V.C. Andrews' Dawn Ep 1

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stay tuned after the movie for BC Andrews Behind The Saga to get a look at the making of the film scan the QR code now for more on BC Andrews Dawn [Music] [Music] my mother once told me that she and my father named me Dawn because I was born at the break of day first of a thousand lives by parent or Jimmy of course we wouldn't know they realized not for a long time [Music] not until the day the strangers came to take us away [Music] [Music] [Music] I just got to sleep now she feels that way we want to wake up the kids or should I Jimmy Dawn it's move-in day come on get the let out Jimmy I gotta have the car loaded already come on let's check a leg this time I shoot yeah well you can tie your shoe in the car put a shirt on would you Don get dressed already [Music] [Music] thank you it's 1973 don't you think we could trade this thing in for something that's not from the 50s I saw a girl's got another hundred thousand miles all right everybody bring it in come on who are we we're the launch Champs what does that mean family together family forever hey shut the hell up down there I'm trying to sleep okay then let's hit the road [Music] [Music] the extra space is going to be perfect for the new baby 's the last time and the three times before that I'm excited about this one it's hard to get excited about a new place when we always pick up and move all the time should be the final time we move promise to him done you awake where are we now exactly said something about a job at a school the Emerson Peabody it so happens to be one of the fanciest schools in the state and I'll give you a guess at who then you had to maintenance this close me although a lot of people make that same mistake and you want to hear the best part kids who go to Emerson Peabody go on to great things and they got a music department like you wouldn't believe you want to sing this is where you go all right Dad I'm getting excited yeah be excited excited I really fought for this job though there's times different and that's a promise you happy you know how happiness starts don't you God come on really happiness starts with a smile it's contagious catch it now it's a duet on just put one on and your troubles will be gone cause happiness starts with a smile hey songbirds let's let's be quiet oh my gosh move in you're carrying the heavy stuff [Music] snobby rich puke oh just give him a chance it's our first day [Music] they don't all look so bad [Music] all right ladies let's move it foreign something burning in here I I think it's coming from there Clara Jean get over here yes Miss Collins explain this that's not mine it's your locker well I don't know how I got in there how do I know that the new poor kid didn't plant it on me I I just saw smoke coming from the locker detention after school today Clara Jean don't be late let's go [Music] clothes are in the wash snitchy [Music] hi I'm Louise done boy did you pick the absolutely worst person that she's off at this school I didn't know whose Locker it was I just saw smoke yeah well where there's smoke Clara Jean comes from a big wealthy Hotel family doesn't everyone here come from money yeah but there's money and then there's Cutler money Claire Jean's the one who decides in this school who's in and who's out I've always been out so uh welcome to Rock Bottom you want to be outcasts together come on you can sit with me [Music] [Music] foreign hi here let me get that thank you you have to take it easier for the baby what happened here oh nothing much just some of my school Pals trying to make me feel more at home by giving my clothes a toilet bath what they didn't really do that I'm sure they'll all repent on their death benefits well they're not getting away with it I'll call the principal in the morning no you will not I can handle it it's just some rich girl with Cutler money Cutler money yes apparently I pissed off the heiress to the famous Cutler family fortune which I guess is the wrong thing to do on the first day not the hotel family you've actually heard of these people I've heard of them what's their kid doing going to school all the way out here in Richmond because it was for all the Rich Kids Go she lives in the dorms come on don't worry about it [Music] avoid this girl I mean if she's a bully just try to have nothing to do with her okay I will if she will Cutlass at every school in the country love again how are they ever going to get this kind of opportunity again and it's been so many years I don't know there's a reason to worry it's going to come out we're not the only lawn Champs in the world I told Don to just avoid them well that'll probably be enough I'll tell Jimmy to I mean there's nothing for us to be nervous about yet okay [Music] remarkable class this is what we call Perfect Pitch I mean really that is professional level Dawn thank you Clara Jean looks like you might have some competition for soloist at this year's spring recital [Music] hey are you lost listen Claire Jean I didn't mean to get you in trouble the other day I just saw a smoking Locker maybe we can start over okay do you want to be best friends I'm just saying there's no reason for us to be enemies um there are a few reasons I mean you're the janitor's daughter that's why you're here isn't it you're a charity case Okay looks like we won't be braiding each other's hair if you want me to forgive you for writing meows okay I can forgive you for that but for being poor white