Verbatim特約 GaN氮化鎵充電器選購指南!輸出功率 接口數量幾多先夠用?|優惠碼|網店一周年|繁中字幕|廣東話【Karenly:】
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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 51,940
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Keywords:, 格價, 消費卷, 評測, 比較, 買嘢, gadget, tech, review, unbox, 科技, 電子, 電器, verbatim gan 65w, verbatim 130w gan 充電器, verbatim 200w gan, gan 叉電器, 叉電器 上機, 火牛, 輸出, 氮化鎵充電器, 氮化鎵gan快充充電器, 氮化鎵 100w, 67w usb-c power adapter, 67w charger test, 67w vs 96w charger macbook pro, 150w charging phone, pd 3.0 charger, pd 3.0 vs qc 3.0, pd 3.0 pps charger, qc 3.0 charger, qc 3.0 power bank module, qc 3.0 module, 100-240v 50/60hz charger, 100-240v means, 旅行充電器 gan, gan 旅行充電器, verbatim 旅行充電器
Id: xWJmj98y5ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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