Vegas Ten: The TEN BEST Italian Restaurants In Las Vegas

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one hello friends and welcome to the Vegas ten great to be with you I'm Dave Farra flanked by Jason Mahoney and Matt Brown and as usual we've got some of the things that are happening around Las Vegas as well as ten of the best Italian restaurants at our humble opinions in the entire city that we'll get into but Matt let's give people first some updates on what's happening in Las Vegas because we still as we sit here and record this and do it live as well we are open and Phase two is still happening but it appears that we are a ways off from from Phase three but as we talked about these past few weeks that means that a bunch of stuff is still currently open it's just not everything in the city is wide open at this point yeah definitely and that said you buried the lead here this is going to be episode 5 is going to be the last episode guys that I have a mullet I went ahead and made a formal haircut appointment I don't know if you guys have done that yet I went ahead made a formal haircut appointment this is the last mullet episode that there that there's going to be it's coming off Dave people can't even see the mullet without you turning around and get there it is there she look at that thing that's beautiful girl look at thanks God John you're getting close to tough real mullet status it's got a crest beneath a normal hairline on the neck for it to be a full-on like Joe Dirt style mullet and you're right there man you're right there I know things are getting back to normal so I figured it's about time for me to get back to normal as well so for the first time since February I will get in a I'll get in a barber chair and let them go to town on whatever your monstrosity I created by taking a beard trimmer and just like rubbing it down the side of my head on each side so we'll see what happens we'll see what happens we'll see what comes out of there yeah look we're still in phase 2 guys unfortunately with everything that's gone on that's gonna put us in a 1.2 billion with a B shortfall when it comes to the budget that is very unfortunate for us here in the state there are going to have to be some cuts that are going to be made unfortunately but it's the only way that we can get even somewhat close to where we thought we were going to be and so you know this is not a shock I don't think to anybody that was kind following this and anybody that knows how we make money in this state and if the casinos are going to be shut down for a couple of months and even now operating at you know reduced capacity some still haven't even opened yet things that are going on with all that that this was just kind of inevitable here but yeah it's going to be a it's gonna be a rough time here for at least in the in the short term for a lot of the properties up and down the strip yeah I mean it's it's it's kind of to be expected right I mean it's it's something that every state's gonna have to deal with and the hope here is that obviously the more businesses are able to open up more people are able to come to town Matt we just got word this week that the g2e which is a big convention of the global gaming expo that was gonna be here in October has officially been cancelled now so that's not moving forward so the idea is you know hopefully we bring some of these numbers down and big things like conventions as well as things like the NHL there were a lot of talk to Vegas maybe one of those hub cities is some of the cases started to creep up it looks like those are gonna be going up to Canada so you know it's just we everyone's trying to do their part while keeping things open and it's definitely been a struggle to a degree however the the masks seem to be something that's very common and readily used at all the casinos we went out as we mentioned on the show last week down to one of the properties on the strip and they're doing temperature checks as you walk in and everyone's wearing their masks and it's still safe and fun and we're seeing a direct reflection of that Mahoney that wearing the masks does work to suppress new cases as well as the the infection rate and we want to keep that low as well and make sure that the Vegas doesn't become one of those hotspots it's one of the easiest things that we can do and I like you know Matt and I we had dinner this last week at a local sushi restaurant a place called hanami that really really solid sushi there and one of the things that I really liked all the tables were spaced out accordingly there weren't people on top of each other there they they kept the they kept the waiting outside if when there was a wait and everybody who went in they were not seated or served unless they were wearing a mess so you know from my experience in the process remember yeah oh yeah they tempered as well yeah I stopped by master Kim's BBQ earlier on in the week as well another place without them they wouldn't seat you all the waiting was done outside and they ran a temperature check before you went into the restaurant as well so I mean you see a lot of these restaurants that are taking the precautions and that does give me hope and that does make give me a you know I don't know if it's a false sense of security but it makes me feel better about you know being able to help you know help help push the economy forward and get some delicious food at the same time look if you're coming to town you gotta wear a mask it's mandated right I mean like shelters to it you've probably seen the video making the rounds around the internet about these people who are coming here and purposely not wearing the masks to see how quickly they can get kicked out of the casinos well guess what they're gonna kick you out they're gonna kick you out fast because it is somewhere in there now you've messed around with here yeah and so if ya become here yeah it's like so cool all 13 of your followers like watched it happen live so I want to say hello to Stacey and to Ryan oh that are joining us there they're hopping in here we're gonna dive into these restaurants that we think are really spectacular Italian