trash honey that is Unforgivable yeah I could have told you that wouldn't work to try and there's no way they're choosing Clara Jean for the spring recital over you hell of Karen Carpenter and Barbra Streisand who are you saying they'll be dunking your clothes in the toilet too yeah you uh mind if I sit here at home I'm Phillip I saw you the other day and I've been trying to work up the nerve to introduce myself um I'm Dawn do you want to go for a drive after school I know you're new I figured maybe you'd let me show you around oh yeah I I mean I mean no I I just I mean I had I'd have to ask my parents oh that's cool uh you asked them maybe we can go tomorrow yeah that'd be cool you gotta say yes [Music] what Philip R Cutler is only the most popular guy in school well what can I say he's he's got good taste he also happens to be the brother of one Clara Jean Cutler you call a cab oh hi hop in Philip I told you I have to ask my parents it's just a ride home you know your sister it's my gum my sister it's everyone's guts well mine she wants to cook and eat well there goes for diet listen on the surface Clara Jean is spoiled I mean and stupid but deep down where it really counts she's also selfish spiteful and full of hatred oh if you're saying I just need to get to know her better just let her know she can't get to you right now the best way I know how to do that is to let her brother drive you home come on [Music] to be awake all right what the crack you made about Philip earlier when you saw him drop me off what did you mean by that oh come on Donna it's just not enough why do you think she's a creep I just hear how him and his buddies talk that's all I'm just looking out for you isn't that what you wanted a big brother Philip hasn't been anything but friendly to me okay doesn't want to be your friend because he comes for money doesn't mean he's a bad guy I'm just saying he's a guy maybe assume I can handle myself sometimes you guys wake up oh Dad this is a new record we've been here like a week would you just get up baby's coming [Music] God calm down everything's gonna be okay either I'm having Deja Vu or I know you you used to work here not that I remember you must have me confused with someone else huh sometimes people mistake him for Paul Newman it's a long shot everybody's good oh mother and daughter hey I'm still your favorite remember that [Music] I'm worried about Mom she's as strong as they come maybe but it's been a week I think we should take her back to the hospital why I was just gonna tell me she needs rest and vitamins I don't need to spend a hundred dollars we don't have on that let me hold my little girl hey can you give daddy a smile huh come on yeah that's my happy girl that's my happy baby fun what are you following me or something I'm always looking at your ugly face every time I turn around you probably think my brother is actually interested in you only because he says he is you think you're the only girl he's told not to Philip makes girls like you into mothers once a month I think you are so threatened by this poor white trash that you go out of your way to keep putting me down how sad let's get in the car you have no idea what's coming well what do you think wow it's beautiful thank you folks for me for uh for letting you come I didn't actually ask them is what the truth is Rebel I mean why do I need permission just to go for a ride well be safe with me for now I bet you've never been kissed before I'm just I'm just guessing you have this innocent thing about you I don't know okay but I didn't say anything about boyfriend I just want to know if you've ever been kissed I mean you don't have to answer I'm just I'm curious okay no I knew it I'm really embarrassed now you happy no I'm not I'm not trying to embarrass you really I just I think you're really cool I'm sorry forgiven what okay then yeah I'm sorry I just [ __ ] don't don't laugh I'm just I've never felt this way after just meeting somebody really yeah look I don't want things to move too fast either when it comes down to it I think I'm a southern gem maybe that's just a take you home well I I mean I don't have to leave right now that's it what'd you think we were gonna do I mean it is Phillip Cutler I don't believe any of those stories we just kissed a little and then he drove me home was it okay if I just imagined it was a lot dirtier hey look at this Jimmy the janitor's kid dude daddy gonna clean that up hey Jimmy hey hey that's enough that's enough my office now your father is going to hear about this [Music] thank you Don stop worrying about Jimmy your father's gonna find him what's he gonna do when he does I mean you should have seen Dad when Jimmy came out of the principal's office I thought he was gonna kill him your father just really wants I'm fine you're not fine you're getting worse no sweetheart it just sounds bad I'm feeling much better today really um you sound awful starting to rain [Music] my goodness you're gonna catch pneumonia is off freezing gonna tell me where you were I was gonna run away but I didn't have any money so I came back did you really do that things are so great here I mean he'd leave me just like that what has gotten into lately running away getting into fights I'm sorry about that I tried to steal clear those guys they just wouldn't let up how hard is it to not get into a fight sometimes real hard Don they called you a [ __ ] I do it again love you for defending me Jimmy but I don't want you to get hurt because people are telling