Very dangerous..‼️The execution of dead and weathered trees is very troubling
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Zain AG Channel
Views: 1,704,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tebang trembesi, rain tree, Tebang pohon, tree cut, tree cutting, stihl ms 881, stihl ms 382, stihl ms 170, stihl, chainsaw stihl, stihl ms 651, stihl ms 462, stihl ms 881. kettensäge, stihl ms 881. ಚೈನ್ಸಾ, 스틸 ms 881. 전기톱, stihl ms 881. gergaji rantai, stihl ms 881 . motosserra, stihl ms 881 . piła łańcuchowa, stihl ms 881 . เลื่อยยนต์, stihl ms 881. drujba, stihl ms 881. бензопила, stihl ms 881. motosega, stihlms881.チェーンソー, stihl ms 881 kettingzaag, stihl एमएस 881 . चेनसॉ
Id: _i7Va8V9nLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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