Very Good News - My Life has Changed!

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hello hello hello some very good news I think ever since February 20 this year I have been effectively fully occupied with sending my books and my pictures writing notes and books signing the pictures filling out customer forums for all books that I sent abroad which is about half of them kept me effectively busy every day yes almost every day today March 15 2020 I sent the last 20 and the total that I have sent as of today is now 185 so my life is changing now I can breathe again and do some other things which I have ignored what you may not know is that I have no physics problems left anymore they've all been used so it's time now for me to come up with more physics problems but it's time for many other things too of course all of you can still order books or order separately my picture and I will send those but that maybe only one or two a day so I don't have the problem that I have sent 20 or 30 at once in case you have forgotten what the book looks like just just stay on so this is the book for the love of physics it has been translated in 15 languages but the only book that I can sell to you is the English version it has a colored photo index some translations don't have to call it index that's not a major problem and of course as I have told all of you you can even download the text of this book with an F T PDF file which costs you nothing but this is the book I sent 185 so my life has changed for the better though my only worries now is really the corona virus and that's no joke it's no joke I'm 84 years old I am at high risk let's keep our fingers crossed for all of you because the corona virus is going to spread out all over the world this happens once in a lifetime the last time that happened was in 1918 when 50 million people died of the Spanish flu don't get scared that was not my intention my life has changed because I no longer have to work eight hours per day on sending books and why did I do that didn't make any money but I wanted to be friends with you and I hope you appreciate that have a nice day and take care and read my book
Channel: Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics.
Views: 121,788
Rating: 4.9654074 out of 5
Id: o8Zla83PLx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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