lies about me I'd never actually leave you don't worry one of them knew how to punch Dawn hurry up can be late for your recital Richard Bartow how'd you get in here and where's my daughter please Daddy I'm nervous enough without this why you've been rehearsing for a month not with an audience you look so grown up God I remember when your mom and I brought you home I swear it could have been yesterday I wish he felt well enough to go maybe you should stay here with her and Mr Big debut it's not enough wild horses on this Earth baby girl so when you want to go oh um I already have a ride well soap color's coming to get me I thought we told you to stay away from him yeah with no good reason but would you just that I may know more than you Don Longchamp you're at Max shut up [Music] remember when you closed your eyes and wish so hard with all your heart and when you open them and look around again it felt so strange like something had changed if you can imagine it you can achieve it you can be covered if you just believe it if you just believe it your mother has consumption she should have been brought in some time ago I love you I love you always remember that please don't ever think badly of us why would I ever think badly of you [Music] you're breaking through if you can't imagine [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] I didn't if I knew that do not start blaming yourself I try to get her to come and she wouldn't and I didn't listen to you either Gary's officer clean as day I knew I recognized you four-man Longchamp that's me you're under arrest under arrest what's going on I love you guys I love you dad are you gonna tell me what's going on Where's My Brother Jimmy's okay he's just being processed what about Fern Fern is safe I don't know what's going on here but I'm telling you it's why is my father being arrested Don you're father he's under arrest for kidnapping kidnapping oh no like that's a good one only I've lived with my father my whole life and I think I'd have noticed if he had kidnapped someone so uh that's a problem don't you think Dawn this is going to come as a shock so I'll just tell you straight your parents kidnapped you [Music] thank you you're a baby that's why you don't remember this case has been cold for 16 years your parents were employees at a hotel Back Then Cutler's Cove down in Hampton Virginia Cutler one night they just vanished and so did you your real name is Eugenia Cutler your real parents are both still alive you have a brother named Philip and a sister named Clara Jean okay now I know that you're just making this all up it's simply not possible I I know them I go to school with those two people Dom true I know this is a lot to absorb but your father I mean who you thought was your father he's already confessed I'm very sorry I've sent some officers to your apartment and gather up as much of your stuff as they could wait a second where are we going I need to talk to my brother I'm afraid you can't right now your brother and sister have already been sent to foster care what so where are you taking me I'm taking you home Dom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the long lost neutrinia That's Not My Name That is your name may I know who I'm addressing I'm Lillian kotler I'm your grandmother I was told that I have that my real parents are here yes well it's very late you'll meet them tomorrow you're returning to us at a very inconvenient time Eugenia how try to time things out like this better in the future I'm not only a grandmother I own this hotel and I do not tolerate insolence or ingratitude is that understood you have a voice yes I I just don't understand why you're treating me like a dare let you walked in off the street did you expect to be treated like some long-lost princess no I just maybe like family that's exactly how I am treating you every member of the Cutler family works and tomorrow morning you will start working as a chambermaid foreign what about school there's still two weeks left I'll talk to them and be sure they pass you through to the fall semester what if they won't do that if I say it they'll do it [Music] if I were you I'd get some sleep You've Got A Hard Day's work ahead of you it's responsive [Music] foreign [Music] wake up do you know what time it is I will not have pictures of this woman in my hotel the only picture I have of my mother this worthless domestic is not your mother and if you need pictures of her use your memory foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] people told stories about you before I ever got a job here they said you were gone for good no kidding I came across my grave in the family graveyard right they told me the family put that up in order to move on or something like that and here you are not even dead just give me a holler if you have any questions my guy Eugenia um no it's yes I'm Randolph I'm your father I was sure I would never lay my eyes on you again I just I just can't believe it hey I can't either I think it's time you Met Your Mother thank you I resurrected daughter come sit beside me oh I would know that face anywhere in the world you must be Raptors to finally be home I miss my family oh and we've missed you I could never tell you how much we've looked for you for years I I mean I miss my real family the people I grew up with oh [Music] we are your real family opposed to you we must be strangers of course my darling I understand I've been feeling rather poorly lately but um I just very excited to be