Vehicle Sound - Bikes, Buses, Trains ⭐ Four Hours of Nursery Rhymes by LittleBabyBum

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[Music] little baby back we're off to the park today I wonder which vehicles [Applause] [Music] driving around the town today [Music] [Music] can you hear the red busy [Music] can you stay with me [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so many puddles [Music] [Music] [Music] who can it be [Music] a rainbow [Music] hahaha [Music] one two three four five once I caught a fish alive six seven eight nine ten oh [Music] [Music] this little finger on the right whoa [Music] one two three four five once I caught a fish alive six six seven eight nine ten oh yeah [Music] little finger on the right [Music] [Applause] [Music] we say hello say hello [Music] all my friends [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] tasty and brown so good to eat what does it feel like when you try to talk avocado skins it's bumpy and it's rough rub your finger up and down can you hear a scratching set tasty and cream so good to eat what's inside look and see it's soft and green planted to grow avocado trees to make some more for you and me [Music] what does it taste like here's the slice try it out and mash it up into a bowl we all love avocados [Music] [Music] [Music] Mommy finger Mommy finger where are you here we are here we are come and play a tune yay [Music] daddy finger daddy finger where are you here I am here I am eating yummy food yum finger sister finger where are you here I am here I am [Music] [Applause] brother finger brother finger where are you here I am here I am how do you do hey [Music] baby finger baby [Music] let's get ready to hop like a bouncy kangaroo hop hop hop hop hop like a kangaroo up and down it's fun to do pop all day in a kangaroo way helping me and you now hop from side to side hop to the left hop to the right hop from side to side that's your eyes hop and jump and bounce and pump it makes us feel so light it's freestyle jump time now Bounce Your Own Way [Music] bounce don't stop jump your way such a bouncy day how high can you jump jumping high jumping bounce let's hop faster wiggle with me let's hop one more time [Music] thank you [Music] five green bottles standing on the wall five grain bottles standing on the wall and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be four green bottles standing on the wall with all green bottles standing on the wall four green bottles standing on the wall and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be three green bottles standing on the wall [Music] three green bottles standing on the wall three green bottles standing on the wall and one green bottle to accidentally Falls there'll be two green bottles standing on the wall [Music] two green bottles standing on the wall two green bottles standing on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be one green bottle standing on the wall [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] bottles standing on the wall [Music] three four five sparkling [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] thank you down by the park let's go what will we see I just don't know just jump on board and then off we'll go [Music] will there be just wait and see down by the park down by the park to let's go what will we see I just don't know a lovely Bridge and oh look it's dark hang along into the sun down by the park down by the park let's go what will we see I just don't know a lovely tree it's about that tweet go blind see how they fly down by the park down by the park let's go what will we see I don't know a lovely pond with some ducks that swim just look at that wiggle and Quack [Music] what did we see yes I know I'd reach a tree and a lovely Pond [Music] isn't it [Music] thank you [Music] Everybody's Got a Name Everybody's Got a Name We are family and these are our names Everybody's Got a Name so what's your name my name is Mia hello what's your name hello Mia Mia is your name my name is Daddy daddy is your name Everybody's Got a Name Everybody's Got a Name we are a family and these are our names Everybody's Got a Name so what's your name my name is Mommy hello what's your name hello Mommy Mommy is your name your name is Max [Music] is your name Everybody's Got a Name everybody's got a name who we are a family and these are our names [Music] laughs everybody's in the park they're showing Max around keep listening what will they find can you hear the sound Toots and the train goes [Music] Toots and the train goes can you hear the sound the birds in the sky sing Twinkle Twinkle can you hear the sound [Music] [Music] can you hear the sound the Ducks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you ah [Music] if you're happy and you know it clap like me if you're happy and you know it clap like me funny Happy song If You're Happy and You Know It Clap like beer [Music] if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet stop stop if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet if you're happy stumble on to this funny Happy song If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] for everyone we're rolling balls of snow thank you [Music] we made a man of snow we made a man of snow a winter fun for everyone we made a man of snow a carrot for his nose a carrot for his nose a winter fun for everyone a carrot for his nose foreign [Music] for everyone a hat goes on his head a scarf goes round his neck a scarf goes round his neck a winter fun for everyone the scarf goes round his neck [Music] two pebbles for his eyes two pebbles for his eyes open to fun for everyone to Pebbles for his eyes his arms are made of sticks his arms are made of sticks oh into fun for everyone his arms are made of sticks we had a lovely blade out on a snowy day lots of fun for everyone we had a lovely play wow [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus [Music] the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish [Music] the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town [Music] the doors on the bus go open and shut [Music] all through the town thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] making something wonderful What's it gonna be we'll paint and stick and color you see we're coloring in and we're nearly done working together is lots of fun making something wonderful What's it gonna be for paint and stick and color you see we're using lots of glue and we're nearly done working together is lots of fun thank you making something wonderful What's it gonna be we'll paint and stick and color you see we're putting it together and we're nearly done working together is lots of fun making something wonderful what can it be a big fire engine can't you see we made a fire engine look we're done working together was lots of fun [Music] [Music] hey you boo peekaboo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey yeah [Music] hey you [Music] hey yeah you peekaboo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you boom we're off to row our boat are you ready to row your boat with us here we go