Vegas Pro 17 Tutorial | How to Edit and Render videos for TIK TOK

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hey guys what's up nick here once again this is gonna be another vegas pro 17 tutorial today we're going to be showing you how to make tiktok videos through vegas pro 17. now before you start hating on me for tick tock i've honestly been asked a ton of how to do this and how to render a proper video format for a tick tock video through vegas pro 17 so here it is now i did join in on the hype if you want to go follow me on tik tok i did make one a couple days ago i don't know how much i'll be posting on there but i just use it for fun if you want to go follow me that'd be great so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start a new project so we're going to go up to file new and this little window will pop up here and i have already made a custom tick tock project so i'm going to click on that one but obviously you won't have this yet so what i would recommend doing is just copy everything that you see that's on screen here and then once you have it done rename the template to whatever you want i'd recommend tick tock and then hit the little floppy disk slash save template button the major thing you want for this is the width to be 1080 and the height to be 1920 so it's literally the exact opposite of a normal 1080p resolution and then you want your pixel aspect ratio to be 1.0 square and your frame rate to be 60 because most phones nowadays record at 60 frames per second and i'm more than certain most your video clips are going to be from your cell phone the rest you can pretty much leave the same except make sure your motion blur types on gaussian and your resemble mode is on disable resample and then you can say where you prefer to be saved and all that and then start all projects with these settings if you're only going to be using vegas pro for tick tock videos i'd recommend this otherwise leave it unchecked and then hit ok as you can see now your preview window looks kind of like a phone right like this would be your screen on your phone so the next thing you want to do is import your media so we're going to go to import media i already have a clip here that i'm going to make for this video that says example we're going to drag it down here and this is a clip from my live stream now one thing you may notice is that there's a ton of black on both the top and bottom and this will happen if you have a landscape or a 16 by nine aspect ratio video that you're trying to upload to tick tock so the you could probably skip this part if you've already recorded your video clips with your regular 9 by 16 aspect ratio but for this part this is going to be just for the people who want to convert a 16 by 9 to a 9x16 so there's two different ways to do this one way is to leave it the way it is but then have something in the background like usually what i do is i just zoom in with the actual video and then blur it and put that in the background a lot of people you'll see what i'm talking about in a second a lot of people do this and the other way to do it is just to zoom in essentially on your video clip but obviously a lot of it's going to get cut out by doing that so this is the first technique and what one i honestly recommend the most so the first thing we're going to do is go under your video tracker to right click and hit insert video track you'll see a new one will pop up right above your original and then we're going to drag and drop that exact same file onto that top one if we actually delete the new audio track that appeared because we don't need two different audio tracks and drag that right on top of the other one now the main thing we're going to do here is we're going to go to the bottom video track and we're going to go to the more section whether the three little lines over here and then go to track motion this little one will pop up sometimes it's the right size for me it's really like small so i'm going to click and drag the corner out to make it bigger so i can see what i'm doing and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up to the corner here i'm going to stretch it out so that this will fill up the entire screen and obviously does not have to be perfect so something like that right and then what you want to make sure is that there's not two different keyframes here if there is for some reason just right click the original one delete it and then drag the new one to the front so then the whole thing is the same doesn't change so this is what it looks like right now and obviously it's not going to look good but here we go so as you can see we have the main clip and then we it's jarring because we have the stretched out other clip in the background now what we're going to do is actually blur the background to make it look a little bit more unique and just overall better so go up to your video effects tab and we're going to go down to gaussian blur you can also use any blurring effect through vegas pro you don't really need to use gaussian blur but this is the best looking one in my opinion and let's do extreme blur and see what that looks like and do make sure you're doing it on the bottom clip you're dragging and dropping it on the bottom and then as you can see it's a little bit too much so we're going to just drag these down until you have a pretty good look at what you want so maybe like that let's see what that looks like and that that looks pretty damn