reacquainted with you teach you all about etiquette and how to behave in proper in music I can teach you the piano I already played the piano and uh why would you think I don't know how to behave properly oh well my dear etiquette then just please and thank my heart is just sick thinking about the desperate circumstances you grew up in with such a poor family right we were poor but my parents loved us and they knew how to raise us I have a brother and sister I hope to see again really you brother and sister the best thing for you now is to try to forget them this is where you belong now Eugenia my name is Don come with me I'll make sure they serve you up something nice for lunch yes yes of course you go you go plenty of time to catch up we have all the time all the time oh this is Pernell he was my very best friend in the whole world Lillian had him Lillian doesn't like cats foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] don't you go sneaking around in my hotel ever do you understand me do you understand me yes I understand good Eugenia very good now go to your room oh hey Phillip hi I guess school let out yeah so they told me I don't even know what to think neither I keep thinking I'm in this insane dream but when I wake up I'm still here what I mean is I don't know what to think about us Philip there's no us no I know it's how do you turn it off not just like that I mean I still feel about you the way I felt before obviously we can't think like that anymore can't we I mean have your feelings changed to be honest with you Phillip I haven't really thought about it my whole life has been turned upside down I uh I really want to kiss you we can't do that anymore couldn't just be our secret right are you kidding no simple as that have you seen our father that's gonna be a problem ah Eugenia what's this Boston tells me doing a marvelous job my sense of promotion sooner than you think oh that's great listen I wrote a letter to my women's long chant but I have no idea where to send it I was hoping you could find out and help me get it to him oh I don't know Eugenia Don I don't believe mother would want me getting involved in this and she wouldn't like you corresponding with your kidnap Randolph he was my father for 16 years I need to get some answers from him you have to understand that you need to understand that mother has some very strict rules I thought you were supposed to be my father I had a whole life before this Randolph and out of nowhere I was plunked into this craziness where I'm treated like a servant and nobody is helping me it's a letter [Music] I'll speak to it as soon as I can I promise [Music] oh ain't you a laughing Ryan you worked too hard Don you should uh take a break tell that to grandmother Cutler just come with me I got something to show you just leave it Phillip you're going to get me into trouble I am not come on just just follow me okay you're gonna tell me what this place is we used to have a caretaker who lived here he died a zillion years ago and nobody else moved in just come on when I was a kid I used to come here all the time it was my secret place you can only assume you brought me here to murder me I wanted to get you alone I was hoping we could talk about what I just can't help but thinking he was two different people I mean there's Don Cutler and then there's the girl I fell for back at school I mean I'm the first boy you ever kissed remember no this Cottage it can be our place Don okay the world's out there but in here we can do anything we want and nobody needs to exposure they were in here [Music] what's going on between you and Philip nothing I know about the history between the two of you nothing happened and nothing's going to happen good then from now on that is your responsibility you and Philip are never ever to be alone together it's fine by me good then we will consider that matter settled now the next matter at hand is your name which seems to be the source of some confusion nothing's confusing about my name excellent then we're in agreement once again he's felt Dawn wrong you will wear that whenever you are in uniform did I did I do something to deserve this I believe we're done here maybe this is something I should talk over with mother and father why would you assume that either of them would defy me [Music] he said he would mail this everyone at this hotel does exactly as I tell them to do that includes your mother your father and you [ __ ] what do you know about the night I was taken away from here well like I told you that happened long before I ever got here yeah but everyone around here talks to each other I know you know something I've heard all kinds of things everything from Evil certains to Bigfoot had something to do with it so he don't want to know from me same as the one who knows everything throws the noble color scope you know Siri I don't tell stories don't fool yourself Miss Boston I'm not trying to get you into trouble nobody will tell me anything about what happened to me do I have a right to know not for me you don't miss Boston please it was me this happened to and for some reason I'm the one being punished for it can't you see that all I know Sally Longchamp had a stillborn baby she never told me that was a terrible thing but it was right around when you were born and she in our mind they were crazy with grief they snuck in one night and they just took you two there's still one baby and I don't know why else they would have done it but your daddy Randolph he did