row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream now let's roll around the lake let's roll slowly round the lake row row row your boat gently round the lake don't get stuck mind the dark it's a piece of cake now we are in a race get ready to roll quicker now row row row your boat rowing in a race we will grin if we win finish in first place we're going over some waves now hold tight and rock from side to side and fall into the water row row row your boat rocking to and fro Hold On Tight stay upright into the water we go oh no we've got wet all over get rid to shiver row row row your boat gently down the river if we crash there's a splash and we start to shiver almost there now keep rowing [Music] row row row your boat in the Big Blue Sea row your boat stay afloat home in time for tea [Music] thank you [Music] looking at the toys when they're all lined up push them in the bathroom looking for the toys as I Splash around the bubbles pop now look what I found a seahorse looking for the toys we play and splash and laugh searching through the bubbles playing in the Box looking for the toys have I found one no it's just a bar of soap so I'll have another go looking for the toys as I Splash around the bubbles pop now look what I found an octopus looking for the toys we play and splash and love searching through the bubbles playing in the bar looking for the toys how they found one no it's just a sponge so I'll have another go looking for the toys this is lots of fun hooray I found the turtle the very last one [Music] looking for the toys we play and splash and love searching through the bubbles playing in the bath looking at the toys now they're all lined up and playing with the bubbles it's yummy time yay all of the animals have come for the animal lunch what's that sound can you hear them Munch it's time for the animal lunch foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's eat like a little rabbit nibble nibble all the animals so many sounds [Music] foreign [Music] jump jump splash red jump jump splash splash Orange jumping in the puddles jumping in the puddles splish splash splash and see which rainbow color will the puddle be jump jump Splish Splash yellow jump jump splash splash blue jumping in the puddles jumping in the puddles splish splash splash and see which rainbow color will the pajal be [Music] jump jump splash splash green jump jump Splish Splash purple if you're happy and you know it clap your hands clap clap if you're happy and you know it clap your hands clap clap if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands clap clap [Music] if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet stomp stomp if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet stomp stomp if you're happy and you know it and you really wanna show it if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet stomp stomp [Music] if you're happy and you know it shout hooray hooray if you're happy and you know it shout hooray all right if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it shout hooray hooray [Music] if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap Stomp Stomp all right if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap stop stomp hooray if you're happy and you know it and you really wanna show it if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap stomp stomp hooray one more time if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap stomp stomp hooray if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap stomp stomp hooray if you're happy and you know it and you really wanna show it if you're happy and you know it do all three clap clap stomp stomp [Music] my little Tower won't go high it all falls down when I try I don't like blocks I don't want to play Hey little one it'll be okay hey it's okay copy me you will see take a big breath count to five it will help you feel alright foreign [Music] let's do it again [Music] one two [Music] three four five let's do it one last time one two three four [Music] five I feel happy thanks Mommy build a tower very tall mommy look it doesn't fall but if the blocks fall on the floor I'll pick them up and build some more [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one little two little three little buses four little five little six little buses seven little eight little nine little buses ten little bosses [Music] oh one little two little three little bosses four little five little six little buses seven little eight little nine little buses ten little buses foreign [Music] little dinosaurs four little five little six little dinosaurs seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs ten little dinosaurs Roar [Music] ten little nine little eight little dinosaurs seven little six little five little dinosaurs four little three little two little dinosaurs one little dinosaur Roar [Music] one little two little three little dinosaurs four little five little six little dinosaurs seven little eight little nine little dinosaurs ten little dinosaurs Roar ten little nine little eight little dinosaurs seven little six little five little dinosaurs four little three little two little dinosaurs one little dinosaur roar Roar [Music] slips on trips bumps and Falls bangs and knocks we have them all it's okay you'll be fine accidents happen all the time [Music] you graze your knee oh no uh oh let's clean it up before you go try those tears go and play with the quick hug you're on your on your way slips and trips bumps and Falls bangs and knocks we have them all it's okay you'll be fine accidents happen all the time [Music] you bumped your head oh no oh let's clean it up before you go try those tears go and play with the quick kiss okay slips and trips bumps and Falls bands are nuts we have them all it's okay you'll be fine accidents happen all the time [Music] to sing on a sunny day let's go see the animals play I'll put my stickers in my animal book quick let's go and take a look foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the frog goes ribbit ribbit ribbit the bird goes tweet tweet tweet tweet with a Ribbit Ribbit and a tweet tweet tweet tweet sing the animal sounds song [Music] the sheep goes the line goes the animal sounds song that was fun now it's time to go we had a blast and we sung along look at the stickers in my animal book I got so many take a look [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the Journey's never far beep beep let's drive for a car [Music] we're driving in the car let's start up the engine and room off wheels Rolling Along we can go any place it won't take long we're driving through the town we're driving up and down we're driving let's go Zoo it's fun yeah [Music] we're driving in the car let's start up the engine and room off we're driving in the car we can go any place it's never far we're driving in the car beep beep we're driving in the car vroom vroom we're driving in the car beep beep we're driving in the car [Music] Five Little Speckled Frogs Sat on a speckled love eating some most delicious scrubs yum yum one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are four more speckled frogs