VelociCoaster Review Islands of Adventure New for 2021 Multi-Launch Coaster

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i think it'll scare the kids all it takes is one ride on jurassic world velocity coaster and you will be absolutely hooked universal's island's adventure in orlando florida just built what might be one of the greatest roller coasters in the world the ride opens june 10th so as of when this video is being made about a month from now and i had the opportunity to take several rides on it as part of the pass holder preview event so i really got a good feel for the attraction and i can safely say that yes they have done it again the theming was exactly what you expect from a universal park the ride experience was unparalleled and there were surprises around every corner believe me this is a ride that you want to get down and experience as soon as possible so in this review i'm going to be diving in deep i'm going to talk about everything you need to know about this ride so yes careful for spoilers because i am not holding back here we are going to get detailed now if you just broad things first this is an intimate multi-launch coaster so the same manufacturer that made taran at fantasia land they're building pantheon at busch gardens williamsburg elastigirl features two launches max speeds 70 miles per hour which you hit on the second launch four different inversions which are an immelman dive loop stall and what they are calling the mosasaurus roll which is basically a heartline roll i think mosasaurus roll sounds cooler so i'm gonna be referring to it as that our height is 155 feet that is with the top hat and it drops you down in an 80 degree angle so not quite vertical but certainly steep enough that it gets the job done now where can you find this ride velocity coaster was squeezed in next to the discovery center in the jurassic park section of island's adventure what is incredible about this ride is that they did not remove any attractions for this ride you had a little triceratops encounter but mostly what they were taking out was trees they squeezed the first half of the ride next to the discovery center and tear down flyers and then the second half of the ride passes over a pedestrian bridge what's so great about this is that the roller coaster rides well but it also looks fantastic of course universal is gonna theme their attractions well but what i mean is aesthetically in the skyline and overall presentation the ride is pleasing to look at it is one of the first rides you'll see when you enter ireland's adventure and you're looking across the lagoon and then when you're actually walking through jurassic park you can identify the ride because of this massive raptor paddock that they've built up it looks straight out of jurassic world which i mean was kind of the point now in order to actually enter this ride you actually have to go past the jurassic park discovery center almost right before you get to the wizarding world of harry potter and what's crazy about this is that when you're actually walking up to the attraction you'll get really close to some of these sections of roller coaster track going right over your head or directly to the side of you it absolutely gets you psyched for what you're about to experience now before we dive into the layout let's start with the q and this is a very impressive line this is one that you almost don't mind waiting in because there's a lot of really cool stuff to look at as soon as you see that ride entrance you're immediately greeted with that jurassic world aesthetic everything in this ride uses those classic jurassic world colors you know what i'm talking about the grays the blues and architecturally looks very modern almost military-esque you can immediately tell that these walls were designed to hold creatures that are very dangerous and you're going to encounter some of them very soon now if you ride this when the line is long the extended q is off to the left it'll weave next to the mosasaurus roll but if you happen to go when you just stick in the main queue it is all interior and the first set piece you're greeted with is what i call a bouquet of raptors there are four statues made to look like the four main raptors from jurassic world which are blue charlie echo and delta behind them you'll see the top hat of velocicoaster and train going over but in my opinion what makes this area work so well is the lights and the sound you'll hear them playing different themes within the jurassic world soundtrack and the overhead lights are constantly changing colors and doing different patterns going between oranges reds blues almost forming these hexagon-like shapes and just the way the light touches the statues is really really cool this is also where you'll first hear from mr dino dna himself he's there in the queue to kind of set the stage about what this ride is as you move away from the raptors you'll next see the tunnel for the second launch they have these tall clear window panes that you can see the train flying past you as riders hit 70 miles per hour but what's neat about this is that they've programmed different raptors to run past and chase the train after it launches and there's actually a few different sequences here so you'll have to ride multiple times because if you just keep on watching the train launch you'll get different variations of the raptors following the train and how they interact with each other it's really really cool now next up we have a small little corridor featuring some easter egg theming you'll notice a book by dr ian malcolm you'll see a model of the veloci coaster car and this is also where you'll hear from your first real jurassic world character and that is dr wu he's the one that really introduces that yeah you're about to go and meet these raptors see what they're all about that kind of thing he's not going to go too in depth because the real pre-show comes with chris pratt and bryce dallas howard's characters right before you board and i'm going to get to that in a second after you hear what dr wu has to say you are literally gonna go face to face with the velociraptors specifically echo and delta this is really cool what universal's done remember those raptor muzzles from the movie well they have four of them two of them are empty hmm where did they go it's such a simple storytelling technique how you see there are two raptors encaged two of them are gone was it to save money i mean yeah but hey it's kind of fun where you're like oh well there are they but that means some have gotten out but focusing on the actual raptors that are there these are very impressive animatronics i