restaurants here in Las Vegas in just a moment but Matt one other thing that we should talk about is it's a big merger and it's been talked about actually before everything started here with with you know that the kovat 19 pandemic and everything but looks like seizures and eldorado still going to merge and that does potentially mean some changes here in Las Vegas yeah I mean literally right before we went on air right here the the Gaming Commission got together the the Gaming Control Board and approved the merger here in Nevada so Caesars and El Dorado and this is actually something you might not have been if you don't follow kind of the gaming industry El Dorado is actually the one that is acquiring Caesars and not the other way around I know that you everybody knows the Caesars brand not necessarily so much the El Dorado brand El Dorado is the ones going to be acquiring Caesars in this it was approved also as part of that was going to be William Hill taking over all of the Caesar sports books as well that's 11 of those up and down the the properties here in Vegas and again if you're not familiar with it I mean obviously Caesars Palace but we're talking Bally's we're talking Paris we're talking Harrah's we're talking Rio so I mean there are a lot and yeah exactly mm-hmm down here the Cromwell as well as another property there so I mean all of these are going to be now under one umbrella with the merger here in that I mean seventeen billion dollar merger is what is going on with all that so a huge huge but as you mentioned some changes as part of that they just got too many properties now is basically when it comes down to so they said on the call that at least one of the properties on the strip that they're gonna sell within the first 12 months maybe another one maybe a second one but definitely at least one so there will be at least a sale here somewhere along the lines with one of those properties that we just mentioned it does seem like a bad time to be selling a casino maybe that's just me but it does seem like a be listing a casino for sale but they're they're obviously smarter people than I am so we'll see any or any other gaming companies gonna be taking odds on which which property gets sold because I wouldn't mind throwing some some money of that I mean we're all looking for things to bet on right now sports action go for sure no problem well they're gonna reign in the Flamingo a different bird a blue hair so I don't know don't legal alright so one of the things we're going to be doing in the in the near future including on today's episode of the Vegas ten is running down tenth like ten great things about any particular subset so whether that's ten great golf courses or ten like specific restaurants like steak houses whatever it may be nightclubs spas all that stuff there's tons of things when you're thinking about coming to Las Vegas that you probably want to consider if you go well I do want to go golfing and I do want to get a massage and I do want to go eat at a sushi restaurant we're gonna try to help to just make those really consumable things so that way maybe if you're a local and you want to share with people that are coming to town because you know that they would enjoy those things or if you are in fact coming from out of town you go hey this is what I want to focus on when I want to make my run into Las Vegas will have those for you so today's episode of the Vegas ten features ten great Italian spots in Las Vegas that you could enjoy and in no particular order right these are all ten restaurants that we're confident if you go to these Italian restaurants you're gonna find yourself walking out satisfied but there is a lot of difference to these Italian restaurants yeah yeah the Foundation and Italian food we all know that but the atmospheres are very different in a lot of them and the the the sort of event that you would go there for I think is also different Matt in the sense that if you want a romantic date night that's a lot different than if you're in Las Vegas with five of your buddies and you want to go rip it up so we have a little bit of something for everyone in this installment of the Vegas tens we look at ten great Italian restaurants yeah one of the things we tried to do certainly some people are coming to the strip and we wanted to get some strip ones on there some of these people maybe maybe you're a Vegas regular and you've been here ten different times well what we wanted to do as well as maybe throw a few out there that you might have overlooked because they're not at one of the big casino properties or they're a little bit off of the strip and maybe you want to make that trip because hey you've been here ten different times you've tried some of these other restaurants that we're going to talk about on this list and you want to try something new so we did that trying to give you as robust a list here and hey even if you're not staying on the strip if you're staying up in Summerlin we even got something for you there as well before we could go and just want to say hello to Robert and Elaine and Jason that are all watching and then Trev it a question over on Twitter said well you guys post the full list in text on Facebook after the live stream in case we missed part of it and I think absolutely that's something that we'll do even have a couple of honorable mention ones that didn't quite make the the ten best in our opinion but they're right there on the cuff so yeah absolutely for the for the top ten that is very easy for us to do we will be happy to do it so let's start here with with number one on the list of the ten I'll start with panobinostat Anna Beno is a place that's actually right by the airport and it sits just off Las Vegas Boulevard on sunset but it's it's a spot that's been around here in las vegas for a long time and what i really like as you can see there in the bottom left corner of your screen you can see that paint Aveeno actually won an award for the top italian restaurant in 2014 they've been around here in las vegas and been a feature and a staple for a very long time and the thing that I like about pentomino is is that it's great