glove glove Four Little Speckled Frogs Sat on a speckled log eating some most delicious scrubs yum yum one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are three more speckled frogs Three Little Speckled Frogs Sat on a speckled log eating some most delicious scrubs yum yum one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are two more speckled frogs Two Little Speckled Frogs Sat on a speckled lump eating some most delicious scrubs yum yum one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there is one more speckled frog Club one little speckled frog sat on a speckled log eating some most delicious scrubs yum yum one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool now there are no more speckled frogs [Music] hey hey hey don't throw it away what can we make let's recycle today [Music] here's an old battle it will be empty soon we can make a rocket to fly to the moon hey hey hey don't throw it away what can we make let's recycle today [Music] here's a newspaper what could that be we can make a little boat that sails across the sea hey hey hey don't throw it away what can we make let's recycle today [Music] here's an old tube let's play I Spy we can make a telescope for your little eyes hey hey hey don't throw it away what can we make let's recycle today [Music] here's a little box and with a bit of tape we can make a cool hat hey hey hey hey don't throw it away what did we make a rocket what did we make a boat what did we make a telescope what did we make a hat what did we make we recycled today [Music] the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again [Music] the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again [Music] the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout he climbed up all the way up and out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the Itsy Bitsy Spider made it all the way foreign [Music] snowflakes fall this magic night see the Snowman Come to Life playing on the snowy ground throwing snowballs all around watch him laughing with light on this magic Winter's Night snowflakes dance up in the air snowman is alone down here he would love someone to play in the snow with him today we will make a friend for you we will make your dream come true snowflakes twinkle in the sky see the Snowman sliding by playing laughing having fun two can play more games than one what a very special day watching magic Snowman Play [Music] ha foreign [Music] wow it's so big [Music] Jake has Jacobs to study did you take that Daddy is that your lunch yes daddy even bigger [Music] ha [Music] ikus Jacobs yes daddy did you take that no daddy is that your lunch yesterday now it's tiny foreign [Music] we're going on an egg hunt going on an egg hunt Gonna Fill our baskets Gonna Fill our baskets those eggs are small those eggs are small we're gonna have to crawl we're gonna have to crawl crawl crawl crawl crawl we're going on an egg hunt going on an egg hunt We're Gonna Fill our baskets with eggs tied in a bow with eggs tied in a bow where pretty flowers grow where pretty flowers grow swish swish swish swish [Music] we're going on an egg hunt we're going on an egg hunt We're Gonna Fill our basket Gonna Fill our basket with eggs that are so huge eggs that are so huge you won't believe your eyes inside a big surprise wow yay wow oh yay let's see what's inside let's see what's inside crack crack crack we went on an egg hunt we went on an egg hunt we found a big one we found a big one and lots of little ones and lots of little ones so tasty and so sweet it's such a lovely treat [Music] one two three four five little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only four little ducks came swimming back one two three four little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only three little ducks came swimming back one two three little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only two little ducks came swimming back one two little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only one little duck came swimming back one little duck went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but no little ducks came swimming back [Music] oh [Music] sad mother duck went out one day over the hill and far away the sad mother duck said quack quack quack and all five little ducks came swimming back foreign [Music] thank you little piggy went to Market This Little Piggy stayed home this little piggy had roast beef this little piggy had none and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home [Music] this little piggy went to Market This Little Piggy stayed home this little piggy had roast beef this little piggy had none and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home [Music] one sleepy two sleepy sweet sleepy pandas for sleepy five sleepy six sleepy pandas seven sleepy eight sleepy nine sleepy pandas ten sleepy Ponders brush your teeth one sleepy two sleepy three sleepy pandas four sleepy five sleepy six sleepy pandas seven sleepy eight sleepy nine sleepy pandas 10 sleepy pandas [Music] put on your PJs [Music] one sleepy two sleepy three sleepy pandas four sleepy five sleepy six sleepy pandas seven Sweet Pea eight sleepy nine sleepy pandas ten sleepy pants wonders good night [Music] five little ducks went for a walk one day quack quack quack they sang all the way the bus came to pick up everyone so they all jumped on one by one one duck two e ee dogs five little ducks quack five little ducks rode on a bus one day quack quack quack they sang all the way the bus then stopped there's a party at the farm so they all jumped out here they come one duck two ducks three Ducks four ducks five little ducks quack right five little ducks at a party one day quack quack quack they sang All the Way five little ducks had so much fun bouncing around one by one one duck two ducks three Ducks four ducks five little ducks quack [Music] trick or treat who's that inside is it a monster quick let's hide it's only a friend dressed for Halloween a vampire cloak is a great costume for Halloween so let's trick or treat down the whole street [Music] trick or treat who's that inside is it a monster quick let's hide it's only a friend dressed for Halloween a zombie mask is a great costume for Halloween [Applause] so let's trick or treat down the whole street please [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town on Halloween the spooky Ghostbusters [Music] [Music] all through the town on Halloween [Music] the zombie bus goes [Music] [Music] on Halloween yes everywhere covered in snow working with the elves and reindeer what a special time of year [Music] making toys at Santa's Grotto hey the Santa say hello people dancing everywhere feel the Magic in the air [Music] painting toys we all know pinks and reds and blues and greens shiniest toys you've ever seen [Music] packing toys at Santa's Grotto wrap the last one with a bow [Music] la la [Music] wave goodbye to Santa's Grotto [Music] Guided by that reindeer Merry Christmas foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's all make the world a happy place show a loved one you care today [Music] show a