was fully convinced that there was a full raptor on the other side of those doors you'll see their eyes moving their mouth twitching their nostrils flaring when they breathe you can feel the air and as if that wasn't cool enough you can tell those raptors don't want to be there because they will physically shake the whole thing as they're trying to get out that is ridiculous i don't know how much those animatronics cost but they are so lifelike i couldn't believe it after you've met the raptors you're going to be greeted with your lockers now this is cool because universal has really perfected the locker system here they have taken every complaint that they have with hulk and they have fixed it how do you prevent loose articles from flying off on roller coasters but still allow guests to have their phones in line you allow them to keep their personal items with them until you're about to board you put your items in a small locker which are free if you have a larger backpack you actually will put that outside the entrance in the discovery center they have larger lockers there but things like phone wallet and keys you can have those with you at all times use your park ticket to open a locker and after you ride when you go back to the locker area you are now on the other side it is a double-sided locker system you'll probably be a little turned around after you see it you have to kind of get your bearings realize where you are where your lockers are so be sure to remember your number they also have a little dinosaur icon associated with each section of the lockers so you could be like okay yeah i'm triceratops so i'm gonna look for the triceratops after i get off the ride it's really a brilliant system i first saw it at arthur at europa park and i'm glad that it's made its way over to america and i hope other parks install something like this soon once your items are in the locker you'll wait in a small area where you can see some really cool different posters advertising some of the different things within jurassic world and then you actually go through your metal detectors so yes everything that is in your pockets should be put in that locker now because that i do not have footage of the next section of the queue because naturally i didn't bring the camera past the metal detectors so i'll do my best to describe the pre-show and the station because i won't be able to physically show you after you pass through the metal detectors you'll go up a set of stairs and there's this big giant screen where bryce dallas howard's character claire daring is telling you about how you're about to ride velossa coaster she then radios in chris pratt's character owen grady who's very cynical about the whole thing as you can imagine claire's like yeah this is our newest attraction at jurassic world like this is so great we put a roller coaster in a raptor paddock and chris pratt's like you're a you should get out of line now this is stupid it's really funny i love their chemistry it's great banter it's honestly one of my favorite pre-shows i've seen as you're watching the pre-show the line keeps moving so if you want to see the entire pre-show from start to finish you honestly might have to ride more than once from the start of when you enter the queue not including the extended queue to when you actually board i'd say it takes about maybe 25 minutes when i waited through the extended queue i still think i only waited maybe 45 minutes now what's cool about the velocicos station is that they have these giant glass windows very much in the style of that scene in jurassic world when they're looking out at the indominus rex from that little booth you can see the rock work the ride going it's really really cool gets you totally pumped up a couple times when i rode i was able to request a specific row for velocicoaster but other times i was not if you can though i highly highly recommend the front row and the back row now that i've had the chance to do both i do think i prefer the back but front is really really awesome too these are also really comfy trains these are the same style trains as taran and also what pantheon has it's a super comfortable lap bar there's no seat belts they've even added grab handles to the lap bar for you to hold on to it's just a really sleek train design it's kind of that same style as what they did with the new hulk trains i know at first when they said oh yeah we're theming a roller coaster to velocitos or it's like well is the train gonna look like a raptor well no because the theme for this ride is that you are going through a raptor paddock so this is a vehicle designed to keep you safe from the raptors it's a really clever design that literally the theme for this ride is that it is a ride it's perfect so let's get into this ride experience you roll out of the station you take a left-hand turn and you stop you are in the same raptor paddock that owen grady was in during his pre-show and when he was in there there were guards kind of tasing the raptors the raptors are trying to get out you see these same raptors these are not animatronics these are screens behind bars the whole cage is shaking you hear owen grady's voice saying don't say i didn't warn you there's smoke and you can feel that you are about to launch there's some really cool lighting and sound effects and then you take off now this is not a crazy forceful launch however the launch track section is not that long they only had so much space to work with for the first half of this ride so they do get you up to speed fairly quickly for this section i recommend sitting on the left side because you pass really really close to a waterfall if you reach your hands straight out you could probably feel some mist and immediately first element out is an immelment now i mentioned the beginning of video that this ride had lots of surprises for me by far the biggest one was that there was air time in places where i didn't expect there to be air time when you're sitting in the back coming out of this immelmann you get ejector airtime yes eject your airtime coming out of an inversion when you exit this inversion you dive into rock work and let me tell you the near misses on velocicoaster are absolutely insane when we talked to the designers of loss of coaster at times they said you were inches away from the clearance requirements it messes with your mind you see it coming you feel like you have to put your hands down or else you're gonna hit it next element after that is a dive loop if you're in the back you get pulled through this if you're in the front you kind of stall out right before you dive you hit a twisted airtime moment this is some