everything he could to find you until your grandma put a stop to that she had the gravestone made but that is all that I know so don't ask me anything more you were given a name tag where is it oh I guess it must have fallen off somewhere okay so this is going to be a contest of Wills is it fine you go to your room and stay there I'll have a new name tag printed up for you and if you elect not to wear it you won't be fed until you change your mind hello hi hi thank you foreign sis I heard you haven't eaten anything in two days you must be so hungry thanks but if that's for me I'm trying to cut out sugar um I don't know why you're making life so difficult for yourself everyone always gives grandma what she wants not everyone you won't look so smug when you're starving to death [Music] [Music] thank you something wrong Randolph is that you yes it's it's me why did you get the letter to grandmother when you said you would help me she you mean she didn't send it she told me she would she's a liar you really shouldn't talk like that and really this this whole thing can be started out if you just wear the name tag it's such a little thing really why did he even care it's not like anyone wants me in this family now John you you know that isn't true oh do I have left but my name I'll tell you what let's just compromise you wear that silly little name tag during working hours and I'll see to it that I get your letter out personally that way everyone gets something out of it can we do that good girl foreign [Music] [Music] I was in the neighborhood oh my God Jimmy what are you doing here I I thought I would never see you again foster care wasn't for me well I gave myself early Pro I told him he could stay for a few days see I've got one or two redeeming qualities Philip thank you so much I don't even know what to say don't worry about it as long as you're happy I'll leave you too long to catch up anyway believe this hello to guess this huh I wanted to see you at the police station but they wouldn't let me I I've been so worried about fern do you have any idea where they took her I don't know I know the dad's a liar though what was he supposed to say by the way Dawn I kidnapped you I don't know what to make of any of this I haven't slept in a day and a half close your eyes I'll stay with you until you fall asleep I don't know I've just always had this voice in the back of my head that told me that you're just a little bit different than the rest of the family I'm not wearing a Cutler name proudly if that's what you're getting at are they really that bad I hate it here I have never been so lonely in my life come with me then [Music] I would in a second you're better off alone I go with you they'll just come looking for me and then we'd both get caught she caught a pet gerbil or something just a snack for later Miss Regina I'm gonna need you to come with me Mrs worms are in room 2 37 is missing a very right I see where this is going I expect you to deny stealing it of course I deny it I've never stolen anything in my life you can search my room if you want you don't think we've done that already your room is not the only place you might have hidden it shall I empty my pockets then it's undress what you can either do it voluntarily or Mr Hornbeck will do it for you this is ridiculous either you can tell Mr Hornbeck to proceed or you can tell Mr Hornbeck to leave the room the choice is yours for the next five seconds would you please leave Mr horn back [Music] you'll realize this proves nothing look at this the newspaper mentions of Miss Dalton she was a nurse who was sitting by my crib while I slept it doesn't make sense how could I be stolen right from under her nose maybe she's just left the room for a minute Maybe but they kept drawing after look this is her with Clara Jean who was born after me I'm not sure what this proves huh Lillian fires people for folding napkins wrong why would she let this woman look out for another grandchild when one was kidnapped on her watch you're all right it doesn't make sense listen I really appreciate you having me here and I'm feeling back to normal so proud of you move on how are you Jimmy you can't you you just got here I can't hide here forever dog you are the only person I have in the world you are so strong okay you're gonna be all right he's please don't leave not yet you're just never gonna let up on this are you who is this Miss Dalton I mean did you ever meet her she and I were friends and it wasn't unusual for Mrs Dalton to step out of the nursery when you were sleeping she was your nurse not your bodyguard so the night I was the night you were taken was just like any other night Mrs Dalton will wait for you to be asleep each night and she'd usually walk down the hall and sit with me for a while not long for a little rest and then she'd go back and turn in herself but on that night well why was she still allowed to be Clara Jean's nurse after that well well I figured nobody blamed Mrs Dalton for something no one could have predicted do you know where Miss Dalton is now it won't get anything out of her she's old now she's gone funny in the head I know Mrs Dalton I'm just not that funny in the head so you see roof eavesdropping and I didn't know she was your nurse back in the day just an old lady in the neighborhood Who me and some of the others help out sometimes so then she's not far from here maybe now I can finally get some answers what's the matter I should probably wait Dawn it's hard for me to be here with you