for a romantic date night but it's also really nice as a good lunch spot so if you want Italian food but you don't want the really heavy Italian food it's one of those places where the the plates are carefully and thoughtfully prepared it's convenient if you're staying on the strip it's got a cool view or you see Mandalay Bay and all that kind of framed in but then you also get some of the airport action so there's planes coming and going it's right there literally cross sunset from the airport itself pretty convenient no matter where you're staying on on the strip if that's the case also easy access if you're coming from one side of town or the other panel you know again been around for a really long time I've never had a bad experience there and as you see it's not it's not cheap but it's also not crazy expensive so you know that the ravioli for cheese the lasagna 29 bucks 28 bucks so these are the sort of there's a sort of place for you killing and if you have you know two people you're on a date you'll easily spend north of a hundred dollars but at the same time especially if you're having a couple of drinks but at the same time it is quality restaurant that I've always enjoyed every time that I've gone there honey this is a consensus yeah this is a consensus across the board for us here I mean this was one of the ones we all voted on and you know as they've mentioned I think it's probably good for nice little romantic evening and it's a good spot as well to take someone if you bit like we're talking about come to Vegas you've been here ten times this is a hidden gym well that and the airport V news you get everything that goes along with that the prices I would say are cheaper than what you are gonna find in most of the high-end you know or at least the equivalent of the high-end restaurants that you're gonna find on the strip not cheap but super II like I said it's not gonna completely break the bank when it comes to that and like like Dave you mentioned this place has been around for a very long time you knew this was a going to be a special night if you ended up here for a date so number two is bootlegger and bootlegger is a very different vibe from what you're going to find as you can see their website actually looks like it was made in 1984 but that's because it really is like an old-school family-run type of place and this is on the very south into the strip so if you're familiar where the South outlet malls are on Las Vegas Boulevard which is south even of town square which is south of Mandalay Bay all that stuff it's still accessible and only a couple of miles away but you kind of feel like you're getting down there on South Las Vegas Boulevard before you get the place will you walk in there kind of almost rude to you and that's part of the charm of it you know it's not like you pay novena where you know there's gonna be some guy in a three-piece suit waiting to guide you to your table it's like like how many a party what do you want you know it's like they're kind of grumpy it's kind of got a dingy like older Italian vibe like you'd see in a movie where like there's some gangsters sitting there eating a huge plate of spaghetti by himself they have performers on a regular basis that play all the stuff that you'd expect Rhino man actually said bootleggers on our list - it's not the overly fancy place they you know they have a big gaming bar in there as well it's got a vibe to it though and that's why it made the list for me bootleggers is a fun place to go because of the atmosphere Matt yeah I mean this is completely different from a lot of the places that are going to be on this list and that's why we actually really loved putting it on the list here another consensus across the board here all three of us voted for this one been there multiple times and whenever you take a look at the bootleggers whatever you walk in if you've never been before you're gonna say what are these guys talking about like what is going on here trust me it will you will learn to love what bootleggers brings to the table I mean it is definitely not walking into some of these other restaurants we're gonna talk about on this list here but you will grow to love what you get out of bootleggers and again it's another one of those old-school places that's been here for a long time Oney well yeah you're right it's been it's been a Las Vegas local secret and you know I wouldn't say a well-kept secret but it's definitely been a locals go-to for many for many many years for many reasons - as David mentioned they have got the gaming bar in there and along with the gaming bar comes 24-hour service and that is a key essential part of the bootleggers business and which I've always loved I mean when you are looking to eat something that's good that's not fast food that's not like you know a complete dive the bootlegger has been the place to go to on you know right off the Las Vegas Strip it's just five minutes south of Mandalay Bay not even if you are uh you know if you make all the lights and the other key part about the bootleggers that's great if you are a Las Vegas local is that they are available on post mates and they're also of a blonde or - and they do a really good job of packaging up their food and transporting it well there's some Italian places that just don't have that their food just doesn't hold up with delivery and the bootlegger is one of them when it comes to how they package and how they get your food delivered to you that they know it's gonna still be quality when you get it you know twenty or thirty minutes later and Dave's you and I are suckers for live music so you know any any time you can you can add live music to an atmosphere you can pretty much count me in yeah I mean it really especially if you're sitting there and kind of like if we talked about a dingy Italian place and there's some guy thats singing Sinatra it really just kind of brings it home totally shifting gears again again you know as we run down ten of the best Italian restaurants in Las Vegas these are kind of all over the place and by design right and if you guys have some in chat that you want to share with us as we're going