loved one you care today a happy place a happy place let's all make the world a happy place a happy place a happy place let's all make the world a happy place thank you [Music] choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga chugga [Music] here comes the train chugga chugga Red Racing down the track chugga chugga blue hear the noise [Music] [Music] yeah hear the whistles blow chugga chugga pink see the wheels turn chugga chugga green the driver's having fun [Music] daddy finger Mommy finger sister finger brother finger and baby finger fingers family daddy finger daddy finger where are you here I am here I am how do you do daddy finger daddy finger what's going on reading books reading books that's what I do thank you Mommy finger Mommy finger where are you here I am here I am how do you do Mommy finger Mommy finger what's going on knitting clothes knitting clothes that's what I do a sister finger sister finger where are you here I am here I am how do you do sister finger sister finger what's going on playing drums playing drums that's what I do foreign [Music] thank you baby finger baby finger where are you here I am here I am how do you do baby finger baby finger what's going on cuddle you cuddle you that's what I do [Music] oh Mr Moon Moon Mr Silverman please shine down on me [Music] please shine down on me [Music] hiding behind a tree [Music] down on me [Music] [Applause] thank you one [Music] two [Music] three four [Music] five six seven eight nine ten [Applause] eleven [Music] twelve [Music] thirteen fourteen fifteen [Music] sixteen [Music] Seventeen eighteen [Music] nineteen twenty [Music] foreign [Music] the bus is traveling to the airport to the airport to the airport the bus is traveling to the airport all through the town people climb up onto the bus to the bus to the bus the people climb up onto the bus so many suitcases on the bus on the bus on the bus so many suitcases on the bus all through the town the people on the bus are so happy so happy so happy the people on the bus are so happy at the airport at the airport at the airport the bus and arrives at the airport the bus driver says have a great time have a great time have a great time the bus driver says have a great time enjoy your flight foreign [Music] [Music] this is the way we feed them treats feed them treats feed them treats this is the way we feed them treats taking care of dinos Roar this is the way we wash them clean wash them clean wash them clean this is the way we wash them clean taking care of dinos taking care of dinosaurs dinosaurs dinosaurs taking care of dinosaurs with a little roll Roar this is the way we brush their teeth brush their teeth brush their teeth this is the way they brush their teeth taking care of dinos Roar this is the way we cuddle and hug cuddle and hug cuddle and hug this is the way we cuddle and hug taking care of dinos oh taking care of dinosaurs dinosaurs dinosaurs taking care of dinosaurs with a Little Rock [Music] you're my baby you're my baby I love you I love you ten toes and fingers ten toes and fingers tickle your thumb tickle your Tim my cute baby my cute baby where are you where are you here I am peek-a-boo here I am [Music] you're my baby you're my baby I love you I love you love you forever love you forever kiss kiss [Music] hello cute little babies are you ready let's jump jump here jump there jump up jump down wave your arms kick your legs and turn around jump up jump down jump here jump there kick your legs wipe your arms like you just don't care again jump here jump there jump up jump down wave your arms kick your legs and turn around jump up jump down jump here jump there kick your legs wave your arms like you just don't care foreign [Music] oh I am learning to get dressed I'm learning what to do this is how I put on my blouse this is how I pull on my skirt [Music] this is how I pull up my socks this is how I slip on my shoes [Music] thank you foreign [Music] so many flavors thank you [Music] ice cream ice cream sprinkle sprinkle ice cream ice cream chocolate ice cream ice cream whoever chooses so many toppings [Music] ice cream ice cream cheese ice cream ice cream take garlic ice cream ice cream such good ice cream yummy ice cream foreign [Music] a walking Rainbow Man it's the most colorful man in the entire land [Music] his right arm is dark blue yellow feet this is really true plus a bright green head blue is and left on red colored men a walking Rainbow Man the most colorful man in the entire land bake me a cake as fast [Music] as you can parrots and crickets man [Music] bake me a cake as fast [Music] we're going to sing the color song are you ready then orange yellow pink green blue don't forget black and white or silver and gold too now let's make a picture using all the colors [Music] white and silver clouds too pink gold and red flowers now it's over to you that orange yellow pink green blue don't forget black and white or silver and gold too [Music] yum yum in your tongue I said yum yum in your tongue come on everyone yum yum in your tongue eat greens they're so young yum yum in your tongue hey there have some fun yum yum in your temp try this P three two one yum yum in your tongue remember this veggie song yum yum in your time eat some more greens yum yum yum in your tongue yum yum in your tongue I said yum yum in your tongue yum yum in your tongue I said yum yum in your tongue how many animals can you see let's count with me ready one two three cute puppies [Music] great nine ten all kittens one two three cute puppies [Music] one two three cute puppies [Music] thank you to Market and marketing buy a new book and just take a look to marketing like a tip buy a new pen walk around Jump Around the zoo again fun home again home again Market is done to Market and marketed buy a new book Walker and Shopper and just take a look to marketing like a tip buy a new pen walk around Jump Around [Music] home again home again Market is done [Music] [Applause] [Music] brother John morning Bells Are Ringing morning Bells [Music] thank you are you sleeping are you sleeping Brothers [Music] ding dong ding ding ding dong years [Music] Brother John morning Bells Are Ringing morning Bells [Music] are you sleeping are you sleeping [Music] Brothers ding ding dong [Music] rockabye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock if the bow breaks the cradle will fall but mama will catch you cradle and move baby is drowsy cozy and fat mother sits near in her rocking chair forward and back cradle she swings and the baby sleeps he hears what she sings [Music] the sky on a soft Cloud it's easy to fly Angels keep watch over as you sleep so hush baby [Music] I do not you fear never mind baby mother is near we little fingers eyes are shut tight now sound asleep until morning light [Music] hey let's learn shapes together are you ready let's begin Square Circle triangle rectangle star hot oval diamond [Music] foreign [Music] Circle triangle rectangle star heart oval diamond [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one little two little three little buses four little five little six little buses