and the voices did they hire the bad lip reading guys cuz that would be amazing I hate Brenda and a bad guy hit me in the shin and I peed all on my pants I'll talk a little about the technology they use yeah it's pretty crazy to take something that looks so like raggedy and torn and noisy and turn that into like an actual high quality image the company that actually did most if not all of the effects for this movie was a company called stereo D they specialize in converting 2d films to 3d the reason there's such a great choice for this is that in the process bringing something from 2d to 3d you do a lot of cutting out of objects in the scene more rotoscoping than you can possibly imagine yes and that's how they colorize this they're going in and they're cutting out everything in the scene from a guy's mustache to his face to his hat to his shirt to his pack to the things hanging on the back and they have a palette of colors that they're picking from and they're recolor izing all these objects in the scene by hand so you also notice a little bit of like weird like motion blur looking stuff and I guess that's coming from the interpolation because of the variable framerate that this was shot in so World War one they had film cameras but they're all little hand cranked boxes so literally you know he's a guy in the middle of frickin battle in world or woman and then maybe like Michelle goes out there by his dad a little bit faster is that why black and white footage looks so sped up and layered footage is meant to be played back at 18 but most the time it got scanned it got scanned in at 24 ah but there's shots that are even like 10 frames per second in this it was variable it was changed throughout the course of a shot here Jackson was saying that to get the timing right they were just I it up they'd sit down back let's try playing it slower a little bit slower a little bit faster there it is that looks right oh wow this movie was released in theaters in 3ds so it's like it's not just Old World War 2 footage that's been colorized it's been colorized and also made into like this crazy new experience that you can observe in a movie theater they shall not grow old I think is a great example of people using visual effects to really deliver an emotional punch so you empathize these people it's making them characters effectively that you can imagine yourself being in their shoes of it is just all-around fascinating I think it's important for me we'll also to know history into like know what has got us where we are and do not repeat those mistakes in the past you just got to not kill ferdinand eller I am actually a big fan of this movie is that just like a crazy fluid simulation and animation paid together and actually is a fluid soon so talk about twister and trying to simulate things and here's an example of modern technology is straight up simulating water instead of trying to like mimic it I love how they approached the idea of tars in this movie which is the robots named Christopher Nolan was like I want to make something that is super functional something that resembles like a tripod or like a a light stand this robot is real there's actually a guy puppeting the robot the way they have the puppeteer driving those robots is actually very similar to how they did c-3po in the Phantom Menace they basically have a metal pipe connected to their foot connected to the back of tars they have their hands on it they're constantly doing this counterbalance play right and the thing weighed 200 pounds of G's and there are some shots where it's not a guy puppeting it it's actually on a little ATV that's driving through the water and they paint out the ATV just leaving just the robot case is spinning like a gear through the water and they're getting that as actual reference which is so important when doing visual effects it's having real-life reference when you use miniatures or heat when you do it for real you know you get these intricacies that you only get from reality ok this shot here full CG in cold water set in cool Wow unbelievable like that looks so good that last shot right there when it runs up you can tell me see how like they strategize the shot to have the CG you want in the background and in the real one in the foreground with the actor oh yeah good eye yeah motion tends to be the thing that gives away if things looking fake motion is also on things that can really mask fake things and make them look real if management is good so in this case if you're doing physics simulations physics simulations tend to always look real and still a little bit of water physics simulations they're having in the shot are really selling that is interacting with reality yeah grounds it in reality yeah yes that mother this is the corridor crew where we got some sick-ass sweaters look at this it's dope it's warm as hell and super high quality throw it in your washing machine a million times exactly the same say that about any other piece of clothing I dare you oh look at this awesome patterns not only does it keep them warm in the winter but also we can track whatever we want onto it because of our high-tech pattern you may have seen it in famous movies such as spider-man what guys here's the real deal this defensive selling out incredibly quickly because you have to order limited quantities we won they did good close usual that stores where you want to go to get it spend $75 or more get free shipping offer your turn city shop with confidence it's under the road got doesn't get where this get off your back and keep it skin wet where belongs golden digit that story also there's a link in the description below thank you so much for watching everyone this was a really fun episode to do until next time [Music] [Applause] so the big challenge here is how do we find that authenticity and that voice here when we ourselves don't have the same experience as they do all right let we're taking up we're rolling
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,913,904
Rating: 4.9553933 out of 5
Keywords: Visual Effects, breakdown, bts, behind the scenes, making of, special effects
Id: Iq6FdIX7n2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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