along happy to look at those as well but this one over at the Palms you know closed at this moment right now while we're doing this this is Vetri Cucina and so this was inspired by a restaurant that was a huge hit in southern Philly and then they made the move to Las Vegas the thing about this place is this is out of all the Italian restaurants that we have the one that has the most impressive wow factor of all of them so the reason why I say that is the food is really unique and when I say that I say the unique in the sense that I looked at the menu the first time I went in there and I'm like what in the hell is all of this now I don't even know how to pronounce it much less what it is so we asked for a couple of recommendations they brought out this charcuterie board that had a whole bunch of stuff on it everything is delicious but it is very different from your traditional Italian menu but what really makes this place special if you want to come to Las Vegas and wow the person that you're with or the group that you're with because it's really good for groups as well it's on the 56th floor of the Palms and it has got a spectacular view of the entire strip Matt so when you walk in from that first moment it is a great view it feels fancy but it's not crazy expensive but just know that when you walk in the menus probably gonna look strange to you but my experience is several times I've been there I've thought everything has been great now absolutely protip the bread is amazing there I'm a bread dude so you here we talk about bread a couple of different times on on here love the bread there and secondly do whenever you make your reservation tell them that you would like to request a table close to the window because there are tables that Dave if you remember the first time you and I went we kind of drew the short end of the straw we made last-minute reservations we weren't sure where we were going to go eat that night and we ended up at a table kind of in the middle of the restaurant don't get me wrong food fantastic you can still see some things at distance but whenever you're at one of those tables right next to the window you can see the entire Las Vegas Valley and in Mahoney that's where the wow factor really does come in yeah I mean in the ambiance there and I feel like it wouldn't we do see the palms reopen the palm says you know the billion dollars are close to the billion dollars the 800 million dollars that they pumped into that thing with the renovation over the last few years has really turned the Palms into an amazing casino I mean a you know Red Rock as for locals or Green Valley Ranch were usually considered the the two best in Las Vegas but I would say the palms with their the the renovation and the addition of all the amazing restaurants including this one really has stepped up their game and I for one am looking forward to it opening and when you get up that high in the in the log Vegas Valley and you're able to look out across from it even a you know with all the lights at night it really does set a mood and makes the food taste that much better so there is number three on to number four here this is Capo's and it's off the strip and if you're not familiar with with Capo's I mean it's it's been a staple in Las Vegas for a long time and it's actually in an old building that Believe It or Not used to be a Hooters on Sahara Boulevard many years ago era and so when you think of that you're like well that sounds like it sucks it doesn't so it's it's totally different from that vibe and it's it's the one true speakeasy restaurant that I've been to where you walk in and it looks like you walk into a coke closet and then you pick up a phone and they go what do you want you're like I want to eat food and then they you know you see a little thing open and then the whole wall opens up and it really is a cool experience when you go in there it's got such an authentic like gangster vibe to it it's it's really a unique experience mat that I would recommend at least trying out once but you know if you're staying down on this trip you're talking about probably a 15 to 20 minute drive or so but as you see like it's all the dark Reds in there they've got the kind of grumpy bartender they've got a bunch of pictures of the gangsters hanging on the wall same thing they'll have live music but it really does have like an underground club type of vibe which is my favorite part of Kapos and if you protip here maybe you're going on a first date and it is a girl that or a girl or a guy that you don't find particularly attractive this is definitely where you want to go because it is dark as hell in there I mean it is very very dark in in this restaurant I mean legitimately guys like make sure your phone is charged you're gonna need your to light up the menu and things like that but yeah just give you their little little lights with there's a life because it's a girl like you to see because it's that dark but yeah it's nothing it's just another one of things another day I think you mentioned but I mean it's a very short Hoover ride I mean like it's it's not it's off the strip but it's not necessarily an inconvenient or if you're Gulliver ride yeah yeah exactly like you're going back to the strip for a night out then it's not a big deal to how money you'll save on drinks there alone is worth the the price of admission love love the place and they have on if you go on like a Friday or a Saturday night always some interesting entertainment I wouldn't say it's the the best in the city but it's certainly some of the most interesting performers that you will see a lot of Frank Sinatra and person a ders or cover artists who fancy themselves to be you know one of the old Rat Pack guys who love to perform in there and I've seen it all you're exactly right Mahoney it's kind of like every time that I've been there you're like this guy can sing well and he's entertaining but I'm fairly certain he's half [ __ ] right now I mean he's fairly drunk as Stacey mentioned over on Facebook sometimes I'll have a magician that's in there as well lots of charm very you know I have it I have seen a matin III had blocked