I mean you were my sister and now you're not and why does that make it harder it's still me I don't know how to describe it and I'm really sure I don't want to I mean it shouldn't be weird but it is to me just just tell me I don't see the same anymore first you were alone champ right and now your Cutler and what does that mean done I just I've just been having confusing thoughts for you ever since all this happened I've been looking at you differently lately I mean you're my sister for God no but I mean you're right I'm not wow you are the closest person in the world to me you can tell me anything I mean I I just don't think I've ever thought that way you know like yeah I get it I get it it's cool but we aren't related in any way like what if we just met today I'm Don Cutler nice to meet you Jimmy launch him Pleasures online tell me about yourself Jimmy Longchamp do you have any brothers or sisters I have a little sister just one just one [Music] look Jimmy if this is the reason you thought you needed to leave I think you should we'll figure this out oh my God oh hey sis I was dying for some girl talk so I figured I would just stop in what a pleasant surprise so you meet any cute boys lately Mr Garvey from room 237 has been a year wow you dirty dog your boyfriend must be all kinds of jealous why what your boyfriend Bella steady what are you blabbering about Clara jean look it's just that I saw you coming out of Phillips secret place the other day so I figured that I would listen up the window last night good things I heard you two love birds talking about searching listen to me I know you had to be a [ __ ] why else would Philip be interested in you and maybe the police would be interested in a runaway hiding in cutlers come Clara Jean don't call the cops on Jimmy please I have to Don it's just the right thing to do he's a runaway he's breaking the law okay what do you want well first thing I want to know is how you could talk to your brother like that I mean you know he's not actually your brother but still what do you want really I want you to do the right thing Don I want you to confess to what to stealing that necklace that disappeared I didn't steal it Clara Jean you sure are you positive that it isn't under your mattress I'm positive I didn't put it there those are my terms just think it over while I go say hi to Grandma [Music] what did I tell you Grandma there's your Thief here we sit with a liar and a thief yes but can she be fully blamed for that I mean consider who raised her well tell Mrs wormser that we found her necklace in the laundry and as for our Thief do you have anything at all to say for yourself I was framed I fully expected you to blame someone else but your own sister have you no shame at all only that I'm a Cutler I know you wouldn't keep up your end of the deal Dawn oh don't hate me for not keeping mine [Music] let him go he's not a criminal man we have to take him back to foster care please just uncut him get her inside Junior please they're just doing their job forget it I'll be 18 a couple months I'll come back for you okay [Music] thank you come back [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign get out of here I heard about Jimmy getting caught do you wanna talk about it I mean it get out I just can't stand to see you upset Don if there was some way I could take away this pain from you you know I would do it what are you doing I just want to make you feel better somehow okay I'm asking you to leave Don you know my feelings haven't changed for you and we talked about this I just can't stop thinking about the things that I was gonna teach you okay time you're my brother stop no you want this as much as I do get out you don't have to bite me foreign it's me I just wanted to let you know that I got your letter off try to look on the bright side dog for some reason everything works out for the better when people do what mother says [Music] proper etiquette for maids is to knock before entering a room why did you ride out Jimmy and don't say it's because I broke some deal because you would have done it anyway I like making your life miserable Don what did I ever do to deserve this it was supposed to be my solo for the recital but then one day you just show up and ruin everything I don't buy that that's no reason to hate my guts I've hated you my entire life I had to grow up living in the shadow of poor lost Eugenia it was easy for everyone to project whatever they wanted onto you so they could think that you were perfect do you have any idea what it's like playing second fiddle to a ghost and that's my fault sure that was mine but now I have the chance to make your life a living hell and that is exactly what I'm going to do never let your guard down around me Don watch out for me always [Music] thank you hi I'm I'm looking for Miss Dalton hi you're the Miss Dalton who used to be a nurse at Cutler's Cove Yes dear what is this about my name is well am I given name is Eugenia Cutler does that mean anything to you I was told you might not remember stuff from a long time ago but I'm hoping you can still help me my dear I believe the reason that I am sitting here in this wheelchair is for my Penance for my part and what happened that night evidence that brought you back to me dance it Redemption prayed for this sorry I I don't understand there's guilt to go around for the night you disappeared and I suppose that it began with your mother your grandmother never approved Flora Jean and I suppose she saw some things