great ejector air time right here any air time you experience on velocity coaster is ejector airtime which is actually why i believe this has the best air time on a roller coaster in florida this twisted hill passes over rock work you go to the left pass through the rocks and now you're gonna get really close to some of these raptors there are four raptor statues in this paddock they do not move but they don't need to move you get so close to them and you're going fast enough if your hands are up you feel like you could reach out and whack one of these dudes you hear them screeching and snarling at you it is so cool again the near misses on velocicoaster are insane you'll hit an overbank turn and counter the other two raptors pass over some rock work again and you hit your second launch i would definitely compare this launch to the second launch on taran if you have ridden that you're going fast already but this is a booster it's at this point that you hit 70 miles per hour and shoot up to your top hat if you're in the front you get ejected hitting the peak of this hill if you're in the back you're gonna get ejected going over the drop this top hat delivers in every single possible way it's an amazing view up there but you aren't gonna have too much time to take it in because you're plunging down at 80 degrees twisting at the bottom really close to the ground and into your third inversion which is a stall now before riding i had the expectation that the stall was going to be one of the highlight moments of the ride but the crazy thing is it's not this layout is so good so insane that the stall is honestly one of the elements i always forget about it's a really really strong moment but that being said i have experienced better stalls out there this one is not as whippy as you're entering or exiting it it's also not as drawn out so i think that the stall on pantheon will actually be better than this one that's not to say that this is a bad element there's no point on velossa coaster that is bad i just didn't think that the stall was as standout as some of the other moments another moment that surprised me is the wave turn coming up it's kind of this wall stall where you're hanging 90 degrees and yeah you get ejector airtime on this it's only for a second but it is sweet following that is an outside ejector airtime hill you're on the inside of this curve you flip over to the left that's a really whippy moment you are thrown to the side and then twisted back to the right once again low to the ground cutting up next to this bridge you have a smaller overbank turn and here's where the real crazy part comes i mean it's all crazy but this ride has a killer finale you have a small ejector pop and then the mosasaurus roll my gosh what is wrong with this element i've never experienced an inversion like this before the mosasaurus roll might be one of the greatest moments on any roller coaster period not only are you extremely close to the water but just the way it twists you i don't know how to describe it like you start to rotate and then it just rapidly whips you flipping you upside down and back over the first time i rode velocicoaster that was the single moment on the ride that had me actually shocked just because i had no idea what to expect but as great as that moment is it's not like velocicoaster is immediately over after that there's one more rapid-fire twist before you hit the brake run and this is not a moment that should be overshadowed it's an extremely fast paced turn really whippy it throws you into the brakes this ride is non-stop crazy from start to finish i know when this ride was testing people were wondering if that first half was gonna be slow trust me it's not no part of this ride feels slow the pacing is impeccable i loved every second of velocicoaster is it one of the best roller coasters in the world yes it is is it in my top 15 yes it is where specifically i'm still working on that but now that i've written 750 roller coasters to say that this is in my top 15 we're talking about the top one percent that tells you how good this ride is and i think really at the core what makes this ride work so well is that it is the thrills and the theming perfectly combined it's rare that you have a roller coaster like that i mean people always look at something like taryn pointing out how it has great theming which it does but taran is not a story driven attraction velocicosta tells a story from the second you enter the queue until you ride you are fully immersed in jurassic world and it doesn't stop when you're actually on the ride yeah the second half doesn't have exactly a lot of theming but doesn't really need it the fact that you are in a raptor paddock for the first half of the ride flying past all these near misses and theming elements that is incredibly impressive to pull off the ride is intense but it's not too intense every visitor of universal should be able to experience this attraction it's going to be intimidating for some people but it'll probably be the most thrilling roller coaster many of these guests will ever ride when we were there watching everyone get off the lobster coaster everyone was in a great mood i haven't heard a single person who's ridden this attraction get off and say i didn't really like it or i was disappointed the fact that you could have a ride this good that meets and exceeds expectations that were already really high is a phenomenal achievement it should be illegal to give this ride anything less than a 10 out of 10. the only thing i can say is that you have to come to universal and ride this ride so i want to hear from you guys what do you think of jurassic world philosopher if you've had the chance to experience it or if this is a ride that you're planning on going out to ride let me know if this review helped you if you're new to the channel i'd love if you could subscribe we do coaster reviews from rides all across the world thank you guys so much for joining me and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Coaster Studios
Views: 265,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: velocicoaster islands of adventure, velocicoaster universal orlando, universal jurassic world velocicoaster, velocicoaster review, velocicoaster opening, velocicoaster pov, islands of adventure rides, universal studios velocicoaster, velocicoaster queue, velocicoaster on ride, velocicoaster testing, velocicoaster universal studios pov, velocicoaster full ride, velocicoaster testing pov, velocicoaster update, jurassic world velocicoaster
Id: bP09gC2oCak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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