'Venom: The Last Dance' will be disappointing... - Trailer Analysis

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[Music] hey what's up I'm Channel pup Fanboy super villain and today we are going to be discussing the newly released trailer for Venom 3 now titled Venom the Last Dance why it's not titled V 3um I will never understand but I've got quite a lot to say about this trailer I want to talk not just about like what's in this trailer and what we can expect from vinum I'm calling it that that's that's how I would call it but also how I think Sony might have really irreparably fumbled the bag with this no matter how kind of good this movie actually does look subscribe Patron you know how it is I don't need to explain that to you let's go straight into it so for a bit of context I do want to give my opinions on the first two Venom movies really quickly I think even though the son verse is a complete joke the two Venom movies represent the absolute best of the Sony verse and no that isn't a particularly High bar given that Madam web and morbius are the only non Venom films in the Sony verse and they stink I thought the first Venom movie was overall okay I thought the second half was actually really solid the first half was kind of a snooze Venom Let There Be Carnage was a much more shooted film it knew what it wanted to be it was just over over the top candy colored cartoon silliness that absolutely played into the strength of the duo of Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock and Venom while also giving us a significant upgrade in the villain Department no this wasn't my ideal version of Venom and Carnage but this was a solid movie at a really good time and a lot of that was thanks to it having a much better overall direction I I thought Andy Circus did an excellent job with Venom Let There Be Carnage which I'm pretty sure is one of the first films he's ever directed so I was a little skeptical when it was revealed that Kelly Marcel would be directing the third Venom movie not because of anything against Kelly Marcel but simply because it's not Andy Circus coming back and I thought Andy Circus did an amazing job Kelly Marcel however is the writer of the previous films and take from that what you will but this does appear to be her directing debut and from what's on display in this trailer I think she's done a great job if this is anything to go by it definitely feels very different to the pre two films in terms of that directing style it's less colorful and House of Horrors than let deie Carnage was and it's a little less tryhard contemporary a little less nihilistic than the first one but there's a huge sense of scope on display here and it looks quite grimy especially in the dog trafficker sequence which I would talk about in a bit and I suppose I can appreciate that all three of these films do have unique directing Styles the voices of Reuben fler Andy Circus and Kelly Marcel might actually be more more on display in these movies than what you typically see from directors in tent pole Blockbusters credit where it's due the Venom films will always have that going for them if that's the case with this third one now moving over to kind of analyzing the trailer itself we can see that while Venom and Eddie are on much better terms than they were in the previous film with Eddie giving Venom the chance to eat some criminal brains there's still that Odd Couple Dynamic on full display here and the trailer is very headon about this that's what they lead with we've got Eddie Brock entering The Hideout of what appeared to be dog traffickers I don't know I've seen other people say that they're maybe a cartel but they got dogs in cages maybe they're going to make them fight or something well Eddie has the whole tough guy facade he's trying to kind of play it down and when Venom emerges Eddie kind of wants to introduce himself as this very intimidating force to be reckoned with while Venom is being very boisterous they kind of do the whole we are Venom line but Eddie and Venom have two very different deliveries of it and they kind of squabble about you know how to actually say it now while comedy was absolutely the strength of the previous films with loads of funny quotable moments particularly pertaining to Venom's enthusiasm unfortunately for the leading joke in this trailer I didn't actually find it very funny and what's worse is I could see that it was really really trying but in my opinion I just didn't find it funny I didn't laugh I think it would have been a lot better if Venom had come in with his boisterous line delivery at odds with Eddie's and then Eddie just kind of rolls his eyes and goes into battle rather than the two kind of quibbling quicker more subtle and maybe that's how it will be in the film I don't know but this wouldn't be the first time a trailer has kind of killed a joke or changed it I mean in one case in venom let de be Carnage there was a joke in the trailers that was actually better than it was in the movies and that was the sunny and share joke the delivery was just a lot more downplayed in the trailer and it was funnier because of that that being said the action sequence in The Hideout follows with Venom just throwing these thugs around eating their brains and it looks like a fantastic sequence and it actually reminds me quite a bit of the Batman v Superman Warehouse scene in that it's very kinetic very grimy and looks to be pretty violent or about as violent as can get it without risking in our rating and seeing Venom freeing the dogs from the cages have me going hell yeah and this is where we are introduced to our antagonist of this film played by chut edia for who is leading a government operation to hunt Venom down as I mean hey he's an alien Among Us don't don't say it the military will be all over that and here's another area where I'm a little trepidacious where do you go from Carnage in the second film especially when they killed Carnage off if not Spider-Man then Carnage is Venom's arch nemesis you ask anyone to name an adversary for Venom that isn't Spider-Man Carnage will come up in conversation maybe Wolverine if they like Ultimate Spider-Man and I'm also a little more trepidacious because when the