in your mother that Randolph was blind to after your brother Philip was born your mother seemed to grow bored and the Open Secret was she strayed often her preference was singers those flings would last only as long as the singers played the hotel and moved on a few of them ever came back but at least one of them left something something unplanned I'm playing something with me your grandmother tried to force your mother to end the pregnancy but somehow your mother convinced Lillian to let Randolph think the baby was his and I suppose for her son's sake Lillian went along with it and then I did she didn't want you around anymore but to get rid of you it was about this time that Armand and Sally Longchamp suffered a miscarriage her grandmother saw an opportunity in that she would replace the baby they lost with you yes hurry the time I told myself no one at Cutler's coat wanted you anyway so why not let parents would love you take you there hasn't been a day gone by that I haven't begged the good Lord for forgiveness foreign I know you felt you were just doing the right thing and they were good parents it seems to me you're the best thing that God forsaken a family ever had and you're the one they gave away Oh My Darling so good to see you you've come for a visit I came to talk well I've been wanting to talk to you for quite some time I think it is a long past time that we update your wardrobe it's longer past time we talked about my kidnapping oh what do you want to dwell on things like that it's in the past you're home now let's Rejoice about that mother besides I'm I'm not feeling very well today maybe you should go and talk with your father instead which father your husband or My real father is this him or is it someone else why must we talk about disagreeable things you should go I need to sleep you knew about grandmother's plot for my kidnapping you were part of it John silly thing to say her what to stand you cannot blame me for that horribleness why not because your grandmother has the final word on everything look look at you you could have said no I did a terrible thing but I'm not a terrible person makes a person terrible mother if it isn't the things they do you are too kind we simply try to make everybody who stays at the hotel feel like family grandmother can I pull you away for a moment I need to talk to you Eugenia it's not polite to interrupt we'll talk later I went to visit my old nurse Miss Dalton earlier let's talk now believe me if you think things have been unpleasant for you so far you will dream of these days fondly you have stretched the limits of my patients as far as they will go grandmother I know everything I'm sure you think you do the senile remnants of a sick old woman mother has confirmed everything Ms Fallen told me thank you all right fine let's assume you know the truth what of it Miss Dalton agreed to tell the whole story to the authorities I'm sure she'll reconsider I don't think she will she wants to clear her conscience well she can weigh her conscience against her son he holds a high position in a company that I own and she knows if she speaks out against me her son will end up in the street and as for your mother she'll contradict anything she told you on my say so what does that leave you with Eugenia well grandmother dear I'm left with me maybe Miss Dalton is intimidated by you and I am sure mother can be but now I know the truth yes could you connect me to the Richmond Gazette yes hi my name is Dawn Cutler who would I speak to about a scandal at the cutlers Cove hotel yes our homes do you really think you're intimidating me yes maybe you are a Cutler after all tell me what you want I want you to use your influence to get Ormond Longchamp out of jail I want to be treated decently around here by everyone in the fall I want to go to a school with an excellent music department so I can pursue my singing and one more thing you're going to call me Dawn who the hell is she getting all new clothes well sweetheart you can't really wear your hand-me-downs for the rest of her life besides your clothes are much too roomy for eugenia's petite frame it's Dawn from now on that's her name please remember that I've found a school for you have you heard of the Bernhardt School for the Arts no it's the finest School of its kind in New York City and you won't find a better place to train as a singer is that acceptable and I'd be living there in New York not here exactly like I said beneficial for both of us so can we consider that settled we may Don wait what's this I hear about you're going to New York get away from me Phillip what's the matter the only reason you're not in jail right now is because Lillian has too much pool with the police in this town and would never let it happen police what are you what are you talking about the night you tried to rape me rape don't all girls fight it's part of the dance stop all those girls were raped kicking screaming and fighting he was in a dance fill up how did I not see what you were on day one Jimmy knew right away you know just like I know right now I can't do anything to you Phillip I know you have a rich and Powerful grandmother who will protect you don't always [Music] done you got a phone call it's long distance long distance Daddy what's your letter Dawn baby girl I'm so so sorry I didn't you have nothing to be sorry about I don't blame you for anything you did I know you were just trying to give me the best life you could I like to think that maybe one day you and Jimmy