that out I had a magician inside of CAPA it's been a hot minute since I've seen a you know some dinner magic happening but yes I think two times ago when we were at Capo's we did and the the pro tip if you are going to start off your evening there if you you notice the bust a cap the mushroom cap stuff with Italian ham black alves roasted bell peppers Oscar Packers one of the best appetizers you can have it in a Italian restaurant and it really kicks the night off there but I've yet to have a bad meal there pastas always really good prices are very reasonable too you know I would say out of all the restaurants on our list today this and maybe bootleggers are probably the two most reasonable on the list well I'm gonna challenge you on that because this next one coming in at number five is Batista's hole-in-the-wall so the thing about Batista is where you're gonna save a mint is that and get this I'm not exaggerating all the free wine that you can drink now granted it's not going to be the fanciest bottles that you would ever get in fact they just bring it over in crafts and they set it on your table but if you're if you're the sort of guy that that likes to an or gal that likes to sit down and have one or two or three bottles in a meal you know it adds up really quickly Batista's will come by and the it's it's not fancy then you know they bring you a salad in the plastic bowl and then they bring you these crafts of wine sometimes get spilled all over the table but the the main dishes you know they'll set you back around that twenty-five to thirty five dollar mark but we consider that you're getting all of your wine for free and you can choose between red or white or they'll bring you one of each if you want to it really is a special place and they've got all the pictures of the celebrities on the wall that have been in there and you see all kinds of recognizable everyone from David Hasselhoff to Tom Cruise or just a couple off the top of my head and I don't know if he's still there for sure cuz it's been a little while since that last one but there's a dude that has been 95 years old for the past 15 years that will come by your table with his accordion there he is and they'll be there and they'll be like where are you from and you'll tell him where you're from and he starts singing a little song and he's he's only about four feet tall and he is just a delight and what I really love about him if you give him a good tip he'll come back by your table and pretend like he doesn't remember you he'll be like where you from I'll write you singing the exact same song for you again and either he's messing with you or he just wants another five or $10 tip whatever you hooked him up with Batista's right off the strip so if you're at the intersection of Las Vegas Las Vegas Boulevard and flamingo and you go just one klick East it's right there on the left hand side it's where you would go if you're going to park your car get dropped off by an uber over at the the link in the high-roller so it's walking distance or it's super convenient - to the strip and Batista's matt has some of the most character of any Italian restaurant I would venture to say in the entire country yeah and this is definitely one of those if you're going with a group that's where you're gonna have a really good time so we wanted to include this one again another one that was across the board here for us if you're going with a bigger group if you're with ten of your buddies or something like that I would HIGHLY highly recommend Batista the food is good the free wine is flowing you have the accordion guy the atmosphere in there doesn't make you feel weird or anything like that if you're the type that wants to kind of take it a little bit more casually because you're not really going out to the nightclub or whatever it might be later that night so that's where this really fits in on the list Mahoney and again it's it's like yeah you can use the things that you can do in Vegas here we're gonna have everything that's gonna run you five hundred dollars you know a bill minimum and then something like Batista's where literally you get out of there for less than a hundred bucks yeah I mean if you look at the menu that we've got up on the screen right now I mean the fact that they've got old you know there's like four price points for the entire menu for all the the the entrees and you see that comes with the salad or the soup that garlic bread the the the the free house wine and I mean and that starts at $25 for a all-in meal per person so I mean theoretically two people can get out of there for under $70 and in Las Vegas down literally like you know a stone's throw from the strip it's hard to beat and as you said yes the the ambiance and the the food hard to beat and you won't you'll be hard-pressed to find any other place like that here in in the United States so just to give you one further indoor on how much I like Batista's when my wife and I were getting married and we had a whole bunch of people coming in to town for it and we had our rehearsal dinner we actually did a patty stirs just because it's a nice laid-back place it's fun for everyone there were some kids that were there we didn't want to bring you know kids into a super fancy place and make the parents uncomfortable but you can be loud and everyone's drinking and having a great time and it's not something where you feel out of place even if you roll in there in you know you're shorter I think that might be right well anyway that's the lounge area where you sit tab drinks so we definitely sat there but the the main part happened the move over but if you're petits is a is a great place now onto uh number six here Matt Carbone over at Aria and I'll let you take the lead here because this is one of your favorite spots yeah now this is on the opposite end of things it's going to cost you a pretty penny over at Carbone at Aria but what am I in my opinion one of the best restaurants in of any sort and all of Las Vegas here you're gonna want to get the veal parm you're gonna want to get the spicy rigatoni that is where it is at if you take a look there it is right there there's that