VCT Ascension EMEA | Group Stage - Day 4 - M8 vs. APK
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Channel: VALORANT Champions Tour EMEA
Views: 16,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EMEA, VALORANT Europe, VCT EU, valorant, valorant challengers, valorant champions tour, valorant cinematic, valorant esports, valorant esports highlights, valorant esports news, valorant esports tournament, valorant gameplay, valorant tournament, valorant trailer, valorant vods, vct, vct EMEA, vct emea 2023, vct ascension, vct challengers, vct ascension emea
Id: bVJtm5lTJus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 356min 26sec (21386 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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