Vegeta's Ultra Ego Destroys Granolah in Dragon Ball Super Manga Fight!

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after Goku gets knocked out Vegeta steps up to fight granola Vegeta admits granola tactic of targeting Goku's weaknesses was smart granola wants to finish Goku but Vegeta tells him to back off stating Goku won't be getting up soon he declares himself granola new opponent meanwhile Goku is out cold on the ground granola says he doesn't care who dies first Vegeta laughs and says he'll send granola to the same place as his tribe granola gets angry and asks what Vegeta said Vegeta tells granola that if he's trying top out all SS he's not going down without a fight he warns granola that it's actually his own tribe the serri alians that will end up being wiped out then they start fighting and explosions shake up different parts of the city freaking out the people who live there Vegeta warns granola about being wary of any deceptive tactics involving clones or fusions granola reassures him claiming he's saving his energy by relying on cunning strategies with his primary objective being to defeat their boss Frieza Vegeta counters by stating his Allegiance has shifted as he used to Frieza but now stands against him granola reacts with disbelief laughing off Vegeta's assertion granola mocks Vegeta accusing him of planning to betray his boss and labeling Sans as pathetic oatmeal reminds granola that it's strange how another saan also denied being evil granola dismisses their claims believing they're just trying to save themselves Vegeta explains that he was just a kid when his planet was destroyed and had no part in it but granola doesn't care vowing revenge against all saans Vegeta nods knowingly thinking just as I thought then he questions himself why should I back down now with determination he Powers up into Super Saiyan blue evolved and says get ready I'm going to put an end to your people's history Vegeta charges up energy in both hands and slams it into the ground sending rocks flying everywhere they explode causing a massive blast that rattles the whole city filling the air with smoke granola appears behind him and says you're draining energy with your weak attacks let me show you the real power difference granola made a hand motion summoning a massive rock that exploded behind Vegeta hurling him towards it seizing the opportunity granola delivered a powerful punch to Vegeta's gut while he was off balance Vegeta got hit pretty hard and started bleeding a bit then he shot a blast at granola who dodged and flew up Vegeta followed him and tried to attack again but he kicked Vegeta sending him crashing into the water below and then he keeps on attacking moving forward while Vegeta tries to block his moves eventually granola throws him with both hands sending Vegeta flying Vegeta lands in the water and manages to Dodge granola blast he swims to shore changes Direction and narrowly escapes the blast granola gets ready to unleash a massive blast through the air he aims carefully and shoots a powerful energy blast straight at Vegeta Vegeta tries to push it away while underwater and manages to deflect it but then there's a big explosion in the water and Vegeta gets thrown out granola tells Vegeta they're stronger than he thought but he'll always be the strongest Vegeta admits granola is stronger but insists he'll still win and urges him to stop talking and start fighting next thing we we know Goku wakes up looking pretty beat up meanwhile Vegeta and granola are in the middle of a fight Goku spots them but they don't even notice him as they're too focused on their battle Vegeta's having a tough time and granola manages to kick him down Vegeta is throwing energy blasts at granola but granola is just swatting them away like flies then Vegeta goes for this massive attack but granola effortlessly deflects it too Vegeta thinks he's slick trying to sneak up behind granola but granola sees right through it and Strikes Back Vegeta manages to dodge but granola attack accidentally hits the city wrecking some buildings granola gets mad Vegeta steps up and basically tells him he's using his power all wrong and risks erasing his own memories if he keeps going like this he points out granola new Strength but lack of experience then Vegeta tries to throw a punch but granola blocks it granola kicks Vegeta saying the power Gap is massive and he should quit Vegeta elbows granola leg but granola counters with another kick sending Vegeta crashing to the ground granola keeps on attacking aiming for Vegeta's weak spots finally one of his blows lands right in Vegeta's stomach breaking his armor and causing him to bleed heavily from the mouth but despite the pain Vegeta starts laughing and says my happy place just the kind of thing