Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi: Bridging The Two Vehicles
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Channel: TexasBuddhistAssociation
Views: 30,660
Rating: 4.9238653 out of 5
Keywords: Friendship, εΎ·ε·, δ½ζζ, ηδ½ε―Ί, texas, jade, buddha, Ven, ηΎζ΄², θ©ζ, δΈεΏ, American, Buddhi, Center, Talk, Bhikkhu Bodhi
Id: l37GhBWYcLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 51sec (5151 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Thank you for this. Very good talk.
I think it would be good for all Buddhists to spend some time studying with each other. All the schools are heading in the same direction, they just have some slight differences in what tools they are using to get there.
Fascinating talk. He mentions scriptural proof across all traditions of Gautama Buddha essentially making a Bodhisattva vow in a previous life. Are there textual citations of Bodhisattvas in the Pali Canon? Also, where have these stories of Gautama making the vow in a previous life?
The Goals make the followers different.