in front of me we can be together again I don't want to get your hopes up but time limit reads that's my girl [Music] happiness starts with a smile it's contagious catch it now just put those will be gone cause happiness starts with a smile I left Cutler's Cove and dreamed of thousands of people in an audience listening to me sing but I could never go back to the way things had once been I had truly believed in fairy tales and happy endings those days were gone [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] your father he's under arrest for kidnapping [Music] [Music] only I've lived with my father my whole life and I think I'd have noticed if he had kidnapped someone so uh that's a problem don't you think Don your parents kidnapped you I think the BC Andrews stories makes sense to be on lifetime because of how many twists and turns there are there is so much fun juicy drama melodrama and soap opera and Gothic romance they are stories that can be difficult to get in other places the VC Andrews stories tell intergenerational traumatic stories about women and lifetime is the home for that I would describe dawn as a young innocent girl who is put through some of the hardest things you can imagine but throughout all of it she just is resilient we landed the jackpot with Breck she's in nearly every scene of the first three films so she had very little down time her acting skills are really developed and she was able to play a team and somebody in their 20s and somebody in their 30s I do consider Don to be a good person I think she wants to see the best in people I do feel like she's jaded because she has been through a lot so she has trouble trusting people but she wants people to be good and she wants to see that in everyone you uh mind if I sit here I'm Phillip I saw you the other day and I've been trying to work up the nerve to introduce myself um I'm Dawn so her first love interest you me it's Phillip Cutler he Suave he has this sexy Mustang he's very confident but he is trouble and when they learn they're actually brother and sister she tries to cut it off and he's still interested which causes issues unlike in Flowers in the Attic when the attraction starts between Dawn and Philip in this movie we don't think they're brother and sister they they've just met for the first time so we can really get behind this budding romance as a producer one of the things that made it easier to tell this story was that Breck as Dawn is just so grounded her reactions are what our reactions are as an audience member she's attracted to Philip at the beginning as we are and it's once she learns all this information about him that she realizes this can't happen I wanted to get you alone I was hoping we could talk about what I just can't help but thinking of you as two different people I mean there's Don Cutler and then there's the girl I fell for back at school Philip I mean I'm the first boy you ever kissed remember no there's a lot of hard scenes for me where I'm being aggressively talked to by a guy that I'm not interested in it definitely can take emotionally a lot out of me and it is so nice just to have that super kind supportive director and crew in cast themselves spent so much time together and they really grew to sort of respect each other and they became real friends I feel so blessed to be working with the cast that I'm working with like I'm hanging out with them on weekends because hanging out with them 15 hours a day apparently isn't enough for me I love you for defending me Jimmy but hurt because people are telling lies about me I'd never actually leave you don't worry I think Jamie's a great person I think he has a heart of gold I think he loves his family he loves his Dawn I think the biggest thing he's got to work on is loving himself but all in all I think Jimmy's a great dude good intentions it's hard for me to be here with you I mean you were my sister and now you're not and why does that make it harder it's still me I don't know how to describe it and I'm really sure I don't want to as the story unfolds we also find out that Jimmy's kind of had some confusing feelings he's always felt like Dawn's a little bit different he's always admired her and now he realizes that she's not actually his sister I think audiences will love how these stories just keep you on your toes just so insane there's happiness but there's sadness and emotion and love and hate and drama what's gonna be fun about the next three movies is you're gonna get to see Don navigate the world you're gonna see this young woman who has tremendous talents try to figure out how to move forward and you're going to see her fall in love you're going to see her make some serious mistakes and you're gonna see her navigate how to get out of the traps of her family history [Music]
Channel: Dj Donmar
Views: 34,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, full movie, hollywood movie in english, movies, movie review, action movie, hollywood movie 2023, hollywood movie, hollywood movie english, crime movie, hollywood movie english mai, horror movie, movie explain bangla, english movies, hollywood movie in english 2023, hollywood movies in english 2023, hollywood movies, free movies, 2023 movies, movie explained in bangla, 2023 latest movie, new hollywood english movies 2023, english full movie
Id: YQguNr9Y2tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 7sec (5587 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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