yeah [Applause] [Music] thank you one little two little three little buses four little five little six little buses [Music] [Applause] [Music] one little two little three little buses four little five little six little buses yeah [Applause] [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] school bus shuttle bus Airport bus city bus [Music] electric bus [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this is how I pull up my socks this is how I slip on my shoes foreign [Music] the driver on the bus says trick or treat trick or treat trick or treat the driver on the bus says trick or treat happy Halloween the Pumpkin on the bus is round and orange round and orange round and orange happy Halloween The Mummy on the bus says wrap me up wrap me up wrap me up the money on the bus says wrap me up Happy Halloween the vampire and the bus swishes his cape swishes his cape swishes his cape the vampire on the bus swishes his cape happy Halloween the witch on the bus brushes her broom brushes her broom brushes her broom the witch on the bus brushes her broom happy Halloween the cat on the bus goes [Music] the cat on the bus goes yum yum yum happy Halloween the ghost on the bus goes [Music] the ghost on the bus goes the monster on the bus says I'm not scary I'm not scary I'm not scary the monster on the bus says I'm not scary happy Halloween people on the Bus Say happy Halloween happy Halloween happy Halloween the people on the Bus Say happy Halloween happy Halloween [Music] one little two little three little baby boys four little five little six little baby boys seven little eight little nine little baby boys ten little baby boys thank you one little two little three little baby girls four little five little six little baby girls seven little eight little nine little baby girls ten little baby girls [Music] thank you one little two little three little babies four little five little six little babies seven little eight little nine little babies ten little babies [Music] thank you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you [Music] hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you hey you boo Peek-a-boo I see you make a wish dreams can come true just believe enough is all you do a fairy's kiss on your cheek at night happens when you wish upon the sunlight Stop Believing Magic dreams can come true just make a wish is what you do a fairy's kiss on your cheek at night happens when we wish upon the Stars tonight James can come true just believe enough [Music] um look here's the robot and Old Mac fitting the lbb buses with seat belts well done little baby bottom Old Mac [Music] The Wheels On The Bus [Music] The Wheels On The Bus [Music] the passengers strapped their seatbelts on seatbelts on say sit back song the passenger strapped my seatbelts on all through the town a little dog ran into the road [Music] the bus had to make an emergency stop emergency stop emergency stop the bus had to make an emergency stop all through the town the bus stopped in times [Music] the wheels on the bus go round again round again round Again The Wheels On The Bus [Music] one one lots of fun see an elephant eating a bun two two just for you watch two monkeys at the zoo three three can't you see you plus me and one is three four four knock the door four is three plus one more five five they fly and dive five bees flying around their hive six six blocks and Bricks stack up six for a very quick fix seven seven go to Devon cream and jam on scones is heaven hate hate try eight cakes yummy balance them all on each plates nine nine City skyline very top buildings in the sun they shine ten ten shall we sing again sing along with your nursery rhyme fence foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] very sweet [Music] very young swallow it down into your thumb [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes ma'am yes ma'am 300 grams very sweet very young swallow it down into your tongue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey I'm a monkey in a tree hey hey hey I'm a monkey in a tree [Music] eating bananas one two three [Music] I'm an elephant that comes I'm an elephant that comes [Music] baby baby laughing loud flying to the stars and clouds [Music] and clouds hey [Music] two four six eight ten ten little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only eight little ducks came back two four six eight eight little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only six little ducks came back two four six six little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only four little ducks came back two four four little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack but only two little ducks came back yeah two two little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quacks came swimming back [Music] mother duck went up one day over the hill and far away the sad mother duck said quack quack quack ten little ducks came back no I don't want to wear that I don't like it no I don't want to wear that it probably won't fit it's time to leave put on your hat here's your new coat no I don't want to wear that this new coats looks funny I like my old one more I want my old one back take this back to the storm the shiny bottoms glow and guess what else you're bigger you always grow foreign [Music] wow I look real swell oh it feels so nice and check this out a hood with strings that you can pull out I love my new coat ignition sequence started ten nine eight seven six five four three two one all engines running lift up we have lift off blasting left outer space we've just counted down climbing higher and higher swimming far from background here we go fast ten nine eight seven six five four three two [Music] here we go climbing far from the ground [Music] I can't sing [Music] what's your favorite color balloon mine has to be red I like to carry it around floating above my head what's your favorite color balloon mine happy blue I like to carry it around when I go to visit you what's your favorite color balloon mine has to be yellow I like to carry it around if you see me say no what's your favorite color balloon mine has to be green I like to carry it around I've seen what's your favorite color balloon mine to be purple I like to carry it around and show it to my turtle [Music] we've got our own magazine magazine magazine we've got our own Magazine made for you in the little baby bum activity magazine your little ones can discover shapes and patterns sing along with their favorite nursery rhymes count color in and stick oh put your hands up whip them around if he loves little baby bum put your hands up do it again it's time to have some fun Jump Around that's right it's time to have some fun spin spin come on spin around spin spin spin some more it's time to have some fun slap your hands together yes clap your hands one two three it's time to have some fun let's do it all again come on put your hands up whip them around if he loves little baby bum put your hands up do it again it's time to have some fun jump a pie jump around if he's a little baby bum [Music] one two three it's time to have some