to really get aan fired up in battle then Vegeta starts charging towards granola who gets really scared suddenly Vegeta starts glowing with a purple Aura and granola backs away in fear his energy can be seen from far away Goku notices that Vegeta's energy has completely changed like a weak Destroyer granola attacks Vegeta with blasts but they don't harm him after undergoing a transformation Vegeta emerges looking completely different his eyebrows are gone his hair and eyes are now purple and he's surrounded by a purple Aura he declares the God of destruction taught me that power comes purely from Instinct granola is stunned by Vegeta's sudden transformation and as Vegeta's purple Aura expands he hurls energy towards granola as granola attempts to evade and deflect Vegeta's energy Vegeta Swift intervenes seizing granola by the neck collar with a Stern warning Vegeta declares it's time for a lesson delivering a powerful headbutt followed by hurling granola by the collar as granola recovers and tries to ascend Vegeta surprises him from behind executing a double-handed throw granola regains his footing after falling but before he can react Vegeta swiftly mounts him delivering a powerful kick despite granola attempt to counter Vegeta evades and Strikes Again from behind with another forceful blow granola retaliates with a double-handed punch to Vegeta's stomach in a bid to turn the tide of the battle Vegeta stands firm informing granola that the more he's attacked the stronger he becomes with determination Vegeta seizes granola head swiftly spinning him to the ground sending him crashing into the city below just as granola is almost getting back on his feet Vegeta launches an attack striking granola with a kick that propels him deeper into the building wounded granola seeks Refuge behind the building's wall hoping to Shield himself from further Onslaught as granola observes Vegeta's Newfound strength he Muses to himself about how Vegeta seems like a completely different person noting that he appears to grow Stronger by absorbing damage curious granola questions Vegeta about the God of destruction to which Vegeta reveals the existence of such beings in their universe and acknowledges that he learned about this power from one of them startled granola Retreats and asks if Vegeta acquired this power from the God of destruction but Vegeta cryptically responds that the power is his own Vegeta explains that the power he's displaying has emerged for the first time time in their battle and innate strength within him granola realizes it's awakened because of him Vegeta acknowledges this and expresses gratitude granola angered insists that no power can surpass his own and launches an attack at Vegeta surprisingly Vegeta doesn't Dodge surviving the blast much to granola shock Vegeta laughs revealing that nothing energizes him more than damage granola relentlessly blasts Vegeta Landing every hit as Vegeta remains unmoved amidst the smoke from granola attacks Vegeta suddenly emerges attempting to strike granola but granola erects a shield just in time causing Vegeta's attack to miss as Vegeta's Shield sinks into the ground granola questions why he didn't dodge like his ally in response Vegeta acknowledges the reference to ultra Instinct Vegeta dismisses any comparison between his technique and Goku's explaining that Goku's body acts independently in his technique whereas vegetas is driven purely by his own ego he then identifies his form as Ultra ego a asserting his own distinct style and power Vegeta swiftly assumes an attacking stance advancing towards granola with Precision he Maneuvers past granola Shield delivering a double leg kick that catches granola off guard the powerful strike connects directly with granola face sending him crashing into nearby buildings granola feeling the sting of his injuries expresses disbelief at the fact that he's struggling against a saan of such low rank Vegeta intervenes clarifying that their home planet Vegeta was not destroyed by a meteor strike but rather by frieza's own hand as he was responsible for the destruction of Planet Vegeta granola is Thoroughly intrigued by Vegeta's Revelation Vegeta elaborates explaining how the Saiyan tribe has once again been pushed to the brink of Extinction by Frieza doubtful granola questions the truth of Vegeta's statement while odm interjects pointing out the contradiction to what granola had been previously told granola Rises to his feet declaring that even if the truth is revealed his Rage Against the Sans will not waver he launches another attack against Vegeta Vegeta refuses to retreat and withstands a direct punch to his face leaving granola bewildered asserting his resolve Vegeta warns granola that he won't show Mercy delivering a powerful kick that sends