Veteran Rapid-Fire Lasgun Crit Build | Warhammer 40K: Darktide

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[Music] hello my friends and welcome to the channel for your crash course in how to become the veteran Sharpshooter the Inquisition expects you to be I've been playing quite a lot of dark tide since the character overhaul update and while I see plenty of people having their takes about the veteran feeling like a weak class in comparison to the Bonkers power curve of builds like the asale psyker I've got to disagree because I've honestly had more success running oric level missions as a veteran than with the other classes I've been playing the veteran isn't as fancy as a psycher with their magic they can't be as tanky as an ogan and they can't really dish out the same psycho mode instantaneous burst damage as a zealot against bosses but the Sharpshooter brings a level of consistency accuracy and On Demand Precision Firepower that makes it perfect for players with good positioning and aim the build that I've been running is a rapid fire critical hit setup that Stacks crit chance on ranged attacks and uses the shock trooper Talent which makes critical hits with L guns not consume any ammo with this Talent a decent crit chance and the mark 6D LZ gun which fires extremely fast you effectively become a bullet hose that can fire up the two or 300 shots without reloading with a low recoil easy to control weapon that makes it very easy to constantly hit your head shots to start this build off we'll take a quick look at the talent tree that I've set up for this build and right here at the start of this section I'll leave up a complete picture of the talent tree so if you just want to screenshot it now and get back to the game here you go for my first three levels I'm taking close order drill to get some extra damage reduction demolition team for the chance at getting free grenades and the crack grenade as my upgraded Blitz ability personally I like the crack grenade quite a lot as it gives you an instant Problem Solver against any large armored enemies like bulwarks Crushers and Reapers since the grenade stick SS to them and instantly eliminates them it's also quite good against monstrosities as well and you have multiple ways to replenish this grenade so you get a lot of uses out of it next I go down the right side of the talent tree taking Vanguard for a speed increase but more importantly I'm taking tactical reload and exploit weakness tactical reload is great with this build since you're almost never going to fully empty your magazine and you're just going to get that 20% reload speed boost all the time exploit weak Ness is very important on this build reducing enemy armor by 2.5% for each crit against them up to a maximum of around 40% rening at 16 Stacks since this is a crit focused build that uses a very fast firing weapon those Stacks add up fast and they help a lot against enemies with armored helmets moving down the talent tree I start to go down the leftand path for the next levels taking the health boost range damage boost and catch a breath for some extra toughness regener generation then I take the survivalist Aura which replenishes 1% ammo for you and any allies each and every time the team takes down an elite or specialist enemy 1% might not sound like much but when you're clearing rooms on high levels with upwards of 20 or 30 or more specialist enemies that's 20 to 30% of your ammo back and you absolutely need every single bullet you can possibly scavenge as the veteran after the aura first first I prioritize going down the left hand path of the talent tree taking opening Salvo to increase crit chance after a fresh reload and then executioner stance as my combat ability I really like voice of command and I have a support build based around that one but for a consistent damage per second build executioner stance is kind of hard to beat for the modifier I definitely take Relentless which adds 5 Seconds onto executioner stance for each Elite or specialist takedown this means that as long as you focus on nailing all of the highlighted enemies on your screen you can make this skill last as long as you want moving on from the ability I'm pushing farther down the leftand talent tree first with double range damage boost which is quite nice and then the Deadshot Talent which gives you a massive 25% crit chance as long as you're aiming down the sights of your LZ rifle with this perk alone at least one out of every four shots you fire will be a crit as long as you're aiming combin this with all the other crit bonuses and it's more like one out of every two shots is a crit next up there's a toughness damage reduction talent and then arguably the most important talent for this entire build Shock Trooper this Talent makes critical hits with LZ weapons consume no ammo so this combined with all of our critical hit chance means that basically every second or third shot just doesn't take ammo this perk makes the mark 6D LZ rifle feel like it has a bottomless magazine azine and radically increases your damage per second the amount of enemies you can take out with a single mag and the total shots you can fire in a single Mission without running out of ammo I would prioritize your leveling to get this perk as soon as possible if you're on a new character and not just respecing a level 30 veteran that you already had next up we have another set of perks that are pretty important for tying this whole thing together and adding some sustainability to our character when I was leveling I took these perks right after getting the shock trooper Talent first up take the stamina boost so you can get access to the center of the talent tree and then take tactical awareness and bring it down tactical awareness reduces your ability cool down after every specialist kill which often Stacks up the fully refresh your cool down quite quickly bring it down is just a great flat damage boost against any ogren or monstrosity which is just really helpful especially on higher difficulties after this you have a health and toughness boost on