fun time for the little baby bum animal choir to rehearse for their next concert welcoming on stage bingo name the lion little kitten Daisy and pig Bubba with little bluebirds and Mia as the conductor again now backwards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now backwards for the last time [Music] [Applause] okay that was great so tuneful [Music] twinkle twinkle [Music] the ground [Music] twinkle twinkle [Music] little star shining brightly [Music] foreign [Music] shining brights the end of our eyes [Music] twinkle twinkle [Music] star shining brightly [Music] foreign [Music] got to stay still don't want to be found hiding such a thrill I'd better hide better don't want to be found a better hide better don't make a sound got to keep looking got to seek well I want to find her seeking so swell I found you you found me I found you you found me now you count from one to ten we'll play hide and seek again [Music] went to the playground he fell off the swing and started to cry his friends are gathered round [Music] when you fell off the swing but Jack did say he was okay and thank them for helping him ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Jack on marble Jack a marble went to the playground he fell off the swing and started to cry his friends are gathered round [Music] when you fell off the swing Jack didn't say he was okay and thank them for helping him [Music] you can't see me here I am one two three where have I gone when will I be back right here right now quack quack [Music] you can't see me here I am one two three [Music] where have I gone when will I be back right here right now snap snap [Music] you can't see me here I am one two three [Music] where have I gone when will I be back right here right now clap clap clap [Music] shark [Music] sister shark [Music] Brothers [Music] shark [Music] foreign [Music] thank you one two three four five once I got a fish alive six and seven eight nine ten then I let it go again why did you let it go because it bit my fingers [Music] thank you London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down London bridge is falling down my fair lady ha so can help to save the bridge save the bridge save the bridge who can help to save the bridge My Fair Lady [Music] today my friends they can help they can help they can help the nursery rhyme friends they can help my fair lady [Music] My Fair Lady thank you [Music] Doctor Foster went to Cluster in a shower of rain again [Music] Dr Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain he stepped in a power right up to his middle and everywhere again [Music] started today [Music] foreign [Music] where is sister where is sister here I am here I am peek-a-boo to you peek-a-boo to you you found me you found me [Music] where is baby where is baby there you are there you are peekaboo do you peek-a-boo to you I found you I found you [Music] let's count in tens all the way to 100. yeah ten twenty Thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 100 now repeat after me [Music] ten ten twenty twenty Thirty Thirty and forty forty fifty fifteen sixty sixty seventy seventy eighty eighty ninety ninety one hundred one hundred that was great you did so well okay let's get a little crazy and count backwards ready one hundred 90. 80. 70. 60. 50 40 30 20 10 well done [Music] think of all the many things with nine so let's sing about nine in this rhyme total of nine squares nine knots and Crosses right there [Music] nine nine a number so fine got to be your favorite member of mine think of all the many things with nine so let's sing about nine in this rhyme nine mushrooms yes and nine slices that's one it's for all our friends thanks foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] to wrap his Baby Bunting in [Music] [Music] thank you Bye Baby Bunting daddy's gonna hunting to wrap the Baby Bunting in to wrap his Baby Bunting in [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I love to share my teddy bear it's great to share with you I love to share with all my friends it's great to share it's true show someone you care and share share share [Music] peekaboo [Music] you and me me and you peekaboo peekaboo peekaboo [Music] peekaboo is what we do peekaboo [Music] peekaboo you and me me and you peekaboo peekaboo [Music] the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round [Music] colorful fish blow bubbles blow bubbles blow bubbles the colorful fish blow bubbles [Music] [Music] round and round [Applause] [Music] to [Music] to and through the core by the best ways [Music] Halo [Music] the turtle in the sea waves hello [Music] waves a dolphins for the bus they surf the waves driver on the bus says [Music] foreign [Music] things to grow they're plowing here and plowing their plowing here blowing they're plowing everywhere tractors tractors on a farm e-i-e-i-o [Music] now is [Music] thank you the wheels on Santa's sleigh go round and round round and round round and round the wheels and Santa say go round and round all night long [Music] [Music] what's inside [Music] shining really bright goes nice [Music] [Music] [Music] flying through the sky sent to cpss nearly there nearly there nearly there sent a cpss nearly there sometimes nearly there says Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Santa waves and says Merry Christmas [Music] thank you time for vegetables time for greens open up one two three try broccoli please oh well done what a good child you are time for vegetables time for greens open up one two three try some peace please [Music] that's right you're doing great time for vegetables time for greens open up one two three try some carrots please wow you're so grown up time for vegetables time for grains open up one two three try some cabbage please you've done so well now everyone clap your hands time for vegetables time for greens clap your hands one two three try broccoli please wow you're a superstar time for vegetables time for greens clap your hands one two three try some Peach please fantastic eating vegetables is so good for you time for vegetables time for greens clap your hands one two three try some carrot please amazing super well done to you time for vegetables time for greens clap your hands one two three try some cabbage please yay you're the best vegetable either an lvb lamb now [Music] here comes [Music] the yellow bus stop right here [Music] your horn foreign [Music] thank you can you count down from ten to one with me come on let's do it ten nine eight seven six five four three two one lift off we have lift up one Rocket taking off Zoom two rockets taking off Zoom three rockets taking off soon four rockets taking off soon five rockets taking off Zoom six Rockets ticking off soon seven Rockets rockets taking off soon nine Rockets ticking off soon then Rockets [Music] let's watch the Rockets Landing [Music] wow I love Rockets how about you [Music] one little duck says [Music] three little ducks four little ducks and five little ducks foreign [Music] everybody [Music] four little ducks and five little ducks [Music] foreign [Music] look at the colors of the planes what