granola soaring through the air with agility aided by his scarf granola lands safely on top of a nearby building odm informs granola that the Sans might have been victims as well but granola remains unmoved insisting that it doesn't excuse the fact that Sans wiped out his people odil suggests that neither of them might have all the facts this angers granola who forcefully throws otom aside asserting his strength and independence by declaring himself the strongest and no longer in need of odile's assistance while adjusting his scarf granola descends from the building and confronts Vegeta who notices granola removed eyepiece and questions if the red eye signifies his race angrily granola retorts referencing Vegeta's earlier criticism about his power usage Vegeta confirms his previous comment suggesting granola lacks experience in battle granola acknowledges his in experience but vows to compensate by facing Vegeta charging up granola lifts a large building into the air and hurls it at Vegeta who effortlessly destroys it with one hand Vegeta questions granola intentions asking if he intends to destroy his own City granola lifts numerous buildings into the air hurling them all at Vegeta the structures crash down upon Vegeta but granola swiftly demolishes them with a hand sign resulting in a massive explosion emerging from the smoke Vegeta appears slightly injured he then removes his armor defiantly declaring his Readiness for whatever comes next meanwhile otam sounds the alarm signaling granola ship to approach and whisk him away from the scene the fight between Vegeta and granola intensifies as they exchange wild blows with Vegeta Landing a punch while granola counters with a kick Vegeta then utilizes a double-handed strike bringing granola down as Vegeta lies wounded clutching his bleeding stomach Vegeta laughs triumphantly declaring his increasing strength however in that moment a blast is unexpectedly launched From Below toward towards Vegeta Vegeta narrowly Dodges an attack from granola showing his skill in battle granola remarks on Vegeta's ability to dodge suggesting that he may have reached his limit in response Vegeta laughs attributing his prowess to seyan combat experience and their love for battle the scene shifts to Goku who is washing his face by the river as he observes the intensity of the battle between granola and Vegeta Goku remarks on granola heightened agility and then proceeds to heal himself in order to rejoin the fight in the midst of the battle granola relentlessly fires blasts at Vegeta who endures each attack head on suddenly Vegeta retaliates with a massive blast that sends granola flying backward shrouding the area in Thick Smoke as the Smoke Clears Vegeta starts to falter feeling the effects of his injuries and realizing he's taken considerable damage his vision blurring as a result as the smoke dissipates granola stands his ground preparing a powerful blast provoking Vegeta's anger determined to end the battle Vegeta charges forward creating a massive ball warning granola that it will obliterate everything it touches with the fate of the planet at stake Vegeta challenges granola to stop the attack himself as granola remains steadfast in his stance Vegeta observing granola bravery warns him of impending doom before launching a key ball at him as Vegeta closes in Granola activates his other eye turning it red which agitates Vegeta granola retaliates by unleashing a massive blast with both hands towards Vegeta's key ball the two blasts Collide in midair causing a tremendous mendous explosion that shakes the entire planet and blankets the area in Thick Smoke When the Smoke Clears Vegeta is shocked to find himself defeated pondering how granola managed to achieve such power just then granola approaches Vegeta with a smile and expresses gratitude towards him stating that Vegeta is the one responsible for awakening his latent power Vegeta is completely shocked by this Revelation then we see as a massive explosion rocks the city Vegeta plummets through the chaos barely evading a blast aimed at him he finds himself bombarded by multiple attacks from granola with each hit Vegeta's strength wains eventually causing him to crash to the ground with a grin granola remarks that his attacks no longer seem to invigorate Vegeta as granola launches numerous blasts at Vegeta forcing him to stagger back he swiftly moves behind Vegeta at high speed placing his foot on Vegeta's head in that moment Vegeta's Ultra ego dissipates reverting him to his base form granola declares his superiority proclaiming himself as the strongest in the universe and condemning the Sans to their inevitable demise just as granola is about to land a powerful punch Goku abruptly appears and delivers a mighty blow to granola in his Super