veal parm would that bone still on it right there it is a big big piece of meat so you can get that spicy rigatoni share it between two people you'll be good to go they bring you a bread basket and with that bread basket they also bring you some meats and some cheeses to go along with that as well that is free of charge at the end of your meal they bring you a shot of limoncello just all the little things like that that make you feel like you're getting extra stuff you're paying for it it's built into the price but still makes you feel like you're getting some extra stuff as well a great extensive wine list there and again right there at the Aria so you are Center strip in the heart of everything so if you've got show plans or whatever you're going to the club or whatever it might be later on that night you're literally right there center strip can make easy access to any place that you need to get to Carbone real Roe real high up on my list and one of the things too for the the alcohol aficionados if you're in Las Vegas and you're looking to have yourself a unique you know alcohol experience there rum carts one of the best rum carts in the world they have some really really really high and rum that they they offer up and if you're looking to you know I mean rum is quickly becoming one of the new hottest spirits even though it's been around for a thousand years but in recent years the craft rum has become very very big and very very popular in Carbone is embracing that with a with a rum card so one thing that is worth mentioning about Carbone is that mathieu mentioned that it is a definitely a higher in place but because of that the the portions aren't ridiculous right I mean some people really want like huge portions but for me especially if I'm going out on say a date night the last thing I want is to feel totally bogged down because I've eaten just this pile of lasagna you still get robust portions but because it's so flavorful you it's not the sort of thing where you're just trying to shovel as much of it in your mouth as possible you're eating probably less which it makes for a more pleasant after-dinner experience as well but definitely one that's going to cost you a little bit more money a higher-end one moving on to other steps yeah go to the website note there are no prices on there that is usually that is usually an indicator that's gonna be yeah it's gonna be a pricey night but well worth it because they are super highly rated and the food there and the services is really really hard to beat alright Matt if you want to run on this one as well coming in at number seven on the ten best restaurants I listed Mahony's this was this was his this was his lone wolf right here yes another classic here in Las Vegas yeah Piero's is a Las Vegas institution if you were talking about you know where all the old-school movers and shakers and everybody all the judges and all the lawyers and everybody who you know the old-school gangsters used to eat and you're still looking for you know some of the old-school Las Vegas entertainment pierrots is the place I mean it's it's not food that's going to you know surprise you it's it's certainly everything is there is amazing but it is your classic Italian high-end Italian restaurant the ambiance is absolutely amazing the service is phenomenal and you know the the performers that they have inside of the Piero's are always some of the best in the world so you know Pia Zadora had like a mini residency there for for many many years she's friends of the owners and perform there constantly and the Piero's is just like I said one of the absolute classic Italian Las Vegas places so if you're looking for maybe if you have a like a late night business meeting and you don't want to do it on the strip or maybe if you don't want to be around a bunch of tourists Piero is definitely the place to go check out another Las Vegas hidden gym there and spin doesn't say right I mean it's it's something that like you said has been around forever and when a restaurant has made it for almost 40 years anywhere that's a real testament to how good they're especially when it's right off Las Vegas Boulevard and all of the constant competition that's rolling into town they still managed to survive so take that for what it's worth they've been here for almost 40 years for a reason Matt going with that yeah that's what I was going with that Davis is again another one of these the you know quote unquote off the strip but literally block off the strip it's Convention Center in Paradise right there so I mean you're you you it this is not even a new variety if you're if you want to walk it you could walk it yep all right on number eight here this is much different than Piero's and the exact opposite of what you would find in say Kappos this is lava at Palazzo and so when you think of lava the plot so you might get isn't that a club yes is it also a restaurant yes in fact it's an Italian restaurant and the food is really quite delicious if you go here for for dinner though it legitimately will just eventually turn into a raging party where sometimes people are dancing on the tables they actually have a pretty a pretty kick-ass brunch as well that's become popular over the years here in Las Vegas - I'm sorry I mean you can go there earlier in the day but as you can see I mean it's a lot of the things that you would expect the the calamari as you see there the spaghetti and meatballs the the the garlic bread the salmon obvious a great wine selection but this place full-on turns into a high-end club as the night goes along so lava at Palazzo again very different from some of the other ones that we've mentioned and it's got a vibe to it but same theme as we were talking about earlier if you're coming in with a big group and your idea is to rage here in Las Vegas then Lavo might be a pretty good choice for you yeah exactly why we wanted to put this on the list here because this just shows kind of the diversity that you can get in Vegas especially we're talking about different Italian restaurants I mean everything from from the the super chief that we're talking about all the way up to this where