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I'd like to talk to you for a moment about the film you're going to see because to you as the Vauxhall dealer the introduction of the new car which it describes is tremendously important it is no exaggeration to say that 1957 marks the start of a completely new era in Vauxhall's long history in the motor industry this car the Vauxhall Victor is the first product to come from our completely new completely modern car production factory at movies we have designed and equipped this new plant to allow us to produce more cars and better cars than we have ever built before in designing developing and proving the victor and in planning a new factory we have been fortunate in being able to draw on the vast technical resources and know-how of General Motors I know how good this car is I believe that the Vauxhall Victor is the best car and its size and price class anywhere in the world it will certainly bring Vauxhall dealers a bigger share of the passenger car market than they have ever enjoyed before it gives us all a new and a wonderful business opportunity I hope you'll like the film I know you like the car [Applause] [Music] [Music] saluté the victor voxels latest greatest car here is the product of the most up-to-date car production factory in europe designed to provide the best value yet in stylish lively comfortable economical motoring beauty is a personal thing but who could resist the appeal of those flowing lines that 12th clean eager to go look and the famous silver flutes are still there to identify it as unmistakably a box all the styling of this car goes deeper than looks alone every line of its shape is governed by practical considerations it's low only 58 inches from ground to roof so that the road-holding is first-class yet it's high enough to provide plenty of headroom inside and ample ground clearance for off going and it provides better visibility for driver and passengers than any car of its class thanks to the panoramic windscreen that brings the usual corner pillars right back along the sides forward vision is outstanding and it's almost as good to the rear through that big wraparound rear window you can see the road right up to within 13 yards of the tail light there's eighteen and a half square feet of glass in the Victor and it reaches down to 11 inches below the average drivers eye level room see for yourself it's designed as a four-seater but those four seats are wide and inviting and squeezing an extra one in presents no problem at all baggage for a car of its size the victor takes out way of a lot of luggage designed that way because a family of four uses a lot of luggage all this and still a bit of room to spare what else is that among the victors highlights let's have a look at some of them on this deluxe model the victor super the stylish rear end with the exhaust bike on the super discharging through the bumper the air intake for the heating and ventilating systems up above the traffic fumes door locks at both sides of the car the flashing turn indicators way up above the taillights a handsome sensible instrument panel right beneath the drivers eye a good solid handbrake with a high speed release a five position main switch you use the key only to unlock the switch after that the switch itself is turned to put on the auxilary circuits the main ignition circuit and to start the engine upholstery take your pick of two different styles pleated or flat the super comes in an exciting range of colors gypsy red harvest yellow horizon blue and both the victor and the super are available in empress blue charcoal grey laurel green shantung beige and of course black and now we know something about his looks and comfort let's see what makes the victor live up to its name on the road she's a beauty standing still but once on the move she becomes really alive the engine is the same size as that of the famous widen fifteen hundred and seven cc's but books all engineers have developed and approved it in a dozen different ways it has more power more economy longer life and greater smoothness and silence and the engine is mounted at the front in fact as far as the layout of its components goes the victor is a strictly conventional car box all engineers considered everything and came up with the unshakable conviction that if you want a car with a really high standard of performance and above all outstanding value for money but generally accepted layout is supreme it puts the principal weight masses as far from the center of gravity as possible which makes for good Road holding it provides the simplest and least costly drive system great comfort and the largest possible space for passengers and luggage but in every other way the victor is strictly non-conventional as you'll appreciate as soon as you've covered your first half mile biggest change to the look of the engine is the deep crankcase which now extends well below the crankshaft line and results in a tremendously rigid well balanced unit giving greater smoothness and longer life brake horsepower is up to 55 kerb weight is down to 1,900 weights that means in a nutshell that the victor provides really effortless big car performance hand-in-hand with the sort of miles per gallon previously achieved only on a baby car on normal runs in England covering two or three hundred miles prototypes have done over 40 miles per gallon as an average speed of 35 miles an hour now let's take a ride in the Victor and see what all this adds up to first thing you notice is the big car riding quality it rarely sits on the road this car and holds its course on any sort of going what's the surface of the liquid in that glass even on a wavy road there's hardly a ripple in it and see how the victor takes the bends the engineers explain it's beautifully flat ride by saying that the centre of gravity is low down close to the Rolexes and they come up with this sort of drawing to explain it well maybe you and I don't appreciate such technicalities but we do appreciate the way the victor goes round corners on an even keel the engineers also say that the reason why the victor doesn't pitch on a bumpy road is because of its low unsprung weight it's carefully contrived