villain hasn't been Carnage the villains have been generally quite weak in these films Carlton Drake AKA Riot was the weak link of the first Venom movie it was a movie that needed a good villain but Carlton Drake felt like a villain written by chap GPD overly self-serious didn't really offset the boisterousness of Venom himself very well felt very by the Numbers Carnage and shriek worked as well as they did because they were cartoony enough to offset Venom they were both incredibly over the top and naturally like Carnage a serial killer psychopath paired with a Symbio excellent that's going to be a good time to watch so this new antagonist played by edif 4 he doesn't necessarily have to be over the top and see chewing like Carnage but whether he's a larger than life or stoic and downplayed character it does still need to be to an extent cartoony to properly offset Venom as a protagonist and that is where Carlton Drake failed J legio 4 is a talented enough actor for me to have some faith that he can Elevate whatever material he's given as was rared though I already felt a little fearful that we disposed of Venom's best adversary too soon and that whatever we get next won't live up to that and uh yeah that concern has not been put to bed here so it looks like the reason why edia 4's character is chasing Venom down is because he's discovered the small piece of symbiote left at that Hawaiian cocktail bar from the post credits of Spider-Man no way home and wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just hang on a second did that scene not take place in the MCU that is the same bartender in the same outfit albeit with longer hair now so how long was this symbiote hanging out in that bar and if this scene wasn't in the MCU why did the bartender list off all of those MCU characters talk about how his family disappeared for 5 years where did Venom transport off to and what was any of that does this mean that the symbiot teas at the end of no way home wasn't setting up black suit Spider-Man but was instead setting up this would a little consistency kill you Sony I understand reccon are a thing little inconsistencies are a thing but if this is the case that that was just the home universe and we're just kind of retconning that I really don't like having my viewing experiences invalidated by changing rules it's just cheating but then knowing Sony and how they were with morbius and Madden web there is a chance that this just won't be in the movie all right but getting back to kind of the point of the villain it is cool to have a purely human threat this time as opposed to a story that culminates in two symbiotes just brawling it out we've had that with the first two so Venom just being chased down by the military is a cool idea I'm also loving what I'm seeing of Eddie and Venom on this road trip as they travel the continent eventually making their way to Vegas where they run into M Chen which is nice to see given that I'm not seeing any of the supporting casts from the previous films here not even an and I understand why but God damn it I miss sunny and Sh whoever had the idea of giving Venom chickens in the second film just give them a pay rise it would be a shame not to include The Supporting Cast of the previous two films in this one as I mean remember what happened with Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania that's not to say that the second Ant-Man and the WASP was anything to write home about but the supporting characters added a lot of necessary life to those movies and the third one just the their absence was really felt I hope we're not in for the same problem with Venom the last dance but seeing Venom dancing with Mrs Chen really does warm my heart she is the Mr Dick kovich of the Venom movie franchise so uh I spoke too soon about the purely human threat thing because there appears to be a symbiote Invasion happening as Venom's past catches up to him the Symbiotes have found him so this kind of a neat Jer position I guess Venom on the run from his own kind Eddie on the run from his overwhelming forces big numbers yeah okay cool does totally nullify what I said about you know purely a human threat this time but hey ho it is what it is now we're traded to seeing Venom battling eldrich Horrors that I can only just about comprehend a top ples and a tease that our favorite symbiot schlub Duo may not make it out alive this time I think they will Sonia never going to close and lock the door when there's money to be made Patrick Mulligan the the cop from the previous film is also just kind of in there after being set up by the previous film I wonder how he's going to factor in and if we'll actually get to see him become Toxin and what that means for his role given that toxin was more of a lawful good character than anything else yeah that's starting to feel a little packed now there's a a final Stinger where Venom infects a horse for him and Eddie to make a daring getaway and hell yeah symbiot horse that's raw as [ __ ] give me more of that on its own two feet this movie does look good there's a much larger sense of scope to it the action looks great the CGI for Venom is a noticeable step up I don't know if it's the lighting or if there's a higher Fidelity model I don't really know much about CGI animation in this case but he does look better this time shame we're probably never going to get to see a big white spider on the ch would really just complete this design I think the movie is a little at risk of being potentially over stuffed we've got this cross country road trip which is Venom on the run from the government then you've got a Symbio Invasion and then you've got Patrick Mulligan in there how's he going to factor into this and God I would love it if they were hiding Spider-Man but like I I don't see how you could really fit him into this particular story but I want them to you shouldn't have to justify Spider-Man being in a Venom story but that that's the world we live in that's what happens when Venom is in a different Universe to Spider-Man I wouldn't normally worry about overstuffing a film because that is what pacing and Imagination are for you you have good riders for that reason but Sony do have a track record of over stuffing