Saiyan blue form the unexpected attack leaves both Vegeta and granola stunned as the force of Goku's punch sends granola flying backward suddenly Vegeta launches a surprise attack kicking Goku and sending him crashing into a water tank shocked Goku questions Vegeta's actions asking why he attacked angered Vegeta advances and grabs Goku by the collar asserting his dominance stating that Goku can't take over unless he allows it with another punch he sends Goku plunging into the water warning him not to interfere until he defeats his opponent Goku becomes frustrated and advises Vegeta to let go of his stubbornness Vegeta retorts explaining that he won't Retreat from the battle unless it's for the sake of protecting someone Goku expresses concern for Vegeta's safety asking if he's willing to sacrifice himself in response Vegeta defiantly states that he'd rather face death than Ally himself with Goku just as granola is about to strike Vegeta Goku intervenes using his Force to shove Vegeta away allowing him to dodge the attack Vegeta propelled by Goku's push crashes into a distant building and loses Consciousness granola expresses surprise at Goku's Swift reaction prompting Goku to reveal that he can now anticipate granola attacks by reading his vital points granola however laughs off Goku's assertion dismissing it as a bluff Goku and granola engage in combat with granola swiftly teleporting behind Goku using a speed Blitz Goku remains Vigilant carefully observing granola movements suddenly granola strikes Goku on the neck causing him to collapse and revert back to his base form with Goku incapacitated granola declares his intention to extract frieza's location from him in a single moment suddenly granola is blasted from behind by Goku who declares that the same move won't work on him again undeterred granola tries to strike Goku once more but Goku remains unfazed seizing granola hand and delivering a powerful punch sending granola flying backward granola comes to the realization that Goku is able to maneuver his vital points to avoid being harmed Goku explains that there's a tiny window between granola targeting their vital points and the subsequent attack despite being unable to entirely evade granola attacks Goku can mitigate the damage by shifting his vital points granola acknowledges Goku's defensive strategy but points out that without attacking Goku won't surpass him Goku agrees acknowledging that it poses a challenge then we see Vegeta having fallen into a building regains Consciousness and quickly dashes out only to find Goku and granola engaged in battle Goku attempts to punch granola but the blow proves ineffective prompting granola to retaliate with a kick that sends Goku tumbling to the ground reverting him to his base form in front of Vegeta Vegeta approaches Goku announcing his intention to take over the fight Goku questions Vegeta's insistence on facing the challenge alone to which Vegeta responds cryptically attributing it to Sayan Pride Goku expresses concerns about whether Vegeta will be able to defeat granola at that time however granola looks fatigued Vegeta assures Goku that granola Newfound power won't endure for long confidently stating that Victory will ultimately be his Goku concurs and urges Vegeta to stay alive with determination Vegeta takes flight towards granola ready to face him alone seeing Vegeta standing alone granola remarks on his tendency to fight alone commenting on the mystery of his mind suggesting there might be more to life than seeking seeking Vengeance against them however he ultimately acknowledges granola Grand Mission and declares his Readiness to fight with all his strength urging granola to have no regrets as they engage in battle Vegeta then charges up again surprises Goku as he transforms back into Ultra ego granola completely shocked questions how Vegeta still possesses such immense power Vegeta confidently asserts that his power knows no bounds and proceeds to launch an attack against granola Vegeta launches a blast at granola who swiftly flexs it with his hands but Vegeta follows up with a headbutt sending granola crashing onto the city's Shield as granola struggles on the shield Vegeta delivers a powerful kick shattering the shield and sending both of them plummeting into the city below granola frustrated suggest they relocate the fight but Vegeta taunts him pointing out granola supposed indifference despite the suggestion Vegeta throws a punch at granola who manages to block it granola retaliates with a punch warning Vegeta that it's not the place for their fight seizing an opportunity Vegeta bites granola arm eliciting a shout of pain despite this granola manages to knock Vegeta to the ground laughing Vegeta taunts granola claiming he can't use his rapid fire move in