good so this is essentially what you'd be looking for if you were making a tick tock and you wanted to keep it the 16 by nine aspect ratio but without having all the black up and down because it just you know doesn't look professional this looks a lot better in general so that's essentially how you do that and then like i said the other way to do this is just to stretch out or essentially zoom into your clip to fill up the whole area again i would not recommend this because you're going to cut out 90 of your clip basically but it's the same exact concept so instead of adding a second one behind it we can actually just delete this entire track so you don't need it you're gonna keep it just the way you have it but you're gonna go to the more section again on your video track and go down to track motion once again once this window pops up now we're going to do the exact same thing but this time what we're going to do is we're going to click on the lock aspect ratio button so that when you start stretching it it's not going to make it all wonky looking you're just going to zoom in drag it down zoom in drag it down zoom in and then you can put it wherever you want i guess wherever would look the best so essentially that's what it would look like and then once you press play that's what we got so obviously it's it cut out 90 of your video i wouldn't recommend this but if you ever i guess in a dire situation you want to fill up the whole display for tick-tock that's how you do it now let's say you're completely done you got all your editing done and you want to render it to be the correct resolution as well as the right aspect ratio because we're not done yet so we're going to go up to file render as this little window will pop up here as your render as now i've already got some custom made templates but i'm going to show you how to start from scratch so i'm going to go to filter and return show favorites on only i'm going to turn that off and now we want to use is the magix avc aac mp4 format this is the best format by far for videos and quality so you click on that and you're going to get all of these options now i recommend with just going with 1080p 60 frames per second there's no reason to do a 4k download or 4k render i should say i guess unless you're rendering or you record it in 4k but for most people you're going to want internet hd 1080p and let's do the 59.94 frames per second if you have a nvidia graphics card i recommend the nvidia envinc one if you do not or you don't see this just do the regular 59.9 so we're going to click on this one and then go down to customize template this is very important now this is where you can rename it so if you wanted to do like tick tock that's uh this is where you do that and then you want to go on to include video obviously have that checked now frame size we're going to click on this and do custom and again you want to swap these numbers here you do not want 90 20 by 1080 you want 1080 by 1920. so we're gonna type in 1080 1920. so exact opposite profile leave it on main frame rate you can leave the same non-progressive aspect ratio is one and then you can leave the rest of this the same you can up this to like 60 000 or 60 million i should say if you want uh but honestly it looks good just the way it is again encoder mode if you haven't a nvidia graphics card leave it on the envin encoder otherwise use the other one preset default vbr audio you can change but i recommend 192. the rest can all really be the same the only difference i would go to your video render quality and go to best so that just makes it so it'll it'll look the absolute best it might be a tiny bit slower in rendering but overall it'll look the best and then when you're done hit the little save template button up here i'm not going to do that because i already have it made and then once you get that made go down and you can name it to whatever you want tik tok file or whatever again that you need to do you can browse where you want to save on your computer and then when you found an area you want to save just hit save and then hit render and you are good to go that is essentially how to create and render a full video for tik tok to be uploaded right to the app easy shareable and it looks good very good quality so if you have any other questions or anything that i may have not talked about in this video and you have a specific question relating to tick tock through vegas pro 17 please let me know in the comment section below i'll get back to you as soon as i can i hope you guys enjoyed the video leave a like share your support as always subscribe so you don't miss next one and make sure to hit that little notification bell so you're notified whenever i do upload hopefully see you in the next one peace
Channel: VicariousNick
Views: 173,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, tech, twitter, comedy, live, stream, gameplay, talk, review, gaming, mic, thicc, thiccnicklive, thiccnick, thicc nick, live stream, affiliate, twitch clips, twitch highlights, highlight, twitch stream, twitch, twitch affiliate, technology, streamer, tik tok, tik tok tutorial, vegas pro 17, vegas pro, video editing, resolution, tik tok resolution, tutorial, how to, vegas pro 17 tutorial, vegas pro 17 tik tok tutorial, how to edit video for tik tok, vegas pro 17 tik tok, magix, magix vegas pro
Id: TJaY61M41wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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