colors do you see I fear red fast plane I see an orange slow plane okay that's cool look at the colors of the planes what colors do you see I see a blue small plane I see a pink big plane wow how about this look at the colors of the planes what colors do you see I see a purple long plane I see a yellow short plane cool what about these look at the colors of the planes what colors do you see see you green Dotty plane I see a black shiny plane [Music] hey what color is this plane this one is a rainbow plane wow these planes are so colorful Christmas shark [Music] reindeer sharks reindeer shark shark [Music] presence shark [Music] Santa sharks Santa shark [Music] Jingle Bells Jingle Bells [Music] all wrapped up celebrate Christmas celebrate Christmas celebrate Christmas time Merry Christmas everyone thank you where oh where is my teddy bear I've looked over here and looked over there he's not here where could he be where are you Teddy Teddy I can't find him anywhere can you help me find my teddy bear look I found him I'm happy I love you my best friend Daddy where oh where is my teddy bear I've looked over here and looked over there he's not here where could he be where are you Teddy Teddy I can't find him anywhere can you help me find my teddy bear look I found him I'm happy I love you my best friend Daddy thank you [Music] let's make [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's make a snowman face [Music] he's so happy when it snows [Music] and stuff [Music] thank you foreign [Music] three little monsters jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head mother called the doctor and the doctor said no more jumping on the bed [Music] two little monsters jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head mother called the doctor and the doctor said no more jumping on the bed [Music] no more jumping on the bed foreign [Music] with twinkly lights it's time for sleep So Close Your Eyes [Music] underneath beneath the Moon [Music] my little one it's time for sleep So Close Your Eyes until sunrise now goes to sleep [Music] foreign [Music] so so with that fly in the forest a little fairy sings foreign [Music] [Music] little Moon shines down to four little fairy you don't make a sound [Music] please thank you and sorry thank you when you ask for something this is the time to say please [Music] and when you get to what you want you can say thank you good girl little Mia you knew what to do please thank you and sorry you do something wrong and you realize you made someone sad now you apologized by saying sorry I won't do it again I feel bad you feel sad I'm sorry my friend remember please thank you and sorry foreign [Music] we lost our mittens you poor little kittens please dry your eyes woof woof woof woof will help you we will try the three little puppies and the three little kittens hunted everywhere they searched over here and looked over there the mid tents were nowhere with you've lost your mittens don't worry kittens we'll find them we do swear meow meow meow the puppies really care three little puppies [Music] don't worry wow you found our mittens we're happy kittens then come to our house for tea let's all have some tea we're at a party the game will start soon everyone grab their own colorful balloon [Music] who's got the biggest balloon let's all see we have a witness one two three go come on let's have a race without balloons let the air out and watch them Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zooms went further who won the race stand a monster came in first place yep well done thank you gently down the stream [Music] is [Music] Row Row Your Boat gently down the streams [Music] but a dream [Music] gently down the streams [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] tidy tidy tidy up and tidy up some more tidy tidy tidy up take your toys up off the floor when things get messy g f g up G up collect up all your toys and tidy tidy up [Music] tidy tidy tidy up and tidy up some more tidy tidy tidy up take your toys up off the floor when things get messy G up G up G up collect up all your toys and tidy tidy up pick up your toys and put them in a box put them on the shelves put them in their proper place so tidy tidy tidy up and tidy up some more tidy tidy tidy up take your toys up off the floor [Music] foreign [Music] one little two little three little fishes four little five little six little fishes seven little eight little nine little fishes ten little fishes [Music] one little two little three little fishes four little five little six little fishes seven little eight little nine little fishes ten little fishes foreign [Music] here comes the lbb express train I wonder who's on board the nursery rhyme friends from Little Baby Bum let's play with them and have lots of fun hey there's William with his best friend Carl and Stan the monster who never snarled they're getting off the train that stopped on the track following behind his old man [Music] next up the monkey cult shooteroo she loves to hear the Train choo choo choo the sweets with the little kitten she lost and found a two pink knitts the nursery rhyme friends from Little Baby Bum let's play with them and have lots of fun yeah the nursery rhyme friends from Little Baby Bum let's play with them [Music] foreign [Music] wiggle around two little fingers two little fingers two little fingers say hello be a small bunny be a small bunny floppy ears [Music] three little fingers three little fingers three little fingers say hello [Music] four little fingers four little fingers four little fingers say hello b a little spider b a little spider make a web five little fingers five little fingers five little fingers say hello everyone wave through everyone the clap clap clap [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga here comes the train chugga chugga choo choo racing down the track chugga chugga chugga chugga hear the noise it makes chugga chugga choo choo Clickety clickity clock chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga choo choo train chugga chugga choo choo choo choo train chugga chugga chugga [Music] hear the whistles blow chugga chugga choo choo see the wheels turn chugga chugga chugga chugga the driver's having fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time for clap clap jump jump are you ready to jump one two three phones put your hands behind your back well done now let's try this faster get ready [Music] lamp clap clap jump jump touch your nose touch your shoulders touch your toes clap clap jump jump jump put your hands behind your back [Music] hi everyone today we're going to learn how to count to 20 in five different ways let's count to 20 in different ways let's count to 20 and ones okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty let's count to 20 in different ways let's count to twenty and twos okay two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen twenty let's count to 20 in different ways let's count to twenty and four okay four eight twelve sixteen twenty let's count to 20 in different ways let's count to 20 and fives okay five ten fifteen twenty let's count