this town talent tree and then finally the confirmed kill Talent which is maybe one of the best talents in the whole veteran tree this gives you back 25% toughness for every Elite or specialist enemy you take out and then another 25% over the next 10 seconds this means that you can tank a lot of damage as long as you are consistently taking out Specialist or Elite enemies so when the entire room gets overrun by Gunners you don't have to run away and find cover you can just executioner stance and mow through the entire room healing up each time you get a taked down after this Talent the rest of my points get spent on some utility upgrades a bit further back up the talent tree right before the combat ability talents call me crazy but I'm not actually taking any of the keystones for the veteran because none of them really seem important enough to spend another three or four points just to get down to them on the tree I'd rather take these utility upgrades first I take the toughness damage redu uction and crit chance boost to gain access to all three sides of the talent tree here and then I take demolition stockpile which regenerates grenades every 60 seconds and then Grenadier which lets you carry one extra grenade these two talents combined just allow you to spam your grenades basically infinitely so literally every time you see an armored enemy or a monstrosity you should have some crack grenades to stick to them and blow them up for a lot of easy burst damage finally the last talent I took in my build was Feld improvisation you can feel free to use this point somewhere else if you prefer but personally I think this is an excellent support of talent for the veteran that helps you and your entire team this doubles the speed that Med packs heal and allows them to heal corruption off of you and other players so when the whole team gets ass blasted by a couple of pox bursters you can just drop a medkit and heal off that corruption you also restore grenades when using ammo packs with this Talent this also covers medkits and ammo crates that that your teammates use as well so it's just very useful for everybody in my opinion all right so now that I've covered the talent tree for this build I just want to quickly talk about the gear that I'm running first up my main weapon of choice is the acatan mark 6D Recon L gun this particular model of Las gun sacrifices raw single hit damage for an insanely High fire rate and a larger effective magazine size since each shot only uses One ammo instead of two or three like some other models because it fires so fast I find it very nice for the crit build if you're just fishing for as many crits as possible to stack damage and synergize with shock trooper then firing faster means more chances to crit more often this build also wants to get stacks of rening from Critical Hits so hitting more shots faster means more Stacks faster and speaking of stacks you want to make sure you get the inferus blessing on your L gun because this also Stacks burning damage on your targets after a Critic iCal hit so not only do you quickly Stack Up armor penetration after crits and get free ammo after crits but you also burn anything that you critical hit against which just piles up extra damage like crazy for my Second Blessing I've been running sustained fire which gives 20% extra damage to the third and fourth shots of every burst so at this one if you fire in short bursts of four to five rounds instead of just holding down the trigger you're just stacking up threee damage on two of your shots every time I've also heard some really good things about the heavy LZ pistol with this same build it kind of is along the same lines but instead of firing fast and getting crits a lot you're firing slower and doing more damage with each crit but personally I've just enjoyed this Recon L gun way too much for my melee weapon I've been mostly using a chain swword since it's just really fast it has good cleave and you can activate it to one-hot a lot of annoying melee enemies with the secondary fire mostly I just use this as an an emergency tool or to clear out basic hordes when I don't want to waste ammo for curios I don't really know what the meta picks would be but I try and get extra wounds since the veteran is quite fragile and then damage reduction against ranged enemies and Corruption resistance against pox bursters and stuff like that well that pretty much covers it for this veteran build so I'm going to wrap it up here I won't claim that the veteran is the best class in the game or the easiest to play but personally I found it quite good even on oric level missions you're going to get smashed by melee Specialists sometimes and if you don't focus on positioning you might have a hard time but if you can be smart and move with your team you can put yourself in an amazing position to be able to activate executioner stance and just decimate every single specialist and Elite in a room without ever needing to reload and trust me your teammates are going to love it when you pop executioner stance and can see every sniper and bomber in the room and just take them out before they're never even a problem I hope you enjoyed the video and let me know what you think of the build if you try it out for yourself thanks for watching I've got links to my twitch stream and Discord server down below for anyone interested and until next time stay safe out there in the hive City
Channel: J Dog th3 Wise
Views: 80,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k darktide, warhammer darktide, darktide veteran class, darktide veteran class build, darktide veteran class guide, is the veteran class good darktide, best veteran build darktide, good veteran class build darktide, good veteran talents darktide, darktide veteran talents guide, darktide lasgun build, darktide shock trooper talent, best talents veteran darktide, best weapons veteran darktide, crit build veteran darktide, darktide crit build, veteran crit build
Id: UG9ZFOu2Ltc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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