Ventricular fibrillation ( VF or V fib ) part 1 of 3 causes, symptoms & pathophysiology

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[Music] fibrillation fireworks is the best way to remember v-fib the most deadly rhythm of all time one of only two rhythms that you actually defibrillate or shock now the other one is an ellipses attack so what is v-fib well ventricular fibrillation is a chaotic pattern of electrical activity in the ventricles in which electrical impulses arise from many different foci it's kind of like having a firework show in the ventricles of the heart there's no real ventricular contraction which leads to no cardiac output basically meaning no oxygen to the body so what's really going on in the body well as you guys know the heart has one main pacemaker and to backup pacemakers in this case our main pacemaker the SA node and our backup pacemaker the AV node have lost their controls as boss pacemaker leading to the ventricular pacemaker cells causing a ruckus acting a fool contracting erratically and kind of hijacking the heart so using our five steps let's interpret this EKG so step number one the rate is gonna be unknown or indistinguishable the rhythm chaotic and crazy guys P wave there's gonna be then because the atria are not contracting and PR interval you guys can forget about it because the H are not contracting QRS there's gonna be none because the ventricles are not fully contracting the rhythm just kind of looks like a squiggly line on EKG earthquake paper basically the ventricles are not squeezing that oxygen-rich blood out to the body meaning no cardiac output or no oxygen to the body we'll have a dead patient very very soon now one of the guys e-fit sorry to pause your video right there I can't believe that worked I got some exciting news for you guys for with our new quiz Bank and full access courses not here on YouTube so guys I'm gonna leave the link to your free demo trial right up there in the corner of our page and guys before I go please be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel for all our new awesome videos coming out here first before they get locked away at simple nursing comm alright guys let me unpause your video here pretty much and eleiza three things either cardiac injury medication toxicity or electrical imbalances basically anything that makes the heart not contract effectively or leads to hypoxia that low oxygen which is also called inadequate tissue perfusion basically is one of our causes so cardiac injury like coronary artery disease also called CA D is basically just that narrowing of the big arteries of the heart which causes less oxygen to the myocardium that heart muscle acute MI also known as heart attack causes tissue death leading to less effective pumps of the heart or cardiomyopathies or valvular heart disease which cause the heart not to have a good clean pump medication toxicity from too much pro a rhythmic medications like digitalis toxicity also known as digoxin toxicity or third an electrical imbalance like untreated or unsuccessfully treated ventricular tachycardia an acid-base or electrolyte imbalance like low magnesium which is a huge cause or lastly an electrical shock from anything like a downed power line or even sticking a fork in an electrical output all right guys so what are the signs and symptoms for v-fib well we're gonna see classic complaints like your patient being unconscious from not having enough oxygen but guys if they are conscious which is really rare we'll see all the classic signs and symptoms from this low low oxygen almost like holding your breath so we use our acronym collapsed and yes we spelled it wrong on purpose so the C stands for chest pain o for oxygen saturation that is lower L from lethargy or fatigue a from anxiety usually from the lack of oxygen P four palpitations that described as a racing heart or kind of feels like gallops under the chest S is for shortness of breath or dyspnea that difficulty breathing he is from elevated heart rate or ventricular rate huge for v-fib and D is from dizziness or syncope which is also called fainting or passing out from this low low oxygen alright guys thanks for watching only one part in our full video here at simple nursing comm if you guys click the link right here you can get access to our full course as well as our new quiz Bank which is really nifty and also guys don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel right here last but definitely not least a big thank you to our script team and nursing family who helped us put together all these nifty videos
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 95,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nursing school, isotonic, hypotonic, nclex, hesi, registered nurse RN, osmosis, kahn academy, electrolytes, EKG, simplenursing2018, pathophysiology, med surg, medical surgical, ventricular tachycardia, AV blocks, Ventricular fibrilation, v fib, ventricular fibrillation, EKG interpretation, nursing student, pathology, 5 step ekg interpretation, pharmacology
Id: F_I-NTAweE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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