literally if you want to make the whole entire night right at the same place you can absolutely do that you can eat dinner hang out and then you're you can get a table at the club and the other thing here guys a pro tip the chocolate cake also I have a sweet tooth the chocolate cake is about this friggin big it is like literally like 50 layers or something it's unbelievable look at that look at that damn thing I mean like seriously get a piece of that whenever you go I mean it's absurd how big the piece of chocolate cake is but it is phenomenal as well and again just mony it's what Vegas does right I mean we have everything from the Bateses hole in the walls that we were talking about to right here we're talking about Lavo where literally it turns into a nightclub as the evening progresses yeah I mean who knew that it was you know basically a five-star restaurant for the first Lavo has been around Las Vegas for you know I mean years and years I mean ten plus years now at this point as far but I didn't I I want to say is when it first opened I had no clue that it was in fact a an amazing restaurant as well and I think that some people may just initially associate it with the fact that it is turns into such a hot spot later on at night but their food there absolutely amazing and as you said the pro tip definitely go do the brunches there the bloody marys are to die for yeah good patio as well alright so on to number nine and this one is in Summerlin so for those of you that are watching this that are from out of town Summerlin is on the west side of town so that's know near Red Rock Canyon as well as Red Rock Casino all that stuff but this is right there by a little south of Tivoli Village it's at the intersection of Charleston right where it changes into rampart and north Italia is probably as we sit right now today my favorite Italian restaurant in Las Vegas that's not down on the strip so north Italia is a phenomenal restaurant that has nice open air so basically one entire wall just opens up to the to the patio outside and so you get like a nice breeze going through there especially with everything that's going on right now it's kind of like an indoor/outdoor feel but Matt you mentioned the bread and how bread is such a big part especially of Italian restaurants their bread is phenomenal they have this like this cheese that you can put on some of the bread that's just everything is really really flavorful it's not the sort of place where it's gonna totally break break the bank it is a more expensive than you'd find with some of the other places that we mentioned that are more of the bargains on this list but north italia easy to get to easy to park at or get dropped off at and it is its same thing worth the drive to the to the west side of town north italia is one of my favorite spots in the entire city and that's not just Italian restaurants if I'm picking you know maybe even my top ten in all of Las Vegas north italia makes the cut there too yeah as you mentioned if you're you know if you're in town for there's lots of reasons to people come in town and stay it like a red rock or a JW Marriott or the Suncoast or whatever for conventions or business meetings or different things that are whatever if you don't if you want to get out of that and go to a restaurant that is really real real real close to all of that that's where north Italia comes in another restaurant that all three of us have eaten yet together various times for events and things and it's one of those deals as far as the vibe goes it feels pretty cool in there like you don't necessarily have to dress super nice you wouldn't want to be underdressed because it is in a super nice part of town so everybody's typically kind of looking good but you don't have to be dressed like you're going to the club or anything like that to get in there and just that wouldn't they open up the wall the open air the the hustle and bustle that's going on in there Mahoney we've we've had several good times at that place and again you know we Dave you and I are the wine drinkers we keep going back but really good choice of wines at that place as well and everything you're looking for in a very nice Italian restaurant and they're accommodating to we actually if you guys remember we did my like engagement party there many years ago with and they were you know I think we had you know maybe 15 people or more with us who who ended up coming that night so they were very accommodating and putting together decorations that they put up and they we had a special cake that we had brought and so they stored that in the back and I mean there's like you said they really went above and beyond and that's without even knowing just how incredibly famous Mahoney is and so very very nice of them to to accommodation right I just normal plebs like that like they did so and north Italia definitely something worth checking out and the prices are very reasonable the Las Vegas location is run incredibly well I mean North Italia is a they do have many locations across the country I think they're in about eight or nine different states but the Las Vegas the what the location in Summerlin is perfect for the if you're out on the west side of town and if you're looking for something that's outdoor and then you're not gonna have to fight tooth and nail to get a reservation on like a normal weekday you can roll into and you're not going to break the bank II as well so the service and everything else there we can't recommend highly enough and that speaks loudly for a you know a restaurant that does have that many locations I it's right in my hood I've eaten there ton of times Dave I'm boring I get the chicken parm I freaking love it dude like I love this farm they're so good it comes with someone comes awesome pasta yeah comes with some poverty as well I mean III get it pretty much every single time I mean whatever call me boring if you will I love it I love it fine find something that you like and stick with it alright rounding out ten best Italian restaurants in Las Vegas here is number 10 and this is a logo at Bellagio the wife and I went here on our first anniversary when we