their current location while granola gets in close and assumes an attacking stance assuring that the city won't be harmed up close Vegeta is overcome with fear granola unleashes a Relentless barrage of blasts at close range with smoke engulfing the area as the Smoke Clears Vegeta is seen reverted to his base form unconscious exhausted granola collapses and sits down leaning against a nearby building as the glass of the building shatters granola Witnesses a mother holding her child tightly in fear instantly memories flood back to granola of his childhood when Sans ravaged his City leaving him terrified he vividly recalls running home to his mother seeking comfort and safety in her Embrace just as the mother and child are now the sight of the aliens wrapped similarly to how he once was fills granola with unease and concern as Vegeta approaches from behind he acknowledges granola grudge against Sans admitting it's welld deserved he offers himself up for granola to finish him off then and there however Vegeta warns granola that by seeking to exterminate the Sans he's merely perpetuating a cycle of violence he points out that the selens were never as Savage as to resort to such Extreme Measures in a fit of anger granola vents his frustration at Vegeta blaming the Sans for disrupting the once peaceful planet and vowing not to forget their actions with a forceful shove granola sends Vegeta tumbling out of the protective shield surrounding the city causing him to crash to the ground approaching Vegeta granola declares his unwavering determination to end the San's life summoning all of his strength to ensure Vegeta's demise as he charges a powerful energy ball granola expresses his burning desire for revenge against Frieza acknowledging that their confrontation will have to wait until they both meet their end in Hell Vegeta reflects inwardly admitting his shortcomings and apologizing to Lord beerus he acknowledges his inability to revert to his former callous and unfeeling self recognizing that the power of a God of destruction surpasses his current capabilities as a novice Vegeta defiantly accepts his fate refusing to back down from granola blasts while Goku observes anxiously fearing for both their lives suddenly a spaceship catches Goku's attention and he wonders about its identity looking down from the spaceship Mito notices Goku surprising him m then asks otam if the figure granola was battling is the same one they encountered OT confirms mentioning there was another with him as granola energy blast grows immense matato observes it from the spaceship above and remarks that granola is down there Goku attempts to approach the energy blast but its intensity repels him granola addresses Vegeta expressing their shared fate yet Vegeta remains steadfast just as manado opens the spaceship from above and intervenes telling granola to cease his actions Goku V V and granola all turn their attention to the spaceship while granola focuses on manado Goku seizes the opportunity to shove granola with his shoulder causing the attack to be deflected granola tumbles to the side and Goku admonishes both him and Vegeta who Simply Smiles in response manado exits the spaceship leaving Goku and Vegeta puzzled by the presence of a nean granola confronts manado questioning why he intervened and interrupting the ongoing conflict frustrated granola expressed expresses his desire for the ordeal to come to an end shoting that he simply wants it all to be over manado confesses to granola that he had deceived him admitting that the premise of seeking Vengeance against a saan was based on a lie granola becomes concerned upon hearing this Revelation and requests further explanation expressing his confusion and desire to understand the truth manado reveals that 40 years ago it was actually a saan named Bardock who saved them both Goku and Vegeta listen intently while granola is completely shocked by this revelation this marks the end of the Vegeta versus granola fight if you enjoyed the video remember to share your thoughts in the comments section and subscribe to the channel for more content like this in the future
Views: 3,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegeta, granolah, vegeta vs Granolah, ultra ego, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball super manga, vegeta vs Granolah manga, vegeta ultra ego vs Granolah, ultra ego manga, vegeta vs Granolah manga fight, vegeta vs Granolah full fight, vegeta ultra ego vs goku Ultrainstinct, vegeta vs goku, vegeta vs gohan, granolah vs goku, granolah arc, vegeta vs gas, black Frieza, beast Gohan, goku Ultrainstinct, goku vs gohan, dbs manga, dbs chapter103, db 103
Id: Kx9LH9SFe9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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