spring frequences and effective weight distribution if like me that leaves you cold don't worry be content with the fact that the victor ride is just about the best in its class in the world how about acceleration with that high power-to-weight ratio it ought to be quite spectacular and it certainly is that forward surge means faster safer overtaking and cut down journey times top tier performance too is out of the ordinary the victors engine develops its maximum torque at only 30 miles an hour in top so you sail up hills on top gear or you trickle along in traffic at 10 to 15 miles an hour without ever having to change down when you do have to stop the victor does stop swiftly and surely you'll find the victor holds its course firmly on the straight and is light and Shore put it on bends and it's free from unexpected biases it's delightful handling qualities remain the same in all Road conditions cause they're pretending circle victor owners are going to save a lot of time and temper in getting in and out of tight parking spots there's no need to say much about the victors gear change it's even simpler and more effective than the type use on the wyvern which earned metals as being just about the best column change in the business but the Victor has synchromesh on all three speeds it's a simple to change down into first as it is from top to second well I hope the by this time you've gathered that the vector is no ordinary car but how do we know it's as good as we make it out to be this is how we know by testing constant unremitting testing every aspect of the car is metered and gauged so that the engineers know how it will behave light or load it under any type of road condition prototypes are tested in a dozen different countries these cars are handmade they involve months of careful work each successive car embodies the lessons learned from the previous example each one gets better than the last General Motors proving ground near Detroit is the largest motor car testing setup in the world one of the victors was put through the hoop here at an early stage of development it went through the whole range of tests this fifth wheel attachment for example gives extremely accurate readings over the whole speed range you can't fool the experts with a flattering speedometer and these general motors test engineers are perhaps the toughest critics of motor cars in the world 25,000 miles of hard driving on these test roads impressed our American colleagues their verdict on the victor was she's a beauty plenty of wallop and speed drives like a dream and could take a lot of punishment what they called a Dan fine car as for hill climbing this is General Motors steepest test Hill 27% gradient but the victor without taking a run at it sales steadily out another victor spent a few weeks on this sort of punishing test track in the normal way if a car covers 2,000 miles of this sort of surface General Motors engineers are happy the victor was still going strong after 5,000 miles while this was going on in America other prototypes were leaving Vauxhall's factory in England for extensive duration testing on British roads this went on it still does day and night specific testing began the engineers gadgets were fitted these meters instruments and recording gear together with many others measure things like acceleration and hard braking the tests for cooling and brakes were particular severe hour after hour the victor was run up and down hill at speed with no pause to cool off before long the engineers began to get the answers to their questions soon it became necessary to go further afield a prototype of the victor was flown to the continent one of the objects of this particular sortie was to see how the car behaved over long distances at high speeds it was quite a hectic trip some thousand miles across France then into Switzerland you just don't find the variety of roads in England which will really test a car the victor climbed steadily to over 4,000 feet here in the Swiss Alpine passes are many types of Road the crew didn't have much time to admire the mountain scenery they had to press on some thousands of miles were covered in this trip the victor was really put through its paces under conditions of fast continental touring this type of driving really tells you how your car stands up to long a sense it tells how good steering smooths out the twists and turns of mountain roads reducing driving fatigue from time to time the test crew paused the compare notes and to correlate information but the forces were not long soon they were on their way again climbing they made this type of trip many times through the corners sharper the surface rougher really up into the mountains now 5000 feet and still climbing without a sign of overheating higher still nearly to 8,000 feet and now the long descents this really tests brakes and staring now a piece of level road where the speed can build up the trip provided plenty of information all interesting all encouraging and while all this developing and testing was going on something else very important was taking place a brand new one and a half million square foot factory was going up at Luton to provide completely up-to-date made-to-measure facilities for the manufacture of the Vauxhall Victor it's the remarkable efficiency of this new plant combined with the first-class design of the car itself that makes the victors value for money so outstanding now with the factory ready and the final testing finished the engineers had proved that the Vauxhall Victor its final form fulfills all the requirements of the original concept laid down in 1953 but within its size and price class it should excel in every way it looks in performance in riding comfort in ruggedness and reliability in its suitability for world markets above all in value for money as the first victors go out onto the roads of a world the testing program continues for to the engineers the first production car is only a landmark on the road to still better motoring and still better value
Channel: vauxpedia
Views: 123,932
Rating: 4.7492537 out of 5
Id: JYmVar9RXgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 26 2014
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