were first started dating and this place is phenomenal but as you see the view of the Bellagio fountains is really what sets this place apart from really anywhere else in the entire world so getting a seat on the patio if at all possible is something that I would highly recommend obviously as you'd expect the demand for those tables is significant so getting the reservation well in advance is important but man you talk about scenery I mean we were talking about venturi earlier over at the Palms that overlooking the city sitting basically in the fountains of the Bellagio does not get much more spectacular than that now maybe you get the mist like the mist like you are you are in your debt you are basically in the fountains right there and it means like as you mentioned there's a couple other restaurants there bla here that have it but I mean this one right here is so so so amazing when you can secure one of those tables out on the patio and you really do I mean you we talk about the wow factor as you mentioned David entry but I mean you this this might actually be the number one wow factor if you can get one of those tables and you're out there and then when they fire up the fountains it never gets old even if you're standing out on the you know outside of the railing it definitely never gets old when you're basically part of the show yeah they've got some great somali a's there as well and I mean the food's phenomenal the price you know when you when you look at the price yeah right up front up there like the they've got the they've got the four dollar signs and you're like you're gonna it's gonna be one of the more expensive restaurants in Las Vegas but I mean for for a view like that for your proximity to the Las Vegas you know to the to the Bellagio fountains here in Las Vegas you can't find a place that's closer and you're not gonna find a place that you know you can experience anything quite like that and you're right if you want to wow somebody be it you know be it your wife for an anniversary somebody on a business meeting whatever it may be the the fountains is the way to go yeah I mean there's there's people that will actually eat at Mon Amiga be across the street at Paris because yeah we do that you don't have that kind of money right but no I reviewed a logo you're definitely gonna pay pay for that experience but well worth it if you want a great Italian meal and you really want like mone said to wow somebody real quick to us around things out we got some some honorable mentions here great Italian restaurants as well but Mahoney who did you pick for honorable mention I picked Knorr another Las Vegas staple been around for about 15 years they've got a phenomenal bar the food's nice and again if you look at the the inside the the ambience is phenomenal and I'm gonna say some of the absolute best service in town and one another thing that you know I love their takeout phenomenal their delivery phenomenal and the price point is absolutely amazing so if you're just looking for something a little bit off the strip it's right there on flamingo not too far from the Palms so you know again another $15 uber there and back and well worth the price of admission and you know like I said just an absolutely a fun little family owned place with some really great food yeah Norah's is it really is great Esther's kitchen for me honorable mention real quick so if you're staying in downtown Las Vegas this is right in the heart of the arts district very very thoughtful and unique dishes I mean you can even see the character of this place just sort of looking at the the picture here you know the the wood paneling on the walls that the tables aren't overly fancy it's it's a unique place but I would recommend same things we talked about with a couple of these other places making sure that you book in advance because it is so popular it does service the downtown area those tables really fill up very quickly on Friday and Saturday nights but as you see a nice laid-back vibe but the food is really special at Esther's kitchen would recommend highly but like I said make a reservation if you want to go there not yeah chippie ani for me over at the wynn and the reason that i bring this one up guys isn't necessarily for the dinner here it's more of a protip they do a lunch special at chip Brioni and this is again a phenomenal food here but what it is is it's one price for an appetizer for an entree and you get a dessert with that as well it's gonna run you about thirty bucks so whenever you are talking about getting one of these kind of like super upper tier restaurants yeah you're not there for dinner and you don't get the whole dinner feel but it you go for lunch and you can get the same experience and you get it for a much much cheaper price a more of a pro tip than that if you're at the wind head down there and do the lunch special it is for the for the money it is absolutely what you want to be looking at to get a high-end meal for cheap on the strip look there's a lot of amazing restaurants in Las Vegas and that's one of our we're all foodies right that's one of our favorite part of the cities so something you can expect from the Vegas ten is all of us running down these ten great restaurants and today it was the 10 best Italian restaurants in our opinion and would certainly welcome your comments and suggestions as well on the the post we'll run them back on social media in case you missed any of them but thanks for joining us for this special installment of the Vegas ten you can expect more of these lists as the weeks roll on and every single week we have a new installment for you make sure that you you go follow the pages over on Twitch and on Facebook and we'll keep rolling these out for you so thank you guys for joining us for this week alongside Matt Brown and Jason Mahoney my name's Dave Farra thank you watching and listening along with the Vegas 10
Channel: VegasTEN
Views: 16,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YR5fO6Oa8hA
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Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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