to twenty in different ways let's count to twenty and tens okay ten twenty wow counting intense was so fast let's try it one more time twenty [Music] one foreign two three foreign [Music] six seven [Music] eight nine ten eleven [Music] twelve thirteen [Music] fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thank you nineteen twenty [Music] going to the desert we're going to the desert we're off to the hunt Ryan sandy desert what will we see when we go there descendants cactuses and sand in our hair [Music] we'll go in a jeep and see animals [Music] hands and camels going to the desert we're going to the desert we're off to the hot drying sandy desert the temperature is 100 Fahrenheit although it's much cooler late at night rapper head scarves to protect yourself from the Sun and Sand for your health going to the desert we're going to the desert we're off to the haunt try and standing desert [Music] no no no I don't want to say thank you I don't have to no no no no I don't want to say thank you I don't have to [Music] I think you do it's rude if you don't say thank you no no no I don't want to say thank you I don't need to well if that's how it's going to be maybe this belongs to me but give this back to you if you can say thank you come now you know I'm right when you say thank you that's polite it's good manners to say thank you give it a try I know you want to Daddy I'll give it a go sorry I never said so thank you Daddy that felt nice thank you I said it twice [Music] no no no I don't want to use my spoon I don't like it foreign I don't [Music] like it you're bigger now and older soon you know how to use a spoon no no no I don't want to use my spoon please please use it no no I don't want it not the spoon I don't like it [Music] I want to eat it this way I don't want a spoon today hey now I've said before it's not nice to throw it on the floor [Music] just go and get red look it's your favorite color no here's the spoon come let's try it's better this way here is why her hands say clean your face does too and look bigger mouthfuls for you count the trains ridiculous and Mia [Music] one train [Music] two trains [Music] three trains four trains [Music] five trains foreign [Music] seven trains [Music] eight trains [Music] [Applause] Mine Train [Music] ten trains yay we love trains [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the house that Jack Built This Is The Malt that play in the house that Jack built [Music] that Jack built this is the dog that buried the cat that chased the rat that ate The Malt that lay in the house that Jack built this is the cow with the crumpled horn that scared the duck that worried the cat that chased the rat that ate The Malt that play in the house that Jack built this is the maiden offerlorn that built the cow with a crumpled horn that scared the dog that worried the cat that chased the rat that ate The Malt that play in the house that Jack built this is the man all Terror [Music] [Music] that scared the dog that were [Music] that Jack built foreign [Music] find you ready or not here I come I see you peekaboo ready or not here I come I'll find you I'll find you ready or not here I come I see you peekaboo found you all let's play again yeah [Music] one little two little three little fish is four little five little six little fishes seven little eight little nine little fishes ten little fishes ha one little two little three little fish is four little five little six little fishes seven little eight little nine little fishes ten little fishes [Music] one little two little three little fishes four little five little six little fishes seven little eight little nine little fishes ten little fishes [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] do the baby dance clap your hands do the baby dance stomp your feet do the baby dance Turn Around do the baby dance jump to the beat yeah [Music] thank you foreign do the baby dance clap your hands do the baby dance stomp your feet do the baby dance Turn Around do the baby dance jump to the beach come on [Music] [Applause] come on do the baby dance [Music] thank you to the baby dance clap your hands do the baby dance stomp your feet do the baby dance Turn Around do the baby dance jump to the beach yeah [Music] foreign sun in the sky is round and yellow round and yellow round and yellow the Sun in the sky is round and yellow come and say hello the cloud in the sky is Fluffy and white fluffy and white fluffy and white the cloud in the sky is Fluffy and white come and fly your kite bird in the sky is pretty and green pretty and green pretty and green the bird in the sky is pretty and green road where have you been the Sun in the sky is [Music] round and yellow come and say hello cloud in the sky is Fluffy and white fluffy and white fluffy and white a cloud in the sky is Fluffy and white come and fly your kite the bird in the sky is pretty and green pretty and green pretty and green the bird in the sky is pretty and green but where have you been [Music] I am learning to get dressed I'm learning what to do this is how I put on my jumper this is how I pull on my trousers this is how I pull up my gloves this is how I slip on my boots I am learning to get dressed I'm learning what to do this is how I put on my hat this is how I wrap around my scarf this is how I put on my coat this is how I stay warm when it's cold [Music] thank you rain rain go away come again another day daddy wants to play rain rain go away I want to play soccer rain rain go away come again another day Mommy wants to play rain rain go away I want to ride my bike [Music] rain rain go away come again another day sister wants to play rain rain go away I want to play hide and seek rain rain go away come again another day brother wants to play rain rain go away I want to play with the ball [Music] rain rain go away come again another day baby wants to play rain rain go away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wake up let's drive in the car seat belts let's drive in the car we can go any place that's close or far so many things to see won't you come with me guess where I'd like to be my car feeling free watching the world go by beep beep so come let's drive let's drive in the car seat belts [Music] that's close or far so many things to see don't you come with me
Channel: Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Moonbug Kids
Views: 317,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0 years old, 0-2 years old, Little baby bum, babies, baby, baby rhymes, baby songs, best kids songs, best nursery rhymes, boo boo song, children learning, children songs, education, kid songs, kids song, kids video songs, kindergarten songs, lbb, little baby bum, little baby bum nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, playground song, rhyme, rhymes for children, sing-along, sing-along songs, songs for children, toddler songs, yes yes playground, yes yes playground song, बेबी गाने
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 43sec (13483 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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