these films so I Am Naturally a little trepidacious there but there is one big problem that Venom the Last Dance is facing and it's one that Sony really didn't need to create for the themselves but did anyway I have blue balls I can only deal with so much teasing before I want to see things paid off and this is the 11th Hour the last minute the Last Dance Tom Hardy's final Venom appearance allegedly now no matter what these movies did or how good they were there was always going to be an elephant in the room when it came to Venom movies divorced from Spider-Man spidey mythology non-existent but these films managed to make it work well enough this wasn't the story of the journalist Peter exposed who bonded with the Symbio over a mutual hatred of Peter Parker this was the story of a schlub journalist who kind of stumbled into a new Destiny alongside his alien BFF and on those terms they made this work I can begrudgingly accept that this would be a Venom film series divorced from Spidey and I can also understand why that had to be the case it does seem that Marvel Studios have liveaction Spiderman under lock and key right now with their Sony agreement I'm 100% certain that Sony and the producers of these Venom movies would have loved to have featured Spider-Man in one of these heck they've been talking about it since the first movie I'm pretty sure that if Sony could they would have made Spider-Man 4 with Toby Maguire and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 with Andrew Garfield and had Spider-Man characters showing up in these movies by now For Better or For Worse why because it's money I do not think Sony are going to choose to bury the leads like this so I can accept that for this iteration while holding out hope that some other time we'll get to see a new version of Venom throw down with Spidey or team up whatever that these Venom movies are just their own thing these are just sci-fi comedy ROMs and while I think the first film is just okay I think the second film does a great job with this premise I was willing to accept these films on those terms understanding that what I wanted to see was probably just not possible due to Studio politics but then we had the post credits of Venom Let There Be Carnage transporting Venom into the MCU him recognizing Spider-Man on the TV screen because of the multiversal Symbio hive mind implying that yeah any version of Venom is going to have some form of relationship with Spider-Man and that these two may meet this was a GameChanger this actively changed the rules of these movies and changed the terms it said hey it doesn't just have to be that we can do the things you want to see then when we next check in with Venom in Spider-Man No Way home's post credits he's immediately sent home after never meeting Spider-Man and we're not seeing any alternate universe Spider-Man in this trailer or other take on Spidey we're seeing Venom on the run from the government and his symbiote bre the problem here is if this is the direction they have to go the only Direction they can go or the only Direction they're interested in going I would rather they just hadn't teased Spider-Man then I would rather The Producers didn't bait Us in behind the- scenes interviews all about how Venom and Spidey may cross over someday I would rather we didn't have that post-edit scene for Venom Let There Be Carnage because it's blue balls I've got blue balls and I can't fap to this it doesn't have Spider-Man in it so no matter how good this movie is it will always be a blemish on this film series that we never saw Spider-Man and Venom meet and that wouldn't be a fraction of the problem it is were it not teased I do recognize that they are probably saving some surprises for the film but this is a pretty packed sequel as it is I don't see where they could really fit Spider-Man in here if they can awesome but I doubt it and then it's made worse by the implication that the Symbiote wasn't even left in the MCU so we may not even see an MCU version of Venom either boy that no way home post credit scene is the gift that keeps on sucking I'll get over it but it's sucks because even if the backstory was completely different as his motivations bore minimal resemblance to the source material we had a great character with this version of Venom and Tom Hardy was brilliant in the role and we never got to see him and Spider-Man play off of each other and we never got to see that potential realized in a future video I do want to talk about how Venom could have been fit in into Spider-Man no way home and could have even made it a better movie for it but I think for now our last Gambit for that is maybe Avengers Secret Wars but man just Man the movie itself looks good I don't want people taking the wrong message away from this but like it isn't unreasonable to be disappointed by not seeing Venom and Spider-Man meet considering these characters are synonymous with one another and it just tells me that this Venom here is probably never going to become whole which is such a shame because it means that on the big screen the most we've really seen of Spider-Man and Venom together is Spider-Man 3 which is a fantastic movie but Venom was only in that movie for 15 minutes and while I personally love that version of Venom I can understand why people who are huge fans of the character didn't really approve so those are my overall thoughts on Venom 3 so far what do you guys think comment below discuss and as always if you enjoyed this video and you want to support more like it be sure to hit subscribe hit the like button and in the description 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Channel: Channel Pup
Views: 9,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: venom, venom the last dance, venom 3, venom the last dance trailer, venom 3 trailer, trailer, review, analysis, thoughts, reaction, tom hardy, chiwetel ejiofor, eddie brock, venom movie, venom let there be carnage, venom trailer, venom trailer reaction, trailer reaction, spider man, spider man no way home, post credits, mcu, channel pup, channel pup spider man, channel pup venom
Id: WVnOg6dcCUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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